November 1998 ECBT Minutes
NOTE: AT THE PRESENT TIME, THE ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE AN ATTACHMENT, PLEASE CONTACT ELLEN HEISER AT THE AMS HEADQUARTERS BY EMAIL ( OR TELEPHONE (800-321-4267).AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 20-21, 1998 PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND MINUTES TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE INFORMATION ITEMS PAGE 1I.1 Secretariat Business by Mail. Att. #1..........................1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1 1999 Operating Plan.............................................1 2.2 Report on Committee on Publications (CPub). Att. #2............2 2.3 Report on Committee on Meetings and Conferences (COMC). Att. #3.........................................................2 2.4 Report on Committee on the Profession (CoProf). Att. #4........2 2.5 Report on Mathematical Reviews Editorial Committee (MREC). Att. #5.........................................................2 2.6 Report on Committee on Education (COE). Att. #6................2 2.7 Report on Committee on Science Policy (CSP). Att. #7...........2 2.8 Report on Meeting of Policy Committee Chairs with Long Range Planning Committee..............................................2 2.9 Report from the Director of Electronic Product Development. Att. #8.........................................................2 2.10 Washington Office Report. Att. #23.............................3 2.11 Report from the President. Att. #24............................3 2.12 Update on Joint Policy Board for Mathematics....................3 2.13 Joint Public Service Award. Att. #9............................3 2.14 Arnold Ross Lectures............................................3 2.15 Presidential Task Force on Membership. Att. #25................3 2.16 Reciprocity Agreement with the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS). Att. #10................................................4 2.17 Report on Support of Delegates to International Mathematical Union...........................................................4 2.18 Request for Funds for ICTAM2000. Att. #11......................4 2.19 1998 AAAS Mass Media Fellow.....................................4 2.20 Committee on Publications Recommendation on Requirements for Submission to Mathematical Preprint Servers.....................5 2.21 Report on Consortia for Math Reviews and Journals...............5 2.22 Selection of NOTICES Editor(s). Att. #13.......................6 2.23 August 2000 Meeting on Mathematical Challenges of the 21st Century.........................................................6 2.24 Motions of the Secretary........................................6 2.25 Motions of the President........................................7 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONSENT ITEMS 2C.1 May 1998 ECBT Meeting...........................................7 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES INFORMATION ITEMS 2I.1 Actions of the Agenda and Budget Committee (ABC)................8 2I.2 Workshop on Research Experience for Undergraduate Programs......8 2I.3 Changes in Registration Fees for Conferences, Employment Register, or Short Course.......................................8 2I.4 Report on 1940-84 MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS Keyboarding Project......8 2I.5 Proposal for Continued NSF Support of the Summer Research Conferences.....................................................9 2I.6 May 1998 Council Meeting. Att. #16.............................9 2I.7 Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Project..........................9 2I.8 Report on Expenditures by Working Group on Public Awareness of Mathematics.....................................................10 2I.9 Report on May 1998 CBMS Meeting. Att. #17......................10 2I.10 Report on May 1998 CSSP Meeting.................................10 2I.11 Award for Outstanding PME Student Paper Presentation. Att. #18........................................................10 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1 Discussion of Fiscal Reports....................................10 3.2 Budgeted Staffing Levels........................................11 3.3 Capital Expenditures - 1999 Capital Purchase Plan...............11 3.3.1 Capital Expenditures - Approval of Specific Purchases...........11 3.4 Investment Committee Report (Att. #28)..........................11 3.5 Change in Economic Stabilization Fund Policy....................11 3.6 Program Development Fund (PDF)..................................11 3.7 Joint Meeting with Mexican Mathematical Society Att. #27.......11 3.8 Motions of the Secretary of the Board...........................12 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONSENT ITEMS 3C.1 Recognition for Length of Service. Att. #21....................12 3C.2 Request for Support of Speakers at 2000 AAAS Annual Meeting.....12 BOARD OF TRUSTEES INFORMATION ITEMS 3I.1 Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) Increment.....................12 3I.2 Year 2000 Changes. Att. #22....................................13 3I.3 Report on Small Fringe Benefit Changes..........................13 AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 20-21, 1998 PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND MINUTES A joint meeting of the Executive Committee of the Council (EC) and the Board of Trustees (BT) was held Friday-Saturday, November 20-21, 1998, at the AMS Headquarters in Providence, Rhode Island. The following members of the ECBT were present: Roy L. Adler, Hyman Bass, Felix E. Browder, John B. Conway, Michael G. Crandall, Robert M. Fossum, Arthur M. Jaffe, Andy R. Magid, Donald E. McClure, Andrew M. Odlyzko, Franklin P. Peterson, Joel H. Spencer, and B. A. Taylor. The following member of the ECBT was unable to attend: Steven G. Krantz. Also present were: Donald G. Babbitt (Publisher), Gary G. Brownell (Associate Executive Director/Finance and Administration), Robert J. Daverman (Secretary-Elect), John H. Ewing (Executive Director), John M. Franks (Treasurer-Elect), Timothy J. Goggins (Development Officer), Ellen H. Heiser (Assistant to the Executive Director [and recording secretary]), Jane E. Kister (Executive Editor/Mathematical Reviews), James W. Maxwell (Associate Executive Director/Professional Programs and Services), and Samuel M. Rankin (Associate Executive Director/Government Relations and Programs). Karen M. Ferreira (Director/Electronic Product Development) and M. Susan Montgomery (Chair, Committee on Publications) were present on Friday evening. Cathleen Synge Morawetz (Chair, Committee on Science Policy) was present on Saturday. President Jaffe and Board Chair McClure presided. Items occur in numerical order, which is not necessarily the order in which they were discussed at the meeting. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE INFORMATION ITEMS 1I.1 Secretariat Business by Mail. Att. #1. Minutes of the Secretariat business by mail during the months April 1998 - October 1998 are attached (#1). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1 1999 Operating Plan. The 1999 Operating Plan had been distributed in October to the ECBT and Policy Committee Chairs for advice and comment. The document is intended to be a working document for the leadership and staff, to guide operations and to set priorities during the coming year. It is noted for information that a record copy of the 1999 Operating Plan, complete with Section VI (aka annual division reports), will be filed with the May 1999 ECBT minutes. NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 2 2.2 Report on Committee on Publications (CPub). Att. #2. The ECBT received the attached report (#2) on the September 19, 1998 CPub meeting. 2.3 Report on Committee on Meetings and Conferences (COMC). Att. #3. The ECBT received the attached report (#3) on the September 26, 1998 COMC meeting. 2.4 Report on Committee on the Profession (CoProf). Att. #4. The ECBT received the attached report (#4) on the October 3-4, 1998 CoProf meeting. 2.5 Report on Mathematical Reviews Editorial Committee (MREC). Att. #5. The ECBT received the attached report (#5) on the September 24-25, 1998 MREC meeting. 2.6 Report on Committee on Education (COE). Att. #6. The ECBT received the attached report (#6) on the September 11-12, 1998, COE meeting. At COE's request, the following COE resolution was brought to the ECBT's attention: The Committee on Education strongly endorses continuing to explore ways in which the AMS can support, in an ongoing way, mathematically-talented high school students. 2.7 Report on Committee on Science Policy (CSP). Att. #7. The ECBT received the attached report (#7) on recent CSP activities. 2.8 Report on Meeting of Policy Committee Chairs with Long Range Planning Committee. It was reported that the Policy Committee Chairs met with the Long Range Planning Committee on November 20, 1998. Those who attended that meeting agreed that it was a very informative and beneficial interchange. It was agreed that it would be even more beneficial for the policy committee chairs to report to the full ECBT, so in the future, instead of meeting with the LRPC, they will meet with the full ECBT each fall. 2.9 Report from the Director of Electronic Product Development. Att. #8. During the fall, Ralph Youngen resigned from his position as Director of Electronic Product Development to accept a position at the American Chemical Society. The new Director, Karen Ferreira, reported on several major development projects, including an update of e-MATH (see Att. #8) and work on the electronic journals. NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 3 2.10 Washington Office Report. Att. #23. The ECBT received the attached report (#23) on activities of the Washington Office since the last ECBT meeting. 2.11 Report from the President. Att. #24. The ECBT received the attached report (#24) from President Jaffe. 2.12 Update on Joint Policy Board for Mathematics. It was reported that, at present, the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) is in transition. The new Director, Danny Goroff, began working on JPBM matters during the summer. In early September, the Congressional Liaison, Lisa Thompson, indicated that she was resigning to take a job in another organization. JPBM met on November 9, 1998. Executive Director Ewing reported on ways in which the Congressional Liaison might be replaced. 2.13 Joint Public Service Award. Att. #9. The May 1998 Council approved in principle the establishment of a joint public service award with other professional societies, with the understanding that the final proposal would return to the Council for final approval. AMS President Arthur Jaffe wrote to Andrew Sessler, President of the American Physical Society, asking if APS would consider establishing a joint award (see Att. #9). Subsequent to this letter, it was learned that the American Astronomical Society had contacted APS about their interest in participating. It is hoped that, with the APS and possibly the AAS, a proposal outlining the selection process can be written and submitted to the January 1999 Council for approval. 2.14 Arnold Ross Lectures. The 1999 Arnold Ross Lectures for gifted high school mathematics students and their teachers will be held Tuesday, April 13, 1999, at the Boston Museum of Science. Two excellent speakers, Iz Singer and Ingrid Daubechies, have accepted informal invitations extended by Deborah Haimo, incoming Chair of the Arnold Ross Lecture Series Committee. Formal invitation letters have been drafted and will be going out soon. The lectures will follow the usual format of having the two speakers lecture in the morning, followed by a lunch break at the museum, and then the afternoon devoted to informal time spent with the speakers and complimentary tickets to the museum itself. The first set of these lectures was also held in Boston and was a huge success, due in no small part to the museum program director's expert assistance in reaching high school mathematics teachers, and their best and brightest students, in the New England area. We are hoping for a repeat of this experience in 1999. 2.15 Presidential Task Force on Membership. Att. #25. In late March 1998, President Jaffe appointed a Task Force on Membership whose charge is "to investigate ways to increase the number of members in the AMS, including the collection of relevant data, and to make concrete recommendations, in coordination with the AMS staff, on how to achieve this goal." NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 4 The members of the Task Force are: Salah Baouendi (Chair), Richard Beals, Felix Browder, Robert Bryant, Jennifer Chayes, Robert Daverman, John Ewing, Helen Grundman, Anatole Katok, Joseph Kohn, Donald McClure, Ronald Stern, Donovan Van Osdol (Vice-Chair), and H.-T. Yau. Considerable background information on AMS membership was distributed to the Task Force in June (Att. #25 includes the cover letter sent with this mailing). Eight departments received a pilot survey on the demographics of their faculty in early September. A preliminary report on the results of this survey was presented at the ECBT meeting by Don McClure. 2.16 Reciprocity Agreement with the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS). Att. #10. In early September 1998, the Executive Director of the CMS, Graham Wright, discussed with Executive Director Ewing the possibility of establishing a standard membership reciprocity agreement with the AMS. The two agreed that this would be beneficial to both societies' membership efforts and agreed to pursue the matter through their society's approval channels. Their proposals are attached (#10). Currently, CMS members who live in Canada may join the AMS for 85% of the ordinary high or low dues rate, depending on their salary. This arrangement is unique to Canada. Under the standard reciprocity arrangement in use throughout the rest of the world, CMS members would be able to join the AMS by paying 50% of ordinary high dues. The ECBT voted to recommend the attached proposal (#10) to the January 1999 Council for approval. 2.17 Report on Support of Delegates to International Mathematical Union. A grant from the National Science Foundation to the Board on Mathematical Sciences provided travel funds for the five US delegates to attend the IMU General Assembly. There were no funds, however, for the delegates to attend the International Congress itself. The Society offered to provide up to $1000 per delegate to cover costs of attending the Congress. The actual expense was $3,496. 2.18 Request for Funds for ICTAM2000. Att. #11. The International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics will hold its 20th congress in August 2000. In a letter to President Arthur Jaffe, Professor Philip Holmes of Princeton University has asked that the AMS provide financial support for the Congress. That letter together with background information is contained in Att. #11. The ECBT voted to contribute $3,000. 2.19 1998 AAAS Mass Media Fellow. Edouard Servan-Schreiber from the University of California, Berkeley, was this year's AMS American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Fellow. Edouard spent the ten-week fellowship period with National Geographic Television. Although his projects did not involve mathematics, his NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 5 background in computer science enabled him to help National Geographic in several situations where computer graphics were used as part of a film documentary. National Geographic Television has planned a cable television channel along the lines of the Discovery Channel. John Francis, Edouard's mentor at National Geographic Television, will be responsible for producing programs for this channel. John indicated that he would like to produce programs about mathematics and would very much like help from the AMS. As plans for this channel develop, we will work with National Geographic TV to give suggestions on mathematical programming. This year SIAM also sponsored a Mass Media Fellow, Sara Robinson, also from Berkeley. Funding in the amount of $8,000 (from Program Development Funds) to support a 1999 Mass Media Fellow was approved. It was noted that future funding will be from the regular budget. 2.20 Committee on Publications Recommendation on Requirements for Submission to Mathematical Preprint Servers. The September 1998 CPub strongly recommended that the Council endorse the following resolution: that all preprint servers of mathematical papers adopt the position that internationally-accepted, standard metadata files, which include Mathematics Subject Classification numbers, be included with each submitted paper. The ECBT voted to recommend that the Council endorse the resolution. 2.21 Report on Consortia for Math Reviews and Journals. Consortia are playing an increasingly important role in subscriptions for the Society, especially for electronic subscriptions. Math Reviews consortia provide a way to provide access to MathSciNet for many more institutions, including small colleges. In a similar way, pricing by consortium will allow the Society to offer electronic access to journals to these same institutions. Because forming consortia is a laborious and complicated process, a new position was created --- Assistant to the Publisher for Consortia and Licensing. That position was filled early in the summer by Lori Sprague (formerly in Promotions and Marketing), and the ECBT received a report on the progress she has made in the past few months. Because the National Data Access Fee program for currency weak countries requires considerable negotiation on a case by case basis, this program will be promoted through the Assistant as well. NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 6 2.22 Selection of NOTICES Editor(s). Att. #13. There has been some minor confusion about the process of selecting the editorial board for the new NOTICES. Since the NOTICES is different than the other journals of the Society (according to the Bylaws), and since the report establishing the current NOTICES is relatively new, it seemed appropriate to make the process for selecting the editor and editorial board explicit. The ECBT voted to recommend the attached proposal (#13) to the January 1999 Council for approval. 2.23 August 2000 Meeting on Mathematical Challenges of the 21st Century. The Secretariat has now approved the dates and site for the August 2000 meeting (August 7-12 at UCLA), and publicity for the meeting can now move forward. A proposed list of speakers has been circulated to the Program Committee, and it is hoped that letters of invitation will be going out soon. Plans call for 30 plenary addresses and sessions for contributed papers (but no special sessions). An Implementation Committee has been formed consisting of Felix Browder, Hope Daly (nonvoting), Bob Daverman, John Ewing, and Robert Fossum. This Committee will make the hundreds of administrative decisions having to do with the organization of this meeting that will be required over the next two years. There is a possibility that MAA may site its Mathfest 2000 at UCLA, or at some other California school. This could provide additional participants at the AMS meeting, and so developments will be closely watched. 2.24 Motions of the Secretary. The ECBT approved the following motions by acclamation: The Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society record their thanks to Steven G. Krantz for his service to the Society as a member of the Executive Committee during the past four years. They express the hope that Professor Krantz will continue to be available to serve the Society in other ways. The Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society express their gratitude to Arthur M. Jaffe for his leadership as President of the Society and for his contribution to the management of the Society as a member of the Board of Trustees. They note with pleasure that Professor Jaffe will continue to serve on the Executive Committee and trust that he will continue to be available to the Society as needed. The Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society record with thanks their appreciation of Franklin P. Peterson's twenty-five years of devoted service to the Society as Treasurer. NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 7 They note that in carrying out the responsibilities of his office, he has contributed much to the growth of the Society, its financial security, and the achievement of its goals. He has actively participated in the meetings of the Agenda and Budget Committee and the Board of Trustees during these years. He has also served as Chair of the Investment Committee during these twenty-five years, in which capacity he has played a leading role in wisely managing the Society's investments. His counsel will be missed. The ECBT offers their special thanks to Professor Peterson for his service and heartfelt good wishes for a happy and productive future. 2.25 Motions of the President. The ECBT approved the following motions by acclamation: The Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society record with thanks their appreciation of Robert M. Fossum's ten years of devoted service to the Society as Secretary. Professor Fossum has been the embodiment of the Society's historical memory; a powerful force helping make officers and committees aware of currents, deliberations, and actions in other venues. His accomplishments as Secretary are many, including a new and lively program of international joint meetings, an invaluable database of AMS committee members past and present, and the Secretary's page on e-MATH. The Secretary is one of the most important officers of the Society. As Secretary, Professor Fossum has served in an exemplary fashion, raising to new levels the Society's expectations for service in that office. The ECBT offers their special thanks to Professor Fossum for his service and heartfelt good wishes for a happy and productive future. The Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society record their thanks to Kelly I. Young for her faithful service to the Secretary and the Society over a period of ten years. During that time, she has worked effectively to assist the Secretary in carrying out the duties of that office. In particular, she has been instrumental in creating and maintaining an invaluable database of AMS committees and has sent hundreds of committee appointment letters. The ECBT wishes her much good luck in her future endeavors. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONSENT ITEMS 2C.1 May 1998 ECBT Meeting. The ECBT approved the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees held May 15-16, 1998, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. These minutes include: NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 8 ECBT open and executive session minutes prepared by the Secretary of the Society, BT closed executive session minutes prepared by the Secretary of the Board. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES INFORMATION ITEMS 2I.1 Actions of the Agenda and Budget Committee (ABC). At its October 15, 1998, meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, the ABC took the following actions: The ABC set the schedule for the November 1998 ECBT meeting (ABC agenda item 2.22). On behalf of the ECBT, the ABC approved the following motion (ABC agenda item 2.23): The American Mathematical Society extends its warmest congratulations to the Council of Scientific Society Presidents on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary Celebration. The AMS looks forward to continued cooperation with CSSP to advance scientific excellence across all disciplines and to enhance the public's understanding of science and technology. 2I.2 Workshop on Research Experience for Undergraduate Programs. The AMS submitted a proposal to the National Security Agency in September for funding to support a three-day workshop involving individuals who are or have been directors of Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs. The purpose of the workshop is to examine REU programs as they have existed during the past 25 years and to do some strategic planning for the future. The proposal requests $75,000 to support workshop planning, including the compilation of background information on REUs for distribution to participants prior to the workshop, and the travel and subsistence costs for 30 to 40 participants. The workshop will be held in late summer of 1999 in the Washington DC area. Funding is almost certain. 2I.3 Changes in Registration Fees for Conferences, Employment Register, or Short Course. The Executive Director is authorized to make changes in these registration fees and report them to the ECBT. No changes in these fees have been made since the last ECBT meeting. 2I.4 Report on 1940-84 MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS Keyboarding Project. The project to keyboard the 1940-79 reviews in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS is expected to be completed in early 1999. Delivery of the reviews (which are being keyed in reverse order) started in June 1997; all reviews from the period NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 9 1970-79 have now been keyboarded and received at MR. The approximately 176,000 reviews from the 1975-79 MR were added to MathSciNet in April 1998, and the approximately 96,000 reviews from the 1970-74 MR were added in September 1998. It is planned that the remaining approximately 237,000 reviews (from 1940-69) will be added to MathSciNet over the next six months. MathSciDisc will also be enhanced in 1999 by the production of an archival disc for the years 1940-79 containing both the bibliographic information and the reviews (which will replace the current bibliographic-information-only 1940-79 disc). As was approved at the May 1998 ECBT meeting, the AMS has contracted to have the keyboarding project continued to include the reviews in 1980-84 (so that all reviews from 1940 to the present will be in a consistent format). It is expected that this keyboarding will begin as soon as the 1940-79 keyboarding has been completed and will itself be completed in 1999. 2I.5 Proposal for Continued NSF Support of the Summer Research Conferences. As reported in the May 1998 ECBT minutes (item 2.21), a proposal requesting five years of funding (summer 2000 through summer 2004) for the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conferences (SRCs) was submitted to the Division of Mathematical Sciences at NSF at the end of January. The proposal was submitted jointly by AMS and SIAM, with Executive Directors Ewing and Crowley as Principal Investigators. Following instructions by DMS staff, this proposal was submitted to the recompetition of the institutes. The Society was notified in July that the proposal was being dropped from further consideration within the institutes recompetition. This was a decision by the DMS staff and ran contrary to the recommendation by the outside review panel that the proposal be included in the second phase of the review process, a site visit. Executive Directors Ewing and Crowley visited with DMS staff in early September concerning the viability of submitting a revised version of the proposal for consideration within the Infrastructure Program in DMS, the traditional program to which both AMS and SIAM have submitted their conference proposals. With encouragement from DMS staff, such a proposal was prepared and submitted to NSF in mid-November. 2I.6 May 1998 Council Meeting. Att. #16. Attached (#16) is a report on the May 1998 Council meeting. 2I.7 Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Project. The National Science Foundation has approved funding for the project "Shaping the Preparation of Future Science and Mathematics Faculty," submitted by the Council of Graduate Schools and the Association of American Colleges and Universities. As coordinators of the involvement of mathematics in this multi-discipline, three-year project, AMS and MAA have been awarded $150,000. Members of an ad hoc AMS-MAA Steering Committee have been appointed (Tom Rishel, Cornell University, Chair; Mort Brown, University of Michigan; Amy Cohen Corwin, Rutgers University; Stephen Fisher, Northwestern University; Jack Graver, Syracuse University; and Roger Wiegand, University of Nebraska- Lincoln). The group will soon begin work on the selection of four doctorate- NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 10 granting mathematics departments that will receive $10,000 annually for two years to create model PFF programs. Grants to the departments must be matched by university or department resources. A request for proposals will be issued January 1, 1999, with a proposal deadline of March 15; it is hoped that departments will be selected by April 15. In addition to the selection of departments, AMS and MAA will facilitate communication among departments and develop dissemination activities. 2I.8 Report on Expenditures by Working Group on Public Awareness of Mathematics. During 1998, the Working Group had a budget of $5,000 to spend on public awareness activities. These funds come from the Program Development Fund and are intended to promote new activities in public awareness. In the fall, a portion of this money was committed to purchase 1500 copies of a brochure, which will be used for future public awareness efforts. The brochure is being produced by Klaus Peters and contains the edited version of a popular lecture by a popular German author, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, given at the International Congress in Berlin. The lecture was highly acclaimed, and in fact was published in a major German newspaper. The talk is an outsider's view of mathematics and provides a positive view of both mathematical research and mathematical culture. The essay helps mathematicians themselves to understand how to make the case for mathematics. The total cost for the brochures will be $3,000. These will be distributed to mathematicians and to other scientists, especially through the Washington office. 2I.9 Report on May 1998 CBMS Meeting. Att. #17. A report on the May 1998 meeting of the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences is attached (#17). 2I.10 Report on May 1998 CSSP Meeting. A report on the May 1998 meeting of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents is included in Att. #24. 2I.11 Award for Outstanding PME Student Paper Presentation. Att. #18. Attached (#18) is a letter from Stephen Bochanski, a recent recipient of the Award for Outstanding Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation. This award is supported by funds donated by the AMS. BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1 Discussion of Fiscal Reports. The BT received and discussed various fiscal reports. The 1999 budget, as presented and modified by actions taken at this meeting, was approved. NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 11 3.2 Budgeted Staffing Levels. The BT approved the 1999 personnel budget as presented. 3.3 Capital Expenditures - 1999 Capital Purchase Plan. The BT approved the 1999 capital budget as presented. 3.3.1 Capital Expenditures - Approval of Specific Purchases. Requests for authorization to make specific large purchases (items costing $50,000 or more) are included under this item. No such requests were made at this meeting. 3.4 Investment Committee Report. Att. #28. The Investment Committee met on November 20, 1998. The Chair of the Committee, Frank Peterson, and Associate Executive Director Brownell reported on the meeting, and a summary is attached (#28). The BT approved the Investment Committee's decisions on indexing vs. active management. 3.5 Change in Economic Stabilization Fund Policy. The BT approved the Budget Committee's recommendation that the target for the Economic Stabilization Fund should be changed to 100% of a year's operating budget, plus 100% of the liability for unfunded retiree medical benefits. 3.6 Program Development Fund (PDF). The BT reviewed the PDF and took the following actions: The cap on the match that is made from unrestricted endowments should be decreased from $50,000 to $20,000. The description of the PDF that is printed with the Bylaws in the NOTICES every other November should be revised to conform to the latest applicable BT votes. 3.7 Joint Meeting with Mexican Mathematical Society. Att. #27. For the past few years the Society has held joint international meetings with other mathematics organizations. With one exception, these meetings have been inexpensive. The host society collects registration fees and makes all arrangements; the AMS pays for its own speakers and those officials of the Society who attend. During this time there have been three joint meetings with the Mexican Mathematical Society. The last was in 1997. Because of the AMS's special relationship with the Mexican Mathematical Society, that meeting was partially subsidized by the AMS (see May 1998 ECBT minutes, item 3E.2). The Mexican mathematicians requested that the next joint meeting be held in the US, and that meeting is now scheduled for May 1999 in Denton, Texas. The first Erdos memorial lecture (supported through the Beal prize NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 12 fund) will be delivered at this meeting by Ron Graham. The Mexicans have been gracious hosts at previous meetings, and an attempt is being made to return the hospitality. Holding a joint international meeting in the US, however, is considerably more expensive than holding one elsewhere. While attempts have been made to find outside sponsors for specific events, these have not been successful to date. A budget for the meeting is attached (#27). Because this is not a routine expenditure for meetings, the BT was asked to approve the budget, which they did. 3.8 Motions of the Secretary of the Board. The BT approved the following motion: The Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society extends their deepest sympathy to the family of T. Benny Rushing. His wise counsel on the AMS Investment and Endowment and Planned Giving Committees will be missed. They gratefully acknowledge the many ways he promoted mathematical research and scholarship throughout his life, especially through his service to the American Mathematical Society. The following motion was approved by acclamation: The Board of Trustees of the American Mathematical Society record their thanks to Hyman Bass for his service to the Society as a member of the Board during the past three and a half years. The Board expresses its gratitude to Professor Bass for his wisdom in contributing to the management of the Society and hopes to be able to draw upon his talents again. BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONSENT ITEMS 3C.1 Recognition for Length of Service. Att. #21. The BT approved the attached proclamations (#21). 3C.2 Request for Support of Speakers at 2000 AAAS Annual Meeting. The BT authorized $10,000 to support speakers for the Mathematics Section at the 2000 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). BOARD OF TRUSTEES INFORMATION ITEMS 3I.1 Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) Increment. It is expected that the 1998 increment to the ESF will be limited to reinvested income, if any. NOVEMBER 1998 ECBT MINUTES PAGE 13 3I.2 Year 2000 Changes. Att. #22. In preparation for the Year 2000, the Society has developed a comprehensive program to ensure a seamless transition to the 21st Century. The Society has put in place a Year 2000 project team representing all business units of the organization. Work of the project team includes analysis of potentially affected business and process systems, replacement or redemption of all non-compliant systems that will be needed in the new millennium, certification of AMS products for compliance, and evaluation of key suppliers' Year 2000 programs to assure business continuity. Att. #22 contains a public statement on our Year 2000 project, both for customers making inquiries and for promotion on the web. Based on current activities, the Society anticipates completion of the testing and implementation phase of this project to be completed no later than the second quarter of 1999. 3I.3 Report on Small Fringe Benefit Changes. There were no small changes to report. Respectfully Submitted, Robert M. Fossum, Secretary Urbana, Illinois December 17, 1998