The 2013 AMS Committee on Education (COE) meeting was held  on Friday-Saturday, October 25-26, 2013 in Washington, DC. 
The focus of the meeting was online tools in undergraduate mathematics education, and their current and potential impact on colleges and universities.  Presentations included talks by faculty who give online courses and a report on the recent NSF-DMS INGenIOus workshop.  A broad range of questions were addressed:  How interactive learning platforms can be adopted to improve student learning?  What are the new opportunities, and what are the pitfalls?  What is the cost of these projects?  How will these changes affect the academic job description?

Presentations given are linked below:

"Clicks and Mortar?  Online learning in the context of traditional universities and colleges"
Presented by Rebecca J. Griffiths
Program Director - Online Learning, Ithaka S+R

"Learning about proofs by evaluating them"
Presented by Keith Devlin, Stanford University

"Renovating Introductory Probability and Statistics at MIT: Changing the pedagogy, syllabus and technology all at once"
Presented by Jeremy Orloff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Online Learning in Liberal Arts Environment: Creating a Digital Community"
Presented by Tina Garrett, St. Olaf College

"Mathematical Preparation of the Future Workforce"
Presented by William (Bus) Jaco, Oklahoma State University