The 2014 AMS Committee on Education (COE) meeting was held  on Friday-Saturday, October 17-18, 2014 in Washington, DC. 
The focus of the meeting was on the first two years of post-secondary mathematics education, including the interaction with other disciplines.  Presentations included talks about the highly successful Michigan calculus program, the recent changes at Illinois to better serve engineering students, and an update on the American Statistical Association’s work on curriculum guidelines for the first two years of statistics education.  Information was also presented on the progress of Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSE Math) and on the common vision for undergraduate mathematics.

Presentations given are linked below:

"Helping Students Do Mathematics"
Presented by Matthew Ando, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"It Takes a Math Department"
Presented by Stephen DeBacker, University of Michigan

"Updated ASA Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Statistics"
Presented by Nicholas Horton, Amherst College

"Report on the Transofrming Postsecondary Education in Mathematics (TPSE Math) Meeting in Austin"
Presented by Mark Green, University of California-Los Angeles

"Grant Project Report: A Common Vision for Undergraduate Mathematics in 2025"
Presented by Karen Saxe, Macalester College

"Structured Active In-Class Learing at Penn: Opportunities and Challenges"
Presented by Dennis DeTurck, University of Pennsylvania

"Budapest Semesters in Mathemtatics Education: Study abroad program for pre-service teachers"
Presented by Ryota Matsuura, St. Olaf College

"Post-secondary mathematics education in Quebec: a view of the CEGEP educational level"
Presented by Bernard Hodgson, Université Laval