The 2017 AMS Committee on Education (COE) meeting was held on Friday-Saturday, October 27-28, 2017 in Washington, DC.
The focus of the meeting was on preparing graduate students for teaching-focused and non-academic jobs. Presentations were given by representatives from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) and the Directorate for Education & Human Resources (EHR) on NSF priorities for training graduate students and funding opportunities for doing so. The agenda also included a presentation by the Director of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at the University of Minnesota, who shared information about the NSF-funded Math-to-Industry Boot Camp and a presentation by Helen Grundman, Director of the AMS Office of Education and Diversity. Presentations on a model/program for preparing graduate students for teaching and the increasing reliance by departments on non-tenure track hires and the attendant issues it raises were also given.
Presentations given are linked below:
"MAA Overview: CoMInDS and PIC Math"
Presented by Doug Ensley, Mathematical Association of America
"Revitalizing Graduate STEM Education for 21st Century"
Presented by Layne Scherer, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
"A Report from the AMS Education and Diversity Department"
Presented by Helen Grundman, American Mathematical Society
"Teaching the Future Professoriate: Clarkson University?s Summer Institute for Teaching Assistants"
Presented by Catherine Snyder & Peter Turner, Clarkson University
"NSF-EHR Opportunities for Graduate Training in Mathematics"
Presented by Tara Smith (NSF-EHR/DGE) and Ron Buckmire (NSF-EHR/DUE)
"NSF priorities for training graduate students and associated DMS funding opportunities"
Presented by Nandini Kannan and Matt Douglass (NSF-MPS/DMS)
"EDT: Math to Industry Boot Camp"
Presented by Dan Spirn, University of Minnesota
"Issues Resulting from Reliance on Non-Tenure Track Faculty at GVSU"
Presented by Karen Novotny, Grand Valley State University
"Educational Activities at the NASEM Board on Mathematical Sciences and Analytics"
Presented by Ben Wender, Board on Mathematical Sciences and Analytics (BMSA)