The 2018 AMS Committee on Education (COE) meeting and Annual Mini-Conference on Education were held over Thursday-Saturday, October 11-13, 2018 in Washington, DC.

The 2018 Committee on Education (COE) meeting launched the first annual Mini-Conference on Education, entitled Next Steps in the Evolution of Mathematics Education: Moving Beyond Pilots. The focus of the mini-conference was to engage participants both within and outside of the mathematics community with members of the Committee through talks, discussion, and reflection on education policy, career equity, curriculum and pedagogy. The mini-conference consisted of presentations, panel discussion, and audience interaction over the course of one day. Attendees included a number of department chairs of mathematical sciences from across the country, representatives from umbrella mathematics organizations and federal offices.

Presentations given are linked below:

"Departmental Practices Supporting Careers in Business, Industry and Government (BIG)"
Presented by Rachel Levy, Mathematical Association of America

"TPSE: It's Creation, Evolution and Agenda"
Presented by Karen Saxe, American Mathematical Society and Uri Treisman, The University of Texas at Austin

"The Role of Mathematics in the Study of Visual Processing in the Brain"
Presented by Ellen Hildreth,Wellesley College

"From the heat equation to financial security"
Presented by Sonin Kwon, Mass Mutual Financial Group

"What math do we want non-STEM college majors to know?"
Presented by Manil Suri, University of Maryland Baltimore County