AMS Committee on Science Policy Meeting
April 17-18, 2007
The American Mathematical Society will hold its Committee on Science Policy Meeting on April 17-18, 2007. Mathematicians from across the country will come to Washington, DC to meet with their Members of Congress and to stress the importance of the Nation's investment in mathematics. Teams have been formed by state to facilitate these Hill meetings. The teams have been set up as listed below:- Alabama/Florida
- Arizona/Oregon
- California
- Colorado/Texas
- Georgia/Iowa
- Illinois/Wisconsin
- Indiana/Minnesota
- Massachusetts
- Missouri/Nebraska
- New Jersey/Rhode Island
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio/Virginia
Resources for CSP participants include:
- AMS Statement on Being Competitive and the Mathematical Sciences
- Analysis of the Mathematical Sciences in the FY2008 Budget
- Council on Competitiveness: Innovate America
- Democrat Innovation Agenda Unveiled
- Democrats Pre-Buttal to the President's 2006 State of the Union Address
- Map of the Capitol Complex
- Rising Above the Gathering Storm Executive Summary
Funding & Legislation:
- America Competes Act Summary
- American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI)
- Senate Dear Colleague Letter on Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science FY2008
- Senate Dear Colleague Letter on National Science Foundation (NSF) FY2008
- House Dear Colleague Letter on National Science Foundation (NSF) FY2008
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Reauthorization Act Draft
- Science Scholarships Act -- H.R. 362
- Science and Engineering Research Act -- H.R. 363
For more information, contact the AMS Washington Office at