Short Course Committee
General Description
- Committee is standing
- Number of members is seven
- Term is three years
Principal Activities
This committee is charged with the generation and sponsorship of short courses on fields of application of mathematics, directed to mathematicians seeking professional development and continuing education. The short courses will be held in conjunction with the Annual Joint Mathematics Meetings. It is expected that the proceedings of such short courses will be published in the series PROCEEDINGS OF SYMPOSIA IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS.
Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
(as adopted by the April 2019 Council)
The American Mathematical Society is committed to promoting and facilitating equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the mathematical sciences. For its own long-term prosperity as well as that of the public at large, our discipline must connect with and appropriately incorporate all sectors of society. We reaffirm the pledge in the AMS Mission Statement to "advance the status of the profession of mathematics, encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals," and urge all members to conduct their professional activities with this goal in mind.
Miscellaneous Information
There is staff support for the Subcommittee from the Providence office, both for committee activities and for the coordination of the short course programs.
Note to the Chair
Committee chairs should be informed, at the beginning of each fiscal period, of the budget of their committees and cautioned to remain within the budget. Such items as travel reimbursement, accommodations, and meals for guests of any kind fall within these budgets.
For the purpose of archiving the committee activities, the Secretary maintains a central file system for archiving committee records. Committee Chairs are asked to submit committee records on yearly basis. Chairs can submit material at their discretion, and some materials that they may wish to provide are meeting minutes, agenda, and emails. Confidential material should be noted, so that it can be handled in a confidential manner.
- Council minutes: March 21, 1991
- MXF 4/18/91; updated 8/94; 5/95; 4/99; 8/09; 4/2013 Council Minutes 20 Apr 2013, Item 4.4.2; 7/2013 membership, edited Note to the Chair, removed mention of travel in Misc Info. 1/22, Item 3.3: Name changed from Short Course Subcommittee of the Program Committee for National Meetings to Short Course Committee.; 7/22
- 24 April 2021 Council, Item 6.8: Added the Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Past Members
A list of current and past members is available here:
AMS Website
A list of past short courses, the Short Course Manual, and a Call for Proposals are available here: