January 1985 Council Minutes


The Council met in California Room E of the Anaheim Convention Center, on 8
January 1985, at 2:00 PM.  Members present were S. Armentrout, R.G. Bartle, H.
Bass, D.M. Burns, Jr., W.W. Comfort, M.G. Crandall, P.L. Duren, D. Eisenbud.
R.M. Fossum, S.J. Friedlander, W. Gautschi, P.R. Halmos, R.C. Hartshorne, M.
Hochster, M. Jerison, W.B. Johnson, I. Kaplansky, J.B. Keller, I. Kra, M.
Lowengrub, R.B. Melrose, T.K. Milnor, M.S. Montgomery, C.C. Moore, W.D.
Neumann, J.E. Osborn, D.S. Passman, F.P. Peterson, E. Pitcher, M.B. Pour-El, H.
Rossi, G.C. Rota, L.P. Rothschild, G.R. Sell, M. Shub, L.W. Small, J.  Smoller,
O. Taussky Todd, J.E. Taylor, A. Terras, J.J. Uhl, Jr., D.A. Vogan, Jr., and
R.O. Wells, Jr.  There were five persons present with the privilege of the
floor, namely Felix E. Browder, Patrick Gallagher, Kenneth M. Hoffman, Joshua
A.  Leslie,, and John C. Polking.  Also present were R. Hahn, W. J. LeVeque,
J. W. Maxwell, C. McConway, J.P. Mesirov, B. J. Janson, J. Kister, J. L.
Selfridge, and W.B. Woolf.  President Kaplansky was in the chair.


1.1 Minutes of 15 AUGUST 1984.  These minutes had been distributed by mail.
The Secretary observed one omission.

	4.7 NOTICES EDITORIAL COMMITTEE:  The Nominating Committee
	proposed a slate of three candidates for the Editorial
	Committee of the NOTICES for a term of four years effective 
	1 January 1985, namely:

			Ralph Boas
			Mary Ellen Rudin
			Steven W. Weintraub.

The Council elected the slate.  

With this addition the minutes were approved.

1.2 MINUTES OF BUSINESS BY MAIL.   The minutes of Business by Mail dated 20
November 1984, are attached and were approved.


3.1 COUNCIL MEETINGS.  The next three meetings of the Council are:

		Worcester, Friday, 19 April 1985 at 1:00 PM
		Laramie, Sunday 11 August 1985
		New Orleans, Monday, 6 January 1986.

The first of these meetings was set by the Council, whereas, the second and
third had already been set by the Associate Secretaries and Secretary.


4.1 ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1985.  The tellers reported.  The composition of
the Council and the BT of 1985 is to be found in the attachment where names of
persons just elected are marked with an asterisk.

Also elected to the Committee to Monitor Problems in Communication, were Judith
D. Sally and Floyd L. Williams.

The complete report was distributed in executive session.

4.2 ELECTION TO THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE:  The Tellers reported that those
elected to the Nominating Committee of 1985 and 1986 were:

	Vera S. Pless
	Mary E. Rudin
	Michael Shub
	Raymond O. Wells, Jr.

The report was distributed in executive session.

4.3 REVIEW OF SOCIETY ACTIVITIES.  The report of the EC on its triennial review
of meetings is attached.

4.4 SUMMER INSTITUTES AND SPECIAL SYMPOSIA.  The EC recommended that the name
of the Committee on Summer Institutes be changed to the Committee on Summer
Institutes and Special Symposia and that its charge be enlarged to include
selecting a subject and an organizing committee for a symposium in the spring
of alternate years in pure mathematics.  The latter duty is a successor
enterprise to the series of symposia in pure mathematics that have been
undertaken by the Committee to Select Hour Speakers for Central Sectional
Meetings.  The changes in name and charge were approved.

4.5 MEETINGS ON SPECIAL TOPICS.  The EC recommended that from time to time the
invited lectures and special sessions at a regional meeting be devoted
exclusively to a single broad topic in mathematics.

The proposal was approved.  It was specifically noted that the restriction
would not apply to contributed papers.

4.6 SCIENCE POLICY COMMITTEE:  Felix Browder, Chairman, presented the attached
report.  In it he referred to a resolution by the National Science Board, which
Dr. John Polking, representing the NSF, made available to interested parties
and which is attached to Browder's report.

4.7 JPBM:  Kenneth M. Hoffman, Executive Secretary for National Affairs, 
presented the attached report.

4.8 TRANSACTIONS EDITOR: R.O.  Wells, Jr., managing editor, proposed that one
of the positions on the editorial committee be reserved for a managing editor,
who is not himself the primary editor for a field, but who watches over the
wellbeing of the entire journal.  This is, of course, a purely internal matter
in the committee.  In order that this person be an editor with substantial
experience, it was argued that it should be a person who has already served as
a member of the editorial committee (or as an associate editor.)  It was
pointed out that when the bylaws were amended to change the term of
TRANSACTIONS and PROCEEDINGS editors from three to four years, the Council
endorsed the convention that an editor who had served a four year term
ordinarily not be nominated for a second term.  A letter from Wells is

Views were expressed that possibly the position of managing editor could be
handled by one of the editors with a lighter load of papers, or by one of
the editors as a sole duty in the last year or two of a term.  The council
referred the issue for study by the Editorial Committees of the TRANSACTIONS

4.9  MR-ZBL  Professor Steve Armentrout reported on the exploration of the
possibilities of cooperation between MR and ZBL, or even of merger of part
or all of the operation.  A report from the Executive Editor, who is a 
member of the negotiating team, is attached as part of the attachment to

4.10 SIZE OF THE COUNCIL;  The Council of 15 August 1984, considered a proposed
amendment to the bylaws with the effect of reducing the size of the Council.
The Council asked the Secretary to draft the amendment formally.  The draft can
be found in the attachment, which contains not only the proposed  amendments
but several that are further along in the process of ratification.

The proposed amendment consists of changes in Articles III and IV (except one
footnoted change in old Section 2 of Article III.)

The other indicated changes correspond to three amendments already approved
by the Council, and about to be presented to the Business Meeting.

The Long Range Planning Committee has reviewed the proposed amendment and

The Council recommended the amendment with the understanding that there would
be an additional section stating that Council members of 1 January 1985, would
serve their full terms notwithstanding.  Moreover, certain editorial changes
are required for consistency in later sections.

4.11 COMMITTEE TERMS:  The EC recommended that the terms on society committees
appointed by the President be changed to end on 31 January instead of the 
previous 31 December, as at present.

The Council approved.  In so doing, they noted that there are already natural
exceptions to the 31 December date, and that exceptions to the 31 January date
may appear.

With respect to joint committees, coordination with MAA and SIAM on the same
lines should be proposed.  However, it is noted that on some joint committees
it is already the case that terms of representatives of various bodies may

4.12 CORPORATE MEMBERS.  The Council had already approved an amendment to the
bylaws that states:

	Dues and privileges of corporate members shall be
	established by the Council, subject to approval by
	the Board of Trustees.

The amendment is one of several to be presented to the Business Meeting of
10 January 1985, for approval.

In anticipation of approval by the Business Meeting, the Council approved the
following recommendations of the EC:

	1.  That dues for corporate members be set AT $2,000.
For corporate members choosing certin privileges with respect
to copyright, the dues be set at $3,000.

	2.  That corporate members be entitled to send up to
five representatives to meetings with registration at members' 

	3.  That corporate members be entitled to use the 
Employment Register and Employment Information in the
Mathematical Sciences (with a ceiling on the number of ads)
with no charge.

	4.  That corporate members retain all privileges that
they now enjoy.

In so doing, the Council was aware of advance approval of these dues and
privileges by the BT.

4.13 PRIZES IN AUTOMATIC THEOREM PROVING:  In a letter to President Robinson,
W.W. Bledsoe, of the University of Texas at Austin, asked that the Society
explore the possibility of administering prizes in Automatic Theorem Proving
(ATP) which are funded by the Fredkin Foundation.  Professor Bledsoe proposed

1.  AMS appoint and maintain an ATP Committee responsible for:

--awarding the Leibniz prize, when and if the established criterion is met.
--awarding Current and Milestone prizes when appropriate.

2.  AMS would provide for invited lectures at an Annual Meeting where these
prizes are awarded.

Att. #21 in the minutes of the EC and BT of 15-17 November 1984, contains 
Professor Bledsoe's letter describing the prizes and the present method of
administration, a news release, a description of tentative criteria for the
Leibniz prize, a list of present members of the ATP  prize committee, an 
announcement of the prizes, nomination statement and citations for previous
winners.  It should be noted that an arrangement such as is proposed in item
2 is already informally in effect through special sessions devoted to ATP.

The EC recommended approval of the proposal in item 1 that the AMS appoint
a committee responsible for awarding the Leibniz Prize.  The EC further
recommended that the same committee study the proposal with respect to the 
Current and Milestone Prizes, and the conditions for them.  The Council

4.14 PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD.  The Joint Policy Board for Mathematics,
(AMS-MAA-SIAM) recommended the establishment of a public service award, to be
given at irregular intervals when a suitable candidate appears.  The recipient
may be a mathematician, but need not be.  The award would consist of a
certificate, a ceremony, and accompanying publicity.  The EC recommended that
this Society enter into a cooperative arrangement with SIAM and/or MAA to offer
such an award through JPBM.  The Council approved.

4.15 COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS;  A report from Professor Joshua Leslie, a
member of the Committee, on the case of Sion Assidon is attached.

Professor Chandler Davis, Chairman, reported by letter to the Secretary that
then President Julia Robinson, following a request from the Council of 7 August
1983, persisted in her efforts to obtain an informative response about the
annulling of the doctorate of E.P. Gil'bo, a Leningrad mathematician.

Professor Herbert Clemens, a member of the Committee, had requested that the
Council consider the case of Ada Cam, Manuel Alarcon, and Douglas Fuenteseca
of the mathematics department of the University of Antofagasta in Chile.  The 
first two were arrested on 29 November 1984, and the third on 1 December 1984. 
As of 6 December, inquiries about the reasons for their arrest and their 
whereabouts received the answer that nothing was known.  The Committee
on Human Rights, and the Acting President sent cables of inquiry, as did the
National Academy and other mathematical organizations.  It was learned that,
subsequently, two had been released and the third was being held for three
months in a detention center.

4.16 CONGRESSIONAL SCIENCE FELLOW;  The EC and BT recommended that  AMS
support of the fellowship be discontinued after the 1985-86 year.  This 
is a position parallel to that of the MAA.  See EC/BT minute 6.1 of 
November 1984.  The Council, however, referred the matter to the Science
Policy Committee with the understanding that the contribution be suspended
until the Committee reports.


5.1 REPORTS OF OFFICERS.  The agenda and Budget Committee and EC had requested
annual reports from the Treasurer, Secretary, and Executive Director, for
publication in the NOTICES.  These are in draft form and are attached.


8.1 NOTICES AND ABSTRACTS.  The Council had specified that the Deputy
Executive Director shall be the managing editor of the NOTICES and of the
ABSTRACTS.  With the retirement of Lincoln Durst, the office with the title
of DED vanishes.  The Secretary proposed that the managing editor of the
NOTICES and the managing editor of the ABSTRACTS be designated by the
Secretary in consultation with the Executive Director.  The Council approved.

8.2 ABSTRACT FEES.  Professor Susan Friedlander in the attached letter
proposed the following motion:

	should be abolished.

A letter from Barry Simon is attached.  The EC and BT considered the issue and
were unanimous in recommending that the abstract fee remain in place for two
years.  They proposed that the matter be examined by the EC/BT of November
1986.  However, the motion of Professor Friedlander, as a recommendation
to the Trustees, passed by a roll call vote of 14 11/30 to 12 19/30.

8.3 DISABILITY MEMBERSHIP;  The Society has a category of member, informally
known as "emeritus member", for ordinary members retired on account of age
after at least twenty years of membership.  Privileges are the same as for
ordinary member, with the exception that the BULLETIN is no longer a privilege.
Dues are zero.  Professor Meyer Jerison proposed that the same privilege be
extended to members with long term disability.  The Council recommended an
amendment to the bylaws by inserting the words "or on account of long term
disability" before the first comma in Article 8, Section 8.

8.4 DEATH OF EDWARD L. COOPERMAN:  Professor Cooperman was a physicist at
California State University in Fullerton.  He was recently killed.  Professor
Joel Smoller introduced the following resolution, presented here in the form
agreed upon after discussion.

	The Council of the American Mathematical Society resolves:

	1.  To express its deep regret over the killing of Professor

	2.  To express its support for the continuation of contact
and exchange with Vietnamese mathematicians and its hope that there
will be no further threats or violence against people involved;

	3.  To recommend participation of mathematicians from Viet
Nam in the 1986 ICM in Berkeley and to encourage efforts by the ICM
organizers to insure the safety of foreign delegations.

Professor Patrick Gallagher was given the privilege of the floor to speak in
favor of the resolution.  An expanded version of his remarks is attached.  The
Secretary spoke in opposition.  His statement is attached.  The motion failed.


2.1 MINUTES OF THE EC/BT:  The minutes of the EC and BT of 15-17 November 1984,
were distributed under separate cover and are attached.

2.2 SUMMER OF 1987.  The EC/BT were unanimous in approving that there be a
Summer Meeting in 1987, jointly with the MAA.  This was a decision delegated
to them by the Council of 15 August 1984.

2.3 MAT. SBORNIK.  The Council of 7 August 1983, proposed that a slip be sent
with each copy of each issue of MAT. SBORNIK (as an insert or an additional
sheet in the wrapper) with the following wording:
	The AMS has been cognizant of the mathematical distinction
	of the journal Mat. Sbornik.  For this reason and as a service
	to the mathematical community, it was happy to enter into a
	contract with VAAP (All Union Agency for Authors' Rights) to
	translate the journal and publish the translation.  At the same
	time, the Society wishes to record the fact that it deplores
	the antisemitic bias that has appeared to become part of the
	editorial policy of the journal. The AMS hopes that this
	aspect of policy in the management of the journal will change.

The Council proposed that the same wording appear in the catalog of
publications.  The Trustees delayed in carrying out this recommendation,
but put it into force effective 1 January 1985.  The matter is to be reviewed
in two years.

Professor A.T. Bharucha-Reid submitted a comment that was delivered to the 
Secretary too late to be read to the Council.  It is attached.

2.4 INDIRA GANDHI;  With the approval of the Acting President, the Society was 
one of 44 affiliates of AAAS who signed the attached telegram of condolence.

2.5 EDWARD E. DAVID, JR.  A letter from him responding to Council endorsement
of the David report, and of his personal effort is attached.

2.6 ETTORE E. INFANTE;   A letter from him responding to a Council resolution
of appreciation of his work at NSF is attached.

The council adjourned at 5:40 PM January 8, 1985.

				Everett Pitcher, Secretary.