63. Robert L. Bryant
President 2015–2016
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979
Bryant is a leading researcher in nonlinear partial differential equations and differential geometry with a long record of service to the community. He is a Fellow of the AMS (2013), a member of the National Academy of Sciences (2007), a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2002), and a former director of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) from 2007–2013.
Before becoming Director of MSRI, he had been Chair of MSRI’s board, and had served as Director of the Park City Mathematics Institute. Bryant is interested in the geometry of partial differential equations and more specifically, conservation laws for PDEs, Finsler geometry, calibrations, holonomy, and Seiberg-Witten invariants and symplectic geometry. In addition to authoring books and papers in the field, he has organized or co-organized conferences, workshops and colloquia, and has been an invited speaker at international meetings.
Additional information
- MR Author Profile
- Member of the National Academy of Sciences
- Fellow of the AMS
- AMS President Robert Bryant: His Early Life and His Views on Mathematics
- Presidential Views: Interview with Robert L. Bryant
- Nominations for President by David Eisenbud, Phillip Griffiths, and Mike Eastwood. Notices of the AMS, September 2013, page 1074
- Robert Bryant, Duke University
- Mathematics Genealogy Project