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Harmonic Functions on Trees and Buildings
About this Title
Adam Korányi, Editor
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
1997; Volume 206
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-0605-0 (print); 978-0-8218-7797-5 (online)
MathSciNet review: 1463725
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Alessandro Figà-Talamanca – Local fields and trees [MR 1463726]
- Stanley A. Sawyer – Martin boundaries and random walks [MR 1463727]
- Donald I. Cartwright – A brief introduction to buildings [MR 1463728]
- Tim Steger – Local fields and buildings [MR 1463729]
Part II. Abstracts of Lectures
- Enrico Casadio Tarabusi – The horocyclic Radon transform on trees [MR 1463732]
- Joel M. Cohen and Flavia Colonna – Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a homogeneous tree [MR 1463733]
- Fausto Di Biase – Exotic convergence in theorems of Fatou type [MR 1463734]
- Yves Guivarc’h – A spectral gap property for transfer operators [MR 1463735]
- Vadim A. Kaimanovich – Harmonic functions on discrete subgroups of semi-simple Lie groups [MR 1463736]
- Russell Lyons – Biased random walks and harmonic functions on the lamplighter group [MR 1463737]
- A. M. Mantero and A. Zappa – Characterization of the eigenfunctions of the Laplace operators for an affine building of rank $2$ [MR 1463738]
- Wojciech Młotkowski – Free product of representations [MR 1463739]
- Tatiana Nagnibeda – The Jacobian of a finite graph [MR 1463740]
- S. Northshield – Flows and harmonic functions on graphs [MR 1463741]
- Mauro Pagliacci – Applications of diffusion processes on trees to mathematical finance [MR 1463742]
- Massimo A. Picardello – Characterizing harmonic functions by mean value properties on trees on symmetric spaces [MR 1463743]
- Jacqui Ramagge and Guyan Robertson – Factors from buildings [MR 1463744]
- Marco Rigoli, Maura Salvatori and Marco Vignati – Harnack and Liouville properties on graphs [MR 1463745]
- Guyan Robertson – The spectrum of a directed Cayley graph of a free group [MR 1463746]
- Mitchell H. Taibleson – Factorization of the Green’s kernel for non-nearest neighbor random walks [MR 1463747]
- Wolfgang Woess – Harmonic functions for group-invariant random walks [MR 1463748]