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Complex Dynamics: Twenty-Five Years after the Appearance of the Mandelbrot Set
About this Title
Robert L. Devaney and Linda Keen, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2006; Volume 396
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-3625-5 (print); 978-0-8218-7986-3 (online)
MathSciNet review: 2209082
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Douglas K. Childers, John C. Mayer, H. Murat Tuncali and E. D. Tymchatyn – Indecomposable continua and the Julia sets of rational maps [MR 2209083]
- Eric Bedford and John Smillie – The Hénon family: the complex horseshoe locus and real parameter space [MR 2209084]
- Robert L. Devaney – Baby Mandelbrot sets adorned with halos in families of rational maps [MR 2209085]
- Robert L. Devaney, Matt Holzer and David Uminsky – Blowup points and baby Mandelbrot sets for singularly perturbed rational maps [MR 2209086]
- Romain Dujardin – Some remarks on the connectivity of Julia sets for 2-dimensional diffeomorphisms [MR 2209087]
- Suzanne Lynch Hruska – Rigorous numerical studies of the dynamics of polynomial skew products of ${\Bbb C}^2$ [MR 2209088]
- Linda Keen and Nikola Lakic – Accumulation points of iterated function systems [MR 2209089]
- Linda Keen and Shenglan Yuan – Parabolic perturbation of the family $\lambda \tan z$ [MR 2209090]
- Kevin M. Pilgrim – Polynomial vector fields, dessins d’enfants, and circle packings [MR 2209091]
- James T. Rogers, Jr. – Siegel disks whose boundaries have only two complementary domains [MR 2209092]
- Kimberly A. Roth – Non-uniform porosity for a subset of some Julia sets [MR 2210774]
- Bartłomiej Skorulski – The existence of conformal measures for some transcendental meromorphic functions [MR 2210775]
- Robert L. Devaney and Linda Keen – Open problems [MR 2210776]