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Frames and Operator Theory in Analysis and Signal Processing
About this Title
David R. Larson, Peter Massopust, Zuhair Nashed, Minh Chuong Nguyen, Manos Papadakis and Ahmed Zayed, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2008; Volume 451
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-4144-0 (print); 978-0-8218-8130-9 (online)
MathSciNet review: 2422280
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Nikolaos D. Atreas and C. Karanikas – Haar-type orthonormal systems, data presentation as Riesz products and a recognition on symbolic sequences [MR 2422238]
- Peter G. Casazza and Nicole Leonhard – Classes of finite equal norm Parseval frames [MR 2422239]
- Nguyen Minh Chuong and Nguyen Van Co – $p$-adic pseudodifferential operators and wavelets [MR 2422240]
- Elena Cordero and Luigi Rodino – Short-time Fourier transform analysis of localization operators [MR 2422241]
- Jonas D’Andrea, Kathy D. Merrill and Judith Packer – Fractal wavelets of Dutkay-Jorgensen type for the Sierpinski gasket space [MR 2422242]
- Lucia Dettori and Ahmed I. Zayed – Texture identification of tissues using directional wavelet, ridgelet and curvelet transforms [MR 2422243]
- Mihaela Dobrescu and Gestur Ólafsson – Coxeter groups, wavelets, multiresolution and sampling [MR 2422244]
- Christopher Heil and David Larson – Operator theory and modulation spaces [MR 2422245]
- Palle E. T. Jorgensen – Frame analysis and approximation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces [MR 2422246]
- Victor Kaftal, David Larson and Shuang Zhang – Operator-valued frames on $C^*$-modules [MR 2422247]
- David R. Larson and Peter Massopust – Coxeter groups and wavelet sets [MR 2422248]
- Christiane Pöschl and Otmar Scherzer – Characterization of minimizers of convex regularization functionals [MR 2422249]
- Gilbert G. Walter and Tatiana Soleski – Error estimates for the PSWF method in MRI [MR 2422250]
- H. Šikić, D. Speegle and G. Weiss – Structure of the set of dyadic PFW’s [MR 2422251]