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Algebraic Topology: Applications and New Directions
About this Title
Ulrike Tillmann, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, Søren Galatius, Stanford University, Stanford, CA and Dev Sinha, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2014; Volume 620
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-9474-3 (print); 978-1-4704-1855-7 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Thomas Church, Jordan S. Ellenberg and Benson Farb – Representation stability in cohomology and asymptotics for families of varieties over finite fields
- Thomas Church, Benson Farb and Andrew Putman – A stability conjecture for the unstable cohomology of $\mathrm {SL}_n\mathbb {Z}$, mapping class groups, and $\mathrm {Aut}(F_n)$
- William Dwyer and Kathryn Hess – The Boardman-Vogt tensor product of operadic bimodules
- Søren Galatius and Oscar Randal-Williams – Detecting and realising characteristic classes of manifold bundles
- Boris Goldfarb and Timothy K. Lance – Controlled Algebraic $G$-theory, II
- Ian Hambleton and Erik K. Pedersen – More examples of discrete co-compact group actions
- Lars Hesselholt – On the $K$-theory of planar cuspical curves and a new family of polytopes
- M. A. Hill and M. J. Hopkins – Equivariant multiplicative closure
- Matthew Kahle – Topology of random simplicial complexes: a survey
- Ludmil Katzarkov, Ernesto Lupercio, Laurent Meersseman and Alberto Verjovsky – The definition of a non-commutative toric variety
- Nitu Kitchloo – The Stable Symplectic Category and Quantization
- Graeme Segal – A geometric perspective on quantum field theory
- Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson – Sketches of a platypus: a survey of persistent homology and its algebraic foundations
- Kirsten Wickelgren – Cartier’s first theorem for Witt vectors on $\mathbb {Z}_{\geq 0}^n - 0$