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Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VII
About this Title
Mark L. Agranovsky, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, Matania Ben-Artzi, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Catherine Bénéteau, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, Lavi Karp, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel, Dmitry Khavinson, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, Simeon Reich, Technion, Haifa, Israel, David Shoikhet, Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel, Gilbert Weinstein, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel and Lawrence Zalcman, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, Editors
Publication: Contemporary Mathematics
Publication Year:
2017; Volume 699
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-2961-4 (print); 978-1-4704-4256-9 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Andrey Akinshin, Gil Goldman, Vladimir Golubyatnikov and Yosef Yomdin – Accuracy of reconstruction of spike-trains with two near-colliding nodes
- L. Akinyemi, T. V. Savina and A. A. Nepomnyashchy – Exact solutions to a Muskat problem with line distributions of sinks and sources
- Nathan Albin, Faryad Darabi Sahneh, Max Goering and Pietro Poggi-Corradini – Modulus of families of walks on graphs
- Augustin Banyaga and Peter Spaeth – Uniqueness of contact Hamiltonians of topological strictly contact isotopies
- G. Barsegian – A Triple Principle (for Curves, Surfaces and Complex Functions) and the Universal Version of Value Distribution Theory
- Reinier Díaz Millán and Aviv Gibali – Characterization of orthogonal polynomials— A new proof of Bochner’s theorem
- V. Gichev – Decomposition of the Kostlan–Shub–Smale model for random polynomials
- Anatoly Golberg and Ruslan Salimov – Differentiability of ring homeomorphisms with controlled $p$-module
- Viktor V. Goryainov – Some inequalities for holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc with two fixed points
- Lawrence A. Harris – Interpolation and Cubature at Geronimus Nodes Generated by Different Geronimus Polynomials
- Ritva Hurri-Syrjänen and Antti V. Vähäkangas – Characterizations to the fractional Sobolev inequality
- L. A. Kalyakin, O. A. Sultanov and N. Tarkhanov – Elliptic perturbations of dynamical systems with a proper node
- Michael Kapovich – Krull dimensions of rings of holomorphic functions
- Samuel L. Krushkal – Complex geodesics and variational calculus for univalent functions
- Reiner Kühnau – Analytic reflection across analytic Jordan curves
- Gang Liu and Saminathan Ponnusamy – Compositions of polyharmonic mappings
- D. S. Lubinsky – On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities at Jacobi zeros and their Bessel function cousins
- Valentin Matache – Nonminimal cyclic invariant subspaces of hyperbolic composition operators
- Charles Mills and Min Ru – An improved defect relation for holomorphic curves in projective varieties
- Simeon Reich and Alexander J. Zaslavski – A porosity theorem for a class of nonexpansive set-valued mappings
- Hermann Render – The Khavinson-Shapiro conjecture for domains with a boundary consisting of algebraic hypersurfaces
- Yu. B. Zelinskii – Shadow Problem for the Tangent Bundle of Straight Lines on a Sphere