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Computer-Aided Verification ’90
About this Title
Robert P. Kurshan and Edmund E. Clarke, Editors
Publication: DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Publication Year:
1991; Volume 3
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-6594-1 (print); 978-1-4704-3961-3 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1112553
MSC: Primary 68-06
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- Temporal logic model checking: Two techniques for avoiding the state explosion problem
- Automatic verification of extensions of hardware descriptions
- Using partial-order semantics to avoid the state explosion problem in asynchronous systems
- A stubborn attack on state explosion
- PAPETRI: Environment for the analysis of PETRI nets
- Compositional minimization of finite state systems
- Verifying temporal properties of sequential machines without building their state diagrams
- Minimal model generation
- Verifying liveness properties by verifying safety properties
- Extension of the Karp and Miller procedure to LOTOS specifications
- Formal verification of digital circuits using symbolic ternary system models
- An algebra for delay-insensitive circuits
- Synthesizing processes and schedulers from temporal specifications
- Verification of multiprocessor cache protocol using simulation relations and higher-order logic
- Memory efficient algorithms for the verification of temporal properties
- Vectorized model checking for computation tree logic
- On some implementation of optimal simulations
- Task-driven supervisory control of discrete event systems
- Finiteness conditions and structural construction of automata for all process algebras
- A computation theory and implementation of sequential hardware equivalence
- Using partial orders to improve automatic verification methods
- A context dependent equivalence relation between Kripke structures
- The modular framework of computer-aided verification
- Tool support for the refinement calculus
- A unified approach to the deadlock detection problem in networks of communicating finite state machines
- A computer-aided verification tool for finite state controller systems
- Program verification by symbolic execution of hyperfinite ideal machines
- On automatically distinguishing inequivalent processes
- Auto/Autograph
- A data path verifier for register transfer level using temporal logic language Tokio
- Model checking and graph theory in sequential ATPG
- Compositional design and verification of communication protocols, using labelled PETRI nets
- Liveness analysis and the automatic generation of concurrent programs
- Branching time regular temporal logic for model checking with linear time complexity
- Issues arising in the analysis of L.0
- Automated RTL verification based on predicate calculus
- The algebraic feedback product of automata. A state machine based model of concurrent systems
- Results on the interface between formal verification and ATPG