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Pattern Formation and Lattice gas Automata
About this Title
Anna T. Lawniczak, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada and R Kapral, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
1996; Volume 6
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-0258-8 (print); 978-1-4704-2974-4 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1383847
MSC: Primary 82-02; Secondary 82-06
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- C Appert, V Pot and S Zaleski – Liquid-gas models on 2D and 3D lattices
- Bruce Boghosian and Washington Taylor – Renormalization of lattice gas transport coefficients
- I Bonzani, M Cimaschi and R Monaco – The discrete Boltzmann equation for gases with bimolecular or dissociation-recombination reactions
- E Cohen and F Wang – Diffusion and propagation in Lorentz lattice gases
- Silvia Dawson, B Hasslacher and J Pearson – Lattice gas simulations of replicating domains
- A DeMasi – Spinodal decomposition and interface dynamics for Glauber evolution with Kac potential
- K Diemer, Anna Lawniczak and R Kapral – Fluctuations and chemical waves in a bistable reacting system
- J Dufty and M Ernst – Lattice Boltzmann-Langevin equations
- M Ernst and H Bussemaker – Instabilities and patterns
- F Hayot and L Wagner – Vortex street and Lévy walks
- Michel Hénon – Lattice gases without semi-detailed balance
- Shuling Hou, James Sterling, Shiyi Chen and Gary Doolen – A lattice Boltzmann subgrid model for high Reynolds number flows
- N Margolus – CAM-8: A computer architecture based on cellular automata
- Errico Presutti – Critical fluctuations in a spin system
- Y Qian, Sauro Succi, F Massaiol and Steven Orszag – A benchmark for lattice BGK model: Flow over a backward-facing step
- R Rechtman and A Salcido – Lattice gas self diffusion in random porous media
- O Tribel and J Boon – Lévy laws for lattice gas automata
- Joerg Weimar and J Boon – New class of cellular automata for reaction-diffusion systems applied to the CIMA reaction
- X-G Wu and R Kapral – Lattice-gas cellular automaton model for one-mode lasers
- J Yepez – A lattice-gas with long-range interactions coupled to a heat bath
- Gary Doolen – Abstracts of lattice gas/lattice Boltzmann papers, 1992–1995