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Operator Algebras and Their Applications
About this Title
Peter A. Fillmore, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada and James A. Mingo, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
1997; Volume 13
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-0522-0 (print); 978-1-4704-2981-2 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1424952
MSC: Primary 46-06; Secondary 00B25, 46Lxx
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- William Arveson – Minimal $E_0$-semigroups
- Dietmar Bisch – Bimodules, higher relative commutants, and the fusion algebra associated to a subfactor
- David Blecher – On selfdual Hilbert modules
- Soren Eilers – Künneth splittings and classification of $C^*$-algebras with finitely many ideals
- George Elliott and Qing Lin – Cut-down method in the inductive limit decomposition of noncommutative tori. II: The degenerate case
- George Elliott, Guihua Gong, Xinhui Jiang and Hongbing Su – A classification of simple limits of dimension drop $C^*$-algebras
- Pierre Julg – Remarks on the Baum-Connes conjecture and Kazhdan’s property $T$
- Johannes Kellendonk – Integer groups of coinvariants associated to octagonal tilings
- Eberhard Kirchberg – On the existence of traces on exact stably projectionless simple $C^*$-algebras
- Akitaka Kishimoto and Alexander Kumjian – Crossed products of Cuntz algebras by quasi-free automorphisms
- Huaxin Lin – Almost commuting selfadjoint matrices and applications
- Huaxin Lin and Hiroyuki Osaka – Real rank of multiplier algebras of $C^*$lgebras of real rank zero
- N. Phillips – Approximate unitary equivalence of homomorphisms from odd Cuntz algebras
- Mikael Rordam – Classification of certain infinite simple $C^*$-algebras. III
- Shoichiro Sakai – KMS states and phase transitions. II
- Jonathan Samuel – Asymnptotic morphisms and $E$-theory
- Klaus Thomsen – Representing $K_1$ in the unitary group