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Operator Theory and Its Applications
About this Title
A. G. Ramm, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, P. N. Shivakumar, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada and A. V. Strauss, Ul’yanovsk Pedagogical University, Ul’yanovsk, Russia, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2000; Volume 25
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-1990-6 (print); 978-1-4704-3049-8 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1759975
MSC: Primary 47-06; Secondary 35-06, 47N20
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Abraham Strauss – Functional models of regular symmetric operators
- A. Ramm – Property C for ODE and applications to inverse problems
- Ya. Alber – Decomposition theorems in Banach spaces
- Ruben Airapetyan – On a new statement of inverse problem of quantum scattering theory
- Ruben Airapetyan, Alexander Ramm and Alexandra Smirnova – Continuous methods for solving nonlinear ill-posed problems
- D. Alpay and Y. Peretz – Quasi-coisometric realizations of upper triangular matrices
- J. Ball – Linear systems, operator model theory and scattering: Multivariable generalizations
- J. Ball and N. Young – Problems on the realization of functions
- Sergey Belyi and Eduard Tsekanovskii – Multiplication theorems for $J$-contractive operator-valued functions
- Yurij Berezansky – Spectral theory of commutative Jacobi fields: Direct and inverse problems
- Giovanni Crosta – The forward propagation method applied to the inverse obstacle problem of electromagnetics
- Jan Eisner and Milan Kučera – Spatial patterning in reaction-diffusion systems with nonstandard boundary conditions
- Anatolii Ětkin – On an abstract boundary value problem with the eigenvalue parameter in the boundary condition
- Fritz Gesztesy and Konstantin Makarov – Some applications of the spectral shift operator
- S. Gutman and A. Ramm – Application of the hybrid stochastic-deterministic minimization method to a surface data inverse scattering problem
- W. Jäger and P. Rejto – On a theorem of Mochizuki and Uchiyama about long range oscillating potentials I
- V. Khatskevich and V. Senderov – Basic properties of linear fractional mappings of operator balls: Schroeder’s equation
- Eugene Khruslov and Leonid Pankratov – Homogenization of the Dirichlet variational problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
- B. Loginov, D. Rakhimov and N. Sidorov – Development of M. K. Gavurin’s pseudoperturbation method
- Julián López-Gómez – A bridge between operator theory and mathematical biology
- Marjan Matvejchuk – Measures on effects and on projections in spaces with indefinite metric
- Toshitaka Nagai – Concentration behavior of solutions to a chemotaxis system
- R. Plato – The solution of linear semidefinite ill-posed problems by the conjugate residual method
- A. Ramm – Justification of the limiting absorption principle in $\mathbb R^2$
- A. Ramm – Krein’s method in inverse scattering
- Alexander Ramm and Marco Sammartino – Existence and uniqueness of the scattering solutions in the exterior of rough domains
- Shigui Ruan and John Clements – Existence and uniqueness of solutions of retarded quasilinear wave equations
- Efim Shifrin and Boštjan Brank – On solution of elliptical interface crack problem
- Alexander Shklyar – Some new effects for complete second order linear differential equations in Hilbert spaces
- Vladilen Trenogin – Abstract boundary value problems for operator equations
- A. Tsyganov – On spectral decompositions of a restriction of a differential operator
- N. Voitovich, Yu. Topolyuk and O. Reshnyak – Approximation of compactly supported functions with free phase by functions with bounded spectrum
- Anatoly Yagola and Konstantin Dorofeev – Sourcewise representation and a Posteriori error estimates for ill-posed problems
- Yoshio Yamada – Coexistence states for Lotka-Volterra systems with cross-diffusion
- Masaru Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Yoshida – Nonhomogeneous string problem with periodically moving boundaries