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Mathematical Physics in Mathematics and Physics: Quantum and Operator Algebraic Aspects
About this Title
Roberto Longo, University of Rome II, Rome, Italy, Editor
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2001; Volume 30
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-2814-4 (print); 978-1-4704-3054-2 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1867543
MSC: Primary 00B25; Secondary 00B30, 46-06, 81-06
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Hellmut Baumgärtel and Fernando Lledó – An application of the DR-duality theory for compact groups to endomorphism categories of C*-algebras with nontrivial center
- Jens Böckenhauer and David Evans – Modular invariants and subfactors
- H. Borchers and J. Yngvason – On the PCT-theorem in the theory of local observables
- Detlev Buchholz, Jens Mund and Stephen Summers – Transplantation of local nets and geometric modular action on Robertson-Walker space-times
- Sebastiano Carpi and Roberto Conti – Classification of subsystems, local symmetry generators and intrinsic definition of local observables
- A. Connes and D. Kreimer – From local perturbation theory to Hopf- and Lie-algebras of Feynman graphs
- Claudio D’Antoni and László Zsidó – The flat tube theorem for vector valued functions
- Gianfausto Dell’Antonio – Point interactions
- Michael Dütsch and Klaus Fredenhagen – Perturbative algebraic field theory, and deformation quantization
- Francesco Guerra – Sum rules for the free energy in the mean field spin glass model
- Daniele Guido and Tommaso Isola – Fractals in noncommutative geometry
- Rudolf Haag – What I woud like to understand
- Masaki Izumi – The Rohlin property for automorphisms of $C^*$-algebras
- Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Carlo Presilla and Cristina Toninelli – Environment induced localization and superselection rules in a gas of pyramidal molecules
- Daniel Kastler – Connes-Moscovici-Kreimer Hopf algebras
- Yoshikazu Katayama and Masamichi Takesaki – The structure of the automorhpism group of an approximately finite dimensional factor
- Yasuyuki Kawahigashi – Braiding and extensions of endomrophisms of subfactors
- N. Landsman – Bicategories of operator algebras and Poisson manifolds
- Roberto Longo – Notes for a quantum index theorem introduction
- Michael Müger – Conformal field theory and Doplicher-Roberts reconstruction
- Sorin Popa – On the distance between MASA’s in type II$_1$ factors
- Robert Powers – Recent results concerning E$_o$-semigroups of $\mathfrak {B}(\mathfrak {H})$
- K.-H. Rehren – Locality and modular invariance in 2D conformal QFT
- Shôichiró Sakai – Tensor products of Banach spaces and the Stone-Weierstrass problem of $C^*$-algebras
- Robert Schrader – Perron-Frobenius theory for positive maps on trace ideals
- Bert Schroer – Space- and time-like superselection rules in conformal quantum field theory
- Kornél Szlachányi – Finite quantum groupoids and inclusions of finite type
- Rainer Verch – On generalizations of the spectrum condition
- Feng Xu – Algebraic orbifold conformal field theories