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Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
About this Title
A. Galves, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, J. K. Hale, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA and C. Rocha, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2002; Volume 31
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-2860-1 (print); 978-1-4704-3055-9 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1903700
MSC: Primary 37-06; Secondary 00B30, 34-06, 35-06
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- J. Alves and J. Sousa Ramos – Total variations and semiconjugacy
- José Arrieta, Neus Cónsul and Aníbal Rodríguez-Bernal – Pattern formation from boundary reaction
- Boris Bardin and Stanislav Furta – Asymptotics of periodic travelling waves of an infinite beam on a nonlinear elastic support
- Luis Barreira and Beno^ Saussol – Variational principles for hyperbolic flows
- P. Collet – Extensive quantities for infinite systems
- Neus Cónsul and Sergio Oliva – Synchronization in herbivorous population models with diffusion and delays
- Paulo Cordaro – Approximate solutions in locally integrable structures
- Edson de Faria – Aspects of rigidity and universality in one-dimensional dynamics
- Teresa Faria and Wenzhang Huang – Stability of periodic solutions arising from Hopf bifurcation for a reaction-diffusion equation with time delay
- José Ferreira – On the stability and oscillatory behavior of a retarded functional equation
- Bernold Fiedler, Carlos Rocha, Domingo Salazar and Joan Solà-Morales – Dynamics of piecewise-autonomous bistable parabolic equations
- Giovanni Gallavotti – Intermittency and time arrow in statistical mechanics and turbulence
- Jack Hale and Geneviève Raugel – Galerkin methods and regularity
- Alain Jacquemard and Marco-Antonio Teixeira – A note on rigid decompositions of reversible mappings
- Luiz Ladeira, Selma Nicola and Plácido Táboas – Periodic solutions of an impulsive differential system with delay: An $L^p$ approach
- Bernhard Lani-Wayda – Representing Poincaré maps by return times
- Jaume Llibre, Jorge Sotomayor and Michail Zhitomirskii – Impasse bifurcations of constrained systems
- Luís de Loura – Multipole series and differential equations
- Nuno Martins and J. Sousa Ramos – Cuntz-Krieger algebras arising from linear mod one transformations
- F. Mercuri, P. Piccione and D. Tausk – Ordinary differential equations of Morse-Sturm type
- Waldyr Oliva – Morse-Smale semiflows, openness and $A$-stability
- Paolo Piccione and Daniel Tausk – Constrained Lagrangians and degenerate Hamiltonians on manifolds: An index theorem
- Ricardo Severino and J. Sousa Ramos – Symbolic dynamics in nonlinear boundary value problems
- Luis Silva and J. Sousa Ramos – A genealogy for kneading sequences of two-piecewise monotonous maps of the interval