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Valuation Theory and Its Applications, Volume II
About this Title
Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Salma Kuhlmann, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada and Murray Marshall, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Editors
Publication: Fields Institute Communications
Publication Year:
2003; Volume 33
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-3206-6 (print); 978-1-4704-3067-2 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR2005543
MSC: Primary 12-06
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Kamal Aghigh and Sudesh Khanduja – A note on tame fields
- Matthias Aschenbrenner – Some remarks about asymptotic couples
- H. Brungs, H. Marubayashi and E. Osmanagic – Prime segments for cones and rings
- Vincent Cossart and Guillermo Moreno-Socías – Irreducibility criterion: A geometric point of view
- Jan Denef and Hans Schoutens – On the decidability of the existential theory of ${\mathbb F_p}[[t]]$
- Wenfeng Gao, David Leep, Ján Mináč and Tara Smith – Galois groups over nonrigid fields
- Barry Green – Automorphisms of formal power series rings over a valuation ring
- Hagen Knaf – Regular curves over Prüfer domains
- Jochen Koenigsmann – Encoding valuations in absolute Galois groups
- Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann, Henri Lombardi and Hervé Perdry – Dynamic computations inside the algebraic closure of a valued field
- Gérard Leloup – Preorders, rings, lattice-ordered groups and formal power series
- Falko Lorenz and Peter Roquette – The theorem of Grunwald-Wang in the setting of valuation theory
- Ruth Michler – Invariants of singular plane curves
- Jack Ohm – $\mathcal V$-rational fields
- Hervé Perdry – A generalization of Hensel’s lemma
- Florian Pop – Classically projective groups and pseudo classically closed fields
- Patrick Popescu-Pampu – Approximate roots
- Thomas Scanlon – Quantifier elimination for the relative Frobenius
- Erwin Schörner – Ultrametric fixed point theorems and applications
- Bernard Teissier – Valuations, deformations, and toric geometry