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Deformation Quantization for Actions of KĂ€hlerian Lie Groups

About this Title

Pierre Bieliavsky, University of Louvain, Belgium and Victor Gayral, University of Reims, France

Publication: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Publication Year: 2015; Volume 236, Number 1115
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-1491-7 (print); 978-1-4704-2281-3 (online)
Published electronically: December 18, 2014
Keywords: Strict deformation quantization, Symmetric spaces, Representation theory of Lie groups, Deformation of $C^*$-algebras, Symplectic Lie groups, Coherent states, Noncommutative harmonic analysis, Noncommutative geometry
MSC: Primary 22E30, 46L87, 81R60, 58B34, 81R30, 53C35, 32M15, 53D55

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Table of Contents


  • 1. Introduction
  • Notations and conventions
  • 2. Oscillatory integrals
  • 3. Tempered pairs for KĂ€hlerian Lie groups
  • 4. Non-formal star-products
  • 5. Deformation of FrĂ©chet algebras
  • 6. Quantization of polarized symplectic symmetric spaces
  • 7. Quantization of KĂ€hlerian Lie groups
  • 8. Deformation of $C^*$-algebras


Let $\mathbb {B}$ be a Lie group admitting a left-invariant negatively curved KĂ€hlerian structure. Consider a strongly continuous action $\alpha$ of $\mathbb {B}$ on a FrĂ©chet algebra $\mathcal {A}$. Denote by $\mathcal {A}^\infty$ the associated FrĂ©chet algebra of smooth vectors for this action. In the Abelian case $\mathbb {B}=\mathbb {R}^{2n}$ and $\alpha$ isometric, Marc Rieffel proved that Weyl’s operator symbol composition formula (the so called Moyal product) yields a deformation through FrĂ©chet algebra structures $\{\star _{\theta }^\alpha \}_{\theta \in \mathbb {R}}$ on $\mathcal {A}^\infty$. When $\mathcal {A}$ is a $C^*$-algebra, every deformed FrĂ©chet algebra $(\mathcal {A}^\infty ,\star ^\alpha _\theta )$ admits a compatible pre-$C^*$-structure, hence yielding a deformation theory at the level of $C^*$-algebras too. In this memoir, we prove both analogous statements for general negatively curved KĂ€hlerian groups. The construction relies on the one hand on combining a non-Abelian version of oscillatory integral on tempered Lie groups with geom,etrical objects coming from invariant WKB-quantization of solvable symplectic symmetric spaces, and, on the second hand, in establishing a non-Abelian version of the CalderĂłn-Vaillancourt Theorem. In particular, we give an oscillating kernel formula for WKB-star products on symplectic symmetric spaces that fiber over an exponential Lie group.

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