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Local dynamics of non-invertible maps near normal surface singularities

About this Title

William Gignac and Matteo Ruggiero

Publication: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Publication Year: 2021; Volume 272, Number 1337
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-4958-2 (print); 978-1-4704-6753-1 (online)
Published electronically: October 5, 2021
Keywords: Local dynamics, non-invertible germs, superattracting germs, normal surface singularities, valuation spaces, b-divisors, algebraic stability, attraction rates, first dynamical degree

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Table of Contents


  • Introduction
  • 1. Normal surface singularities, resolutions, and intersection theory
  • 2. Normal surface singularities and their valuation spaces
  • 3. Log discrepancy, essential skeleta, and special singularities
  • 4. Dynamics on valuation spaces
  • 5. Dynamics of non-finite germs
  • 6. Dynamics of non-invertible finite germs
  • 7. Algebraic stability
  • 8. Attraction rates
  • 9. Examples and remarks
  • A. Cusp singularities


We study the problem of finding algebraically stable models for non-invertible holomorphic fixed point germs $f\colon (X,x_0)\to (X,x_0)$, where $X$ is a complex surface having $x_0$ as a normal singularity. We prove that as long as $x_0$ is not a cusp singularity of $X$, then it is possible to find arbitrarily high modifications $\pi \colon X_\pi \to (X,x_0)$ such that the dynamics of $f$ (or more precisely of $f^N$ for $N$ big enough) on $X_\pi$ is algebraically stable. This result is proved by understanding the dynamics induced by $f$ on a space of valuations associated to $X$; in fact, we are able to give a strong classification of all the possible dynamical behaviors of $f$ on this valuation space. We also deduce a precise description of the behavior of the sequence of attraction rates for the iterates of $f$. Finally, we prove that in this setting the first dynamical degree is always a quadratic integer.

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