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Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Part 2: Contributed Talks
About this Title
Eitan Tadmor, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Jian-Guo Liu, Duke University, Durham, NC and Athanasios Tzavaras, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, Editors
Publication: Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics
Publication Year:
2009; Volume 67.2
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-4730-5 (print); 978-0-8218-9283-1 (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/psapm/067.2
Table of Contents
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Part 2: Contributed talks
- Giovanni Alberti, Stefano Bianchini and Gianluca Crippa – Two-dimensional transport equation with Hamiltonian vector fields [MR 2605229]
- Amaury C. Alvarez, Gustavo Hime and Dan Marchesin – Analytic regularization of an inverse problem for a system of conservation laws [MR 2605230]
- Paolo Antonelli and Pierangelo Marcati – On the finite weak solutions to a system in quantum fluid dynamics [MR 2605231]
- Kondo C. Assi and Marc Laforest – Accuracy of modeling error estimates for discrete velocity models [MR 2605232]
- Arthur V. Azevedo, Aparecido J. de Souza, Frederico Furtado and Dan Marchesin – The Riemann solution for three-phase flow in a porous medium [MR 2605233]
- Jorge Balbás and Xin Qian – Non-oscillatory central schemes for 3D hyperbolic conservation laws [MR 2605234]
- Joachim Benz, Andreas Meister and Philipp Andrea Zardo – A conservative, positivity preserving scheme for advection-diffusion-reaction equations in biochemical applications [MR 2605235]
- Stefan Berres and Tatiana Voitovich – On the spectrum of a rank two modification of a diagonal matrix for linearized fluxes modelling polydisperse sedimentation [MR 2605236]
- Stefano Bianchini and Laura V. Spinolo – Invariant manifolds for viscous profiles of a class of mixed hyperbolic-parabolic systems [MR 2605237]
- Philipp Birken and Antony Jameson – Nonlinear iterative solvers for unsteady Navier-Stokes equations [MR 2605238]
- François Bouchut, Christian Klingenberg and Knut Waagan – An approximate Riemann solver for ideal MHD based on relaxation [MR 2605239]
- Raimund Bürger, Aníbal Coronel and Mauricio Sepúlveda – Numerical solution of an inverse problem for a scalar conservation law modelling sedimentation [MR 2605240]
- Raimund Bürger, Kenneth H. Karlsen and John D. Towers – A conservation law with discontinuous flux modelling traffic flow with abruptly changing road surface conditions [MR 2605241]
- Manuel J. Castro, Philippe G. LeFloch, María Luz Muñoz-Ruiz and Carlos Parés – Numerical investigation of finite difference schemes for nonconservative hyperbolic systems [MR 2605242]
- Fausto Cavalli, Giovanni Naldi, Gabriella Puppo and Matteo Semplice – Relaxed schemes for nonlinear evolutionary PDEs [MR 2605243]
- Gregory Chapiro, Gustavo Hime, Alexei A. Mailybaev, Dan Marchesin and Aparecido J. de Souza – Global asymptotic effects of the structure of combustion waves in porous media [MR 2605244]
- Bin Cheng – Multiscale dynamics of 2D rotational compressible Euler equations—an analytical approach [MR 2605245]
- Ivan Christov, Ilya D. Mishev and Bojan Popov – Finite volume methods on unstructured Voronoi meshes for hyperbolic conservation laws [MR 2605246]
- Rinaldo M. Colombo, Giancarlo Facchi, Giulio Maternini and Massimiliano D. Rosini – On the continuum modeling of crowds [MR 2605247]
- Rinaldo M. Colombo and Graziano Guerra – Balance laws as quasidifferential equations in metric spaces [MR 2605248]
- Olivier Delestre, Stéphane Cordier, François James and Frédéric Darboux – Simulation of rain-water overland-flow [MR 2605249]
- Carlotta Donadello – On the vanishing viscosity approximation in the vectorial case [MR 2605250]
- Volker Elling – Counterexamples to the sonic and detachment criteria [MR 2605251]
- Jörn Thies Frings and Sebastian Noelle – Well-balanced high order scheme for 2-layer shallow water flows [MR 2605252]
- Franz G. Fuchs, Andrew D. McMurry and Siddhartha Mishra – High-order finite volume schemes for wave propagation in stratified atmospheres [MR 2605253]
- José M. Gallardo, Manuel J. Castro and Carlos Parés – High-order finite volume schemes for shallow water equations with topography and dry areas [MR 2605254]
- Mauro Garavello and Benedetto Piccoli – Riemann solvers for conservation laws at a node [MR 2605255]
- Bernard Haasdonk and Mario Ohlberger – Reduced basis method for explicit finite volume approximations of nonlinear conservation laws [MR 2605256]
- Jenny Haink – Error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin scheme of a diffusive-dispersive equation with convolution [MR 2605257]
- Boris Haspot – Cauchy problem for capillarity Van der Vaals model [MR 2605258]
- Harumi Hattori – Viscous conservation laws with discontinuous initial data [MR 2605259]
- Gustavo Hime and Vítor Matos – Parallel computation of large amplitude shocks for a system of conservation laws with small data [MR 2605260]
- Helge Holden, Nils Henrik Risebro and Hilde Sande – Convergence of front tracking and the Glimm scheme for a model of the flow of immiscible gases [MR 2605261]
- Xianpeng Hu and Dehua Wang – Global existence and incompressible limit of weak solutions to the multi-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics [MR 2605262]
- Helge Kristian Jenssen and Irina A. Kogan – Construction of conservative systems [MR 2605263]
- Evan A. Johnson and James A. Rossmanith – Collisionless magnetic reconnection in a five-moment two-fluid electron-positron plasma [MR 2605264]
- Mouhamad Jradeh – Finite difference scheme for a nonlinear damped wave equation derived from brain modulation [MR 2605265]
- Kenneth H. Karlsen and Trygve K. Karper – Convergent finite element methods for compressible barotropic Stokes systems [MR 2605266]
- Smadar Karni and Gerardo Hernández-Dueñas – A hybrid scheme for flows in porous media [MR 2605267]
- Friedemann Kemm – Discrete involutions, resonance, and the divergence problem in MHD [MR 2605268]
- Jihwan Kim and Randall J. LeVeque – Two-layer shallow water system and its applications [MR 2605269]
- Wanderson J. Lambert and Dan Marchesin – Asymptotic rarefaction waves for balance laws with stiff sources [MR 2605270]
- Richard Liska, Raphaël Loubère, Pierre-Henri Maire, Jérôme Breil, Stéphane Galera and Pavel Váchal – Comparison of staggered and cell-centered Lagrangian and ALE hydrodynamical methods [MR 2605271]
- Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová and Eitan Tadmor – On the entropy stability of Roe-type finite volume methods [MR 2605272]
- Aziz Madrane and Eitan Tadmor – Entropy stability of Roe-type upwind finite volume methods on unstructured grids [MR 2605273]
- Fabien Marche and Christophe Berthon – A robust high order VFRoe scheme for shallow water equations [MR 2605274]
- Siddhartha Mishra and Eitan Tadmor – Vorticity preserving schemes using potential-based fluxes for the system wave equation [MR 2605275]
- Tohru Nakamura and Shinya Nishibata – Half space problem for the compressible Navier-Stokes equation [MR 2605276]
- Martin Nolte and Dietmar Kröner – Computing the effective Hamiltonian for a time-dependent Hamiltonian [MR 2605277]
- Ronghua Pan and Kun Zhao – Initial boundary value problems for compressible Euler equations with damping [MR 2605278]
- Marica Pelanti and François Bouchut – A relaxation method for modeling two-phase shallow granular flows [MR 2605279]
- Yue-Jun Peng and Jérémy Ruiz – Riemann problem for Born-Infeld systems [MR 2605280]
- Ellen Peterson, Michael Shearer, Thomas P. Witelski and Rachel Levy – Stability of traveling waves in thin liquid films driven by gravity and surfactant [MR 2605281]
- Mikhail V. Popov and Sergey D. Ustyugov – Piecewise parabolic method on a local stencil for hyperbolic conservation laws [MR 2605282]
- Xin Qian, Jorge Balbás, Amitava Bhattacharjee and Hongang Yang – A numerical study of magnetic reconnection: a central scheme for Hall MHD [MR 2605283]
- Mario Ricchiuto and Andreas Bollermann – Accuracy of stabilized residual distribution for shallow water flows including dry beds [MR 2605284]
- Olivier Rouch and Paul Arminjon – Using the entropy production rate to enhance artificial compression [MR 2605285]
- Olga Rozanova – Blow up of smooth solutions to the barotropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with finite mass and energy [MR 2605286]
- Giovanni Russo and Alexander Khe – High order well balanced schemes for systems of balance laws [MR 2605287]
- Vladimir M. Shelkovich – Transport of mass, momentum and energy in zero-pressure gas dynamics [MR 2605288]
- Wen Shen – On a model of granular flow [MR 2605289]
- Keh-Ming Shyue – A simple unified coordinates method for compressible homogeneous two-phase flows [MR 2605290]
- Dmitry L. Tkachev and Aleksander M. Blokhin – Courant-Friedrich’s hypothesis and stability of the weak shock [MR 2605291]
- Rony Touma – Unstaggered central schemes for MHD and SMHD [MR 2605292]
- Yoshihiro Ueda, Tohru Nakamura and Shuichi Kawashima – Stability of planar stationary wave for damped wave equation with nonlinear convection in half space [MR 2605293]
- Daniel Wright, Martin Frank and Axel Klar – The minimum entropy approximation to the radiative transfer equation [MR 2605294]