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Complex Geometry and Lie Theory
About this Title
James A. Carlson, Charles Herbert Clemens and David R. Morrison, Editors
Publication: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Publication Year:
1991; Volume 53
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-1492-5 (print); 978-0-8218-9351-7 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Enrico Arbarello and Corrado De Concini – Abelian varieties, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, and the heat equation [MR 1141196]
- Robert L. Bryant – Two exotic holonomies in dimension four, path geometries, and twistor theory [MR 1141197]
- Herbert Clemens – The quartic double solid revisited [MR 1141198]
- Robert Friedman – On threefolds with trivial canonical bundle [MR 1141199]
- H. Garland and G. J. Zuckerman – Representations of Heisenberg systems and vertex operators [MR 1141200]
- Phillip A. Griffiths – Some aspects of exterior differential systems [MR 1141201]
- Richard M. Hain – Algebraic cycles and extensions of variations of mixed Hodge structure [MR 1141202]
- E. Looijenga and M. Rapoport – Weights in the local cohomology of a Baily-Borel compactification [MR 1141203]
- C. A. M. Peters – Curvature for period domains [MR 1141204]
- Masa-Hiko Saitō and Steven Zucker – On the Torelli problem for fiber spaces [MR 1141205]
- Morihiko Saito – Hodge conjecture and mixed motives. I [MR 1141206]
- Rob Schrauwen, Joseph Steenbrink and Jan Stevens – Spectral pairs and the topology of curve singularities [MR 1141207]
- Carlos T. Simpson – The ubiquity of variations of Hodge structure [MR 1141208]