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Topological Recursion and its Influence in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology
About this Title
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, Columbia University, New York, NY and Motohico Mulase, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, Editors
Publication: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Publication Year:
2018; Volume 100
ISBNs: 978-1-4704-3541-7 (print); 978-1-4704-4992-6 (online)
Table of Contents
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Front/Back Matter
- Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Gaëtan Borot and Nicolas Orantin – Modular functors, cohomological field theories, and topological recursion
- Andrea Brini – On the Gopakumar–Ooguri–Vafa correspondence for Clifford–Klein 3-manifolds
- Lin Chen – Bouchard-Klemm-Marino-Pasquetti conjecture for $\mathbb {C}^3$
- Alessandro Chiodo and Jan Nagel – The hybrid Landau–Ginzburg models of Calabi–Yau complete intersections
- Paweł Ciosmak, Leszek Hadasz, Masahide Manabe and Piotr Sułkowski – Singular vector structure of quantum curves
- Norman Do and Maksim Karev – Towards the topological recursion for double Hurwitz numbers
- Olivia Dumitrescu and Motohico Mulase – Quantization of spectral curves for meromorphic Higgs bundles through topological recursion
- P. Dunin-Barkowski – Topological recursion and Givental’s formalism: Spectral curves for Gromov-Witten theories
- P. Dunin-Barkowski, P. Norbury, N. Orantin, A. Popolitov and S. Shadrin – Primary invariants of Hurwitz Frobenius manifolds
- João N. Esteves – Hopf algebras and topological recursion
- Bohan Fang and Zhengyu Zong – Graph sums in the remodeling conjecture
- Taro Kimura – Double quantization of Seiberg–Witten geometry and W-algebras
- Maxim Kontsevich and Yan Soibelman – Airy structures and symplectic geometry of topological recursion
- D. Korotkin – Periods of meromorphic quadratic differentials and Goldman bracket
- D. Lewanski – On ELSV-type formulae, Hurwitz numbers and topological recursion
- Xiaojun Liu, Motohico Mulase and Adam Sorkin – Quantum curves for simple Hurwitz numbers of an arbitrary base curve