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Exploring the Number Jungle: A Journey into Diophantine Analysis
About this Title
Edward B. Burger, Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Publication: The Student Mathematical Library
Publication Year
2000: Volume 8
ISBNs: 978-0-8218-2640-9 (print); 978-1-4704-2126-7 (online)
MathSciNet review: MR1774066
MSC: Primary 11-01; Secondary 11J99
Table of Contents
Front/Back Matter
- Opening thoughts: Welcome to the jungle
- Chapter 1. A bit of foreshadowing and some rational rationale
- Chapter 2. Building the rationals via Farey sequences
- Chapter 3. Discoveries of Dirichlet and Hurwitz
- Chapter 4. The theory of continued fractions
- Chapter 5. Enforcing the law of best approximates
- Chapter 6. Markoff’s spectrum and numbers
- Chapter 7. Badly approximable numbers and quadratics
- Chapter 8. Solving the alleged “Pell” equation
- Chapter 9. Liouville’s work on numbers algebraic and not
- Chapter 10. Roth’s stunning result and its consequences
- Chapter 11. Pythagorean triples through Diophantine geometry
- Chapter 12. A quick tour through elliptic curves
- Chapter 13. The geometry of numbers
- Chapter 14. Simultaneous diophantine approximation
- Chapter 15. Using geometry to sum some squares
- Chapter 16. Spinning around irrationally and uniformly
- Chapter 17. A whole new world of $p$-adic numbers
- Chapter 18. A glimpse into $p$-adic analysis
- Chapter 19. A new twist on Newton’s method
- Chapter 20. The power of acting locally while thinking globally
- Appendix 1. Selected big picture question commentaries
- Appendix 2. Hints and remarks
- Appendix 3. Further reading