Your donation builds the mathematics community: Thank You!

Three female students at poster session
Area of Greatest Need

Your donation helps achieve all aspects of the AMS mission.

Fully spendable, unrestricted funds let the AMS respond to high-priority needs as they emerge, such as government science policy and advocacy, scientific meetings and conferences, public awareness, and more.

Portrait of Ryan Hynd - Winner of 2022-2023 Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship
2020 Fund

Supports and promotes the work of Black mathematicians.

Established in 2020 to support the Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship and initiatives that address systemic inequities in the mathematical community.

Ryan Hynd - Winner of 2022-2023 Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship

Young students gathered around mathematical model
Epsilon Fund

Support immersive summer programs for mathematically talented youths.

The goal of the Epsilon Young Scholars Program is to aid and promote programs that support and nurture young, mathematically talented pre-college students in the U.S.

Portrait of Bianca Viray - Winner of 2022-2023 Birman Fellowship
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars

Assist top women scholars in getting essential research support.

Your gift to this endowed fund supports fellowships for exceptional female researchers in their mid-career years. Fellowship money can be used for course buy-outs, travel funds, research program support, and more.

Bianca Viray - Winner of 2022-2023 Birman Fellowship

Mathematicians gathered around a conference table
MathSciNet® for Developing Countries

Help lessen disparities in the global research environment.

Your gift goes fully to help cover the cost of MathSciNet access for institutions in developing nations. Students and faculty in over 40 countries keep abreast of current research via subscriptions to MathSciNet where otherwise they would have no access.

Students at conference looking at exhibit
The Next Generation Fund

Give doctoral students and early career mathematicians critical help.

The Next Generation Fund supports many individuals each year at modest but impactful levels. Its goal is to provide secure, dedicated support to influential career-building programs, such as AMS Travel Grants, Child Care Grants, and Graduate Student Chapters.