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Prizes & Awards

Your support of an AMS Prize or Award recognizes outstanding work that advances the mathematical sciences. Make a gift

What can you accomplish by giving to an AMS Prize or Award?

  • Provide important focus on specific research areas
  • Honor legacies of scholarship
  • Encourage excellence in mathematics
  • Keep the public standing of the profession high
Geordie Williamson  Yitang Zhang, Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory Morehouse College Mathematics Dept Ingrid Daubechies, Steele Prize Exposition 1994, Steele Prize Seminal Contribution 2007, Satter Prize 1997
From L to R, AMS Prize winners: Geordie Williamson (Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory), Yitang Zhang (Cole Prize in Number Theory), Barry Simon (Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement), Morehouse College Dept of Mathematics (Programs that Make a Difference Award), Ingrid Daubechies (Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research, Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition, Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize)

Gifts in any amount can be directed to an existing prize or award endowment, and provide an excellent way to honor a scholar or a particular area of study.

To endow a new prize, please contact Robin Marek or any member of the AMS Development Committee.

Photo credits: Mirzakhani photo courtesy Stanford; Zhang photo courtesy MacArthur Foundation; Simon photo by Bob Paz; photo courtesy Moorehouse Dept of Mathematics; Daubechies photo courtesy David von Becker