Who Wants to Be a Mathematician?

Help mathematically talented high school students compete on this game show for cash and prizes. Make a gift

AMS math game participants
AMS math game participants. Photo by Sandy Huffaker.

Mike Breen conducting a gameWho Wants to Be a Mathematician is a game in which high school students use their mathematics skills in a contest to answer mathematics questions. Over 10,000 students have competed since the inaugural game in 2001. Attracting many of the nation’s most mathematically talented students, the game features contestants who have also been finalists in the Intel Science and Engineering Fair, have won the Davidson Institute Scholarship and Discovery Channel Young Scientist Awards, and have been educated at MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and other top-flight institutions.

Your gift to Who Wants to Be a Mathematician? helps promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) studies to the public and showcases many of our best and brightest mathematics students.

Learn more about the game.

Host Mike Breen conducts a game