AMS Exhibits on Capitol Hill

The AMS sponsored an exhibit at the 21st annual Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) Exhibition & Reception on Capitol Hill held on April 29, 2015.  Katharine Gurski, Howard University, presented work on “Mathematical Algorithms for Space Weather, Tsunamis, and Plasma Physics.”  The Exhibition was attended by 275 people, including ten Members of Congress, to view 35 exhibits on research funded by the National Science Foundation.
The dynamics of space weather is modeled by the magnetohydrodynamics (MFD) equations that capture the interaction between magnetic fields and moving, conducting fluids.  The governing equations of MHD consist simply of Newton’s laws of motion and the Maxwell form of the laws of electrodynamics.  The goal of Gurski’s research group project is to develop numerical algorithms from applied mathematics to develop solvers for robust, highly accurate, adaptive ideal divergence-free MHD on multidimensional meshes, including geodesic meshes.  Partitioning algorithms will enable the numerical simulations to achieve high levels of parallelism.

The algorithms are extended to model multi-dimensional non-conservative hyperbolic systems (for example: shallow water equations including tsunamis, granular flow and plasma physics flows) using path conservation methods and Riemann solvers.  Better numerical algorithms based on mathematical insights will result in better simulation models for more accurate predictions.
Professor Gurski and the other exhibitors were able to present their work, funded by the National Science Foundation, to congressional representatives and explain the critical importance of increased, sustained federal investments in basic scientific research.

CNSF is an alliance of over 130 professional societies, universities and corporations  united by a concern for the future vitality of the national science, mathematics and engineering enterprise.  CNSF supports the goal of increasing the national investment in the National Science Foundation's research and education programs.

Previous AMS exhibits at CNSF Exhibitions include: