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Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS

Bertrand Russell

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The Bertrand Russell Prize honors research or service contributions of mathematicians or related professionals to promoting good in the world and recognizes the various ways that mathematics furthers human values.

Prize Details:
The current prize amount is \$5000, awarded every three years.

Next Prize: January 2021

Nomination Period: 1 March – 30 June, 2020

Nomination Procedure: Include a short description of the work that is the basis of the nomination, including complete bibliographic citations. A curriculum vitae should be included.

Most Recent Prize: 2018 – The inaugural Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS was awarded to Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montréal, in recognition of her many contributions furthering human values and the common good through mathematics.

About this Prize: The Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS was established in 2016 by Thomas Hales. The prize looks beyond the confines of the profession to research or service contributions of mathematicians or related professionals to promoting good in the world. It recognizes the various ways that mathematics furthers fundamental human values. Mathematical contributions that further world health, our understanding of climate change, digital privacy, or education in developing countries, are some examples of the type of work that might be considered for the prize.

See previous prizes