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Maximal properties of the normalized Cauchy transform
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by Alexei Poltoratski
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (2003), 1-17
Published electronically: August 27, 2002


We study the normalized Cauchy transform in the unit disk. Our goal is to find an analog of the classical theorem by M. Riesz for the case of arbitrary weights. Let $\mu$ be a positive finite measure on the unit circle of the complex plane and $f\in L^{1}(\mu )$. Denote by $K\mu$ and $Kf\mu$ the Cauchy integrals of the measures $\mu$ and $f\mu$, respectively. The normalized Cauchy transform is defined as $C_{\mu }: f\mapsto \frac {Kf\mu }{K\mu }$. We prove that $C_{\mu }$ is bounded as an operator in $L^{p}(\mu )$ for $1<p\leq 2$ but is unbounded (in general) for $p>2$. The associated maximal non-tangential operator is bounded for $1<p<2$ and has weak type $(2,2)$ but is unbounded for $p>2$.
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Bibliographic Information
  • Alexei Poltoratski
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathemathcs, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843
  • MR Author ID: 292108
  • Email:
  • Received by editor(s): June 12, 2000
  • Published electronically: August 27, 2002
  • Additional Notes: The author is supported in part by N.S.F. grant DMS 9970151
  • © Copyright 2002 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16 (2003), 1-17
  • MSC (2000): Primary 30E20
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 1937196