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St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal

This journal is a cover-to-cover translation into English of Algebra i Analiz, published six times a year by the mathematics section of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

ISSN 1547-7371 (online) ISSN 1061-0022 (print)

The 2020 MCQ for St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal is 0.68.

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Pairs of selfadjoint operators and their invariants
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by D. Alpay and I. Gohberg
St. Petersburg Math. J. 16 (2005), 59-104
Published electronically: December 14, 2004


A trace formula is proved for pairs of selfadjoint operators that are close to each other in a certain sense. An important role is played by a function analytic in the open upper half-plane and with positive imaginary part there. This function, called the characteristic function of the pair, coincides with Kreĭn’s $Q$-function in the case where the selfadjoint operators are canonical extensions of a common simple and closed Hermitian operator. Special emphasis is given to the finite-dimensional case. Relationships with Kreĭn’s spectral shift function are also considered. Finally, the case of canonical differential expressions is discussed briefly. In this case, the function ${N}$ may be chosen to be the Weyl function of the canonical differential expression.
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Bibliographic Information
  • D. Alpay
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
  • MR Author ID: 223612
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  • I. Gohberg
  • Affiliation: School of Mathematical Sciences, The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Ramat-Aviv 69989, Israel
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  • Received by editor(s): October 24, 2003
  • Published electronically: December 14, 2004
  • Additional Notes: The research of the second author was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (grant no. 322/00)

  • Dedicated: Dedicated to Mikhail Birman on the occasion of his 75th birthday, with admiration
  • © Copyright 2004 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: St. Petersburg Math. J. 16 (2005), 59-104
  • MSC (2000): Primary 34L25, 81U40, 47A56
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 2069002