Height estimate for special Weingarten surfaces of elliptic type in

By Filippo Morabito


In this article we provide a vertical height estimate for compact special Weingarten surfaces of elliptic type in , i.e. surfaces whose mean curvature and extrinsic Gauss curvature satisfy with for all The vertical height estimate generalizes a result by Rosenberg and Sa Earp and applies only to surfaces verifying a height estimate condition. When using also a horizontal height estimate, we show a non-existence result for properly embedded Weingarten surfaces of elliptic type in with finite topology and one end.

1. Introduction

In this work we will consider special Weingarten surfaces of elliptic type in Here or depending on the sign of the sectional curvature If and denote the mean curvature and the extrinsic Gauss curvature of a surface respectively, then is called a special Weingarten surface if the following identity holds:

with Furthermore if and then is said to be elliptic and is said to be a special Weingarten surface of elliptic type, henceforth called a SWET surface.

The study of Weingarten surfaces started with H. Hopf Reference 7, P. Hartman and W. Wintner Reference 8 and S. S. Chern Reference 3, who considered compact Weingarten surfaces in . H. Rosenberg and R. Sa Earp Reference 14 showed that compact special Weingarten surfaces in and satisfy an a priori height estimate, assuming also that satisfies a height estimate condition, and used this fact to prove that the annular ends of a properly embedded special Weingarten surface are cylindrically bounded. Moreover, if such an is non-compact and has finite topological type, then must have more than one end; if has two ends, then it must be a rotational surface; and if has three ends, it is contained in a slab. They followed the ideas of Meeks Reference 11 and Korevaar-Kusner-Solomon Reference 10 for non-zero constant mean curvature surfaces in . Recently, Aledo-Espinar-G├бlvez in Reference 2 obtained a geometric height estimate for SWET surfaces with in with no other hypothesis on

R. Sa Earp and E. Toubiana in Reference 16Reference 17Reference 18 studied rotational special Weingarten surfaces in and . In the case (constant mean curvature type), they determined necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of examples whose geometric behaviour is the same as the one of Delaunay surfaces in , i.e. unduloids (embedded) and nodoids (non-embedded), which have non-zero constant mean curvature. In the case (minimal type), they established the existence of examples whose geometric behaviour is the same as those of the catenoid of , which is the only rotational minimal surface in .

By arguments similar to those used by Sa Earp and Toubiana, the author and M. Rodriguez in Reference 12 determined necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of rotational SWET surfaces in and of minimal type ().

The reason we focus on SWET surfaces is that the ellipticity of ensures that the operator obtained by linearization of Equation 1 is elliptic in the sense of Hopf Reference 7 and solutions to Equation 1 satisfy an interior and a boundary maximum principle.

Furthermore we show that an estimate for the height (defined below), similar to one given in Reference 14, holds for SWET surfaces in product manifolds of dimension three under additional assumptions of .

Let be a connected orientable hypersurface immersed in The height function, denoted by of is defined as the restriction to of the projection

Theorem 1.1 (Height estimate).

Let be a compact SWET surface embedded in which is a graph over with Let If and then


Corollary 1.2 (Height estimate for cmc surfaces).

Let be a compact surface having constant mean curvature which is embedded in and a graph over such that Suppose that







The technique used in Reference 2 to prove a geometric height estimate for SWET surfaces in , does not apply to our setting.

Theorem 6.2 in Reference 6 provides a horizontal height estimate for compact surfaces with constant curvature or constant mean curvature in and boundary contained in a vertical plane. The case of surfaces in is not considered to be compact.

It is possible to prove a similar estimate for SWET surfaces.

Theorem 1.3 (Horizontal height estimate).

Let denote a vertical plane in Let be a compact SWET surface in with Assume that the elliptic function Then for every , the horizontal distance in of to is bounded by a constant which does not depend on .

The proof of Theorem 6.2 in Reference 6 applies verbatim to our setting, with a unique exception: the proof uses the maximum principle to compare to a surface that in our case has to be the sphere of constant mean curvature equal to

Combining Theorems 1.1 and 1.3 we are in order to prove the following non-existence result.

Theorem 1.4.

There are no properly embedded SWET surfaces in with finite topology, one end and whose elliptic function satisfies the hypotheses of Theorems 1.1, 1.3.

Such a theorem generalizes Theorem 7.2 of Reference 6, which applies to surfaces with constant mean curvature or constant curvature which are properly embedded in

2. Proof of Theorem 1.1

2.1. Preliminaries

Let be a oriented connected Riemannian -manifold and let be an isometric immersion of into an orientable Riemannian -manifold We choose a normal unit vector field along and define the shape operator associated with the second fundamental form of ; that is, for any

where is the Riemannian connection of

Let denote the eigenvalues of For let denote the -th symmetric function of and be the -th Newton transformation:

If denotes the -th mean curvature of then where

Let us consider a domain such that its closure is compact with smooth boundary.

Definition 2.1.

A variation of is a differentiable map where such that for each the map defined by is an immersion and for every (we recall that denotes the immersion of in ) and for and .

We set

where is the unit normal vector field along is called the variational vector field of Let be the shape operator of at the point and the -th symmetric function of the eigenvalues of

Definition 2.2.

Let We define

In Reference 5 M.F. Elbert proved that, for

where is defined as is the curvature tensor of and denotes the tangent part of

In the sequel we will consider the case where has a special structure: where is an -dimensional Riemannian manifold.

Definition 2.3.

Let be a connected orientable hypersurface immersed in The height function, denoted by of in is defined as the restriction to of the projection

The following result has been proved in Reference 4 by X. Cheng and H. Rosenberg.

Lemma 2.4.

Let be an immersed orientable hypersurface in (with or without boundary) and be its normal unit vector field. Then

for where denotes the height function of and

Lemma 2.5.

Let be an immersed hypesurface in Then we have


The proof uses the same argument as the proof of Lemma 4.2 in Reference 4, with the only difference being that in our case is not assumed to be constant on

Remark 2.6.

If either or we get respectively for the following formulae:

If the manifold has constant sectional curvature, then we are able to express all terms of given by Lemma 2.5 in terms of the curvatures .

We denote by the horizontal component of by the principal directions of and by the restriction of to the -dimensional space normal to

Lemma 2.7.

Let denote a hypersurface immersed in For the following holds:


Remark 2.8.

If either or we get respectively for the following formulae:

In the next section we will use the results presented here to show that the special Weingarten surfaces of elliptic type satisfy an interior and a boundary maximum principle and a height estimate under additional conditions.

2.2. Maximum principle for special Weingarten surfaces

Let be an oriented connected hypersurface immersed in and Let us suppose that the first and second mean curvatures of (see Definition 2.1) satisfy

The first variation of the left member of this identity at gives us

From Equation 3, the principal parts of and are respectively and

When the linearized operator of Equation 4 reduces to

As in Reference 14, page 294, we can prove the following lemma.

Lemma 2.9.

If the function is elliptic, that is, for all then the eigenvalues of the operator are positive. In other terms is elliptic.

Remark 2.10.

Lemma 2.9 says that is elliptic in the sense of Hopf and the solutions of this equation satisfy an interior and a boundary maximum principle (see Reference 7, pages 156-158).

Let be two oriented special Weingarten surfaces in satisfying Equation 1 for the same function , whose unit normal vectors coincide at a common point . For , we can write locally around as a graph of a function over a domain in (in exponential coordinates). We will say that is above in a neighbourhood of , and we will write if .

Proposition 2.11 (Maximum Principle Reference 7).

Let be two special Weingarten surfaces in with respect to the same elliptic function . Let us suppose that


and are tangent at an interior point or


there exists such that both and .

Also suppose that the unit normal vectors of coincide at . If in a neighbourhood of , then in . In the case have no boundary, .

To show the main theorem we need the following result.

Lemma 2.12.

If and verify for each then


It is sufficient to find the explicit expression of and to use the fact that it vanishes. It holds that

That is,


Now we give the proof of Theorem 1.1.


Let denote the maximum of on It is sufficient to give the proof assuming that is a graph on the slice where denotes the coordinate on Indeed by coming from infinity with horizontal slices and applying the Alexandrov reflection to we see that the part of above the plane is a graph over a domain in this plane. The estimate we are going to prove is when is a graph. We can assume on ; otherwise we apply the following argument to the part of above and to the part of below We orient the unit normal vector to so that We set On we have If we show that on from ellipticity of and the maximum principle we get that on that is, By Lemma 2.4, Remarks 2.6 and 2.8, and Lemma 2.12 we get

We replace by and by We get

Such a quantity can be written as

which is non-negative if

Suppose that


As we have

If we assume then We conclude that the best constant is


Now we give the proof of Corollary 1.2.


If that is, has constant mean curvature, we get the estimate

under the assumption

Remark 2.13.

If , then the estimate of Corollary 1.2 holds if We observe that As a consequence such an estimate is not sharp because the smallest value of the mean curvature of a compact surface in equals Optimal estimates have been derived in Reference 1. If and is a semisphere (in particular holds), we get the well known estimate

2.3. Proof of Theorem 1.4


Let us suppose by absurdity that is a properly embedded SWET surface with finite topology and one end with respect to a function which also satisfies the hypotheses of Theorems 1.1, 1.3.

Let us denote by a constant bigger than where is the bound for the horizontal height given by Theorem 1.3 and is the horizontal diameter of the sphere of constant mean curvature equal to .

Let denote a point in and a horizontal geodesic containing . Let be two points in such that Let be two vertical totally geodesic planes intersecting orthogonally with at respectively.

We now use the following variant of the Plane Separation Lemma proved in Reference 13. Its proof is exactly the same.

Lemma 2.14.

Let be a properly embedded SWET annulus in Suppose that Let and be two vertical totally geodesic planes. Assume that the distance between and is bigger than the horizontal diameter of the sphere of constant mean curvature Denote by and the components of such that . Then all the connected components of or are compact.

The distance between and equals ; then the previous lemma applies. Suppose that all of the connected components of are compact. By construction the plane is at distance to the point As being the bound for the horizontal distance, this would contradict Theorem 1.3. Then all the connected components of are compact. By Theorem 1.3 the points of are at a distance to which has to be smaller than

If we use the same argument after replacing by every other horizontal geodesic line passing by , we can prove that is located at finite distance to In other words, is contained in a vertical cylinder.

As by hypothesis has exactly one end, we can assume that is contained in the halfspace and is tangent to

For we consider the reflection in of the compact piece of contained in We will show that is a vertical graph on for any We denote by the reflection of in We observe that does not have common tangent points with . Otherwise by the Maximum Principle, Proposition 2.11, we could conclude that is compact. For the same reason and are not orthogonal to for any This proves that is a graph.

Now we can choose with big enough so that the height of the compact graph (having boundary on the plane ) is arbitrarily big. This contradicts Theorem 1.1.



The author wishes to express his gratitude to the referee for valuable suggestions.

Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1)
Theorem 1.1 (Height estimate).

Let be a compact SWET surface embedded in which is a graph over with Let If and then


Corollary 1.2 (Height estimate for cmc surfaces).

Let be a compact surface having constant mean curvature which is embedded in and a graph over such that Suppose that







Theorem 1.3 (Horizontal height estimate).

Let denote a vertical plane in Let be a compact SWET surface in with Assume that the elliptic function Then for every , the horizontal distance in of to is bounded by a constant which does not depend on .

Theorem 1.4.

There are no properly embedded SWET surfaces in with finite topology, one end and whose elliptic function satisfies the hypotheses of Theorems 1.1, 1.3.

Definition 2.1.

A variation of is a differentiable map where such that for each the map defined by is an immersion and for every (we recall that denotes the immersion of in ) and for and .

Equation (3)
Lemma 2.4.

Let be an immersed orientable hypersurface in (with or without boundary) and be its normal unit vector field. Then

for where denotes the height function of and

Lemma 2.5.

Let be an immersed hypesurface in Then we have

Remark 2.6.

If either or we get respectively for the following formulae:

Remark 2.8.

If either or we get respectively for the following formulae:

Equation (4)
Lemma 2.9.

If the function is elliptic, that is, for all then the eigenvalues of the operator are positive. In other terms is elliptic.

Proposition 2.11 (Maximum Principle Reference 7).

Let be two special Weingarten surfaces in with respect to the same elliptic function . Let us suppose that


and are tangent at an interior point or


there exists such that both and .

Also suppose that the unit normal vectors of coincide at . If in a neighbourhood of , then in . In the case have no boundary, .

Lemma 2.12.

If and verify for each then


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 53A10 (Minimal surfaces, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature)
  • Special Weingarten surfaces
  • ellipticity
  • height estimate
Author Information
Filippo Morabito
Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Cheongnyangni 2-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 130-722, South Korea
Address at time of publication: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute Science Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701, South Korea
Communicated by
Michael Wolf
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 2, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00005-5
  • MathSciNet Review: 3148816
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3148816}{article}{ author={Morabito, Filippo}, title={Height estimate for special Weingarten surfaces of elliptic type in ${\mathbb M}^2(c) \times\mathbb{R}$}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={1}, number={2}, date={2014}, pages={14-22}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3148816}, doi={10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00005-5}, }


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