Quasi-morphisms on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the -disk via braid groups

By Tomohiko Ishida


Recently Gambaudo and Ghys proved that there exist infinitely many quasi-morphisms on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the -disk . For the proof, they constructed a homomorphism from the space of quasi-morphisms on the braid group to the space of quasi-morphisms on . In this paper, we study this homomorphism and prove its injectivity.

1. Introduction

For a group , a function is called a quasi-morphism if the real valued function on defined by

is bounded. The real number

is called the defect of . We denote the -vector space of quasi-morphisms on the group by . By definition, bounded functions on groups are quasi-morphisms. Hence we denote the set of bounded functions on the group by and consider the quotient space . A quasi-morphism is said to be homogeneous if the equation

holds for any and . For any quasi-morphism , a homogeneous quasi-morphism is defined by setting

The limit always exists for each element of . The new function is in fact a quasi-morphism equal to the original quasi-morphism as an element of . Thus we can identify the vector space of homogeneous quasi-morphisms on the group with . Homogeneous quasi-morphisms are invariant under conjugation. Therefore we are interested in rather than .

Let be the group of area-preserving -diffeomorphisms of the -disk , which are the identity on a neighborhood of the boundary. On the vector space , the following theorem is known.

Theorem 1.1 (Entov-Polterovich Reference 3, Gambaudo-Ghys Reference 5).

The vector space is infinite dimensional.

To prove Theorem 1.1, Entov and Polterovich explicitly constructed uncountably many quasi-morphisms on , which are linearly independent. After that Gambaudo and Ghys constructed countably many quasi-morphisms on using a different idea, which is to consider the suspension of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the disk and average the value of the signature of the braids appearing in the suspension. By generalizing their strategy Brandenbursky Reference 1 defined the homomorphism

which we review in Section 2. Here, denotes the pure braid group on -strands.

Let be the braid group on -strands. The natural inclusion induces the homomorphism . In this paper, we study the homomorphism and prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1.2.

The composition

is injective.

2. Gambaudo and Ghys’ construction and proof of the main theorem

In this section, we review Gambaudo and Ghys’ construction Reference 5 of quasi-morphisms on the group in a generalized form and prove Theorem 1.2.

Let be the configuration space of ordered -tuples in the -disk and its base point. For any and for almost all , we define the pure braid as the following. First we set the loop by

where is a Hamiltonian isotopy such that is the identity and . We define the pure braid to be the braid represented by the loop . For almost every , the braid is well-defined. Furthermore, the braid is independent of the choice of the flow . This is because of the fact that the group is contractible, which is easily proved from the contractibility of the diffeomorphism group of Reference 8 and the homotopy equivalence between and Reference 7. For a quasi-morphism on the pure braid group on -strands, we define the function by

For any and the function is integrable and thus the map is well-defined Reference 2. The obtained function is also a quasi-morphism, and the map is clearly -linear. Moreover, it is easily checked that any bounded function on is mapped to a bounded function on , and thus the homomorphism

induces the homomorphism .

Remark 2.1.

We see that the homomorphism maps the classical linking number homomorphism on the braid group to a homomorphism on . In fact, the image of by the homomorphism coincides with a constant multiple of the classical Calabi homomorphism on Reference 4, and in this sense quasi-morphisms obtained in this way can be considered as generalizations of the Calabi homomorphism. By an argument of Brandenbursky which verifies that the homomorphism is well-defined, it is observed that quasi-morphisms obtained by the homomorphism can be defined on the group of area-preserving -diffeomorphisms of , as well as the Calabi homomorphism.

Now we are ready to prove Theorem 1.2.

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

Let us suppose that a homogeneous quasi-morphism is non-trivial. Then there exists a braid such that . We may assume that is pure. It is sufficient to prove that the homogeneous quasi-morphism is also non-trivial. That is, there exists an area-preserving diffeomorphism such that

Let be the pure braid which twists only the -th and the -th strands for (see Figure 1).

Since the braid is pure, it can be written as a composition of ’s and their inverses. We take disjoint subsets of . Furthermore, for a pair of , we take subsets and of such that , if and are diffeomorphic to . Let be a path in such that the support of is contained in the interior of and rotates once. Taking paths constructed above for all the ’s which present and composing them, we have a path in with which twists the ’s in the form of the pure braid . If we set , then is the identity on the ’s and for . Then by setting , we have

If we denote the first term of the equation by and set and , then is written as

where for in the case when each is in . The real numbers have the following properties:


For two maps , if for each , then .


If a map is bijective, then is non-zero.

Property (i) follows from the invariance of under conjugation, and property (ii) follows because is non-zero. Therefore, the coefficient of in is non-zero. Since the polynomial is not identically , we can choose the ’s such that is non-zero.

Note that if we replace the ’s by bigger ones, by fixing the ratio of any two of them the term stays non-zero. On the other hand, the value is bounded because of the construction of , and we thus have

This completes the proof.

As we noted in Remark 2.1, the homomorphism maps any homomorphism on to a homomorphism on . Hence the homomorphism

is also induced. By an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 1.2, the following proposition holds.

Proposition 2.2.

The map

induced by the composition is injective.

The homomorphism can also be defined for the -sphere instead of as Gambaudo and Ghys mentioned in their paper. Let be the identity component of the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of . Then we can choose a pure braid for any and for almost every as in the case of the -disk. Since the group is homotopy equivalent to Reference 7, Reference 8 and its fundamental group has order , for any element of there exist two homotopy classes of paths connecting the identity and in . However, for any homogeneous quasi-morphism on , the value is independent of the choice of the path. In fact, the braid obtained from a path which represents the generator of has order and is in the center of . Hence the homomorphism is defined. Since the braid group of the -sphere on -strands can be considered as a quotient group of the braid group , by an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 1.2, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.3.

The composition

is injective.

The homomorphism in the statement of Theorem 2.3 is the one induced from the inclusion .

3. Kernel of the homomorphism

The homomorphism itself is not injective although Theorem 1.2 holds. In this section we study the kernel of the homomorphism .

Let be a group and its finite index subgroup. We denote by the image of an element by the natural projection . For each left coset of modulo , we fix an element such that and for any define the function by

Since is in , the function is well-defined on .

Lemma 3.1.

For any quasi-morphism on , the function is also a quasi-morphism.


Since the equality

holds, we have the inequality

Hence the function is also a quasi-morphism.

The map is clearly -linear and induces a homomorphism . Furthermore, the following proposition holds.

Proposition 3.2.

The homomorphism is independent of the choice of ’s.


Suppose that is a homogeneous quasi-morphism on . If an element is in , then for each . For any there exists an integer such that is in and we have

Since is invariant under conjugations in , the value depends only on .

Let be the homomorphism induced by the inclusion . As a corollary to equality (Equation 3.1), we have the following.

Corollary 3.3.

The composition is the identity on . Furthermore, we have the decomposition

as vector spaces.

Remark 3.4.

Of course, the homomorphism can be defined using the right coset instead of by

By an argument similar to the proof of Lemma 3.1 and Proposition 3.2, it is verified that this alternative definition is also well-defined and induces the same homomorphism .

Remark 3.5.

The homomorphism is just a straightforward generalization of the transfer map, and it is also introduced in Reference 6 and Reference 9.

Since the pure braid groups and are finite index subgroups of the braid groups and , respectively, the homomorphisms

can be defined and Corollary 3.3 is true for and , respectively.

The following proposition is the main result of this section.

Proposition 3.6.

The composition

coincides with . In particular, and .


Let be the symmetric group of symbols. By equality (Equation 3.1), for any homogeneous quasi-morphism and any area-preserving diffeomorphism ,

For any and almost all , we set the path by

Considering the path as a loop in the quotient space , we define the braid to be the braid represented by the loop . Then by definition,

where the symmetric group acts on by the permutation

Since the homomorphism is defined independently of the choice of braids ’s, we may choose to be . Hence we have

Since the function is bounded on , we have

Therefore, by equality (Equation 3.2),

and thus we have .

Then obviously and hold. If , then

and hence by Theorem 1.2. Thus we have .

Remark 3.7.

Proposition 3.6 also holds for and instead of and , respectively.


This work is the main part of the author’s doctoral thesis at the University of Tokyo, under the supervision of Professor Takashi Tsuboi. The author wishes to thank him for much helpful advice. The author also thanks Professors Étienne Ghys and Shigeyuki Morita for their warm encouragement and Professor Shigenori Matsumoto for valuable suggestions. The author is very grateful to the referee for a careful reading and for pointing out errors in the manuscript. The author was supported by JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (231352).


Figure 1.

Pure braid

\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{picture}( 27.3000, 14.3500)( 8.7000,-34.0000) \unitlength0.1in \special{pn 20}\special{pa 3000 3200}\special{pa 3000 3400}\special{fp}\special{pa 3000 2400}\special{pa 3000 2200}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 1600 3400}\special{pa 1600 2900}\special{fp}\special{pa 1600 2820}\special{pa 1600 2200}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 1800 3400}\special{pa 1800 2200}\special{fp}\special{pa 2800 3400}\special{pa 2800 2200}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 1828 2710}\special{pa 1912 2700}\special{pa 2042 2684}\special{pa 2086 2680}\special{pa 2214 2664}\special{pa 2298 2654}\special{pa 2340 2650}\special{pa 2380 2644}\special{pa 2418 2640}\special{pa 2456 2634}\special{pa 2528 2624}\special{pa 2562 2620}\special{pa 2596 2614}\special{pa 2626 2610}\special{pa 2656 2604}\special{pa 2686 2600}\special{pa 2712 2594}\special{pa 2738 2590}\special{pa 2762 2584}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 3000 3200}\special{pa 3000 3150}\special{pa 2996 3134}\special{pa 2994 3130}\special{pa 2994 3124}\special{pa 2992 3120}\special{pa 2986 3110}\special{pa 2978 3100}\special{pa 2962 3084}\special{pa 2954 3080}\special{pa 2946 3074}\special{pa 2938 3070}\special{pa 2928 3064}\special{pa 2916 3060}\special{pa 2904 3054}\special{pa 2876 3044}\special{pa 2860 3040}\special{pa 2844 3034}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 2762 3014}\special{pa 2738 3010}\special{pa 2712 3004}\special{pa 2686 3000}\special{pa 2656 2994}\special{pa 2626 2990}\special{pa 2596 2984}\special{pa 2562 2980}\special{pa 2528 2974}\special{pa 2456 2964}\special{pa 2418 2960}\special{pa 2380 2954}\special{pa 2340 2950}\special{pa 2298 2944}\special{pa 2214 2934}\special{pa 2086 2920}\special{pa 2042 2914}\special{pa 1912 2900}\special{pa 1870 2894}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 1766 2880}\special{pa 1726 2874}\special{pa 1688 2870}\special{pa 1652 2864}\special{pa 1616 2860}\special{pa 1584 2854}\special{pa 1554 2850}\special{pa 1526 2844}\special{pa 1500 2840}\special{pa 1478 2834}\special{pa 1458 2830}\special{pa 1440 2824}\special{pa 1426 2820}\special{pa 1406 2810}\special{pa 1402 2804}\special{pa 1400 2800}\special{pa 1402 2794}\special{pa 1406 2790}\special{pa 1414 2784}\special{pa 1426 2780}\special{pa 1440 2774}\special{pa 1458 2770}\special{pa 1478 2764}\special{pa 1500 2760}\special{pa 1526 2754}\special{pa 1554 2750}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 1640 2734}\special{pa 1674 2730}\special{pa 1710 2724}\special{pa 1748 2720}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 2844 2564}\special{pa 2860 2560}\special{pa 2876 2554}\special{pa 2904 2544}\special{pa 2916 2540}\special{pa 2928 2534}\special{pa 2938 2530}\special{pa 2946 2524}\special{pa 2954 2520}\special{pa 2962 2514}\special{pa 2968 2510}\special{pa 2978 2500}\special{pa 2986 2490}\special{pa 2992 2480}\special{pa 2994 2474}\special{pa 2994 2470}\special{pa 2996 2464}\special{pa 3000 2450}\special{pa 3000 2400}\special{fp}\put(21.2500,-28.0000){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$\dots$}}\put(10.0500,-28.0000){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$\dots$}}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 900 2200}\special{pa 900 3400}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 1300 2200}\special{pa 1300 3400}\special{fp}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 3200 2200}\special{pa 3200 3400}\special{fp}\put(32.9500,-27.9500){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$\dots$}}\special{pn 20}\special{pa 3600 2200}\special{pa 3600 3400}\special{fp}\put(15.9000,-21.4500){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$i$}}\put(29.7500,-21.5500){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$j$}}\put(8.7000,-21.4500){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$1$}}\put(35.8000,-21.5000){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{$n$}}\end{picture}

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem 1.1 (Entov-Polterovich Reference 3, Gambaudo-Ghys Reference 5).

The vector space is infinite dimensional.

Theorem 1.2.

The composition

is injective.

Remark 2.1.

We see that the homomorphism maps the classical linking number homomorphism on the braid group to a homomorphism on . In fact, the image of by the homomorphism coincides with a constant multiple of the classical Calabi homomorphism on Reference 4, and in this sense quasi-morphisms obtained in this way can be considered as generalizations of the Calabi homomorphism. By an argument of Brandenbursky which verifies that the homomorphism is well-defined, it is observed that quasi-morphisms obtained by the homomorphism can be defined on the group of area-preserving -diffeomorphisms of , as well as the Calabi homomorphism.

Theorem 2.3.

The composition

is injective.

Lemma 3.1.

For any quasi-morphism on , the function is also a quasi-morphism.

Proposition 3.2.

The homomorphism is independent of the choice of ’s.

Equation (3.1)
Corollary 3.3.

The composition is the identity on . Furthermore, we have the decomposition

as vector spaces.

Proposition 3.6.

The composition

coincides with . In particular, and .

Equation (3.2)


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Article Information

MSC 2010
Primary: 37C15 (Topological and differentiable equivalence, conjugacy, invariants, moduli, classification)
Secondary: 37E30 (Homeomorphisms and diffeomorphisms of planes and surfaces)
  • Area-preserving diffeomorphisms
  • symplectomorphisms
  • quasi-morphisms
  • pseudo-characters
Author Information
Tomohiko Ishida
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8914, Japan
Address at time of publication: Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
ishidat@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp, ishidat@math.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Communicated by
Michael Wolf
Journal Information
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, Volume 1, Issue 5, ISSN 2330-1511, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , , , , , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014 by the author under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License (CC BY NC 3.0)
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00002-X
  • MathSciNet Review: 3181631
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{3181631}{article}{ author={Ishida, Tomohiko}, title={Quasi-morphisms on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the $2$-disk via braid groups}, journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B}, volume={1}, number={5}, date={2014}, pages={43-51}, issn={2330-1511}, review={3181631}, doi={10.1090/S2330-1511-2014-00002-X}, }


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