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Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

The Bulletin publishes expository articles on contemporary mathematical research, written in a way that gives insight to mathematicians who may not be experts in the particular topic. The Bulletin also publishes reviews of selected books in mathematics and short articles in the Mathematical Perspectives section, both by invitation only.

ISSN 1088-9485 (online) ISSN 0273-0979 (print)

The 2020 MCQ for Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society is 0.84.

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Book Review

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MathSciNet review: 1567359
Full text of review: PDF   This review is available free of charge.
Book Information:

Author: Larry L. Schumaker
Title: Spline functions: Basic theory
Additional book information: Wiley, New York, 1981, xiv + 553 pp., $42.50.

References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)

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  • Carl de Boor, Bicubic spline interpolation, J. Math. and Phys. 41 (1962), 212–218. MR 158512
  • Carl de Boor, On local linear functionals which vanish at all $B$-splines but one, Theory of approximation, with applications (Proc. Conf., Univ. Calgary, Calgary, Alta., 1975; dedicated to the memory of Eckard Schmidt), Academic Press, New York, 1976, pp. 120–145. MR 0417628
  • Carl de Boor, A practical guide to splines, Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 27, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1978. MR 507062
  • Paul L. Butzer and Hubert Berens, Semi-groups of operators and approximation, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 145, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, 1967. MR 0230022
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  • Michael Golomb and Hans F. Weinberger, Optimal approximation and error bounds, On numerical approximation. Proceedings of a Symposium, Madison, April 21-23, 1958, Publication of the Mathematics Research Center, U.S. Army, the University of Wisconsin, no. 1, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wis., 1959, pp. 117–190. Edited by R. E. Langer. MR 0121970
  • Thomas N. E. Greville, The general theory of osculatory interpolation, Trans. Actuar. Soc. America 45 (1944), 202–265. MR 12917
  • T. N. E. Greville, Introduction to spline functions, Theory and Applications of Spline Functions (Proceedings of Seminar, Math. Research Center, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1968) Academic Press, New York, 1969, pp. 1–35. MR 0240521
  • John C. Holladay, A smoothest curve approximation, Math. Tables Aids Comput. 11 (1957), 233–243. MR 93894, DOI 10.1090/S0025-5718-1957-0093894-6
  • Joseph W. Jerome, On the ${\cal L}_{2}\,n$-width of certain classes of functions of several variables, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 20 (1967), 110–123. MR 216225, DOI 10.1016/0022-247X(67)90111-4
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  • Samuel Karlin and William J. Studden, Tchebycheff systems: With applications in analysis and statistics, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. XV, Interscience Publishers John Wiley & Sons, New York-London-Sydney, 1966. MR 0204922
  • B. S. Kašin, The widths of certain finite-dimensional sets and classes of smooth functions, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 41 (1977), no. 2, 334–351, 478 (Russian). MR 0481792
  • Donald E. Knuth, Mathematical typography, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 1 (1979), no. 2, 337–372. MR 520078, DOI 10.1090/S0273-0979-1979-14598-1
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  • Günter Meinardus, Approximation of functions: Theory and numerical methods, Expanded translation of the German edition, Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy, Vol. 13, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, 1967. Translated by Larry L. Schumaker. MR 0217482
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  • Arthur Sard, Linear approximation, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1963. MR 0158203
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  • 41.
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  • Martin H. Schultz, Spline analysis, Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1973. MR 0362832
  • Gilbert Strang and George J. Fix, An analysis of the finite element method, Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1973. MR 0443377
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  • Richard S. Varga, Matrix iterative analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962. MR 0158502

  • Review Information:

    Reviewer: Joseph W. Jerome
    Journal: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 (1982), 238-247