MOSCOW MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume 12 (2012), Number 1

M. Borovoi and T. Schlank. A Cohomological Obstruction to Weak Approximation for Homogeneous Spaces [PDF] [Abstract]

A. Buryak. The Classes of the Quasihomogeneous Hilbert Schemes of Points on the Plane [PDF] [Abstract]

F. Colombo, M. Luna-Elizarrarás, I. Sabadini, M. Shapiro, and D. Struppa. A Quaternionic Treatment of the Inhomogeneous div-rot System [PDF] [Abstract]

W. Ebeling and S. Gusein-Zade. Orbifold Euler Characteristics for Dual Invertible Polynomials [PDF] [Abstract]

A. Esterov. Tropical Varieties with Polynomial Weights and Corner Loci of Piecewise Polynomials [PDF] [Abstract]

C. Lambert and C. Rousseau. Complete System of Analytic Invariants for Unfolded Differential Linear Systems with an Irregular Singularity of Poincaré Rank 1 [PDF] [Abstract]

V. Malyshev. Fixed Points for One-Dimensional Particle System with Strong Interaction [PDF] [Abstract]

T. Panov and Yu. Ustinovsky. Complex-Analytic Structures on Moment-Angle Manifolds [PDF] [Abstract]

A. Penskoi. Extremal Spectral Properties of Lawson Tau-Surfaces and the Lamé Equation [PDF] [Abstract]

A. Vershik. Totally Nonfree Actions and the Infinite Symmetric Group [PDF] [Abstract]

Abstracts (in Russian) All issues

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American Mathematical Society
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Independent University of Moscow

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