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Class InputPanel

Class InputPanel


public class InputPanel
extends Panel
A class which contains displays and controls related either to the input of axis distances and traces of generators or to the combinatorial decomposition of the trace plane.

Jonathan A. Poritz

Variable Index

 o calcmaxpow
The maxpow calculated for a Ford domain with the current trace -- not necessarily valid for a Dirichlet domain with the same trace, but used nonetheless.
 o constraints
A constraint object for the GrigBag laying out of panels.
 o currdomaincomb
The domain combinatorics for the currently selected domain type, trace and axis distance.
 o currdomaincomblabel
A label which shows the combinatorics of the fundamental domain corresponding to the currently selected trace.
A prefix string for the current domain combinatorics label.
 o decomposeprogress
A label which provides a running progress estimate during the computation of the trace place decomposition.
 o dist
The currently selected axis distance.
 o distlinegroup
A panel containing controls and displays related to the axis distance.
 o distlinepanel
A panel for the graphical display/entry of the axis distance input.
 o distreset
Clicking this button resets to default the portion of the axis distance line which is visible.
 o distvaluelabel
A Label for the axis distance IO field.
 o distvaluetext
The axis distance IO field.
 o distzoomin
Clicking this button zooms in by a factor of two on the axis distance display.
 o distzoomout
Clicking this button zooms out by a factor of two on the axis distance display.
 o distzooms
A container for the zoom in and out buttons on the axis distance display.
 o gridbag
An object for laying out panels with the GrigBag layout manager.
 o insets
An insets object for the GridBag laying out of panels.
 o outputpanel
A reference to the applet's outputpanel.
 o trace
The currently selected trace.
 o tracebuttongroup
A panel that contains the trace plane zoom in, zoom out, reset and decompose buttons.
 o tracedecompose
Clicking this button gives a complete decomposition by the combinatorial type of the corresponding fundamental domain of the visible portion of the trace plane.
 o traceplanegroup
A panel containing controls and displays related to the trace plain and the currently selected trace and its corresponding domain combinatorics.
 o traceplanelabel
A label declaring the portion of the trace plane which is currently visible.
 o traceplanepanel
A panel for the graphical display/entry of the trace.
 o tracereset
Clicking this button resets to default the portion of the trace plane which is visible.
 o tracevaluelabel
A label for the trace IO field.
 o tracevaluepanel
A panel with a label and field for IO of the current trace.
 o tracevaluetext
The trace IO field.
 o tracezoomin
Clicking this button zooms in by a factor of two on the trace plane display.
 o tracezoomout
Clicking this button zooms out by a factor of two on the trace plane display.
 o z11
The (1,1) entry of the element cannonically associated with the current trace.

Constructor Index

 o InputPanel(OutputPanel)
Constructor for InputPanels.

Method Index

 o update()
Recomputes and redraws both the input and output panels.


 o distlinegroup
 Panel distlinegroup
A panel containing controls and displays related to the axis distance.

 o distreset
 Button distreset
Clicking this button resets to default the portion of the axis distance line which is visible.

 o distzooms
 Panel distzooms
A container for the zoom in and out buttons on the axis distance display.

 o distzoomin
 Button distzoomin
Clicking this button zooms in by a factor of two on the axis distance display.

 o distzoomout
 Button distzoomout
Clicking this button zooms out by a factor of two on the axis distance display.

 o distlinepanel
 DistLinePanel distlinepanel
A panel for the graphical display/entry of the axis distance input.

 o distvaluelabel
 Label distvaluelabel
A Label for the axis distance IO field.

 o distvaluetext
 TextField distvaluetext
The axis distance IO field.

 o traceplanegroup
 Panel traceplanegroup
A panel containing controls and displays related to the trace plain and the currently selected trace and its corresponding domain combinatorics.

 o tracebuttongroup
 Panel tracebuttongroup
A panel that contains the trace plane zoom in, zoom out, reset and decompose buttons.

 o tracereset
 Button tracereset
Clicking this button resets to default the portion of the trace plane which is visible.

 o tracezoomin
 Button tracezoomin
Clicking this button zooms in by a factor of two on the trace plane display.

 o tracezoomout
 Button tracezoomout
Clicking this button zooms out by a factor of two on the trace plane display.

 o tracedecompose
 Button tracedecompose
Clicking this button gives a complete decomposition by the combinatorial type of the corresponding fundamental domain of the visible portion of the trace plane.

 o traceplanepanel
 TracePlanePanel traceplanepanel
A panel for the graphical display/entry of the trace.

 o traceplanelabel
 Label traceplanelabel
A label declaring the portion of the trace plane which is currently visible.

 o tracevaluepanel
 Panel tracevaluepanel
A panel with a label and field for IO of the current trace.

 o tracevaluelabel
 Label tracevaluelabel
A label for the trace IO field.

 o tracevaluetext
 TextField tracevaluetext
The trace IO field.

 o currdomaincomblabel
 Label currdomaincomblabel
A label which shows the combinatorics of the fundamental domain corresponding to the currently selected trace.

 public static final String CURRDOMCOMBLABEL
A prefix string for the current domain combinatorics label.

 o decomposeprogress
 Label decomposeprogress
A label which provides a running progress estimate during the computation of the trace place decomposition.

 o gridbag
 GridBagLayout gridbag
An object for laying out panels with the GrigBag layout manager.

 o constraints
 GridBagConstraints constraints
A constraint object for the GrigBag laying out of panels.

 o insets
 Insets insets
An insets object for the GridBag laying out of panels.

 o outputpanel
 OutputPanel outputpanel
A reference to the applet's outputpanel.

See Also:
 o trace
 protected Complex trace
The currently selected trace.

 o z11
 protected Complex z11
The (1,1) entry of the element cannonically associated with the current trace.

 o dist
 protected double dist
The currently selected axis distance.

 o calcmaxpow
 protected int calcmaxpow
The maxpow calculated for a Ford domain with the current trace -- not necessarily valid for a Dirichlet domain with the same trace, but used nonetheless.

 o currdomaincomb
 protected DomainCombinatorics currdomaincomb
The domain combinatorics for the currently selected domain type, trace and axis distance.


 o InputPanel
 public InputPanel(OutputPanel tptpnl)
Constructor for InputPanels.

tptpnl - the applet's outputpanel.


 o update
 public void update()
Recomputes and redraws both the input and output panels.