Noetherian hereditary abelian categories satisfying Serre duality

By I. Reiten and M. Van den Bergh


In this paper we classify -finite noetherian hereditary abelian categories over an algebraically closed field satisfying Serre duality in the sense of Bondal and Kapranov. As a consequence we obtain a classification of saturated noetherian hereditary abelian categories.

As a side result we show that when our hereditary abelian categories have no non-zero projectives or injectives, then the Serre duality property is equivalent to the existence of almost split sequences.

Notations and conventions

Most notations will be introduced locally. The few global ones are given below. Unless otherwise specified will be an algebraically closed field and all rings and categories in this paper will be -linear.

If is a ring, then will be the category of finitely generated right -modules. Similarly if is a -graded ring, then will be the category of finitely generated graded right modules with degree zero morphisms, and the category of all graded right -modules. If is noetherian, then following Reference 3 will be the full subcategory of consisting of graded modules with right bounded grading. Also following Reference 3 we put .

For an abelian category we denote by the bounded derived category of .


One of the goals of non-commutative algebraic geometry is to obtain an understanding of -linear abelian categories , for a field , which have properties close to those of the category of coherent sheaves over a non-singular proper scheme. Hence some obvious properties one may impose on in this context are the following:

is -finite, i.e.

for all and for all .

has homological dimension , i.e.

for and , and is minimal with this property.

Throughout this paper will denote a field, and even though it is not always necessary we will for simplicity assume that is algebraically closed. All categories will be -linear. When we say that is -finite, it will be understood that this is with respect to the field .

In most of this paper we will assume that is an -finite abelian category of homological dimension at most 1, in which case we say that is hereditary.

A slightly more subtle property of non-singular proper schemes is Serre duality. Let be a non-singular proper scheme over of dimension , and let denote the category of coherent -modules. Then the classical Serre duality theorem asserts that for there are natural isomorphisms

where .

A very elegant reformulation of Serre duality was given by Bondal and Kapranov in Reference 8. It says that for any there exist natural isomorphisms

Stated in this way the concept of Serre duality can be generalized to certain abelian categories.

satisfies Serre duality if it has a so-called Serre functor. The latter is by definition an autoequivalence such that there are isomorphisms

which are natural in .

On the other hand hereditary abelian -finite categories with the additional property of having a tilting object have been important for the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. Recall that is a tilting object in if , and if implies that is 0. These categories are important in the study of quasitilted algebras, which by definition are the algebras of the form for a tilting object Reference 16, and which contain the important classes of tilted and canonical algebras. A prominent property in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras is having almost split sequences, and also the -finite hereditary abelian categories with tilting object have this property Reference 16.

In view of the above it is interesting, and useful, to investigate the relationship between Serre duality and almost split sequences. In fact, this relationship is very close in the hereditary case. The more general connections are on the level of triangulated categories, replacing almost split sequences with Auslander–Reiten triangles. In fact one of our first results in this paper is the following (see §I for more complete results):

Theorem A.

has a Serre functor if and only if has Auslander–Reiten triangles (as defined in Reference 14).


If is hereditary, then has a Serre functor if and only if has almost split sequences and there is a one-one correspondence between the indecomposable projective objects and the indecomposable injective objects , such that the simple top of is isomorphic to the socle of .

Hence -finite hereditary abelian categories with Serre duality are of interest both for non-commutative algebraic geometry and for the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. The main result of this paper is the classification of the noetherian ones.

To be able to state our result we first give a list of hereditary abelian categories satisfying Serre duality.


If consists of the finite dimensional nilpotent representations of the quiver or of the quiver , with all arrows oriented in the same direction, then it is classical that has almost split sequences, and hence Serre duality.


Let be a non-singular projective connected curve over with function field , and let be a sheaf of hereditary -orders in (see Reference 21). Then one proves exactly as in the commutative case that satisfies Serre duality.


Let be either or with zig-zag orientation. It is shown in §III.3 that there exists a noetherian hereditary abelian category which is derived equivalent to the category of finitely presented representations of , and which has no non-zero projectives or injectives. Depending on we call this category the or the category. Since Serre duality is defined in terms of the derived category, it follows that satisfies Serre duality.

If , then is nothing but the category considered in Reference 30. If and , then is a skew version of the category (see §III.3). The category and the category have also been considered by Lenzing.


We now come to more subtle examples (see §II). Let be a connected quiver. Then for a vertex we have a corresponding projective representation and an injective representation . If is locally finite and there is no infinite path ending at any vertex, the functor may be derived to yield a fully faithful endofunctor . Then behaves like a Serre functor, except that it is not in general an autoequivalence. We call such a right Serre functor (see §I.1). Luckily given a right Serre functor there is a formal procedure to invert it so as to obtain a true Serre functor (Theorem II.1.3). This yields a hereditary abelian category which satisfies Serre duality. Under the additional hypotheses that consists of a subquiver with no path of infinite length, with rays attached to vertices of , then turns out to be noetherian (see Theorem II.4.3). Here we mean by a ray an quiver with no vertex which is a sink. An interesting feature of the noetherian categories , exhibiting a new type of behavior, is that they are generated by the preprojective objects, but not necessarily by the projective objects.

Now we can state our main result. Recall that an abelian category is connected if it cannot be non-trivially written as a direct sum .

Theorem B.

Let be a connected noetherian -finite hereditary abelian category satisfying Serre duality. Then is one of the categories described in (a)–(d) above.

The cases (a), (b), (c) are those where there are no non-zero projective objects. Those in (a) are exactly the where all objects have finite length. For the having some objects of infinite length, then either all indecomposable objects of finite length have finite -period (case (b)) or all have infinite -period (case (c)). Here the object is defined by the almost split sequence for indecomposable in , and we have .

Under the additional assumption that has a tilting object, such a classification was given in Reference 19. The only cases are the categories of finitely generated modules for a finite dimensional indecomposable hereditary -algebra and the categories of coherent sheaves on a weighted projective line in the sense of Reference 12. From the point of view of the above list of examples the first case corresponds to the finite quivers in (d), in which case is equivalent to , where is the path algebra of over . The categories are a special case of (b), corresponding to the case where the projective curve is (see Reference 23).

Our proof of Theorem B is rather involved and covers the first four sections. The main steps are as follows:


In the first two subsections of §II we construct the categories , and we show that they are characterized by the property of having noetherian injectives and being generated by preprojectives.


In §II.4 we give necessary and sufficient conditions for to be noetherian, and furthermore we prove a decomposition theorem which states that an -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category with Serre functor can be decomposed as a direct sum of a hereditary abelian category which is generated by preprojectives and a hereditary abelian category which doesn’t have non-zero projectives or injectives.


We are now reduced to the case where there are no non-zero projectives or injectives. The case where all objects have finite length is treated in §III.1.


The case where there are no non-zero projectives or injectives and at least one object of infinite length is covered in §IV. It turns out that this case naturally falls into two subcases:


The simple objects are -periodic. In that case, using the results in Reference 3, we show that is of the form for a two-dimensional commutative graded ring, where is the quotient category /finite length. Using Reference 1 it then follows that is of the form (b).


The simple objects are not -periodic. We show that if such exists, then it is characterized by the fact that it has either one or two -orbits of simple objects. Since the and category have this property, we are done.

Our methods for constructing the new hereditary abelian categories are somewhat indirect although we believe they are interesting. After learning about our results Claus Ringel has recently found a more direct construction for these categories Reference 24.

All the hypotheses for Theorem B are necessary. For example the non-commutative curves considered in Reference 30 are noetherian hereditary abelian categories of Krull-dimension one which in general do not satisfy Serre duality (except for the special case listed in (c)). If is the opposite category to one of the categories (b), (c), (d), then it is not noetherian, but it satisfies the other hypotheses.

Nevertheless it is tempting to ask whether a result similar to Theorem B remains valid without the noetherian hypothesis if we work up to derived equivalence. In particular, is any such category derived equivalent to a noetherian one? Under the additional assumption that has a tilting object, this has been proved by Happel in Reference 15, and it has recently been shown by Ringel that this is not true in general Reference 25.

In the final section we use Theorem B to draw some conclusions on the structure of certain hereditary abelian categories.

To start with we discuss the “saturation” property. This is a subtle property of certain abelian categories which was discovered by Bondal and Kapranov Reference 8. Recall that a cohomological functor is of finite type if for every only a finite number of are non-zero. We have already defined what it means for to have homological dimension . It will be convenient to say more generally that has finite homological dimension if for any in there is at most a finite number of with . In particular, the analogue of this definition makes sense for triangulated categories.

Let be an -finite abelian category of finite homological dimension. Then is saturated if every cohomological functor of finite type is of the form (i.e. is representable).

It is easy to show that a saturated category satisfies Serre duality. It was shown in Reference 8 that for a non-singular projective scheme is saturated and that saturation also holds for categories of the form with a finite dimensional algebra. Inspired by these results we prove the following result in §V.1.

Theorem C.

Assume that is a saturated connected noetherian -finite hereditary abelian category. Then has one of the following forms:


where is a connected finite dimensional hereditary -algebra.


where is a sheaf of hereditary -orders (see (b) above) over a non-singular connected projective curve .

It is easy to see that the hereditary abelian categories listed in the above theorem are of the form . We refer the reader to Reference 9 (see also §V.2) where it is shown in reasonable generality that abelian categories of the form are saturated.

There are also applications to the relationship between existence of tilting objects and the Grothendieck group being finitely generated. This was one of the original motivations for this work, and is dealt with in another paper Reference 23.

We would like to thank Claus Ringel for helpful comments on the presentation of this paper.

I. Serre duality and almost split sequences

It has been known for some time that there is a connection between classical Serre duality and existence of almost split sequences. There is a strong analogy between the Serre duality formula for curves and the formula for artin algebras (where ), on which the existence of almost split sequences is based (see Reference 5). Actually, existence of almost split sequences in some sheaf categories for curves can be proved either by using an analogous formula for graded maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules or by using Serre duality Reference 4Reference 27. The notion of almost split sequences was extended to the notion of Auslander–Reiten triangles in triangulated categories Reference 14, and existence of such was proved for when is a -algebra of finite global dimension Reference 14. In this case the corresponding translate is given by an equivalence of categories. On the other hand an elegant formulation of Serre duality in the bounded derived category, together with a corresponding Serre functor, was given in Reference 8. These developments provide the basis for further connections, which turn out to be most complete in the setting of triangulated categories. For abelian categories we obtain strong connections in the hereditary case. In fact, we show that when is hereditary, then has Serre duality if and only if it has almost split sequences and there is a one-one correspondence between indecomposable projective objects and indecomposable injective objects , such that modulo its unique maximal subobject is isomorphic to the socle of .

I.1. Preliminaries on Serre duality

Let be a -linear -finite additive category. A right Serre functor is an additive functor together with isomorphisms

for any which are natural in and . A left Serre functor is a functor together with isomorphisms

for any which are natural in and . Below we state and prove a number of properties of right Serre functors. We leave the proofs of the corresponding properties for left Serre functors to the reader.

Let be given by , and let . Looking at the commutative diagram (which follows from the naturality of in )

we find for that

Similarly by the naturality of in we obtain the following commutative diagram:

This yields for the formula

and we get the following description of the functor .

Lemma I.1.1.

The following composition coincides with :


To prove this we need to show that for and one has . Thanks to the formulas Equation I.1.3, Equation I.1.4 we obtain and also . Thus we obtain indeed the correct result.

We have the following immediate consequence.

Corollary I.1.2.

If is a right Serre functor, then is fully faithful.

Also note the following basic properties.

Lemma I.1.3.

If and are right Serre functors, then they are naturally isomorphic.


has a right Serre functor if and only if is representable for all .

From the above discussion it follows that there is a lot of redundancy in the data . In fact we have the following.

Proposition I.1.4.

In order to give it is necessary and sufficient to give the action of on objects, as well as -linear maps such that the composition

yields a non-degenerate pairing for all . If we are given , then is obtained from the pairing Equation I.1.5. Furthermore the action on maps

is defined by the property that for we have for all .


It is clear from the previous discussion that the data gives rise to with the required properties. So conversely assume that we are given and the action of on objects. We define and the action of on maps as in the statement of the proposition.

We first show that is a functor. Indeed let and assume that there are maps and . Then for all we have , but also . Thus by non-degeneracy we have .

It is easy to see that the pairing Equation I.1.5 defines an isomorphism

which is natural in and .

The proof is now complete.

A Serre functor is by definition a right Serre functor which is essentially surjective. The following is easy to see.

Lemma I.1.5.

has a Serre functor if and only it has both a right and a left Serre functor.

From this we deduce the following Reference 8.

Lemma I.1.6.

has a Serre functor if and only if the functors and are representable for all .

Remark I.1.7.

In the sequel will always be a Krull–Schmidt category (in the sense that indecomposable objects have local endomorphism rings). In that case it is clearly sufficient to specify , etc. on the full subcategory of consisting of indecomposable objects.

If one is given a right Serre functor, then it is possible to invert it formally in such a way that the resulting additive category has a Serre functor. The next result is stated in somewhat greater generality.

Proposition I.1.8.

Let be an additive category as above, and let be a fully faithful additive endofunctor. Then there exists an additive category with the following properties:


There is a fully faithful functor .


There is an autoequivalence together with a natural isomorphism .


For every object there is some such that is isomorphic to with .

Furthermore a quadruple with these properties is unique (in the appropriate sense).


Let us sketch the construction of . The uniqueness will be clear.

The objects in are formally written as with and . A morphism is formally written as with where is such that , . We identify with .

The functor is defined by and the functor is defined by . It is clear that these have the required properties.

The following lemma provides a complement to this proposition in the case that is triangulated.

Lemma I.1.9.

Assume that in addition to the usual hypotheses one has that is triangulated. Let be as in the previous proposition. Then there is a unique way to make into a triangulated category such that and are exact.


If we require exactness of and , then there is only one way to make into a triangulated category. First we must define the shift functor by and then the triangles in must be those diagrams that are isomorphic to


is a triangle in (note that the exactness of is equivalent to that of ).

To show that this yields indeed a triangulated category one must check the axioms in Reference 34. These all involve the existence of certain objects/maps/triangles. By applying a sufficiently high power of we can translate such problems into ones involving only objects in . Then we use the triangulated structure of and afterwards we go back to the original problem by applying a negative power of .

In the sequel we will denote by the category which was constructed in Proposition I.1.8. Furthermore we will consider as a subcategory of through the functor . Finally we will usually write for the extended functor .

Below we will only be interested in the special case where is a right Serre functor on . In that case we have the following.

Proposition I.1.10.

The canonical extension of to is a Serre functor.


By construction is an automorphism on . To prove that is a Serre functor we have to construct suitable maps . Pick , . Then we have

We define as the composition of these maps. It follows easily from Lemma I.1.1 that the constructed map is independent of , and it is clear that has the required properties.

We shall also need the following easily verified fact.

Lemma I.1.11.

If is a direct sum of additive categories, then a (right) Serre functor on restricts to (right) Serre functors on and .

I.2. Connection between Serre duality and Auslander–Reiten triangles

In this section we prove that existence of a right Serre functor is equivalent to the existence of right Auslander–Reiten triangles, in triangulated -finite Krull–Schmidt -categories. Hence the existence of a Serre functor is equivalent to the existence of Auslander–Reiten triangles.

In the sequel is a -finite -linear Krull-Schmidt triangulated category. Following Reference 14 a triangle in is called an Auslander–Reiten triangle if the following conditions are satisfied:


and are indecomposable.




If is indecomposable, then for every non-isomorphism we have .

It is shown in Reference 14 that, assuming (AR1) and (AR2), then (AR3) is equivalent to


If is indecomposable, then for every non-isomorphism we have .

We say that right Auslander–Reiten triangles exist in if for all indecomposables there is a triangle satisfying the conditions above. Existence of left Auslander–Reiten triangles is defined in a similar way, and we say that has Auslander–Reiten triangles if it has both right and left Auslander–Reiten triangles. (Note that in Reference 14 one says that has Auslander–Reiten triangles if it has right Auslander–Reiten triangles in our terminology.)

It is shown in Reference 14, §4.3 that given the corresponding Auslander–Reiten triangle is unique up to isomorphism of triangles. (By duality a similar result holds if is given.) For a given indecomposable we let be an arbitrary object in , isomorphic to in the Auslander–Reiten triangle corresponding to .

The following characterization of Auslander–Reiten triangles is analogous to the corresponding result on almost split sequences (see Reference 5).

Proposition I.2.1.

Assume that has right Auslander–Reiten triangles, and assume that we have a triangle in

with and indecomposable and . Then the following are equivalent:


The triangle Equation I.2.1 is an Auslander–Reiten triangle.


The map is in the socle of as a right -module and .


The map is in the socle of as a left -module and .


We will show that 1. and 2. are equivalent. The equivalence of 1. and 3. is similar.

By definition we have . Assume that is a non-automorphism. Then by (AR3) we have .


be the Auslander–Reiten triangle associated to . From the properties of Auslander–Reiten triangles it follows that there is a morphism of triangles

The fact that together with the fact that is in the socle of implies that must be an isomorphism. But then by the properties of triangles is also an isomorphism. So in fact the triangles Equation I.2.2 and Equation I.2.1 are isomorphic, and hence in particular Equation I.2.1 is an Auslander–Reiten triangle.

Corollary I.2.2.

Assume that has right Auslander–Reiten triangles. Then the socle of is one-dimensional both as a right -module and as a left -module.


It is easy to see that linearly independent elements of the (left or right) socle define different triangles. However Auslander–Reiten triangles are unique. This is a contradiction.

The following is the basis for the main result of this section.

Proposition I.2.3.

The following are equivalent:


has a right Serre functor.


has right Auslander–Reiten triangles.

If either of these properties holds, then the action of the Serre functor on objects coincides with .


Let be an indecomposable object. By Serre duality there is a natural isomorphism

as -bimodules. In particular has a one dimensional socle which corresponds to the map . Define , and let be a non-zero element of the socle of . We claim that the associated triangle

is an Auslander–Reiten triangle. Let be indecomposable, and let be a non-isomorphism. We have to show that the composition

is zero. Using Serre duality this amounts to showing that the composition

is zero. Since is a non-isomorphism, this is clear.

This is the interesting direction. As pointed out in Remark I.1.7 it is sufficient to construct the Serre functor on the full subcategory of consisting of the indecomposable objects. For an indecomposable object in we let be the object . Let be a non-zero element of representing the Auslander–Reiten triangle


Let and be indecomposable objects in . Then the following hold:


For any non-zero there exists such that .


For any non-zero there exists such that .


Using the properties of Auslander–Reiten triangles there is a morphism between the triangle determined by (the AR-triangle) and the triangle determined by .

The morphism labeled in the above diagram has the required properties.


Without loss of generality we may assume that is not an isomorphism. We complete to a triangle

Then and since is non-zero, will not be split. Now we look at the following diagram:

Since is not split we have by (AR3) that . Hence by the properties of triangles we have for a map . This proves what we want.

Having proved the sublemma we return to the main proof. For any indecomposable object choose a linear map

such that . It follows from the sublemma that the pairing

is non-degenerate. We can now finish our proof by invoking Proposition I.1.4.

The following is now a direct consequence.

Theorem I.2.4.

The following are equivalent:


has a Serre functor.


has Auslander–Reiten triangles.


This follows from applying Proposition I.2.3 together with its dual version for left Serre functors.

From now on we shall denote by also the equivalence , where is the Serre functor.

I.3. Serre functors on hereditary abelian categories

In this section we investigate the relationship between existence of Serre functors and of almost split sequences for hereditary abelian categories.

If is an -finite -linear abelian category, we say that it has a right Serre functor if this is the case for .

If has a right Serre functor and and are in , then from the fact that we deduce that only a finite number of can be non-zero.

Before we go on we recall some basic definitions (see [4]). For an indecomposable object in a is right almost split if for any non-isomorphism with indecomposable in there is some with . The is minimal right almost split if in addition is right minimal, that is, any with is an isomorphism. The concepts of left almost split and minimal left almost split are defined similarly. A non-split exact sequence is almost split if and are indecomposable and is (minimal) right almost split (or equivalently, is (minimal) left almost split). We say that has right almost split sequences if for every non-projective indecomposable object there exists an almost split sequence ending in , and for each indecomposable projective object there is a minimal right almost split map . Possession of left almost split sequences is defined similarly. We say that has almost split sequences if it has both left and right almost split sequences.

Now let be an -finite -linear hereditary abelian category.

The following characterization of when we have a minimal right almost split map to a projective object or a minimal left almost split map from an injective object is easy to see.

Lemma I.3.1.

There is some minimal right almost split map to an indecomposable projective object if and only if has a unique maximal subobject . (If the conditions are satisfied, then the inclusion map is minimal right almost split.)


There is a minimal left almost split map from an indecomposable injective object I if and only if I has a unique simple subobject . (If these conditions are satisfied, then the epimorphism is minimal left almost split.)

Note that if an indecomposable projective object has a maximal subobject, then it must be unique, and if is noetherian, then has a maximal subobject. Similarly if an indecomposable injective object has a simple subobject, then it must be unique.

Lemma I.3.2.

Let . The following are equivalent:


has right Auslander–Reiten triangles.


has right almost split sequences and for every indecomposable projective the simple object possesses an injective hull in .


has a right Serre functor.

If any of these conditions holds, then the right Auslander–Reiten triangles in are given by the shifts of the right almost split sequences in together with the shifts of the triangles of the form

where and are as in and is the composition . The middle term of this triangle is isomorphic to .


This follows using Proposition I.2.3 and standard properties of almost split sequences and Auslander–Reiten triangles. We leave the proof to the reader.

We now get the following main result on the connection between Serre duality and almost split sequences.

Theorem I.3.3.

Let be an -finite hereditary abelian category.


has Serre duality if and only if has almost split sequences, and there is a one-one correspondence between indecomposable projective objects and indecomposable injective objects , via .


If has no non-zero projective or injective objects, then has Serre duality if and only if it has almost split sequences.

Note that if is the category of finite dimensional representations over of the quiver , then is an -finite hereditary abelian -category with almost split sequences. Since has non-zero injective objects, but no non-zero projective objects, it does not have Serre duality.

Let and be the full subcategories of whose objects are respectively the projectives and the injectives in . If is a set of objects in , then we denote by the full subcategory of whose objects have no summands in .

When for a finite dimensional hereditary -algebra , we have an equivalence , where for an indecomposable object in the object is the left hand term of the almost split sequence with right hand term . Also we have the Nakayama functor , which is an equivalence of categories, where for . For the equivalence , where is the Serre functor, we have and . Hence is in some sense put together from the two equivalences and (see Reference 14). Using Lemma I.3.2 we see that the situation is similar in the general case.

Corollary I.3.4.

Assume that has a right Serre functor . Then the following hold:


defines a fully faithful functor . We denote this functor by the “Nakayama functor”).


induces a fully faithful functor , which we denote by .


If is indecomposable, then has one dimensional socle, both as left -module and as right -module. Let be a non-zero element in this socle. Then is simple, and furthermore is a projective cover of and is an injective hull of .

If is a Serre functor, then the functors and defined above are equivalences.


That takes the indicated values on objects follows from the nature of the Auslander–Reiten triangles in (given by Lemma I.3.2). The assertion about fully faithfulness of and follows from the corresponding property of . Part 3. follows by inspecting the triangle Equation I.3.1. Finally that and are equivalences in the case that is a Serre functor follows by considering , which is a left Serre functor.

In the next section we will use the following result.

Lemma I.3.5.

Assume that is a triangulated category with a -structure in such a way that every object in lies in some . Let be the heart of the -structure, and assume that for and . Then is a hereditary abelian category, and furthermore has a (right) Serre functor if and only if has a (right) Serre functor.


To show that is hereditary we have to show that

Now is characterized by the property that it is an effaceable -functor which coincides in degree zero with . Hence we have to show that is effaceable. This is clear in degree since there the functor is zero, and for it is also clear since then Reference 7, p. 75.

Now standard arguments show that as additive categories and are equivalent to . We don’t know if this equivalence yields an exact equivalence between and , but recall that the definition of a (right) Serre functor does not involve the triangulated structure. Hence if has a (right) Serre functor, then so does and vice versa.

II. Hereditary noetherian abelian categories with non-zero projective objects

In this section we classify the connected noetherian hereditary -finite abelian categories with Serre functor, in the case where there are non-zero projective objects.

Let be a connected hereditary abelian noetherian -finite category with Serre functor and non-zero projective objects. The structure of the projective objects gives rise to an associated quiver , which satisfies special assumptions, including being locally finite and having no infinite path ending at any vertex. The category contains the category of finitely presented representations of as a full subcategory, which may be different from . Actually is the full subcategory generated by projective objects. Hence is not in general generated by the projective objects, but it is generated by the preprojective objects. This provides a new interesting phenomenon.

Conversely, starting with a locally finite quiver having no infinite path ending at any vertex, the category is a hereditary abelian -finite category with a right Serre functor (and right almost split sequences), but not necessarily having a Serre functor. We construct a hereditary abelian -finite category with Serre functor containing as a full subcategory. We describe for which quivers the category is noetherian, and show that in the noetherian case all connected noetherian hereditary abelian -finite categories with Serre duality are of this form.

In §II.1 we explain the construction of via inverting a right Serre functor. An alternative approach using derived categories is discussed in §II.3. After learning about our results Claus Ringel found yet another approach towards the construction of Reference 24.

In §II.2 we show that if is generated by the preprojective objects, then is equivalent to some . That is generated by preprojective objects when is connected and noetherian is proved in Section II.4, along with showing for which quivers the category is noetherian.

II.1. Hereditary abelian categories constructed from quivers

For a quiver denote by the category of finitely presented representations of . Under some additional assumptions on we construct a hereditary abelian -finite category with Serre functor. The category contains as a full subcategory, and is obtained from by formally inverting a right Serre functor.

Let be a quiver with the following properties:


is locally finite, that is, every vertex in is adjacent to only a finite number of other vertices.


There is no infinite path in of the form (in particular there are no oriented cycles).

Note that (P1), (P2) imply the following.

Lemma II.1.1.

If is a vertex in , then there are only a finite number of paths ending in .


If and are vertices in , then there are only a finite number of paths from to .


Part 2. is an obvious consequence of 1., so we prove 1. Assume there is an infinite number of paths ending in . By (P1) there must be an arrow such that there is an infinite number of paths ending in . Repeating this we obtain an infinite path such that there is an infinite number of paths ending in every . The existence of such an infinite path contradicts (P2).

For a vertex in we denote by , and respectively the corresponding projective, injective and simple object in , the category of all -representations. By Lemma II.1.1 the objects have finite length. We also have a canonical isomorphism

since both of these vector spaces have as basis the paths from to .

The category is too big for what we want. For example it is not -finite. As will be clear from the considerations in the next section the natural subcategory to consider is . It is easy to see that this is a hereditary abelian subcategory of , and furthermore by Lemma II.1.1 it has finite dimensional ’s. Thanks to (P1) the simple and hence the finite dimensional representations are contained in . Hence in particular for every vertex .

Let and be the full subcategories of consisting respectively of the finite direct sums of the and the finite direct sums of the . Let be the equivalence obtained from additively extending Equation II.1.1. We denote also by the corresponding equivalence . Finally denoting by the composition

we have the following.

Lemma II.1.2.

is a right Serre functor.


Let . Then we need to construct natural isomorphisms

Since and are finite complexes of projectives we can reduce to the case and . So we need natural isomorphisms

Again both of these vector spaces have a natural basis given by the paths from to . This leads to the required isomorphisms.

Under the assumptions (P1), (P2) on the quiver we now know that is a hereditary abelian -finite category with a right Serre functor such that the image of the projective objects in are injective objects in of finite length. Hence the following result applies to this setting.

Theorem II.1.3.

Let be an abelian -finite hereditary category with a right Serre functor and enough projectives. Denote the full subcategory of projective objects in by and assume that consists of (injective) objects of finite length. Then there exists an -finite abelian hereditary category with the following properties:


There exists a full faithful exact embedding .


The injectives and projectives in are given by and .


possesses a Serre functor which extends in such a way that there is a natural equivalence where we have denoted the derived functor of also by and the extended Serre functor also by .


For every indecomposable object there exists such that is defined and lies in , where denotes the functor (see Corollary I.3.4.2) induced by .

Furthermore a quadruple with these properties is unique in the appropriate sense.


First we show that if exists satisfying properties , then it is unique. This proof will in particular tell us how to construct . We then show that this construction always yields a category with the required properties.

Since and since the objects in remain projective in by property 2., it follows that the derived functor of is fully faithful. It is also clear that is closed inside under the formation of cones.

Let be the extended Serre functor. If , then can be obtained by starting with objects in and repeatedly taking cones. It then follows from 4. that for we have . Hence the triple satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition I.1.8. Thus we obtain .

According to 4. every indecomposable object in will be of the form with . Implicit in the notation is the assumption that is defined for , that is, for . In addition we may assume that is minimal. Thus either or else for . The last case is equivalent to

for .

If , then the same is true for . Hence we have to impose Equation II.1.4 only for .

We conclude that the indecomposable objects in are of the following form:


The indecomposable objects in .


Objects of the form where and is an indecomposable object in , where .

This completes the determination of as an additive subcategory of , and finishes the proof of the uniqueness.

Let us now assume that is the additive subcategory of whose indecomposable objects are given by (C1), (C2). We have to show that is a hereditary abelian category satisfying 1.-4.

Since has a Serre functor, it has Auslander–Reiten triangles. Below we will need the triangle associated to . Using the criterion given in Proposition I.2.1 we can compute this triangle in . So according to Lemma I.3.2 the requested triangle is of the form

We now define a -structure on . Using the fact that is hereditary we easily obtain that as additive categories . We now define

We claim that this is a -structure. The only non-trivial axiom we have to verify is that

So this amounts to showing that for and for . We separate this into four cases.

Case 1.

and fall under (C1). This case is trivial.

Case 2.

falls under (C1) and falls under (C2). Thus we have for some in and . We want to show that for for any , by induction on .

First let . We can assume that is projective, since otherwise we could reduce to Case 1 by applying . Then for some object in , so it is sufficient to show for . For this follows from Case 1. For we clearly have since is injective in and is not injective.

Assume now that and that the claim has been proved for for all objects in . Then we can again assume that is projective, and consider , where . We want to prove that

By the induction assumption we only need to consider . So we want to prove that for indecomposable in , and we do this by induction on the length of which by assumption is finite. We have the Auslander–Reiten triangle , with indecomposable projective in . Then any non-zero map would factor through since is not an isomorphism. Note that by the induction assumption we have , so the claim follows.

Case 3.

falls under (C2) and falls under (C1). Thus for some in and . We have . Since for , this case is trivial.

Case 4.

and both fall under (C2). This case can be reduced to one of the previous cases by applying powers of .

So is indeed an abelian category. Since it is easily seen that , we obtain by Serre duality that for . Hence it follows by Lemma I.3.5 that is hereditary.

Now we verify properties 1.-4.


This is clear from the construction.


This follows from Lemma I.3.5.


This is clear from the construction.


By 3. we already know that has a Serre functor, so we can use its properties. An indecomposable object in is projective precisely when . Using the construction of it is easy to see that this happens if and only if . Using the properties of Serre functors we find that the injectives in must be given by . This proves what we want.

If is a quiver satisfying (P1), (P2) and , then in the sequel we will denote by the hereditary abelian category whose existence is asserted by Theorem II.1.3.

Example II.1.4.

Consider the example

Since the category has right almost split sequences, it makes sense to talk about an associated right AR-quiver, which looks like:

The AR-quiver for the new category consists of the following two components:

The new objects are the for and .

Remark II.1.5.

It is not necessarily true that all injectives in are in . E.g. in the above example the projective representation associated to is also injective. However it is not in .

II.2. Hereditary abelian categories generated by preprojectives

Let be an -finite hereditary abelian category. In this section we associate a quiver with . We show that if has Serre duality, the injective objects in are noetherian and is generated by the preprojective objects, then is equivalent to .

For an -finite hereditary abelian category , denote as before by and respectively the full subcategories of consisting of projective and injective objects. By we denote the full subcategory of whose objects are quotients of objects in . For later reference we state the following easily proved fact.

Lemma II.2.1.

is closed under subobjects and extensions. In particular is an abelian category.

To we associate a quiver whose vertices are in one-one correspondence with the indecomposable projectives in . If is a vertex, then we denote the corresponding projective object in by . For and vertices in we let the arrows from to index elements , which are representatives for a basis of . Somewhat inaccurately we will say below that the projectives in are given by . We now have a functor

where is the projective representation of associated with the vertex . It is easy to see that this functor is faithful, but it is not necessarily full, as the following example shows.

Example II.2.2.

Let be the category of graded -modules which are contained in a finite direct sum of indecomposable graded injective -modules, and let . From the fact that is hereditary one deduces that the same holds for . The indecomposable graded injective -modules are given by and for . These correspond to projective objects in for . We have . Thus . Furthermore if , then every map factors through . It follows that and thus is an isolated point in the quiver associated to . This contradicts fullness.

We now have the following result.

Proposition II.2.3.

Assume that has a Serre functor. Then the following are equivalent:


has finite length injectives.


has noetherian injectives.


The quiver satisfies (P1), (P2).


The quiver satisfies (P1), (P2), and defines an equivalence between and . In addition the indecomposable injectives in are of the form for , so that in particular .


This is clear.

Assume that is an injective object in . By decomposing into a direct sum of indecomposables and invoking Theorem I.3.3 we see that the socle of is non-zero and of finite length.

Since is hereditary, is again injective. Repeating this we find a strictly ascending chain

such that has finite length. Since is noetherian, this chain must stop, whence has finite length.

We first show that satisfies (P2). In fact we show that for a vertex in there is a bound on the length of a chain of non-isomorphisms

Put . Applying we get non-isomorphisms

Since these are indecomposable injectives and is hereditary, all these maps must be surjective. Clearly the required bound is now given by the length of .

Now we prove that satisfies (P1). Since every has only a finite number of summands in a direct sum decomposition, it is sufficient to show that there exists only a finite number of vertices such that there is a non-zero map . Applying we find that must be a subquotient of . Since has finite length, there is only a finite number of possibilities for .

The fact that there is a bound (depending only on ) on chains of the form Equation II.2.1 implies that every map is a linear combination of products of the . Thus is full, and from this we easily obtain that yields an equivalence between and .

Now let be indecomposable injective in . Since has a Serre functor, it follows from Theorem I.3.3 that is the injective hull of some simple object lying in . By considering the injective and using induction on the length of we find that . Now is clearly the injective hull of also in . Using the fact that is an equivalence there must exist a vertex such that . Furthermore must correspond under to the injective hull of . Since the latter is , we are done.

This is clear.

This proof is similar to that of Assume that is an indecomposable injective of infinite length, and let be its socle. There exists an indecomposable summand of which is of infinite length. Continuing this procedure we find an infinite sequence of irreducible maps

and applying we find a corresponding infinite sequence of irreducible maps between projectives

However such an infinite sequence cannot exist by (P2).

We have the following result on reconstructing from the associated quiver .

Corollary II.2.4.

Assume that is an -finite hereditary abelian category possessing a Serre functor . Let the projectives in be given by the quiver . Assume that satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3 and furthermore that every indecomposable in is of the form with . Then is equivalent to .


From the fact that and the fact that is closed under cones in , it follows that is closed under . Thus defines a right Serre functor on , and hence via a right Serre functor on . Since right Serre functors are unique, coincides (up to a natural isomorphism) with the standard right Serre functor obtained from deriving the Nakayama functor which was introduced in Equation II.1.2.

It now follows that satisfies properties 1.,2.,3.,4. of Theorem II.1.3. Hence we get .

We remind the reader of some elementary facts concerning preprojective objects. In general if is a hereditary abelian category with almost split sequences, then a preprojective object is by definition an object of the form where the ’s are indecomposable projectives and . Similarly a preinjective object is an object of the form where the are indecomposable injective and .

For simplicity we restrict ourselves here to the case where is -finite with a Serre functor. In this case we have the functor inducing the correspondence between the end terms of an almost split sequence.

Note the following.

Lemma II.2.5.

Let be indecomposable, and assume there is a non-zero map where is an indecomposable projective and . Then is of the form where is an indecomposable projective and .


If is projective, then we are done. If , then the fact that is indecomposable plus the fact that is hereditary implies that is projective. Hence this case is covered also. Assume now that is not projective (and hence ). Then by faithfulness of we obtain a non-zero map . Induction on now yields that with for some indecomposable projective . Thus and we are done.

Corollary II.2.6.

Assume that we have a map where is preprojective. Then where and is preprojective.


Every subobject of a preprojective object is preprojective.


2. follows trivially from 1., so we prove 1. Let be a decomposition of into a direct sum of indecomposable objects. If , then it maps non-trivially to , whence it is preprojective by the previous lemma. This proves what we want.

We say that is generated by preprojectives if every object in is a quotient of a preprojective object. One has the following result.

Lemma II.2.7.

The following are equivalent for an -finite hereditary abelian category with Serre functor:


is generated by preprojectives.


Every indecomposable object in is of the form with and .


Let us first assume , and let , with and . We have to show that is the quotient of a preprojective object. Take a minimal projective presentation

with . For the object cannot contain an injective summand since then the resolution Equation II.2.2 wasn’t minimal. It follows that the object cannot contain an injective summand since then would be injective, contradicting the fact that it is in the essential image of . Hence and are defined, and by the exactness of (see Reference 8) we obtain an exact sequence

In particular is covered by a preprojective object.

Now assume 1. Let be an indecomposable object in , and assume that there is a surjective map with preprojective. Then by Corollary II.2.6 we have that is also preprojective. Thus for large we have a triangle

with and in the image of . Since is closed under cones in and since is indecomposable, it follows that for some .

Thus if is defined for , then . If is not defined, then is projective and so lies in . Hence in this case we are done also.

Combining the last lemma with Corollary II.2.4 we obtain the following.

Corollary II.2.8.

Assume that is an -finite hereditary abelian category possessing a Serre functor . Let the projectives in be given by the quiver . Assume that is generated by preprojectives and satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3. Then is equivalent to .

We will also need the following result.

Theorem II.2.9.

Let be the full subcategory of whose objects are quotients of preprojective objects. Then is closed under subquotients and extensions. If in addition satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3, then the Serre functor on restricts to a Serre functor on .


Closedness under quotients is clear. Let us now prove closedness under subobjects. Clearly it is sufficient to show that a subobject of a preprojective object is preprojective. But this is precisely Corollary II.2.6.

Let us now prove closedness under extensions. So assume that we have an exact sequence

where . Since we already know that is closed under quotients, we may prove our result for pullbacks of Equation II.2.4. In particular we may assume that is preprojective. But then according to Corollary II.2.6 we have where and is preprojective. Hence by what we know already we have . This proves what we want.

Assume now that satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3. We have to show that is closed under and in . Since is closed under the formation of cones, it suffices to show that and are in for a preprojective object . The only case which isn’t entirely obvious is that is in when is projective, but this follows from Proposition II.2.3.

For completeness let us include the following lemma.

Lemma II.2.10.

Let be a quiver satisfying (P1), (P2). Then is connected if and only if is connected.


Since clearly it suffices to prove the implication that connected implies connected. So assume that is a direct sum with and non-trivial. Let be the category of projectives in for . Then clearly . This yields a corresponding decomposition . Since we had assumed that is connected, it follows that for example .

By Lemma I.1.11 the Serre functor on restricts to one on and one on . It is now easy to see that the conditions for Corollary II.2.4 descend to and . Thus and hence . This is a contradiction.

II.3. Derived equivalences

In this section we construct a derived equivalence between and for certain quivers and satisfying (P1), (P2). This result will be used in the proof of Theorem C. At the same time we get an alternative method for the construction of from .

If is a quiver, then denotes the quiver whose vertices are of the form with and and whose arrows are of the form and for any arrow . Then is a translation quiver with translation given by . The following is easy to see.

Lemma II.3.1.

Assume that satisfies (P1), (P2). Let . Then the number of paths in from to is finite.

For a quiver satisfying (P1), (P2), denote by the part of given by the vertices where . Let be a section of . By this we mean the following: contains exactly one vertex from each -orbit of and if and there is an arrow in , then either the arrow or the arrow is in , and if there is an arrow , then either the arrow or the arrow is in . It is then clear that if is a section in , then and is a section in . Our main result is that the categories and are derived equivalent when is a section in . This is well known when is finite, in which case and , and one can go from to by a finite sequence of reflections.

Lemma II.3.2.

Let be an -finite hereditary abelian category possessing a Serre functor . Assume that the projectives in are given by a quiver satisfying (P1), (P2). Then the preinjective objects in have finite length, and furthermore they are quotients of projectives.


Let , have their usual meaning. Since , we easily obtain , and by Proposition II.2.3 we have that the objects in have finite length and furthermore . Thus in particular . Iterating we find for any . This proves that the preinjective objects have finite length. We also obtain , which yields that the preinjective objects are quotients of projectives.

Also recall that a quiver is Dynkin if the underlying graph is a Dynkin diagram, that is, of the form , or , , , where denotes the number of vertices. Note that is of finite representation type for a connected quiver if and only if is a Dynkin quiver.

We shall also need the infinite graphs , and :

We also need the following. Here the preprojective component of the AR-quiver denotes the component containing the projective objects and the preinjective component denotes the component containing the injective objects.

Lemma II.3.3.

Assume that is a connected quiver which is not Dynkin but satisfies (P1), (P2), and let be an -finite hereditary abelian category with Serre functor, whose projectives are given by .


The preprojective component of contains no injective objects.


There is an isomorphism of quivers, compatible with the translation.


For let and be the corresponding projective and injective object in . It is well known and easy to see that sending to defines an injective morphism of quivers , where is the preprojective component of . It is clear that this is surjective if and only if contains no injectives. So it is sufficient to show that contains no injective objects.

Assume to the contrary that has some injective object. The projectives are given by the connected quiver , and the arrows of correspond to irreducible maps between indecomposable projectives, in the opposite direction. Because the categories of injectives and projectives are equivalent, the same holds for the injectives. Thus contains all indecomposable injectives. In particular is also the preinjective component of , and hence by Lemma II.3.2 all objects in have finite length.

Assume that there is some finite connected subquiver of which is not Dynkin. Choose and let be a finite connected subquiver of such that the simple composition factors of all objects in any path from to correspond to vertices in . In the subcategory of we clearly have that and are still projective and injective objects respectively, and it is not hard to see that there is still a path of irreducible maps from to . But since is not Dynkin, it is well known that the preprojective component of has no injective objects, and we have a contradiction.

If all finite subquivers of are Dynkin, then it is easy to see directly that must be of type , or . These cases can be taken care of by direct computations (see III.3).

In order to prove the main result in this section we shall use the principle of tilting with respect to torsion pairs Reference 16.

We recall the main features in the special case we need. If is a hereditary abelian category, then a split torsion pair is a pair of additive subcategories of satisfying , and having in addition the property that for every there exist and such that .

The theory of -structures Reference 7 is used to obtain inside a hereditary abelian subcategory with split torsion pair . This construction of from is called tilting with respect to the torsion pair (see Reference 16). Furthermore in this case we have . This can be seen by combining Reference 6, Appendix (which defines a functor ) with Reference 16, p. 13 (which shows that this functor is fully faithful).

It is easily seen that if is a Krull-Schmidt category, then in order to specify it is necessary and sufficient to give a partition of the indecomposable objects in : with properties . Then and are respectively the additive categories with indecomposable objects and . Note that in the presence of Serre duality the condition is often automatic.

We now identify appropriate split torsion pairs in our hereditary abelian categories.

Lemma II.3.4.

Let be a hereditary abelian -finite category with a Serre functor whose projectives are given by a connected quiver which is not Dynkin but satisfies (P1), (P2). Let be a section.


Let be the additive category generated by the objects in the preinjective component, and let be the additive category whose indecomposable objects are not preinjective. Then is a split torsion pair in .


Let denote the hereditary abelian subcategory of obtained by tilting with respect to and shifting one place to the right (thus somewhat informally: . The category has a component of type put together from the preprojective and preinjective component in see Figure II.3.2). In particular is derived equivalent to and has no non-zero projectives or injectives.

Consider now the section in see Figure II.3.3). Let be the additive category generated by the indecomposable objects of the form for and , and let be the additive category generated by the other indecomposable objects in . Then is a split torsion pair in .


Let be the hereditary abelian category obtained by tilting with respect to . Then is derived equivalent to and the projectives in are given by .


The proof amounts to verifying the conditions for a split torsion pair. In order to visualize this we have included some pictures of the various AR-quivers involved. Let the functor be defined as usual.


By the dual version of Lemma II.2.5 we find . If is a non-injective indecomposable object in , then we have that . Hence it follows by Serre duality that . Thus is a split torsion pair in .


Now we need to show .

First let be indecomposable in , and let be an indecomposable which is not in (and hence in particular ). Then looking at Figure II.3.2 we see that either or . In the first case it is clear that and in the second case this follows from the fact that is a split torsion pair.

Now let and be in . By applying for large enough so that and are in the preprojective component of , it is not hard to see that if , then there is a path from to in the AR-quiver of . If for some and , we can assume that there is an arrow from to . Write and where and are in and and . Then we have an arrow . Since is a section in we have or . Since we conclude that or , so which is a contradiction.

Since is stable, the fact that follows from Serre duality.


That the projectives in are given by follows from the shape of the AR-quiver of .

We shall also need the following.

Proposition II.3.5.

Let and be non-Dynkin connected quivers satisfying (P1), (P2), and assume that is a section in . Let be a hereditary -finite abelian category with a Serre functor whose projectives are given by the quiver , and assume that is generated by preprojectives. Then the category constructed in Lemma II.3.4 is also generated by preprojectives.


Let be an indecomposable object in . We have to show that it is a quotient of a preprojective object. If is itself preprojective, this is clear, and if is preinjective, then we can invoke Lemma II.3.2.

So assume that is neither in the preinjective nor preprojective component. Looking at Figures II.3.1II.3.4 we see that is untouched by the tilting, so we may consider as an object in . Then by assumption there is an exact sequence in of the form

where , and consequently , is preprojective. Since all terms in the exact sequence lie in the tilted category , this is also an exact sequence in . Let the functor be defined as usual. Choose large enough such that and are preprojective in , and consider the exact sequence

Thus is in the subcategory of generated by the preprojectives. Since the Serre functor on restricts to one on by Theorem II.2.9, it follows that is also in and hence in .

We now obtain the main result of this section.

Theorem II.3.6.

Let and be connected quivers satisfying (P1), (P2), and assume that is a section in . Then the categories and are derived equivalent.


If and are Dynkin, this is well known, so we assume that , are non-Dynkin.

It follows from Lemma II.2.7 and Theorem II.1.3 that is generated by preprojectives. By Proposition II.3.5 the category whose projectives are given by , and which is obtained by a sequence of the two tilts described above, also has the property that it is generated by preprojectives. Then it follows from Theorem II.1.3 that is equivalent to . Since we already know that and are derived equivalent, this finishes the proof.

The results in this section can be used to give an alternative approach to the construction of the category associated with the quiver satisfying (P1), (P2), under the following assumption:


There is a section with orientation such that there are no infinite paths in .

Then we have . The category obtained by two tilts is also generated by preprojectives (we also have that is a section) by Proposition II.3.5, and hence is uniquely determined by .

We have no example where (*) is not satisfied by a quiver satisfying (P1), (P2), hence it is possible that the construction of given in this section has the same generality as the one given in Theorem II.1.3. In any case, as follows from the results in the next section, it is general enough for the classification in the noetherian case.

II.4. The classification

In this section we show that a connected noetherian hereditary abelian -finite category with Serre functor and non-zero projective objects is generated by the preprojective objects, and hence is of the form for some quiver . Then we describe the quivers such that is noetherian, completing our classification when there are non-zero projective objects.

Our first step is a decomposition theorem. We start with not necessarily connected. As before let be the subcategory of generated by the preprojectives. Let be the full subcategory of consisting of objects such that for any preprojective (or equivalently for any ).

Lemma II.4.1.

is closed under subquotients and extensions.


The only thing that is not entirely trivial is the fact that is closed under quotients. So let be a surjective map in with . Let be a non-trivial map with preprojective. Finally let

be the corresponding pullback diagram. Since is not the zero map, there must exist an indecomposable summand of such that . Since maps non-trivially to , it follows from Corollary II.2.6 that it must be preprojective. Now clearly . This yields a contradiction.

Now we come to our main result in this section. Let be an -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category, and let the notation be as above.

Theorem II.4.2.

The inclusions and define an equivalence .


The hereditary abelian categories and satisfy Serre duality. If the functor is defined as usual, then is everywhere defined on and is invertible.


We have by definition . Furthermore it follows from Lemma II.4.1 and Theorem II.2.9 that . Hence it is sufficient to show that every is a direct sum with and .

From the fact that is noetherian and is closed under extensions (Theorem II.2.9) it follows that there exists a maximal subobject in which lies in , and so lies in . Hence it now suffices to prove that . Since is hereditary, preserves epis, thus it is sufficient to show that with an indecomposable projective and . In addition we may and we will assume that is indecomposable.

Assume . Then clearly is not projective and is not injective. Hence by Serre duality . This contradicts the fact that . Hence , which finishes the proof.


That and satisfy Serre duality follows for example from Lemma I.1.11. Any projective or injective object in clearly has the same property in and therefore lies in . Since a non-zero object cannot be both in and , we conclude that does not contain non-zero projectives or injectives. Hence is defined everywhere on and is invertible.

For an example showing that this theorem fails for non-noetherian hereditary abelian categories (even when they have noetherian injectives), see §III.3.6.

Theorem II.4.2 together with Corollary II.2.8 tells us that is of the form where has a Serre functor. When is connected, it follows that . It remains to describe the which are noetherian.

Let us first define a particular kind of quivers. We call a ray an infinite quiver of the form

We call the starting vertex.

We call a quiver strongly locally finite if it is connected and if for every vertex in the associated projective and injective representations have finite length. Note that a strongly locally finite quiver automatically satisfies (P1), (P2).

If is a quiver, then by attaching a ray we mean identifying a vertex of with the starting vertex of the ray.

Finally we call a quiver a star if it consists of a strongly locally finite quiver to which a set of rays is simultaneously attached in such a way that only a finite number of rays are attached to every vertex. Note that a star is connected and satisfies (P1), (P2).

We now prove the following result.

Theorem II.4.3.

Let be a connected quiver satisfying the properties (P1), (P2). Then is noetherian if and only if is a star.

The proof will consist of a number of lemmas.

We will be analyzing infinite paths in . These are by definition subquivers of of the form

(so actually infinite paths are the same as rays but we use different terminology to avoid confusion).

Two infinite paths are said to be equivalent if they are equal from some vertex on.

Lemma II.4.4.

Assume that is noetherian. If is an infinite path in , then there exists such that for the only arrow in starting in is the arrow in going from to .


Assume that does not exist. We will show that then is not noetherian. The non-existence of implies that there exists a proper strictly ascending array of integers as well as a corresponding array of vertices such that there is an arrow which is not in . The edges induce maps which are the composition of the maps .

We now claim that the image of defines a proper ascending chain of subobjects of . This is clear since the path in corresponding to the map in does not pass through for . Hence is not noetherian, and we have obtained a contradiction.

In order to give a more precise analysis when is noetherian we need the following.

Lemma II.4.5.

Let be a -linear -finite hereditary abelian category with a Serre functor . Let be defined as usual.

Let , and be non-injective indecomposable projectives in . Assume we have an irreducible map and a map which does not factor through . Let be the composition of maps

Then for any factorization of through a projective object

we have that splits.


Assume that is not split. Consider the almost split sequence

From the theory of almost split sequences it follows that we may take and . Also by the theory of almost split sequences it follows that for some maps . Since is projective we have , and hence . Now consider the map given by

Clearly , whence there exists such that

Applying to the first of these equations yields a factorization of , contradicting the hypotheses.

Lemma II.4.6.

Assume that is noetherian. If is an infinite path in , then there exists such that for the only arrows in adjacent to are those in .


If is noetherian, then so is since the latter is a full subcategory closed under subobjects. Therefore it follows from the previous lemma that there is some such that for the only arrow starting in is the one which lies in . By dropping some initial vertices in we may assume .

Assume now that (as in the statement of the lemma) does not exist. Since injectives have finite length, it is clear that is not injective. We will show that is not noetherian in .

The non-existence of implies that there exists a strictly ascending array of integers as well as a corresponding array of vertices such that there is an arrow which is not in .

The edges correspond to an irreducible map . Using the theory of almost split sequences there is a corresponding map . Also from the path we obtain a map which gives rise to a corresponding map . We denote by the composition

We now claim that the image of defines an ascending chain of subobjects of . If this were not the case, then for some all and must factor through . It follows that the resulting map must be split since otherwise by Lemma II.4.5 and Equation II.4.1 the map factors through , which is impossible given the construction of this map.

Thus it follows that . We conclude that some vertex occurs infinitely often among the , but this contradicts condition (P1).

Thus we have shown that is not noetherian, and in this way we have obtained a contradiction to the hypotheses.

Corollary II.4.7.

Assume that is noetherian. Then is a star.


Let be the set of equivalence classes of infinite paths in . For every we choose a representative . By the previous lemma we can without loss of generality assume that the only edges in adjacent to () are those in .

Now let be obtained from by removing for all the vertices for as well as the edges in . It is clear that is obtained from by adjoining the strings . Furthermore itself cannot contain any infinite paths since such an infinite path would have to be equivalent to one of the . In particular it would have to contain vertices outside , which is of course a contradiction. It follows that is strongly locally finite, and so is indeed a star.

The following lemma completes the proof of Theorem II.4.3.

Lemma II.4.8.

If is a star, then is noetherian.


Assume that is a star. Since by construction is generated by preprojectives, it suffices to show that the indecomposable preprojectives are noetherian. So we need to consider objects of the form with a vertex in and .

Taking the sum of all irreducible maps (with multiplicities) going into , we obtain a map , where the sum is finite, which is either surjective or has simple cokernel (the latter happens if ). In any case it is sufficient to show that the are noetherian.

By Lemma II.2.5 we know what the can be. They are of the form such that either , or else and the map is obtained from an irreducible map , which in turn corresponds to an arrow in the quiver .

Induction on now yields that it is sufficient to show that is noetherian, where lies on one of the rays contained in , and furthermore for a given we may assume that lies arbitrarily far from the starting vertex of the ray.

Let be the ray on which lies. We will assume that (if happens to be farther away, then we just drop the initial vertices in ).

To check that is noetherian we need to understand the additive category whose objects are direct sums of indecomposables which have a non-zero map to . The theory of almost split sequence easily yields that is the path category of the part of the AR-quiver of spanned by the vertices that have a non-trivial path to . Furthermore, also by the theory of almost split sequences, it is easy to work out what this quiver is. The result is as in Figure II.4.1. By convention we will assume that the relations on the quiver in Figure II.4.1 are of the form

Note that from these relations, or directly, it easily follows that

To show that is noetherian we have to show that there does not exist an infinite sequence of non-zero maps (unique up to a scalar by Equation II.4.3) , such that the image of is not contained in the image of .

Assume to the contrary that such a sequence does indeed exist. Let be the set of all such that for some . For every let be the closest to with the property that , and let be the corresponding . It is now clear from the quiver given in Figure II.4.1 as well as Equation II.4.3 that every factors through one of the , contradicting the choice of . This finishes the proof.

Summarizing, we have the following main result of this section.

Theorem II.4.9.

The connected hereditary abelian noetherian -finite categories with Serre functor and non-zero projective objects are exactly the categories , where is a connected quiver which is a star.

III. Sources of hereditary abelian categories with no projectives or injectives

In this section we give various sources of examples of hereditary abelian categories. The main focus is on the -finite categories which are noetherian and have a Serre functor, and we shall see in the next section that our discussion includes all possible examples with no non-zero projectives. It is also interesting to see how these examples fit into more general classes of hereditary abelian categories.

In §III.1 we investigate hereditary abelian categories whose objects have finite length, and classify those having a Serre functor.

In §III.2 we describe the hereditary abelian categories that arise as for a graded ring finite over its center (see III.2 for the definition of ).

In §III.3 we give examples of noetherian hereditary abelian categories obtained by tilting with respect to torsion pairs, performed inside the bounded derived category, as discussed in III.2.

III.1. Hereditary abelian categories with Serre functor and all objects of finite length

When is a hereditary abelian category, the subcategory f.l. whose objects are those of finite length is again hereditary abelian, by Proposition A.2. In this section we classify the hereditary abelian categories having a Serre functor, and where .

Recall that denotes the graph which is a cycle with vertices. Then we have the following.

Theorem III.1.1.

Let be a connected -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category in which every object has finite length and which has almost split sequences and no non-zero projectives or injectives. Then is equivalent to the category of nilpotent finite dimensional representations of the quiver or of the quiver , with all arrows oriented in the same direction. In the first case is the number of simple objects in and in the second case there is an infinite number of simple objects.

Conversely, the category of nilpotent finite dimensional representations of the quiver or of the quiver , with all arrows oriented in the same direction, is a noetherian hereditary abelian -finite category with almost split sequences, and hence also with a Serre functor.


By Theorem I.3.3 the category has a Serre functor. As usual we denote the Serre functor by , and we let . This now induces an autoequivalence .

Let be an object in , and let be the component of the AR-quiver of containing . Since is an equivalence, it preserves length. Hence we have an almost split sequence , where is uniserial of length . Consider the almost split sequence . Since and are uniserial of length and is simple, it is easy to see that is uniserial of length . Continuing the process, we see that contains only uniserial objects. It is a tube if it contains only a finite number of non-isomorphic simple objects, and of the form otherwise.

Assume there is some indecomposable object in which is not in . If , then for some simple object in . Using the properties of almost split sequences and that all objects in are uniserial, we can lift the map to get an epimorphism from to an object of arbitrary length in . Hence , and similarly . It follows that all indecomposable objects in are in .

It is easy to see from the above that the component of uniquely determines and that is as in the statement of the theorem.

The category of nilpotent finite dimensional representations of or of over is a hereditary abelian -category, and it is easy to see that it has almost split sequences, and hence a Serre functor by Theorem I.3.3.

Note that in Reference 29 the connected finite quivers where f.l. has almost split sequences are described to be the above quivers and the quivers with no oriented cycles.

There are various alternative but equivalent descriptions of the category . For further reference we now give a discussion of those.

For we define as the ring of -matrices of the form

with . We put the standard -adic topology on . Since is the completed path algebra of , it follows that is equivalent to the category of finite dimensional representations over .

Similarly for let considered as a graded ring with . It is easily seen that is now equivalent to , which consists of the finite dimensional -modules.

In order to have compatibility with the first case let be the ring of lower triangular -matrices over , equipped with the product of the discrete topologies on . Thus is a pseudo-compact ring in the sense that its topology is complete and separated and in addition is generated by ideals of finite colength. For details on pseudo-compact rings see Reference 11Reference 32Reference 33. Since is the completed path algebra of , it follows that is equivalent to the category of pseudo-compact finite dimensional representations over . Note that one can prove (as in the proof of Reference 33, Thm. 1.1.3) that all finite dimensional -representations equipped with the discrete topology are pseudo-compact (this depends on ).

Let be the category of finite dimensional -modules (with the discrete topology). In the sequel we will denote the equivalence by . To finish the description of we describe the functor .

Proposition III.1.2.

There exists an invertible bi-pseudo-compact Reference 32 -bimodule such that for we have

Furthermore non-canonically we have .


Since Serre functors are unique we may assume . It is easy to see that exists and is given by the formula

where runs through the ideals of with the property that is finite dimensional. In fact such a formula would hold for any autoequivalence of .

To describe explicitly consider first the case . In that case local duality implies that where . An explicit computation reveals that .

In the case of we could extend local duality theory to the pseudo-compact ring to arrive at the same formula. However it is easier to use that with . In this case graded local duality implies that coincides with tensoring with . Translating this to we see that indeed coincides with tensoring with .

We denote by the category of pseudo-compact -modules. is an abelian category with enough projectives and exact inverse limits. Note the following fact which will be used in the sequel.

Lemma III.1.3.

The homological dimension of is one.


In Reference 32, Cor. 4.7,4.11 it has been shown that it is sufficient to prove that the projective dimension of each pseudo-compact simple is equal to one. This is an easy direct verification.

III.2. Sheaves of hereditary orders and graded rings

Let be a non-singular projective curve over . Let be the function field of , and let for some . Let be a sheaf of hereditary -orders in . Thus locally is a hereditary order over a Dedekind ring (in the sense of Reference 21). Let be the category of coherent -modules. Then is obviously hereditary. Put . Then exactly as in the commutative case one proves for :

Hence satisfies Serre duality.

From the structure of hereditary orders Reference 21 it follows that every point corresponds to a unique orbit of simples (those simples with support in ). Hence in particular has an infinite number of -orbits of simples.

At some point in the proof of Theorem IV.5.2 we need that if is a commutative graded ring such that is connected hereditary abelian, then is of the form for as above. Here denotes the quotient category / finite length. We prove this in the larger generality that is finite over its center. Once we have the classification in Theorem IV.5.2 available we will be able to give a proof under even more general conditions on . See Corollary V.2.2.

We start with the following preliminary result.

Proposition III.2.1.

Let be a noetherian -graded -algebra finite dimensional over in every degree with left limited grading and which is finitely generated as a module over a central commutative ring . Let see Reference 17 for the definition of . Then is equivalent to the category of coherent modules over a sheaf of -algebras which is coherent as -module.


Without changing the category we may (and we will) replace by . By the Artin–Tate lemma is finitely generated. Let be homogeneous generators for , respectively of degree . Let be homogeneous generators of as a module over , and let be the maximum of the degrees of the ’s. Let be the product of the ’s. We claim that there exists such that for we have .

We prove instead that for large we have . This is clearly equivalent. A general element of is a -linear combination of elements of the form . It is sufficient to have that for some : . Assume this is false. Then it follows that the degree of (which is ) is less than . This proves what we want.


One verifies directly that for one has . Since and are Morita equivalent, we clearly have .

By definition is covered by the affine open sets . Let be the sheaf of graded rings on associated to . Thus on the sections of are given by .

By localization theory is equivalent to the category of coherent graded -modules. We claim that is strongly graded () and that is coherent over . It is clearly sufficient to check this locally. That is strongly graded follows from Lemma III.2.2 below.

The sheaf is nothing but in the notation of Reference 17. By the results in loc. cit. is coherent (it is easy to see this directly).

Since is strongly graded, we have that the category of coherent graded -modules is equivalent to the category of coherent -modules. This finishes the proof.

Lemma III.2.2.

Assume that is a -graded ring such that for large , and assume furthermore that there exists a non-zero such that for all . Then is strongly graded.


For large we have

A similar argument shows that .

We can now prove the desired result.

Proposition III.2.3.

Let be as in Proposition III.2.1, and assume in addition that is hereditary. Then is a finite direct sum of hereditary abelian categories which are either of the form for a finite dimensional algebra , or else of the form where is a sheaf of classical hereditary orders over a non-singular irreducible projective curve .


This follows easily from the structure theory of hereditary noetherian rings.

By Proposition III.2.1 it follows that is equivalent to the category of coherent -modules where is a coherent sheaf of -algebras and .

Let be the center of , and let be the -scheme such that . Now for the purposes of the proof we may replace by its connected components. So we assume that is connected. Let be affine open. Then by Proposition A.4 and Reference 11, p. 431 it follows that is hereditary. So according to Reference 20, p. 151 we have that will be a direct sum of a finite dimensional hereditary algebra and a hereditary -algebra which is a direct sum of infinite dimensional prime rings. We identify with a sheaf of finite support on . If , then corresponds to a central idempotent in which is zero outside the support of . Hence we can extend it to a central idempotent in . Since we had assumed that the center of is connected, this yields .

Hence we only have to consider the case where is a direct sum of prime hereditary rings for all affine . In our case the are then direct sums of orders in central simple algebras.

Now it follows from Reference 26 that the center of a hereditary order is a Dedekind ring. In particular is a non-singular curve. Since is also connected, it follows that is irreducible. Thus if is affine, then is a domain, whence is actually prime. So is a classical hereditary order. This finishes the argument.

One of the conditions of the previous proposition was that should be hereditary. The following lemma, which is almost a tautology (using Proposition A.3), tells us when this condition holds.

Lemma III.2.4.

With the above hypotheses on we have that is hereditary if and only if is hereditary for every non-maximal graded prime ideal in the center of .

III.3. Hereditary abelian categories associated to infinite Dynkin and tame quivers

In this section we construct some particular hereditary abelian noetherian categories which are obtained from categories of type via tilting with respect to some torsion pair.

We start by computing the AR-quivers for the finite dimensional representations of the quivers , and (with respect to a convenient orientation). The first two are needed for the construction of noetherian hereditary abelian categories with no non-zero projectives and the third will be useful for giving an example that in the non-noetherian case a connected hereditary abelian -finite category with Serre duality and non-zero projectives is not necessarily determined by its associated quiver.

III.3.1. The case of

We consider the category of finite dimensional representations of the quiver

of type . Since each representation can be viewed as a representation of some quiver of type , we know the structure of the indecomposable representations. We recall what they look like and at the same time we introduce a convenient notation:

(): for and otherwise. Then the AR-quiver contains components given by Figures III.3.1, III.3.2, III.3.3, III.3.4 respectively.

To see that the corresponding sequences are almost split we use the known structure of almost split sequences for quivers of type .

We see that the preprojective component contains the with odd, the preinjective component contains those with even, the component in Figure III.3.3 contains the with even and odd and finally the component in Figure III.3.4 contains the with odd and even.

Hence all indecomposable representations occur in one of the four above components, and so there are no other components.

III.3.2. The case of

We consider the category of finite dimensional representations for the quiver

of type . Since each finite dimensional representation can be viewed as a representation of some quiver of type , we know the structure of the indecomposable representations. We recall what they look like, and at the same time we introduce a notation convenient for describing the distribution of modules in the AR-quiver (we always mean that at the vertices which are not mentioned).


for .


for , , .


for , , .


for , for , and (for , ).

We now compute three components of the AR-quiver (see Figures III.3.5, III.3.6, III.3.7). For those people that are having trouble spotting the rule for Figure III.3.7 it may help to introduce the convention .

It is not hard to see that the sequences corresponding to Figures III.3.5, III.3.6, III.3.7 are almost split by considering a large enough subcategory of representations of a quiver of type .

We see that the preprojective component contains the , and with and odd or and the with odd. The preinjective component contains the , and with even and even and the with even. The third component contains the and with odd and the with even.

Hence all indecomposable representations lie in one of the above three components, and hence there are no other components.

III.3.3. The case of

We consider the category of finite dimensional representations of the quiver

of type . We use the same notation as in the case for the indecomposable representations. Then the AR-quiver contains components given by Figures III.3.8, III.3.9 respectively.

The with odd are in the preprojective component, and those with even are in the preinjective component. Hence there are no other components.

III.3.4. The category

Let be where is the quiver with zigzag orientation (as in §III.3.1), and let be obtained from by tilting with respect to the split torsion pair , where consists of the preinjectives (see Figure II.3.2). Then is an -finite hereditary abelian category with no non-zero projectives or injectives, derived equivalent to . So satisfies Serre duality. The AR-quiver of consists of one component and two components.

Below we show that is noetherian and we show in addition that has two -orbits of simples. But first we give some preliminary results.

In an -quiver the subquiver of the form

given by an almost split sequence , with the indecomposable (and which we here assume to be non-isomorphic), is called a mesh. The mesh category of a component is the path category of modulo the relations given by the meshes. The component of an AR-quiver is said to be standard if the full subcategory of indecomposable objects corresponding to the vertices of is equivalent to the mesh category of .

Lemma III.3.4.1.

Let and be as above.


Let and be indecomposable objects belonging to a component of the AR-quiver of or . If is a non-zero non-isomorphism, then is a composition of irreducible maps. In particular there is a path between the corresponding vertices.


The components of the AR-quiver of and of are standard.


Part 1. for follows directly from the explicit description of the indecomposable objects in . The claim for can be reduced to the result for , by possibly applying high enough powers of .

To show that any component of or is standard, one defines as usual a functor from the path category of to the subcategory of indecomposable objects of given by , in such a way that there is induced a functor from the mesh category of . Using 1., this will be an equivalence.

The next result, which gives information on maps between components, is easily verified.

Lemma III.3.4.2.

Let and be as above.


For there are no non-zero maps from the preinjective component to any other component and to the preprojective component from any other component, and also no non-zero maps between the two components.


For there are no non-zero maps from the components to the component, and no non-zero maps between the two components.

We state explicitly the following special cases which will be used later.

Lemma III.3.4.3.

Let be as above.


If and are indecomposable with and is in the component of , then there is a path from to in the AR-quiver.


If is indecomposable in , then .

Proposition III.3.4.4.

has exactly two -orbits of simples.


We claim that the only simple objects in are the objects of length two in the components of . This clearly implies what we have to show.

First we note that the other indecomposables cannot be simple. Indeed let be one of those other indecomposables. Assume first that . Thus can be considered as an object of . Assume now in addition that is not a length one projective. Then it is easy to see directly that we can make a non-trivial short exact sequence

with . Hence this sequence remains exact in , and thus is not simple.

If happens to lie in , or is given by a length one projective in , then we first apply a power of , and then we apply the above reasoning.

Now we prove the converse. So let be an indecomposable object of length two in one of the components of . We have to prove that becomes simple in .

Assume now that is not simple in . Thus there is an exact sequence in as in Equation III.3.1, but this time the indecomposable summands of must be in the same component as (by Lemma III.3.4.2). By applying a high power of we may assume that the summands of are in , and hence Equation III.3.1 represents an exact sequence in . It is easy to see that this is impossible.

Lemma III.3.4.5.

As in Figure II.3.2 let be the component of . Then the objects in generate .


This follows directly from the fact that the projectives generate .

Lemma III.3.4.6.

One has for


This can be shown in many ways. The most direct method is to compute in , but it is most elegant to consider the function . This function is on and zero on the objects which are not on a path starting in (by Lemma III.3.4.3). Furthermore is additive on almost split sequences not ending in . This is enough to determine completely.

We conclude:

Lemma III.3.4.7.

If , then does not contain a non-trivial direct sum.


Assume with indecomposable. Then we can find an indecomposable which has a path to both and . Thus we obtain.

which is a contradiction.

Proposition III.3.4.8.

The category is noetherian.


By Lemma III.3.4.5 it suffices to prove that the objects in are noetherian. So let be an object in , and assume that is not noetherian. Then there is some infinite chain

By Lemma III.3.4.7 each of the is indecomposable, and by Lemma III.3.4.2 each of the is in . Thus by Lemma III.3.4.3 each of the is on a path from to . Since there are only a finite number of objects on such paths, this is a contradiction.

III.3.5. The category

This section closely parallels the previous one, but some of the arguments are slightly more complicated. Let be , where is the quiver with zigzag orientation (as in III.3.2), and let be obtained from by tilting with respect to the split torsion pair , where consists of the preinjectives (see Figure II.3.2). Then is an -finite hereditary abelian category with no non-zero projectives or injectives, derived equivalent to . So satisfies Serre duality. The AR-quiver of consists of one component and one component.

We want to show that is noetherian, and that has exactly one -orbit of simples. Some of the preliminary results we need for this are similar to the corresponding results in III.3.4, and hence most of them are omitted.

We start with stating the following results, where the first one is of interest in itself and the second one is different from the corresponding result for the category.

Lemma III.3.5.1.

The components of and are standard.

Proposition III.3.5.2.

has exactly one -orbit of simple objects.

Now we need an analog of Lemma III.3.4.6, but as is to be expected the result is slightly more complicated in the present case. Therefore the result is most easily represented in some diagrams. Figures III.3.10 and III.3.11 give the values of for where is varying and is fixed. Figure III.3.11 corresponds to the case where is on one of the ending vertices of , and Figure III.3.10 corresponds to the general case. These diagrams are obtained in the same way as Lemma III.3.4.6. We have encircled the vertex corresponding to in each of the cases.

From these diagrams we compute the following lemma.

Lemma III.3.5.3.

If , then .

This lemma allows us to prove the following.

Lemma III.3.5.4.

If , then does not contain a non-trivial direct sum of three objects.


Assume with indecomposable. Then according to the diagrams III.3.10 and III.3.11 we can find an indecomposable such that is non-zero when evaluated on and . Thus we obtain

which is a contradiction.

Proposition III.3.5.5.

The category is noetherian.


As in III.3.4 it suffices to prove that the objects in are noetherian. So let be an object in , and assume that is not noetherian. Then there is some infinite chain

After possibly replacing by a subsequence we may by Lemma III.3.5.4 assume that either each of the is indecomposable, or else that they all have exactly two indecomposable summands. The first case is dealt with exactly as in Proposition III.3.4.8, so we will concentrate on the second case.

Thus we now assume that with and indecomposable. Using Lemma III.3.5.4 it is easily seen that possibly after interchanging and we may assume that there exist non-zero maps and . Thus as in the proof of Proposition III.3.4.8 we must have and for large , and hence also . From the fact that is -finite, it then easily follows that the inclusion must actually be an isomorphism. This finishes the proof.

III.3.6. An example

We now give an example that shows that the important Theorem II.4.2 fails for non-noetherian hereditary abelian -finite categories with Serre duality, even when they have noetherian injectives.

Let be the category as defined in §III.3.4. For one of the components consider a section with zig-zag orientation. Let consist of direct sums of indecomposable objects which are in the chosen component to the right of , and let consist of direct sums of the other indecomposables. Then it follows from III.3.4 together with Serre duality that is a split torsion pair in .

Let be the tilted category. Then is a hereditary abelian category whose projectives are given by and which is derived equivalent to . It follows from Lemma II.3.2 that has noetherian injectives. Hence if Theorem II.4.2 were to hold for , then by Corollary II.2.8 it would follow that (using the fact that , being derived equivalent to , is indecomposable by construction). However this contradicts the determination of the AR-quiver of which was made in §III.3.3.

III.3.7. Other interpretations of the and the categories

In this section we define some -finite noetherian hereditary abelian categories with almost split sequences and no non-zero projectives and injectives. Ultimately when we have our general classification result (Theorem IV.5.2) it will turn out that these are actually the same as the and categories. The constructions in this section are very easy, but unfortunately for one of them we have to assume that the characteristic is not two.

First construction.

Following Reference 30 we consider as a -graded ring with and and let be the category of finitely generated graded -modules modulo the finite dimensional ones. Then it is shown in Reference 30 that is a hereditary abelian category satisfying Serre duality (this last fact follows easily from graded local duality) and it is also -finite. It is also shown in Reference 30 that there are precisely two -orbits of simples. Hence invoking Proposition III.3.4.4 above and Theorem IV.5.2 below it follows that is the category.

Second construction.

Now we assume that the characteristic of is not two. Let be as in the previous construction. The category has a natural automorphism of order two which sends a graded module to and which exchanges the and action. Let be the category of equivariant objects in , i.e. pairs where is an isomorphism satisfying . It now follows easily from the general results in Reference 22 that is an -finite hereditary abelian category with almost split sequences and no projectives or injectives, whence satisfies Serre duality by Theorem I.3.3. The two orbits of simples in collapse to a single orbit in . Hence invoking Proposition III.3.5.2 above and Theorem IV.5.2 it follows is the category.

IV. Hereditary noetherian abelian categories with no projectives or injectives

Let be a connected -linear -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category having almost split sequences and no non-zero projectives or injectives, or equivalently, having a Serre functor and no non-zero projectives. In this section we show that if has some object which is not of finite length, then has one of the following forms:


If has an infinite number of -orbits of simples, then is the category of coherent sheaves over a hereditary order over a connected non-singular proper curve (as in III.2).


If has exactly two -orbits of simples, then is the category (as in III.3.4).


If has exactly one -orbit of simples, then is the category (as in III.3.5).

We first show that when is connected and satisfies the above hypothesis, then either each -orbit of simple objects is finite or each such orbit is infinite. In the first case we show that there is a unique simple object in the quotient category , where consists of the objects of finite length, coming from an object in with no summands in . We are able to construct an automorphism such that is ample, and then we use results of Reference 3 to show that is equivalent to some quotient category . Then is equivalent to the category of coherent sheaves over a hereditary order over a connected non-singular proper curve. In the second case we show that is the category if there is one simple object in , and the category if there are two simple objects.

In this section will satisfy the above assumptions, except that we will not a priori assume that is connected. As usual we denote the Serre functor by and we write . The induced autoequivalence of is as usual denoted by .

IV.1. Preliminaries

In this section we show that if is connected, then the quotient category (where consists of the objects of finite length) contains at most two simple objects, and if there are two, then they are permuted by modulo . We also show that if is not in , there is some non-zero map from to a simple object in every -orbit.

We call the objects in “torsion”. Analogously we call an object in torsion free if it contains no subobject in . Let be the full subcategory of consisting of torsion free objects. Clearly and are stable under (as they are under any autoequivalence). In the sequel we denote the quotient functor by .

Let be the simple objects in , and let be the permutation of defined by . We say that if and are in the same -orbit. If , then we denote by the full subcategory of consisting of objects whose Jordan-Hölder quotients are in . We have

where the are described by the results in III.1.

We will now prove some elementary properties of torsion free objects. Note first that by Serre duality . In other words the torsion free objects behave as projectives with respect to the torsion objects. From this we easily deduce:

Lemma IV.1.1.

Every object in is the direct sum of a torsion object and a torsion free object.


The categories for are stable under essential extensions in .

If is -stable and , then we define the -topology on as the linear topology generated by the subobjects which satisfy . An equivalent way of stating Lemma IV.1.1.2 is the following.

Lemma IV.1.2.

The -topology satisfies the Artin–Rees condition.

Recall that the Artin–Rees condition means that if with , then there exists with and .

The following technical result will be used repeatedly.

Lemma IV.1.3.

Let and let be an inverse system of subobjects of which has the property that . Then there exists such that for all we have .


By Serre duality we have with . We will show that for some . By the vanishing of this automatically implies that for all . Since if and is finite dimensional, it suffices to show that this inclusion is not equality for small if . Let be a non-zero map. Since , there must exist some such that and hence some such that . Thus and we are done.

We have the following consequence.

Corollary IV.1.4.

The category is semisimple.


It is sufficient to show that for any there is a subobject with such that . To prove this we verify the hypotheses for Lemma IV.1.3 for the inverse system of cotorsion subobjects of , that is, subobjects of with . So let be a maximal subobject contained in all with . If , then let be a maximal subobject of . Since is simple we have . By Artin–Rees we obtain the existence of such that and . This contradicts the definition of . Hence and we are done.

The following easy lemma is used several times.

Lemma IV.1.5.

Assume that is simple modulo . Then .


Assume that are simple modulo . If and are both non-zero, then any non-trivial map is an isomorphism.


From the fact that is torsion free we obtain

and since is simple modulo , the latter is a division algebra. So has no zero divisors. Since by our general hypotheses is finite dimensional, we obtain that .


Pick non-trivial maps , . Then and represent non-zero maps in and . Since and are simple, these maps must be isomorphisms. In particular the compositions and are non-zero in and , and hence they are also non-zero in and . It follows from 1. that and are scalar multiples of the identity map. Thus is an isomorphism.

Next we examine more closely the relation between the category and the semisimple category .

If is torsion free and is a -orbit in , then we say that is linked to if and only if there exists together with a surjective map .

Lemma IV.1.6.

If is linked to and if is isomorphic to modulo , then is also linked to .


If is linked to and , then there exists a torsion free object isomorphic to modulo such that there is a surjective map .


Assume that there is a surjective map where .


We can reduce to two cases.


and for some simple object . Applying to the short exact sequence


since using Serre duality. If , then and hence since . If , then , and we have .


and . Applying to the short exact sequence


If , then we take and we have . If , then we take and we have . In both cases we find .


Assume that there is a non-zero map (with ). If , then it follows as above that maps non-trivially to . By Serre duality we have that . Let be a non-trivial extension of and . Then is torsion free and maps non-trivially to .

From the previous lemma we can now deduce the following perhaps slightly surprising result.

Lemma IV.1.7.

The operation is the identity on objects in .


If and modulo , then and are linked to the same .


If are simple modulo , then or modulo if and only if and are linked to a common .


Clearly 2. and one direction of 3. are trivial. We start by proving the non-trivial direction of 3. So assume that and in are simple modulo and are linked to a common . By Lemma IV.1.6 we may assume that there exists together with surjective maps and . Let be the pullback of these maps and let be the kernel of . Thus we have a commutative diagram with exact rows:

If the lower exact sequence splits, then factors through . In particular there is a non-trivial map . Since and are simple modulo , it follows that must be an isomorphism modulo since it is clearly not zero.

Assume now that the lower exact sequence in Equation IV.1.2 does not split. Then it yields a non-trivial element of . Hence by Serre duality . Since modulo , we obtain modulo . This proves what we want.

Now 1. follows easily from For let be simple modulo . Then is linked to the same as . Hence by we have that or modulo . Thus we find that in any case modulo . This holds for all simples in , and since this category is semisimple, it follows that is the identity on objects.

Corollary IV.1.8.

Assume that is connected. Then contains at most two simple objects, and if there are two they are permuted by modulo . Furthermore every is linked to every .


We first claim that every is linked to at least one object in . This follows from the fact that for . So if , then splits off as a factor from , contradicting the connectedness of .

Let the simple objects in be represented by . Assume that constitute one -orbit modulo (thus ). Let be respectively the union of the orbits which are linked to and . By Lemma IV.1.7.3 we have and by the previous paragraph .

Define as the full subcategory of consisting of objects of the form where is isomorphic to modulo and . We define in a similar way but using and . It is easy to see that . This contradicts again the hypothesis that is connected.

So we obtain that . Since every is linked to at least one , and since acts transitively, we obtain that every is linked to every .

We will use the following.

Lemma IV.1.9.

Assume that is connected. Let and . Then the topology on is separated.


This follows from the Artin–Rees property together with Lemma IV.1.6. See the proof of Corollary IV.1.4.

IV.2. Completion

In this section we use the results from §IV.1 to show that if is connected, then the orbits of the simple objects are either all finite or they are all infinite, and in the first case there is a unique simple object in . To accomplish this, we use, as otherwise in this paper, some arguments inspired by geometry. For example we want to understand the formal local structure of the objects in around a -orbit of simples. For this we use the notion of “completion” which was introduced in Reference 32.

Let . By Appendix A is a connected hereditary abelian category with all objects of finite length. Furthermore it is clear that and in and coincide. Thus has a Serre functor and we can apply the results in §III.1 to it. We will denote by the pseudo-compact ring which was denoted by in §III.1. We consider the elements of as matrices whose entries are indexed by the elements of . For we define

where was defined in §III.1. If is clear from the context, then we write for .

Clearly is a functor from to . As in Reference 32 one proves the following.

Lemma IV.2.1.

is an exact functor. In particular we can extend to a functor . This allows us to define the action of on ’s.


If we restrict to , then it is the composition of the projection with the functor from §III.1.


If we restrict to , then its image consists of projective pseudo-compact -modules containing every indecomposable projective pseudo-compact -module at most a finite number of times as a factor.


Let and . Then completion defines an isomorphism


For every we have a natural isomorphism


This theorem is proved in the same way as Reference 32, Thm. 5.3.1, Prop. 5.3.4, Cor. 5.3.5. The only thing that needs to be proved slightly differently is 3.

So let . To prove that is projective we take a minimal projective resolution

By the definition of a minimal resolution we have . This yields for : . Thus .

Let be indecomposable projective over . Then for some in . The number of times that occurs in a direct sum decomposition of is given by the dimension of , which is finite by hypothesis.

Our next aim is to sharpen Lemma IV.2.1 by actually showing that is a noetherian -module. We start by proving the following result.

Lemma IV.2.2.

Let and . Then there exist only a finite number of such that there is a non-zero map .


Assume that the lemma is false. So maps to an infinite number of different with . In particular must be infinite. Without loss of generality we may assume that is torsion free and that has simple image in .

Choose an element and write where for the corresponding diagonal idempotent in is denoted by . Thus by the explicit structure of given in §III.1 we find.

Since by Lemma IV.2.1 it follows that is projective with finite multiplicities, we have

for certain . By Proposition III.1.2 we obtain

Define as and let be the object in with the property that . Thus is the unique object of length with cosocle . We have


and . Then combining the canonical surjective maps yields a canonical surjective map and hence by Lemma IV.2.1 a surjective map .

Let be the kernel of this map. Using the exactness of completion we find

Applying to the exact sequence

we obtain the exact sequence

Furthermore . This goes to infinity by Equation IV.2.2, Equation IV.2.3 and the definition of . It follows that also goes to infinity. On the other hand we now show that in fact . This is clearly a contradiction.

We apply to the exact sequence Equation IV.2.5. This yields the exact sequence

From the fact that is simple modulo we obtain that by Lemma IV.1.5.

On the other hand, by completing and using Equation IV.2.4 and Equation IV.2.3 we find . This proves what we want.

Corollary IV.2.3.

Denote by the full subcategory of consisting of noetherian objects. Then defines a functor .


It clearly suffices to show that if , then is noetherian. Now we know that is a projective object in mapping only to a finite number of different simples (counting multiplicities). Hence is a direct sum of a finite number of indecomposable projectives. Since the indecomposable pseudo-compact projectives over are noetherian, it follows that is noetherian.

Note that if , then is equivalent to with .

Corollary IV.2.4.

Let and . Then completion defines an isomorphism


Let be the linear map corresponding to the identity map under Serre duality. As in the proof of Proposition I.2.3 it follows that can be chosen freely, subject to the condition that it must be non-vanishing on the almost split sequence ending in .

Now define as . Then by functoriality we have a commutative diagram:

It follows that the pairings for and for are compatible. The upper pairing is non-degenerate by Serre duality and the lower pairing is non-degenerate by local duality for (or graded local duality for if ). Using these dualities Equation IV.2.6 follows from Equation IV.2.1.

Let be the pseudo-compact finite length modules over and put . Using Morita theory we obtain

Then completion defines an exact functor . So we obtain the commutative diagram

where as usual denotes the quotient functor. In the next section we will show that this is actually a pullback diagram.

Lemma IV.2.5.

Let and assume that is such that the linear topology on defined by is separated. Then the canonical map

is injective.


This is trivial.

Corollary IV.2.6.

Assume that is simple modulo . Assume furthermore that is linked to an infinite orbit . Then .


By hypotheses is a skew field. Since is algebraically closed, it now suffices to show that is finite dimensional.

We have

By Lemma IV.2.5 the topology on and is separated. Hence

If runs through the subobjects in with the property that , then runs through the subobjects of such that . Thus

By Equation IV.2.7 this is finite dimensional.

By contrast the situation in the case of linkage to a finite orbit is different.

Lemma IV.2.7.

Assume that are simple modulo . Assume furthermore that and are linked to a finite orbit . Then is infinite dimensional.


Since and are torsion free one has that is equal to the union of where . Hence it suffices to show that the dimension of goes to infinity if runs through the subobjects of satisfying . Put . Applying to the exact sequence

yields the exact sequence

Hence it suffices to show that the dimension of goes to infinity. By Serre duality and completion we must show that the dimension of goes to infinity. To this end it is sufficient to show that for indecomposable projectives and over the dimension of goes to infinity where runs through the finite dimensional quotients of . This is an easy direct verification using the explicit structure of given in §III.1.

Corollary IV.2.8.

Assume that is connected. Then the -orbits in are either all finite, or all infinite. Furthermore if they are finite, then there exists only one simple object in .


Assume that there are both finite and infinite orbits. Then by Corollary IV.1.8 there exists , simple in , such that is linked to both a finite and an infinite orbit. This is a contradiction according to Corollary IV.2.6 and Lemma IV.2.7.

Assume now that the orbits are finite but that there exist objects which are distinct and simple modulo . Clearly . On the other hand by Corollary IV.1.8 we know that and are both linked to the same finite orbit, whence by Lemma IV.2.7 it follows that is infinite dimensional. This is clearly a contradiction.

IV.3. Description in terms of a pullback diagram

In this section we give useful descriptions of which allow us to construct autoequivalences of with desired properties. This will be used for the construction of ample pair in the next section.

We start with the following description of .

Lemma IV.3.1.

Equation IV.2.8 is a pullback diagram in the sense that is equivalent to the category of triples where , and is an isomorphism .


Let be the category of triples defined in the statement of the lemma. Define by where is the natural isomorphism . We have to show that is an equivalence. To do this we show that is respectively faithful, full and essentially surjective.

Faithfulness. Assume that and that is a homomorphism such that . Thus and . The fact that means that factors as where , the map is an epimorphism and is a monomorphism. Then factors likewise. This then implies that and hence . We conclude .

Fullness. Let and be as in the previous paragraph. Now assume that we are given maps and such that . We have to produce a map such that and . Let be a representative of in where is a subobject of such that . Below we denote the inclusion map by .

We now have . This means that there exist with such that the compositions and are equal.

From Equation IV.2.1 it follows easily that there exists which is a subobject of with cokernel in such that . We now replace by , and by the composition . Hence we obtain the following commutative diagram:

So our problem is now to lift to a homomorphism such that . Let be the pushout of and . Then we have a commutative diagram with exact rows

with . It is easy to see that factorizations of through are in one-one correspondence with splittings of . Similarly factorizations of through correspond to splittings of .

Now we know that factors through and hence this yields a splitting of . By Corollary IV.2.4 and Equation IV.2.1 this splitting corresponds to a splitting of and thus to a factorization of through . It is now easy to see that this is the we are looking for.

Essential surjectivity. Let . We have to show that this is in the essential image of . Choose representing . By definition is now an isomorphism .

As usual is represented by an injective map with cokernel in where is a subobject of also with cokernel in .

Thus we have the following maps:

By working from left to right and employing Equation IV.2.1 and Equation IV.2.6 these arrows and objects can be “uncompleted”. That is, there are arrows and objects in

such that completion gives Equation IV.3.1.

Now and . Checking the appropriate commutative diagrams we find that indeed .

We may use the previous lemma to define for any orbit in a canonical associated autoequivalence. Consider the following commutative diagram of functors:

The vertical arrows are clearly autoequivalences, and hence, using Lemma IV.3.1, they define an autoequivalence on which we will denote by .

The functor has a more direct description on torsion free objects.

Lemma IV.3.2.

Assume that . Then is the kernel of the universal map

which in addition is surjective.


Surjectivity of Equation IV.3.3 follows from the fact that there are only a finite number of such that (see Lemma IV.2.2).

To prove that Equation IV.3.3 gives the correct result for on one has to check that it gives the correct result on , and . In each of the cases this is clear.

From Proposition III.1.2 we also obtain the following obvious fact.

Lemma IV.3.3.

The functor is (non-canonically) isomorphic to when restricted to . It is the identity on for . In particular

The foregoing results have an obvious extension in the case of a finite number of orbits . To state this let be the union of these orbits. Then there is a pullback diagram:

In the same way as for a single orbit we can define an associated autoequivalence . It is easy to see that . Furthermore if , then is given by the kernel of the surjective universal map

Finally on simples we have:

IV.4. The finite orbit case

In this section we complete our classification in the finite orbit case, by constructing an ample pair and applying results from Reference 3.

If is a noetherian -finite abelian category and is a pair consisting of an object and an autoequivalence of , then following Reference 3 we will say that this pair is ample if the following conditions hold:


For every there exists a surjective map with .


For every surjective map in the induced map is surjective for large .

To a pair one can canonically associate a graded ring defined by

It is shown in Reference 3 that if is ample, then is a noetherian ring and is equivalent to .

In this section we impose the usual hypotheses on , but we assume in addition that is connected and that all -orbits in are finite.

By Corollary IV.2.8 there is exactly one simple object modulo . Assume it is represented by . Since modulo , there must exist a finite number of orbits in such that modulo with . Define as in Section IV.3. Writing and defining , we have the following.

Lemma IV.4.1.

is an ample pair in .


The -topology on is separated by Lemma IV.1.9. So by Lemma IV.1.3 there exists a subobject with and with the property for every subobject of . By Equation IV.3.5 there exists an such that for . Hence we have

for . From this we easily obtain that if we can show (a) then for all we have for . Thus (b) follows.

Now let and let be the largest subobject of which can be written as a quotient of a direct sum with . Assume and write . As above there exists such that for . On the other hand we claim that there exists a non-trivial map for some . By the vanishing of this map then lifts to a non-trivial map , contradicting the choice of .

It remains to show that there is a non-trivial map for some . Assume first that contains a torsion free subobject . We may assume that is simple modulo . Then the proof of Lemma IV.2.7 together with Corollary IV.1.8 shows that there is a non-trivial map with . As above we have that there is some . Since is torsion, the composition cannot be zero. This proves what we want.

Assume now that is torsion, let for be a simple subobject of , and let be the -orbit of . Then according to Lemma IV.1.6 there exists together with a non-trivial map . We now consider two possibilities:


. Since modulo for all , it follows that there will also be a non-trivial map for all , whence a non-trivial map . Choose in such a way that and apply . This yields a non-trivial map for all .


. Now we have a surjective map . Since the -orbit of is finite, it follows that we can always find such that maps surjectively to .

Hence in both cases we obtain a non-trivial map with . By the above discussion we are done.

What remains to be done in order to determine explicitly is to compute . We do this in a number of steps.

Step 1.

is positively graded and . Indeed from the fact that is simple modulo it follows that (see Lemma IV.1.5).

Step 2.

is a domain. This follows since embeds in , and since is simple modulo , the latter is a division algebra . The multiplication corresponds to multiplication in . Hence we obtain an inclusion where represents the inclusion . Since also represents the identity element in , we find in addition that is a central non-zero divisor in .

Step 3.

has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two. To see this apply to the exact sequence

Then we obtain an inclusion

with cokernel contained in . Now by Serre duality we have . Since by Equation IV.3.5, we find that . Thus the dimension of is bounded independently of (using the fact that has finite order).

Step 4.

is commutative. To see this we compute using the equivalence . We denote the quotient map also by . We find

Hence it follows that is equal to the degree zero part of the graded quotient field of . Since has GK-dimension 2, it follows from Reference 1 that is commutative. Since is included in , it follows that is also commutative.

Using Proposition III.2.3 together with the fact that has no non-zero projective objects, we have now proved the following.

Theorem IV.4.2.

Assume that is a connected -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category with Serre functor and no non-zero projective objects, and assume that the -orbits of the simple objects are finite. Then is equivalent to the category of coherent sheaves over a sheaf of hereditary orders over a non-singular connected projective curve.

This theorem is sufficient for our classification result. However with only a little more work one can prove the following refinement. We leave the proof to the reader.

Theorem IV.4.3.

The following are equivalent:


is a connected -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category with Serre functor and no non-zero projective objects, and the orbits of the simple objects are finite.


is equivalent to where is a finitely generated commutative domain of Krull dimension two, and is an isolated singularity.


is equivalent to the category of coherent sheaves over a sheaf of hereditary orders over a non-singular connected projective curve.

IV.5. The infinite orbit case

Let satisfy the usual hypotheses and assume in addition that is connected and that all -orbits in are infinite. We show that there are at most two hereditary abelian categories with these properties and that these categories (if they exist) are distinguished by the property of having one or two -orbits of simples. Since the and categories are examples of hereditary abelian categories with respectively two and one orbits of simples, the proof of the main result in this section (Theorem IV.5.2) is then complete.

We refer to Remark IV.5.1 below for other approaches towards finishing the proof of Theorem IV.5.2.

Following Reference 30 it will be convenient to use injective resolutions of objects in . Therefore following Reference 11 we let be the closure of under direct limits. Then is also hereditary according to Appendix A.

As before we will separate our analysis into two cases.

Case I.

One simple object modulo .

Let be simple modulo . Since is semisimple and is hereditary, the minimal injective resolution of has the form

where is the injective hull of and .

If denotes the injective hull of , then , where .

Now choose in such way that . Let be the inverse image of in . Clearly . Applying to Equation IV.5.1 we find the exact sequence

Since and are simple modulo and there exists a non-isomorphism (the inclusion), it follows from Lemma IV.1.5 that . Furthermore by Corollary IV.2.6 we also have . Finally by Serre duality we have .

Now since modulo , it follows that is also the injective hull of . Thus there is an inclusion . By choosing , and hence , large enough we may assume , and hence by Corollary IV.2.6 we have .

Thus for large we must have

If is a -orbit in , then let . Note that by Lemma IV.2.2 and Serre duality it follows that is finite.

From the description of the category as we obtain that we can make equal to for any finite subset of orbits in . In particular there are at most two orbits for which and for these orbits . Said differently, has at most two simple quotients (using Serre duality), and if there are two, then they must lie in distinct -orbits.

Assume now that has exactly one simple quotient . Applying to the exact sequence

we find the exact sequence

By Serre duality has a unique non-trivial extension by the simple . By the structure of it follows that is uniserial with subquotients for , whence . But again using the structure of we also have . Thus , contradicting Equation IV.5.2.

So has two simple quotients which lie in different -orbits. Translating Equation IV.3.4 to our situation using the description of and we find that is the pullback of

where the horizontal map is the diagonal map and the vertical map is obtained from localizing at and and restricting to degree zero. Hence it follows that is indeed determined up to equivalence.

Case II.

Two simple objects modulo .

Let be the representatives of the simple objects in . As in Case I we start with the minimal injective resolution of :

With similar reasoning as in Case I, but now using that by Serre duality for torsion free and isomorphic to modulo , we find that has a unique simple quotient. The same holds for , and by Corollary IV.1.8 these simple quotients must be in the same -orbit.

Now translating Equation IV.3.4 to our situation we find that is the pullback of

where the horizontal map sends to and the vertical map is localizing at and restricting to degree zero. Thus is again uniquely determined.

By the argument given in the beginning of this section the proof of the main result is now complete.

Remark IV.5.1.

In this remark we indicate some alternative arguments that could have been used in this section.


Consider the case where there is one simple object modulo . In that case we could have observed (once we have proved that there are exactly two -orbits of simples) that the functor defined in §IV.3 defines a “hypersurface” in in the sense of Reference 30. Then it follows automatically from the results in Reference 30 that is determined up to equivalence and is given by the category which was denoted by in §III.3.7. Unfortunately there is no corresponding approach for the case where there are two simple objects modulo .


Another approach is that instead of constructing the and categories beforehand we may actually show that the categories defined by the pullback diagrams (Equation IV.5.3) and (Equation IV.5.4) have the expected properties (hereditary abelian, existence of almost split sequences, etc.). This is fairly easy for the diagram (Equation IV.5.3) since one easily shows that in that case the resulting category is equivalent to the one which was denoted by in §III.3.7 (invoking the results in Reference 30, or directly). If the characteristic is different from two, then diagram (Equation IV.5.4) is obtained by a skew group construction from diagram (Equation IV.5.3), so this case is easy too by the results in Reference 22.

Unfortunately if one wants to include the characteristic 2 case there is no alternative but to give a direct proof for diagram Equation IV.5.4. This can indeed be done, but requires some work.

We now summarize the main result in this section.

Theorem IV.5.2.

The connected hereditary abelian noetherian -finite categories with Serre functor and some object of infinite length and no non-zero projective object are exactly those of one of the following forms:


The category of coherent sheaves over a hereditary order over a connected non-singular projective curve.


The category.


The category.

Combining Theorem IV.5.2 with Theorem III.1.1 and Theorem II.4.9 gives the proof of Theorem B.

V. Applications

In this section we give some application of our classification theorem to saturated categories and to graded rings.

An -finite abelian category of finite homological dimension is said to be saturated if every cohomological functor of finite type is representable Reference 8. We will use our classification result to show that connected saturated noetherian hereditary abelian categories are either equivalent to for some indecomposable finite dimensional hereditary -algebra or to the category for a sheaf of hereditary orders over a non-singular connected projective curve. This result will also apply to some categories of the form since these are often saturated.

V.1. Saturatedness

In this section we give the application to saturated hereditary abelian categories.

Let be a -finite triangulated category of finite homological dimension. Following Bondal and Kapranov Reference 8 we say that is saturated if every cohomological functor of finite type is representable. Finite type means that for every at most a finite number of are non-zero.

If is an -finite abelian category of finite homological dimension, then we say that is saturated if the same holds for .

In Reference 8 it is shown that the following two categories are saturated:


where is a finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension.


where is a non-singular projective variety over .

We start with the following easy lemma which is a kind of converse to 1.

Lemma V.1.1.

Assume that is an -finite abelian category of finite homological dimension in which every object has finite length. Then is saturated if and only if for a finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension.


That has the desired properties has already been stated, so we prove the converse.

We embed into its closure under direct limits (see Reference 11). Let be the direct sum of the injective hulls of the simples in . If is simple, then clearly and hence

for in . For use below we note that it is easy to see that Equation V.1.1 holds even for .

It follows from Equation V.1.1 that defines a cohomological functor . Since is saturated, this functor is representable by some object , and since the restriction of is zero on for and exact on , it follows that is actually a projective object in .

Hence we now have as functors on . Applying it follows that this also holds as functors on . Thus we have . Using Equation V.1.1 we find that . Thus is an injective cogenerator of and hence a projective generator of . It follows that is equivalent to where . Since has finite homological dimension, so does . Furthermore

(using the functor ). This finishes the proof.

We now have the following result for hereditary abelian categories. Note that it is not hard to see that if is saturated, then has Serre duality.

Theorem V.1.2.

Assume that is a connected noetherian -finite hereditary abelian category. Then is saturated if and only if it has one of the following forms:


where is a connected finite dimensional hereditary algebra.


where is a sheaf of hereditary -orders (see III.2) over a non-singular connected projective curve .


We already know that the category in 1. has the required properties. That this is so for the category in 2. follows in the same way as for where is a non-singular proper curve.

We now prove the converse. Assume that is not of the form 2. This means by Theorem B that it has one of the following forms:


for a star.


The or the category.


Finite dimensional nilpotent representations over or , with all arrows oriented in the same direction.

In the categories in (c) all objects are of finite length but they are clearly not of the form since they have no projectives. Hence by Lemma V.1.1 it follows that is not of type (c).

By construction the categories in (b) are derived equivalent to the finite dimensional representations over an infinite quiver. Hence again by Lemma V.1.1 the categories in (b) are not saturated.

So we are left with (a). Since is a star, there is clearly a section in such that all paths in are finite. Then the indecomposable projective and injective representations of have finite length. By Theorem II.3.6 we know that is derived equivalent to , and all objects in have finite length. Again by Lemma V.1.1 we know that is saturated if and only if is finite. But then the same holds for . We conclude that is of the form with finite.

Remark V.1.3.

Abelian categories satisfying the hypotheses of the previous theorem (except noetherianness) can, in Bondal’s terminology Reference 10, be viewed as “non-commutative non-singular proper curves”. It appears that non-commutative curves are actually quite close to commutative ones. Other manifestations of this principle are Reference 28Reference 1Reference 2.

V.2. Graded rings

In this section we give the application to the hereditary abelian categories of the form . We start with recalling the definition of the condition from Reference 3. Let be an -graded ring which is right noetherian. Let be the graded maximal ideal of . For in we denote by the maximal torsion submodule of , that is, the maximal submodule of which is locally annihilated by . Then is said to satisfy condition if for all in and all we have that the right derived functor has right bounded grading.

The following is a special case of a result proved in Reference 9.

Theorem V.2.1 (Reference 9).

Let be a right noetherian graded ring satisfying the following hypotheses:


satisfies .


has finite cohomological dimension and the same condition on the left.


is finite dimensional for all (this is a special case of the condition for left modules).


There is an such that for all and .

Then is saturated.

From this result we obtain the following consequence.

Corollary V.2.2.

Assume that satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem V.2.1 and that is in addition hereditary. Then is a direct sum of categories of the following form:


where is a connected finite dimensional hereditary algebra.


where is a sheaf of hereditary -orders (see §III.2) over a non-singular connected projective curve .

Appendix A. Some results on abelian categories

Here we give a few homological results on abelian categories that have been used before. Since they have a somewhat different flavor from the other results in this paper we have decided to collect them here in an appendix.

The first result (Proposition A.2 below) implies in particular that if we take all finite length objects in a hereditary abelian category we get again a hereditary abelian category. The present proof of Proposition A.2 is based on the following lemma, where the proof is included for the convenience of the reader.

Lemma A.1.

Assume that is an abelian category. Then is hereditary abelian if and only if preserves epis for all .


Let us prove the non-obvious implication. Thus assume that preserves epis. Let

be an exact sequence. We have to show that it is Yoneda equivalent to a split one.

Let . Then we have a surjective map , as well as an exact sequence , representing an element of . By the fact that preserves epis, this can be lifted to an element of . Thus we obtain a commutative diagram with exact rows:

which can be transformed into the diagram

from which it follows that Equation A.1 represents a trivial class in .

Proposition A.2.

Let be a hereditary abelian category. Then any Serre subcategory of is hereditary.


This now follows from the previous lemma using the fact that for one has (since is closed under extensions).

If one has a noetherian abelian category of finite homological dimension, then one sometimes needs to go to the closure of under direct limits. It follows from the following proposition that this operation preserves homological dimension.

Proposition A.3.

Let be a noetherian abelian category where the isomorphism classes of objects form a set, and assume where is an abelian category where is the completion of with respect to direct limits of objects in (see Reference 11). Then .


(i) We first show . We have that is a thick (Serre) abelian subcategory of . Let be an epimorphism in , with in . We have by assumption , where each is in . Since is noetherian, there is some such that the induced map is an epimorphism. By the dual of Reference 18, 1.7.11 we have an isomorphism of derived categories , and in particular for and in . It follows that .

(ii) Assume now that . We want to show that for and in we have . If and are both in , this follows from the above, since , which is 0 by assumption. If is in , and hence by assumption is noetherian, commutes with , and hence the same is true for the derived functors Reference 13. It then follows that if is in .

Now let be in , and consider the exact sequence

where the are injective. Then we have

for all in . In particular, for any inclusion map with in there is a commutative diagram

where . If we have a commutative diagram

with and in and a monomorphism, we then have with and with , but we do not necessarily have . To adjust the map observe that . Hence there is a map with . Since because is in , there is a map such that , and hence . Letting we see that as desired.

We now use Zorn’s lemma to choose a maximal pair . Assume that . Since is the direct limit of objects in , there is some with in and . Consider and the map . Then there is by the first part of the proof some map such that with , and . Hence the map factors through a map . This map has the property that with . This contradicts the maximality of , and hence . This means that is a split epimorphism, and hence , so that for all in . Hence we have .

Now we consider quotient categories. Recall that a Grothendieck category is an abelian category with a generator and exact direct limits. Such categories automatically have products and injective hulls Reference 31. Prominent examples of Grothendieck categories are locally noetherian categories. These are the abelian categories which are the closure of noetherian categories under direct limits (that is: categories of the form as considered in the previous proposition). A localizing subcategory of a Grothendieck category is a Serre subcategory which is closed under direct limits. In that case is also a Grothendieck category. is called stable if it is closed under injective hulls in , or equivalently, if it is closed under essential extensions. The following result is proved in Reference 31 (and is easy to see).

Proposition A.4.

Let be a Grothendieck category and a stable localizing subcategory. Then the quotient functor preserves injective hulls and in particular .

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Notations and conventions
  3. Introduction
    1. Theorem A.
    2. Theorem B.
    3. Theorem C.
  4. I. Serre duality and almost split sequences
    1. I.1. Preliminaries on Serre duality
    2. Lemma I.1.1.
    3. Corollary I.1.2.
    4. Lemma I.1.3.
    5. Proposition I.1.4.
    6. Lemma I.1.5.
    7. Lemma I.1.6.
    8. Proposition I.1.8.
    9. Lemma I.1.9.
    10. Proposition I.1.10.
    11. Lemma I.1.11.
    12. I.2. Connection between Serre duality and Auslander–Reiten triangles
    13. Proposition I.2.1.
    14. Corollary I.2.2.
    15. Proposition I.2.3.
    16. Sublemma.
    17. Theorem I.2.4.
    18. I.3. Serre functors on hereditary abelian categories
    19. Lemma I.3.1.
    20. Lemma I.3.2.
    21. Theorem I.3.3.
    22. Corollary I.3.4.
    23. Lemma I.3.5.
  5. II. Hereditary noetherian abelian categories with non-zero projective objects
    1. II.1. Hereditary abelian categories constructed from quivers
    2. Lemma II.1.1.
    3. Lemma II.1.2.
    4. Theorem II.1.3.
    5. Case 1.
    6. Case 2.
    7. Case 3.
    8. Case 4.
    9. Example II.1.4.
    10. II.2. Hereditary abelian categories generated by preprojectives
    11. Lemma II.2.1.
    12. Example II.2.2.
    13. Proposition II.2.3.
    14. Corollary II.2.4.
    15. Lemma II.2.5.
    16. Corollary II.2.6.
    17. Lemma II.2.7.
    18. Corollary II.2.8.
    19. Theorem II.2.9.
    20. Lemma II.2.10.
    21. II.3. Derived equivalences
    22. Lemma II.3.1.
    23. Lemma II.3.2.
    24. Lemma II.3.3.
    25. Lemma II.3.4.
    26. Proposition II.3.5.
    27. Theorem II.3.6.
    28. II.4. The classification
    29. Lemma II.4.1.
    30. Theorem II.4.2.
    31. Theorem II.4.3.
    32. Lemma II.4.4.
    33. Lemma II.4.5.
    34. Lemma II.4.6.
    35. Corollary II.4.7.
    36. Lemma II.4.8.
    37. Theorem II.4.9.
  6. III. Sources of hereditary abelian categories with no projectives or injectives
    1. III.1. Hereditary abelian categories with Serre functor and all objects of finite length
    2. Theorem III.1.1.
    3. Proposition III.1.2.
    4. Lemma III.1.3.
    5. III.2. Sheaves of hereditary orders and graded rings
    6. Proposition III.2.1.
    7. Lemma III.2.2.
    8. Proposition III.2.3.
    9. Lemma III.2.4.
    10. III.3. Hereditary abelian categories associated to infinite Dynkin and tame quivers
    11. Lemma III.3.4.1.
    12. Lemma III.3.4.2.
    13. Lemma III.3.4.3.
    14. Proposition III.3.4.4.
    15. Lemma III.3.4.5.
    16. Lemma III.3.4.6.
    17. Lemma III.3.4.7.
    18. Proposition III.3.4.8.
    19. Lemma III.3.5.1.
    20. Proposition III.3.5.2.
    21. Lemma III.3.5.3.
    22. Lemma III.3.5.4.
    23. Proposition III.3.5.5.
  7. IV. Hereditary noetherian abelian categories with no projectives or injectives
    1. IV.1. Preliminaries
    2. Lemma IV.1.1.
    3. Lemma IV.1.2.
    4. Lemma IV.1.3.
    5. Corollary IV.1.4.
    6. Lemma IV.1.5.
    7. Lemma IV.1.6.
    8. Lemma IV.1.7.
    9. Corollary IV.1.8.
    10. Lemma IV.1.9.
    11. IV.2. Completion
    12. Lemma IV.2.1.
    13. Lemma IV.2.2.
    14. Corollary IV.2.3.
    15. Corollary IV.2.4.
    16. Lemma IV.2.5.
    17. Corollary IV.2.6.
    18. Lemma IV.2.7.
    19. Corollary IV.2.8.
    20. IV.3. Description in terms of a pullback diagram
    21. Lemma IV.3.1.
    22. Lemma IV.3.2.
    23. Lemma IV.3.3.
    24. IV.4. The finite orbit case
    25. Lemma IV.4.1.
    26. Step 1.
    27. Step 2.
    28. Step 3.
    29. Step 4.
    30. Theorem IV.4.2.
    31. Theorem IV.4.3.
    32. IV.5. The infinite orbit case
    33. Case I.
    34. Case II.
    35. Theorem IV.5.2.
  8. V. Applications
    1. V.1. Saturatedness
    2. Lemma V.1.1.
    3. Theorem V.1.2.
    4. V.2. Graded rings
    5. Theorem V.2.1 (9).
    6. Corollary V.2.2.
  9. Appendix A. Some results on abelian categories
    1. Lemma A.1.
    2. Proposition A.2.
    3. Proposition A.3.
    4. Proposition A.4.


Figure II.3.1.

The AR-quiver of

Graphic without alt text
Figure II.3.2.

The AR-quiver of

Graphic without alt text
Figure II.3.3.

A new torsion pair in

Graphic without alt text
Figure II.3.4.

The AR-quiver of

Graphic without alt text
Figure II.4.1.

Part of the preprojective component of

Figure III.3.1.

The preprojective component of

Figure III.3.2.

The preinjective component of

Figure III.3.3.

The first component of

Figure III.3.4.

The second component of

Figure III.3.5.

The preprojective component of

Figure III.3.6.

The preinjective component of

Figure III.3.7.

The component of

Figure III.3.8.

The preprojective component of

Figure III.3.9.

The preinjective component of

Figure III.3.10.

for with variable

Figure III.3.11.

for with variable

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem B.

Let be a connected noetherian -finite hereditary abelian category satisfying Serre duality. Then is one of the categories described in (a)–(d) above.

Theorem C.

Assume that is a saturated connected noetherian -finite hereditary abelian category. Then has one of the following forms:


where is a connected finite dimensional hereditary -algebra.


where is a sheaf of hereditary -orders (see (b) above) over a non-singular connected projective curve .

Equation (I.1.3)
Equation (I.1.4)
Proposition I.1.4.

In order to give it is necessary and sufficient to give the action of on objects, as well as -linear maps such that the composition

yields a non-degenerate pairing for all . If we are given , then is obtained from the pairing I.1.5. Furthermore the action on maps

is defined by the property that for we have for all .

Remark I.1.7.

In the sequel will always be a Krull–Schmidt category (in the sense that indecomposable objects have local endomorphism rings). In that case it is clearly sufficient to specify , etc. on the full subcategory of consisting of indecomposable objects.

Proposition I.1.8.

Let be an additive category as above, and let be a fully faithful additive endofunctor. Then there exists an additive category with the following properties:


There is a fully faithful functor .


There is an autoequivalence together with a natural isomorphism .


For every object there is some such that is isomorphic to with .

Furthermore a quadruple with these properties is unique (in the appropriate sense).

Lemma I.1.11.

If is a direct sum of additive categories, then a (right) Serre functor on restricts to (right) Serre functors on and .

Proposition I.2.1.

Assume that has right Auslander–Reiten triangles, and assume that we have a triangle in

with and indecomposable and . Then the following are equivalent:


The triangle I.2.1 is an Auslander–Reiten triangle.


The map is in the socle of as a right -module and .


The map is in the socle of as a left -module and .

Equation (I.2.2)
Proposition I.2.3.

The following are equivalent:


has a right Serre functor.


has right Auslander–Reiten triangles.

If either of these properties holds, then the action of the Serre functor on objects coincides with .

Lemma I.3.2.

Let . The following are equivalent:


has right Auslander–Reiten triangles.


has right almost split sequences and for every indecomposable projective the simple object possesses an injective hull in .


has a right Serre functor.

If any of these conditions holds, then the right Auslander–Reiten triangles in are given by the shifts of the right almost split sequences in together with the shifts of the triangles of the form

where and are as in and is the composition . The middle term of this triangle is isomorphic to .

Theorem I.3.3.

Let be an -finite hereditary abelian category.


has Serre duality if and only if has almost split sequences, and there is a one-one correspondence between indecomposable projective objects and indecomposable injective objects , via .


If has no non-zero projective or injective objects, then has Serre duality if and only if it has almost split sequences.

Corollary I.3.4.

Assume that has a right Serre functor . Then the following hold:


defines a fully faithful functor . We denote this functor by the “Nakayama functor”).


induces a fully faithful functor , which we denote by .


If is indecomposable, then has one dimensional socle, both as left -module and as right -module. Let be a non-zero element in this socle. Then is simple, and furthermore is a projective cover of and is an injective hull of .

If is a Serre functor, then the functors and defined above are equivalences.

Lemma I.3.5.

Assume that is a triangulated category with a -structure in such a way that every object in lies in some . Let be the heart of the -structure, and assume that for and . Then is a hereditary abelian category, and furthermore has a (right) Serre functor if and only if has a (right) Serre functor.

Lemma II.1.1.

If is a vertex in , then there are only a finite number of paths ending in .


If and are vertices in , then there are only a finite number of paths from to .

Equation (II.1.1)
Equation (II.1.2)
Theorem II.1.3.

Let be an abelian -finite hereditary category with a right Serre functor and enough projectives. Denote the full subcategory of projective objects in by and assume that consists of (injective) objects of finite length. Then there exists an -finite abelian hereditary category with the following properties:


There exists a full faithful exact embedding .


The injectives and projectives in are given by and .


possesses a Serre functor which extends in such a way that there is a natural equivalence where we have denoted the derived functor of also by and the extended Serre functor also by .


For every indecomposable object there exists such that is defined and lies in , where denotes the functor (see Corollary I.3.4.2) induced by .

Furthermore a quadruple with these properties is unique in the appropriate sense.

Equation (II.1.4)
Proposition II.2.3.

Assume that has a Serre functor. Then the following are equivalent:


has finite length injectives.


has noetherian injectives.


The quiver satisfies (P1), (P2).


The quiver satisfies (P1), (P2), and defines an equivalence between and . In addition the indecomposable injectives in are of the form for , so that in particular .

Equation (II.2.1)
Corollary II.2.4.

Assume that is an -finite hereditary abelian category possessing a Serre functor . Let the projectives in be given by the quiver . Assume that satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3 and furthermore that every indecomposable in is of the form with . Then is equivalent to .

Lemma II.2.5.

Let be indecomposable, and assume there is a non-zero map where is an indecomposable projective and . Then is of the form where is an indecomposable projective and .

Corollary II.2.6.

Assume that we have a map where is preprojective. Then where and is preprojective.


Every subobject of a preprojective object is preprojective.

Lemma II.2.7.

The following are equivalent for an -finite hereditary abelian category with Serre functor:


is generated by preprojectives.


Every indecomposable object in is of the form with and .

Equation (II.2.2)
Corollary II.2.8.

Assume that is an -finite hereditary abelian category possessing a Serre functor . Let the projectives in be given by the quiver . Assume that is generated by preprojectives and satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3. Then is equivalent to .

Theorem II.2.9.

Let be the full subcategory of whose objects are quotients of preprojective objects. Then is closed under subquotients and extensions. If in addition satisfies any of the conditions of Proposition II.2.3, then the Serre functor on restricts to a Serre functor on .

Equation (II.2.4)
Lemma II.3.2.

Let be an -finite hereditary abelian category possessing a Serre functor . Assume that the projectives in are given by a quiver satisfying (P1), (P2). Then the preinjective objects in have finite length, and furthermore they are quotients of projectives.

Lemma II.3.4.

Let be a hereditary abelian -finite category with a Serre functor whose projectives are given by a connected quiver which is not Dynkin but satisfies (P1), (P2). Let be a section.


Let be the additive category generated by the objects in the preinjective component, and let be the additive category whose indecomposable objects are not preinjective. Then is a split torsion pair in .


Let denote the hereditary abelian subcategory of obtained by tilting with respect to and shifting one place to the right (thus somewhat informally: . The category has a component of type put together from the preprojective and preinjective component in see Figure II.3.2). In particular is derived equivalent to and has no non-zero projectives or injectives.

Consider now the section in see Figure II.3.3). Let be the additive category generated by the indecomposable objects of the form for and , and let be the additive category generated by the other indecomposable objects in . Then is a split torsion pair in .


Let be the hereditary abelian category obtained by tilting with respect to . Then is derived equivalent to and the projectives in are given by .

Proposition II.3.5.

Let and be non-Dynkin connected quivers satisfying (P1), (P2), and assume that is a section in . Let be a hereditary -finite abelian category with a Serre functor whose projectives are given by the quiver , and assume that is generated by preprojectives. Then the category constructed in Lemma II.3.4 is also generated by preprojectives.

Theorem II.3.6.

Let and be connected quivers satisfying (P1), (P2), and assume that is a section in . Then the categories and are derived equivalent.

Lemma II.4.1.

is closed under subquotients and extensions.

Theorem II.4.2.

The inclusions and define an equivalence .


The hereditary abelian categories and satisfy Serre duality. If the functor is defined as usual, then is everywhere defined on and is invertible.

Theorem II.4.3.

Let be a connected quiver satisfying the properties (P1), (P2). Then is noetherian if and only if is a star.

Lemma II.4.5.

Let be a -linear -finite hereditary abelian category with a Serre functor . Let be defined as usual.

Let , and be non-injective indecomposable projectives in . Assume we have an irreducible map and a map which does not factor through . Let be the composition of maps

Then for any factorization of through a projective object

we have that splits.

Equation (II.4.1)
Equation (II.4.3)
Theorem II.4.9.

The connected hereditary abelian noetherian -finite categories with Serre functor and non-zero projective objects are exactly the categories , where is a connected quiver which is a star.

Theorem III.1.1.

Let be a connected -finite noetherian hereditary abelian category in which every object has finite length and which has almost split sequences and no non-zero projectives or injectives. Then is equivalent to the category of nilpotent finite dimensional representations of the quiver or of the quiver , with all arrows oriented in the same direction. In the first case is the number of simple objects in and in the second case there is an infinite number of simple objects.

Conversely, the category of nilpotent finite dimensional representations of the quiver or of the quiver , with all arrows oriented in the same direction, is a noetherian hereditary abelian -finite category with almost split sequences, and hence also with a Serre functor.

Proposition III.1.2.

There exists an invertible bi-pseudo-compact Reference 32 -bimodule such that for we have

Furthermore non-canonically we have .

Proposition III.2.1.

Let be a noetherian -graded -algebra finite dimensional over in every degree with left limited grading and which is finitely generated as a module over a central commutative ring . Let see Reference 17 for the definition of . Then is equivalent to the category of coherent modules over a sheaf of -algebras which is coherent as -module.

Lemma III.2.2.

Assume that is a -graded ring such that for large , and assume furthermore that there exists a non-zero such that for all . Then is strongly graded.

Proposition III.2.3.

Let be as in Proposition III.2.1, and assume in addition that is hereditary. Then is a finite direct sum of hereditary abelian categories which are either of the form for a finite dimensional algebra , or else of the form where is a sheaf of classical hereditary orders over a non-singular irreducible projective curve .

Lemma III.3.4.2.

Let and be as above.


For there are no non-zero maps from the preinjective component to any other component and to the preprojective component from any other component, and also no non-zero maps between the two components.


For there are no non-zero maps from the components to the component, and no non-zero maps between the two components.

Lemma III.3.4.3.

Let be as above.


If and are indecomposable with and is in the component of , then there is a path from to in the AR-quiver.


If is indecomposable in , then .

Proposition III.3.4.4.

has exactly two -orbits of simples.

Equation (III.3.1)
Lemma III.3.4.5.

As in Figure II.3.2 let be the component of . Then the objects in generate .

Lemma III.3.4.6.

One has for

Lemma III.3.4.7.

If , then does not contain a non-trivial direct sum.

Proposition III.3.4.8.

The category is noetherian.

Proposition III.3.5.2.

has exactly one -orbit of simple objects.

Lemma III.3.5.4.

If , then does not contain a non-trivial direct sum of three objects.

Lemma IV.1.1.

Every object in is the direct sum of a torsion object and a torsion free object.


The categories for are stable under essential extensions in .

Lemma IV.1.3.

Let and let be an inverse system of subobjects of which has the property that . Then there exists such that for all we have .

Corollary IV.1.4.

The category is semisimple.

Lemma IV.1.5.

Assume that is simple modulo . Then .


Assume that are simple modulo . If and are both non-zero, then any non-trivial map is an isomorphism.

Lemma IV.1.6.

If is linked to and if is isomorphic to modulo , then is also linked to .


If is linked to and , then there exists a torsion free object isomorphic to modulo such that there is a surjective map .

Lemma IV.1.7.

The operation is the identity on objects in .


If and modulo , then and are linked to the same .


If are simple modulo , then or modulo if and only if and are linked to a common .

Equation (IV.1.2)
Corollary IV.1.8.

Assume that is connected. Then contains at most two simple objects, and if there are two they are permuted by modulo . Furthermore every is linked to every .

Lemma IV.1.9.

Assume that is connected. Let and . Then the topology on is separated.

Lemma IV.2.1.

is an exact functor. In particular we can extend to a functor . This allows us to define the action of on ’s.


If we restrict to , then it is the composition of the projection with the functor from §III.1.


If we restrict to , then its image consists of projective pseudo-compact -modules containing every indecomposable projective pseudo-compact -module at most a finite number of times as a factor.


Let and . Then completion defines an isomorphism


For every we have a natural isomorphism

Lemma IV.2.2.

Let and . Then there exist only a finite number of such that there is a non-zero map .

Equation (IV.2.2)
Equation (IV.2.3)
Equation (IV.2.4)
Equation (IV.2.5)
Corollary IV.2.4.

Let and . Then completion defines an isomorphism

Equation (IV.2.7)
Equation (IV.2.8)
Lemma IV.2.5.

Let and assume that is such that the linear topology on defined by is separated. Then the canonical map

is injective.

Corollary IV.2.6.

Assume that is simple modulo . Assume furthermore that is linked to an infinite orbit . Then .

Lemma IV.2.7.

Assume that are simple modulo . Assume furthermore that and are linked to a finite orbit . Then is infinite dimensional.

Corollary IV.2.8.

Assume that is connected. Then the -orbits in are either all finite, or all infinite. Furthermore if they are finite, then there exists only one simple object in .

Lemma IV.3.1.

Equation IV.2.8 is a pullback diagram in the sense that is equivalent to the category of triples where , and is an isomorphism .

Equation (IV.3.1)
Lemma IV.3.2.

Assume that . Then is the kernel of the universal map

which in addition is surjective.

Equation (IV.3.4)
Equation (IV.3.5)
Case I.

One simple object modulo .

Let be simple modulo . Since is semisimple and is hereditary, the minimal injective resolution of has the form

where is the injective hull of and .

If denotes the injective hull of , then , where .

Now choose in such way that . Let be the inverse image of in . Clearly . Applying to IV.5.1 we find the exact sequence

Since and are simple modulo and there exists a non-isomorphism (the inclusion), it follows from Lemma IV.1.5 that . Furthermore by Corollary IV.2.6 we also have . Finally by Serre duality we have .

Now since modulo , it follows that is also the injective hull of . Thus there is an inclusion . By choosing , and hence , large enough we may assume , and hence by Corollary IV.2.6 we have .

Thus for large we must have

If is a -orbit in , then let . Note that by Lemma IV.2.2 and Serre duality it follows that is finite.

From the description of the category as we obtain that we can make equal to for any finite subset of orbits in . In particular there are at most two orbits for which and for these orbits . Said differently, has at most two simple quotients (using Serre duality), and if there are two, then they must lie in distinct -orbits.

Assume now that has exactly one simple quotient . Applying to the exact sequence

we find the exact sequence

By Serre duality has a unique non-trivial extension by the simple . By the structure of it follows that is uniserial with subquotients for , whence . But again using the structure of we also have . Thus , contradicting IV.5.2.

So has two simple quotients which lie in different -orbits. Translating Equation IV.3.4 to our situation using the description of and we find that is the pullback of

where the horizontal map is the diagonal map and the vertical map is obtained from localizing at and and restricting to degree zero. Hence it follows that is indeed determined up to equivalence.

Case II.

Two simple objects modulo .

Let be the representatives of the simple objects in . As in Case I we start with the minimal injective resolution of :

With similar reasoning as in Case I, but now using that by Serre duality for torsion free and isomorphic to modulo , we find that has a unique simple quotient. The same holds for , and by Corollary IV.1.8 these simple quotients must be in the same -orbit.

Now translating Equation IV.3.4 to our situation we find that is the pullback of

where the horizontal map sends to and the vertical map is localizing at and restricting to degree zero. Thus is again uniquely determined.

By the argument given in the beginning of this section the proof of the main result is now complete.

Remark IV.5.1.

In this remark we indicate some alternative arguments that could have been used in this section.


Consider the case where there is one simple object modulo . In that case we could have observed (once we have proved that there are exactly two -orbits of simples) that the functor defined in §IV.3 defines a “hypersurface” in in the sense of Reference 30. Then it follows automatically from the results in Reference 30 that is determined up to equivalence and is given by the category which was denoted by in §III.3.7. Unfortunately there is no corresponding approach for the case where there are two simple objects modulo .


Another approach is that instead of constructing the and categories beforehand we may actually show that the categories defined by the pullback diagrams (Equation IV.5.3) and (Equation IV.5.4) have the expected properties (hereditary abelian, existence of almost split sequences, etc.). This is fairly easy for the diagram (Equation IV.5.3) since one easily shows that in that case the resulting category is equivalent to the one which was denoted by in §III.3.7 (invoking the results in Reference 30, or directly). If the characteristic is different from two, then diagram (Equation IV.5.4) is obtained by a skew group construction from diagram (Equation IV.5.3), so this case is easy too by the results in Reference 22.

Unfortunately if one wants to include the characteristic 2 case there is no alternative but to give a direct proof for diagram Equation IV.5.4. This can indeed be done, but requires some work.

Theorem IV.5.2.

The connected hereditary abelian noetherian -finite categories with Serre functor and some object of infinite length and no non-zero projective object are exactly those of one of the following forms:


The category of coherent sheaves over a hereditary order over a connected non-singular projective curve.


The category.


The category.

Lemma V.1.1.

Assume that is an -finite abelian category of finite homological dimension in which every object has finite length. Then is saturated if and only if for a finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension.

Equation (V.1.1)
Theorem V.2.1 (Reference 9).

Let be a right noetherian graded ring satisfying the following hypotheses:


satisfies .


has finite cohomological dimension and the same condition on the left.


is finite dimensional for all (this is a special case of the condition for left modules).


There is an such that for all and .

Then is saturated.

Corollary V.2.2.

Assume that satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem V.2.1 and that is in addition hereditary. Then is a direct sum of categories of the following form:


where is a connected finite dimensional hereditary algebra.


where is a sheaf of hereditary -orders (see §III.2) over a non-singular connected projective curve .

Equation (A.1)
Proposition A.2.

Let be a hereditary abelian category. Then any Serre subcategory of is hereditary.

Proposition A.3.

Let be a noetherian abelian category where the isomorphism classes of objects form a set, and assume where is an abelian category where is the completion of with respect to direct limits of objects in (see Reference 11). Then .

Proposition A.4.

Let be a Grothendieck category and a stable localizing subcategory. Then the quotient functor preserves injective hulls and in particular .


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 18E10 (Exact categories, abelian categories), 18G20 (Homological dimension), 16G10 (Representations of Artinian rings), 16G20 (Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets), 16G30 (Representations of orders, lattices, algebras over commutative rings), 16G70 (Auslander-Reiten sequences and Auslander-Reiten quivers)
  • Noetherian hereditary abelian categories
  • Serre duality
  • saturation property
Author Information
I. Reiten
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
M. Van den Bergh
Department WNI, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Universitaire Campus, Building D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Additional Notes

The second author is a senior researcher at the Fund for Scientific Research. The second author also wishes to thank the Clay Mathematics Institute for material support during the period in which this paper was written.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 15, Issue 2, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2002 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
  • Permalink (PDF)
  • DOI 10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00387-9
  • MathSciNet Review: 1887637
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{1887637}{article}{ author={Reiten, I.}, author={Van den Bergh, M.}, title={Noetherian hereditary abelian categories satisfying Serre duality}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={15}, number={2}, date={2002-04}, pages={295-366}, issn={0894-0347}, review={1887637}, doi={10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00387-9}, }


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