Functoriality for the exterior square of and the symmetric fourth of

By Henry H. Kim, with an appendix by Dinakar Ramakrishnan and with an appendix co-authored by Peter Sarnak


In this paper we prove the functoriality of the exterior square of cusp forms on as automorphic forms on and the symmetric fourth of cusp forms on as automorphic forms on . We prove these by applying a converse theorem of Cogdell and Piatetski-Shapiro to analytic properties of certain -functions obtained by the Langlands-Shahidi method. We give several applications: First, we prove the weak Ramanujan property of cuspidal representations of and the absolute convergence of the exterior square -functions of . Second, we prove that the fourth symmetric power -functions of cuspidal representations of are entire, except for those of dihedral and tetrahedral type. Third, we prove the bound for Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms over any number field.

1. Introduction

Let , where , be the map given by the exterior square. Then Langlands’ functoriality predicts that there is a map from cuspidal representations of to automorphic representations of , which satisfies certain canonical properties. To explain, let be a number field, and let be its ring of adeles. Let be a cuspidal (automorphic) representation of . In what follows, a cuspidal representation always means a unitary one. Now by the local Langlands correspondence, is well defined as an irreducible admissible representation of for all (the work of Harris-Taylor Reference H-T and Henniart Reference He2 on -adic places and of Langlands Reference La4 on archimedean places). Let . It is an irreducible admissible representation of . Then Langlands’ functoriality in this case is equivalent to the fact that is automorphic.

Note that and in fact for a cuspidal representation of , , the central character of . Furthermore, . In this case, given a cuspidal representation of , , where is the contragredient of .

In this paper, we look at the case . Let be a cuspidal representation of . What we prove is weaker than the automorphy of . We prove (Theorem 5.3.1)

Theorem A.

Let be the set of places where and is a supercuspidal representation. Then there exists an automorphic representation of such that if . Moreover, is of the form , where the ’s are all cuspidal representations of .

The reason why we have the exceptional places , especially for , is due to the fact that supercuspidal representations of are very complicated when . We use the Langlands-Shahidi method and a converse theorem of Cogdell-Piatetski-Shapiro to prove the above theorem (cf. Reference Co-PS1, Reference Ki-Sh2). We expect many applications of this result. Among them, we mention two: First, we prove the weak Ramanujan property of cuspidal representations of (Proposition 6.3; see Definition 3.6 for the notation).

Second, we prove the existence of the symmetric fourth lift of a cuspidal representation of as an automorphic representation of . More precisely, let be the symmetric th power (the -dimensional irreducible representation of on symmetric tensors of rank ). Let be a cuspidal representation of with central character . By the local Langlands correspondence, is well defined for all . Hence Langlands’ functoriality predicts that is an automorphic representation of . Gelbart and Jacquet Reference Ge-J proved that is an automorphic representation of . We proved in Reference Ki-Sh2 that is an automorphic representation of as a consequence of the functorial product , corresponding to the tensor product map .

We prove (Theorem 7.3.2)

Theorem B.

is an automorphic representation of . If is cuspidal, is either cuspidal or induced from cuspidal representations of and .

Here we stress that there is no restriction on the places as opposed to the case of the exterior square lift.

Theorem B is obtained by applying Theorem A to . For simplicity, we write . We prove that

This implies that is an automorphic representation of , and so is .

An immediate corollary is that we have a new estimate for Ramanujan and Selberg’s conjectures using Reference Lu-R-Sa. Namely, let be a cuspidal representation of . Let be a local (finite or infinite) spherical component, given by . Then If and , this condition implies that , where is the first positive eigenvalue for the Laplace operator on the corresponding hyperbolic space.

In a joint work with Sarnak in Appendix 2 Reference Ki-Sa, by considering the twisted symmetric square -functions of the symmetric fourth (cf. Reference BDHI), we improve the bound further, at least over , namely, As for the first positive eigenvalue for the Laplacian, we have

In Reference Ki-Sh3, we determine exactly when is cuspidal. We show that is not cuspidal and is cuspidal if and only if there exists a non-trivial quadratic character such that , or equivalently, there exists a non-trivial grössencharacter of such that , where is the quadratic extension, determined by . We refer to that paper for many applications of symmetric cube and symmetric fourth: The analytic continuation and functional equations are proved for the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th symmetric power -functions of cuspidal representations of . It has immediate application for Ramanujan and Selberg’s bounds and the Sato-Tate conjecture: Let be an unramified local component of a cuspidal representation . Then it is shown that , where the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by . Furthermore, if , then for every , there are sets and of positive lower (Dirichlet) density such that for all and for all .

In Reference Ki5, we give an example of automorphic induction for a non-normal quintic extension whose Galois closure is not solvable. In fact, the Galois group is , the alternating group on five letters. The key observation, due to Ramakrishnan is that the symmetric fourth of the 2-dimensional icosahedral representation is equivalent to the 5-dimensional monomial representation of (see Reference Bu). It should be noted that the only complete result for non-normal automorphic induction before this is for non-normal cubic extension due to Reference J-PS-S2 as a consequence of the converse theorem for .

We now explain the content of this paper. In Section 2, we recall a converse theorem of Cogdell and Piatetski-Shapiro and the definition of weak lift and strong lift. In Section 3, we study the analytic properties of the automorphic -functions which we need for the converse theorem, namely, , where is a cuspidal representation of , , and is a cuspidal representation of . The automorphic -functions appear in the constant term of the Eisenstein series coming from the split spin group (the case in Reference Sh3). Hence we can apply the Langlands-Shahidi method Reference Ki1, Reference Ki2, Reference Ki-Sh2, Reference Sh1Reference Sh3.

In Section 4, we first obtain a weak exterior square lift by applying the converse theorem to , with being a finite set of finite places, where is unramified for and . In this case, the situation is simpler because if as in the statement of the converse theorem, one of or is in the principal series for . Here one has to note the following: In the converse theorem, the -function is the Rankin-Selberg -function defined by either integral representations Reference J-PS-S or the Langlands-Shahidi method. They are the same, and they are an Artin -function due to the local Langlands correspondence. However, the -function is defined by the Langlands-Shahidi method Reference Sh1 as a normalizing factor of intertwining operators which appear in the constant term of the Eisenstein series. The equality of two -functions which are defined by completely different methods is not obvious at all. The same is true for -factors. Indeed, a priori we do not know the equality when is a supercuspidal representation, even if is a character of . Hence we need to proceed in two steps as in Reference Ra1, namely, first, we do the good case when none of is supercuspidal, and then we do the general case, following Ramakrishnan’s idea of descent Reference Ra1. It is based on the observation of Henniart Reference He1 that a supercuspidal representation of becomes a principal series after a solvable base change. Here one needs an extension of Proposition 3.6.1 of Reference Ra1 to isobaric automorphic representations (from cuspidal automorphic representations). Appendix 1 provides the extension. We may avoid using the descent method, hence Appendix 1 altogether, by using the stability of -factors as in Reference CKPSS (see Remark 4.1 for more detail). We hope to pursue this in the future. Indeed, for the special case of the functoriality of , hence the symmetric fourth of , we do not need it. (See Remark 7.2.)

The converse theorem only provides a weak lift which is equivalent to a subquotient of , where the ’s are (unitary) cuspidal representations of and . If satisfies the weak Ramanujan property, it immediately implies . In general, we show that by comparing the Hecke conjugacy classes of and .

In Section 5.1, we give a new proof of the existence of the functorial product corresponding to the tensor product map . It is originally due to Ramakrishnan Reference Ra1. However, we give a proof, based entirely on the Langlands-Shahidi method. As a corollary, we obtain the Gelbart-Jacquet lift Reference Ge-J as an automorphic representation of for a cuspidal representation of by showing that .

In Section 5.2, we construct all local lifts in the sense of Definition 2.2 and show that unless and is a supercuspidal representation, is in fact , the one given by the local Langlands correspondence Reference H-T, Reference He2. Here is how it is done: Note that if , any supercuspidal representation of is induced, i.e., corresponds to , where is an extension of degree 4 (not necessarily Galois) and is a character of . (This is the so-called tame case. See, for example, Reference H, p. 179 for references.) Also thanks to Harris’ work Reference H, we have automorphic induction for non-Galois extensions. Namely, there exists a cuspidal representation which corresponds to , where , , and is a grössencharacter of such that . Likewise, if , any supercuspidal representation of , , is induced. We embed as a local component of a cuspidal representation using automorphic induction. We can compare the functional equations of and the corresponding Artin -function and obtain our assertion that the local lift we constructed is equivalent to the one given by the local Langlands correspondence. (If , we need to twist by supercuspidal representations of , where there can be supercuspidal representations which are not induced. The global Langlands correspondence is not available for them.)

In Section 5.3, by applying the converse theorem twice to with , , where are any finite places, we prove that is an automorphic representation of .

In Section 7, we prove that if is a cuspidal representation of , then is an automorphic representation of . Here we need to be careful because of the exceptional places in the discussion of the exterior square lift. We first prove that there exists an automorphic representation of such that if . Next we show that this is true for . If , any supercuspidal representation of is monomial, and hence it can be embedded into a monomial cuspidal representation of . If , any extraordinary supercuspidal representation of is of tetrahedral type or octahedral type (see Reference G-L, p. 121). Hence in this case, the global Langlands correspondence is available Reference La3, Reference Tu. We can compare the functional equations of and the corresponding Artin -function and obtain our assertion.

Finally, we emphasize that for the functoriality of , we do not need the full functoriality of the exterior square of ; first of all, one does not need the comparison of Hecke conjugacy classes in Section 4.1, since satisfies the weak Ramanujan property. Secondly, one does not need the method of base change and Ramakrishnan’s descent argument (hence Appendix 1), because we can prove the equality of -factors for supercuspidal representations directly (see Remark 7.2 for the details).

2. Converse theorem

Throughout this paper, let be a number field, and let be the ring of adeles. We fix an additive character of . Let be the standard representation of .

First recall a converse theorem from Reference Co-PS1.

Theorem 2.1 (Reference Co-PS1).

Suppose is an irreducible admissible representation of such that is a grössencharacter of . Let be a finite set of finite places, and let be a set of cuspidal representations of that are unramified at all places . Suppose is nice (i.e., entire, bounded in vertical strips and satisfies a functional equation) for all cuspidal representations , . Then there exists an automorphic representation of such that for all .

Let be a cuspidal representation of . In order to apply the converse theorem, we need to do the following:


For all , find an irreducible representation of such that

for all , where , .


Prove the analytic continuation and functional equation of the -functions .


Prove that is entire for , .


Prove that is bounded in vertical strips for , .

Recall the equalities:

Hence the equalities of and -factors imply the equality of -factors.

The -function and the -factor are available from the Langlands-Shahidi method, by considering the split spin group with the maximal Levi subgroup whose derived group is . We will study the analytic properties of the -functions in the next section; (2) is well known by Shahidi’s work Reference Sh3; (4) is the result of Reference Ge-Sh. We will especially study (3); in general, the -functions may not be entire. Our key idea is to apply the converse theorem to the twisting set , where is highly ramified for . Then for , the -function is entire. Observe that . Hence applying the converse theorem with the twisting set is equivalent to applying the converse theorem for with the twisting set (see Reference Co-PS2).

We will address problem (1) in Section 4. We have a natural candidate for , namely, , the one given by the local Langlands correspondence (see Section 4 for the detail). However, proving the equalities in (1) is not so obvious due to the fact that two -functions on the left and on the right are defined in completely different manners. The right-hand side is the Rankin-Selberg -function Reference J-PS-S defined by either integral representations or the Langlands-Shahidi method, which in turn is an Artin -function due to the local Langlands correspondence. We note that if is not generic, then we write as a Langlands quotient of an induced representation , which is generic, and we define the - and -factors and .

The left-hand side is defined in the Langlands-Shahidi method Reference Sh1 as a normalizing factor of intertwining operators which appear in the constant term of the Eisenstein series. Proving (1) is equivalent to the fact that Shahidi’s -functions and -factors on the left are those of Artin factors. It is clearly true if is unramified. Shahidi has shown that (1) is true when Reference Sh7.

Remark 2.1.

Eventually we are going to prove in Section 5 that on the right side of (1) is generic in our case. However, is not generic in general. For example, if is given by the principal series , then is the unique quotient of , namely, . Hence in the course of applying the converse theorem, we need to deal with such non-generic representations on the right side of (1). However, in the definition of Shahidi’s - and -factors on the left side of (1), we only deal with generic representations, since any local components of a cuspidal representation of are generic. By a well-known result, any generic representation of is always a full induced representation.

We were not able to prove (1) for when and is a supercuspidal representation of . Hence we make the following definition.

Definition 2.2.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . We say that an automorphic representation of is a strong exterior square lift of if for every , is a local lift of in the sense that

for all generic irreducible representations of , .

If the above equality holds for almost all , then is called weak lift of .

In Section 4, we apply the converse theorem with being a finite set of finite places such that is unramified for , . Then if is ramified, the local components of the twisting representations at are unramified and hence the equalities in (1) become simpler. In this way, we first find a weak lift in Section 4 and use it to define all local lifts in Section 5 and to obtain the strong lift.

We record the following proposition which is very useful in proving (1).

Proposition 2.3 (Reference Sh4).

Let (, resp.) be an irreducible generic admissible representation of (, resp.) with parametrization (, resp.) by the local Langlands correspondence Reference H-T, Reference He2. Let be the Artin -function; let be the Rankin-Selberg -function defined by integral representation Reference J-PS-S; and let be the Langlands-Shahidi -function defined as a normalizing factor for intertwining operators Reference Sh1. Then we have the equality

We have similar equalities for - and -factors.


The equality is the local Langlands correspondence (the work of Harris-Taylor Reference H-T and Henniart Reference He2 on -adic places and of Langlands Reference La4 on archimedean places). Similar equalities hold for - and -factors.

The equality is due to Shahidi (Reference Sh7 for archimedean places and Reference Sh4, Theorem 5.1 for -adic places; see Reference Sh6, p 282 for the explanation of why the constant disappears). Similar equalities hold for - and -factors.

For the sake of completeness, we recall how - and -factors are defined from the Langlands-Shahidi method Reference Sh1, Section 7. Let be a quasi-split reductive group defined over a number field . Let be a maximal Levi subgroup. Let be a generic cuspidal representation of . From the theory of local coefficients, which come from intertwining operators, a -factor is defined for every generic irreducible admissible representation and certain finite-dimensional representation ’s. If is tempered, is defined to be

where is the unique polynomial satisfying such that is the numerator of . We define the -factor using the identity Hence if is tempered, then the -factor canonically defines both the -factor and the -factor. If is non-tempered, write it as a Langlands quotient of an induced representation and we can write the corresponding intertwining operator as a product of rank-one operators. For these rank-one operators, there correspond - and -factors and we define and to be the product of these rank-one - and -factors. We then define -factor to satisfy the above relation.

Recall the multiplicativity of -factors (cf. Reference Sh7). We suppress the subscript until the end of Section 2. Let be an irreducible generic admissible representation of . Suppose , where , , is a parabolic subgroup of and is an irreducible generic admissible representation of . Let and fix a reduced decomposition of as in Reference Sh2, Lemma 2.1.1. Then for each , there exists a unique root such that . For each , , let . Set . Also let , where , , and , . Then the group contains as a maximal parabolic subgroup and is a representation of . The -group acts on . Given an irreducible constituent of this action, there exists a unique , , which under is equivalent to an irreducible constituent of the action of on the Lie algebra of . We denote by the index of this subspace of the Lie algebra of . Finally, let denote the set of all such ’s where , in general, is a proper subset of .

Proposition 2.4 (Reference Sh1, (3.13) (multiplicativity of -factors)).

For each let denote the corresponding factor. Then

We follow the exposition in Reference Sh6, p. 280. Let be the parametrization of . Then factors through , i.e., there exists such that , where . Let . Then , and

Given an irreducible component of , there exists a unique , which under makes this component equivalent to an irreducible constituent of the action of on the Lie algebra of . Hence we have

Proposition 2.5.

Let be as in Proposition 2.4. Suppose is tempered and is an Artin factors for each , namely, for each . Then and are also Artin factors.


Clear from the multiplicativity formulas. Since is tempered, -factors determine the -factors uniquely.

Because of Proposition 2.5, we are reduced to the supercuspidal case when verifying that Shahidi’s - and -factors are Artin factors. Later on, in many situations, all the rank-one factors in Proposition 2.5 are the Rankin-Selberg - and -factors for , and by Proposition 2.3, they are Artin factors.

Next we have Reference Sh6, Theorem 5.2

Proposition 2.6 (multiplicativity of -factors).

Suppose to be as in Proposition 2.4. Suppose is tempered and is a discrete series. Suppose Conjecture 7.1 of Reference Sh1 is valid for every , . Then

Now let be a non-tempered irreducible generic admissible representation of . Then is the unique quotient of an induced representation , where , , is a parabolic subgroup of and is an irreducible generic quasi-tempered representation of . (In many cases when the standard module conjecture is known, ).) Then by the definition of -factors,

Proposition 2.7.

Let be as above. Then

Remark 2.2.

In the multiplicativity of -factors (Proposition 2.4), we realized as a subrepresentation of an induced representation. On the other hand, in the above, is realized as a quotient. However, this does not matter, since local coefficients of two equivalent representations are the same.

Remark 2.3.

Even though it is not necessary, we remark that we can define , even when is non-generic as long as it has generic supercuspidal support. Write as the Langlands quotient of . Just define using the formula in Proposition 2.4, and define using the formula in Proposition 2.5. These definitions agree with those of the Rankin-Selberg - and -factors in the sense of Reference J-PS-S (see the paragraph before Remark 2.1), and hence Proposition 2.3 holds without the genericity condition.

For example, let be a character of , which is the Langlands quotient of . Then the standard -function is obtained by considering the induced representation , which is a quotient of . Hence , and if is unramified. On the other hand, if is the Steinberg representation, which is the subrepresentation of , then . However, by the definition of the -factor, there is a cancellation, and .

3. Analytic properties of the -functions

Consider the case in Reference Sh3, : Let be the split spin group. It is, up to isomorphism, the unique simply-connected group of type . We can think of it as a two-fold covering group of , namely, there is a 2 to 1 map . Let be a maximal torus of .

Let . Let be the Levi subgroup of generated by , and let be the corresponding standard parabolic subgroup of . Let be the connected component of the center of :

Since is simply connected, the derived group of is simply connected, and hence . Then

We identify with . Then

We define a map by

which induces a map

Under the identification , is an element in , and is an element in . Using this, it is easy to see that

We note that it is independent of the choices of the roots of unity which show up.

Let be cuspidal representations of with central characters , resp. Let be a cuspidal representation of , induced by and . (More precisely,⁠Footnote1 we need to proceed in the following way: is co-compact in , where is embedded as the center of, say, the first factor. Consequently , decomposes to a direct sum of irreducible cuspidal representations of . Let be any irreducible constituent of this direct sum. As we shall see, its choice is irrelevant.)


Thanks are due to Prof. Shahidi who pointed this out.

The central character of is

Now suppose are unramified representations, given by

Let be the unramified representation of , given by ’s. Then is induced from the character of the torus. We have

Since , we have

Hence, we see that, for almost all ,

For ramified places, let and be the ones defined in Reference Sh1, Section 7. Observe that in particular, if , then is the corresponding Artin -function (cf. Reference Sh7) in each case.

Let be the induced representation, and let be the normalized local intertwining operator Reference Ki1, (2.1):

where is the unnormalized intertwining operator. In Reference Ki4, we showed that is holomorphic and non-zero for for all . For the sake of completeness, we give a proof.

Proposition 3.1.

The normalized local intertwining operators are holomorphic and non-zero for for all .


We proceed as in Reference Ki2, Proposition 3.4. If is tempered, then the unnormalized operators are holomorphic and non-zero for . We only need to verify Conjecture 7.1 of Reference Sh1, namely, is holomorphic for : for archimedean places, is an Artin -function, and hence our assertion follows. For -adic places, by the multiplicativity of -factors (Proposition 2.6), is a product of rank-one -functions for discrete series. The rank-one factors are Rankin-Selberg -functions for , and the cases and . The first two cases are well known (Reference Sh1, Proposition 7.2). The case is a result of Reference As.

If is non-tempered, we write as in Reference Ki1, p. 841,

where is a tempered representation of and is another parabolic subgroup of . We can identify the normalized operator with the normalized operator , which is a product of rank-one operators attached to tempered representations (cf. Reference Zh, Proposition 1).

Here ; , where , . Here if is tempered. The same is true for . Hence

All the rank-one operators are operators attached to tempered representations of a parabolic subgroup whose Levi subgroup has a derived group isomorphic to inside a group whose derived group is , unless , in which case the rank-one operator is for . It is the case when , where is a tempered representation of .

In the first case, the operators are restrictions to of corresponding standard operators for . By Reference M-W2, Proposition I.10 one knows that these rank-one operators are holomorphic for . Hence by identifying roots of with respect to a parabolic subgroup with those of with respect to the maximal torus, it is enough to check for all positive roots if . We observed that the least value of is which is larger than , if .

Now suppose we are in the exceptional case, namely, , where is a tempered representation of . Then by direct computation, we see that is a product of the following three operators:

, and


where and is the central character of . The first operator is the operator for and it is in the corresponding positive Weyl chamber and is holomorphic for (Reference Ki1, Lemma 2.4). The last two operators are the operators for . Since if , they are holomorphic. Consequently, is holomorphic for . By Zhang’s lemma (cf. Reference Ki2, Lemma 1.7, Reference Zh), it is non-zero as well.

We recall some general results in the next two propositions. Let be a quasi-split group defined over a number field , and let be a maximal parabolic subgroup over . Let be a cuspidal representation of .

Proposition 3.2 (Langlands Reference La2, Lemma 7.5 or Reference Ki1, Proposition 2.1).

Unless , the global intertwining operator is holomorphic for .

Proposition 3.3 (Reference Ki1, Lemma 2.3).

If , has no zeros for .

Remark 3.1.

Since the Eisenstein series is holomorphic for , we see that has no zeros for either. Since the local -functions have no zeros, the completed -function has no zeros for .

Let be a finite set of finite places where is unramified if and . Fix be a grössencharacter of such that is highly ramified for at least one . Let be the cuspidal representation of , induced by the map and . Then the central character of is

Note that . Hence if is highly ramified (say, is ramified), then

for . Therefore,

for . Hence by Propositions 3.1 and 3.2,

Proposition 3.4.

Let be as above. Then for all cuspidal representations , , is entire.


For simplicity, we denote by . Then , where is the cuspidal representation of , induced by the map and .

We proceed as in Reference Ki-Sh, Proposition 3.8. From Reference Ki2, (1.2), we have

By Proposition 3.3, is holomorphic for . By Proposition 3.1, is non-zero for . Hence is holomorphic for . Starting with large where both -functions converge absolutely, one can argue inductively that is holomorphic for . We only need to prove that has no zeros for . Then by the functional equation, we conclude that is entire.

Note that . So if , it is well known. If , note that . Hence it has no zeros for . If , apply Proposition 3.3 to the case, in which case only one -function, namely, , shows up in the constant term of the Eisenstein series. Hence it has no zeros for .

The following theorem was proved in Reference Ge-Sh by assuming Proposition 3.1.

Theorem 3.5 (Reference Ge-Sh).

Let be as above. Then for all cuspidal representations , , is bounded in vertical strips.

Recall the weak Ramanujan property of automorphic representations of : Let be an automorphic representation of . Let be unramified for , where is a finite set of places, including all archimedean places. Suppose, for each , the Hecke conjugacy class attached to is given by .

Definition 3.6.

We say that satisfies the weak Ramanujan property if given ,

for , where is a set of density zero.

If is a cuspidal representation of , we can formulate this in the following way. In this case, since is generic and unitary, if , is given by (Reference Ta) , where , and the ’s, ’s are unramified unitary characters of . Then satisfies the weak Ramanujan property if given , the set of places where has density zero.

Proposition 3.7.

(Unitary) cuspidal representations of satisfy the weak Ramanujan property.


Let , where and . Let . Then by Lemma 3.1 of Reference Ra2, the set of places where has density zero.

We first look at . Then . Note that . Hence . Hence our result follows.

For , we have . Then . Hence our result follows again.

The following proposition is not relevant to our purpose. However, we state it here in order to show the importance of the weak Ramanujan property.

Proposition 3.8.

Let be a cuspidal representation of , , and let be a cuspidal representation of which satisfies the weak Ramanujan property. Then the -function is holomorphic for .


By the weak Ramanujan property, we can find a place where are unramified and is irreducible for (see Reference Ki2, Theorem 3.1). Hence it cannot be unitary. By applying Reference Ki2, Observation 1.3, we see that is holomorphic for . By arguing inductively as in Proposition 3.4, and noting that has no zeros for (see the proof of Proposition 3.4), we conclude that is holomorphic for .

Proposition 3.9 (Reference J-S, Theorem 1, Section 8).

Let be any grössencharacter, and let be a (unitary) cuspidal representation of . Then a partial -function is holomorphic for . It has a pole at if and only if and a certain period integral is not zero.


In Reference J-S, Theorem 1, Section 8, that is holomorphic for is not stated explicitly. However, the global integral is holomorphic for since the singularities of the integral are those of the Eisenstein series, which are absolutely convergent for (see p. 179 of Reference J-S).

4. Exterior square lift; weak lift

Let be a cuspidal automorphic representation of . Let be the parametrization of for each , given by the local Langlands correspondence Reference H-T, Reference He2, Reference La4. Then we obtain a map . Let be the irreducible admissible representation attached to by the local Langlands correspondence. It is obvious that if is an unramified representation, given by , where the ’s are unramified quasi-characters of , then is the unique unramified subquotient of the principal series .

Then is an irreducible admissible representation of . In this section we apply the converse theorem (Theorem 2.1) to with being a finite set of finite places, where is unramified for and . We obtain a weak lift of , namely, we prove that there exists an automorphic representation such that for .

In Section 5, we construct all local lifts in the sense of Definition 2.2, using weak lifts, with the property that , if , where is the set of places such that and is a supercuspidal representation of . We apply the converse theorem again, to conclude that is an automorphic representation of .

First we show

Proposition 4.1.

Let for a grössencharacter . Then for , and are Artin factors, i.e.,


When , this follows from the result of Reference Sh7. Suppose . Then by the assumption, is unramified for . Since is also generic, we can write it as , where the ’s are unramified quasi-characters of . Then by the multiplicativity of -factors (cf. Proposition 2.4) and by the definition of -factors (cf. Proposition 2.5), and are products of and for , resp. By Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 9.5 of Reference J-PS-S, the same multiplicativity formulas hold for the right-hand side. Shahidi (Proposition 2.3) has shown that in the case of , his - and -factors are those of Artin. Our assertion follows.

It would be useful to have the above identity for all . However, it is not even known that Shahidi’s exterior square -function is an Artin -function when is a supercuspidal representation. But we have

Proposition 4.2.

Let for a grössencharacter , and suppose that for , is not supercuspidal. Then and are Artin factors, i.e.,


Since , is in the principal series. Since is unramified and generic, we can write it as , where the ’s are unramified quasi-characters of . Then by the multiplicativity of -factors (Proposition 2.4) and by the definition of -factors (Proposition 2.5), and are products of and for , resp. By Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 9.5 of Reference J-PS-S, the same multiplicativity formulas hold for the right-hand side.

Hence it is enough to prove the equalities when is a character of . Note that is generic. By a well-known result, it is a full induced representation. Since is not supercuspidal, by the multiplicativity of -factors and -factors (cf. Propositions 2.4 and 2.5), and are products of - and -factors for . We have the same multiplicativity formula for the right-hand side. By Proposition 2.3, we have the equality of Langlands-Shahidi -functions and those of Artin for . Hence our result follows.

Later in Lemma 5.2.1, we will extend the above result to any generic irreducible representation . In light of the above proposition, we need to proceed in two steps as in Reference Ra1, namely, first, we do the good case when none of is supercuspidal, and then we do the general case, following Ramakrishnan’s idea of descent Reference Ra1. It is based on the observation of Henniart Reference He1 that a supercuspidal representation of becomes a principal series after a solvable base change.

Remark 4.1.

In actuality, in establishing a weak lift, we do not need the local Langlands correspondence. At bad places , we take the candidate to be arbitrary, except that the central character of is the same as , namely, . Then we would apply the stability of -factors by using highly ramified characters as in Reference CKPSS. Namely, given two irreducible admissible representations of , for every highly ramified character . We hope to be able to prove this in the future. Once it is done, we may avoid using the descent argument, and hence Appendix 1 altogether.

Once we obtain a weak lift, we will construct for in Section 5.2 such that the equalities of - and -factors in Definition 2.2 hold.

4.1. Lift in the good case

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Following Reference Ra1, we say is good if none of is supercuspidal.

Theorem 4.1.1.

Suppose is good. Then there exists a weak exterior square lift of , i.e., for almost all . It is an automorphic representation of of the form , where is a cuspidal representation of .

In the notation of Reference J-S3, . The proof of this theorem will occupy this subsection.

Choose so that Proposition 3.4 and Theorem 3.5 hold. Then by Propositions 4.1 and 4.2, we can apply the converse theorem (Theorem 2.1) to and , where is a finite set of finite places such that is unramified for , . We obtain that is quasi-automorphic, and hence is as well, i.e., there exists an automorphic representation of such that for all .

By the classification of automorphic representations of Reference J-S3, is equivalent to a subquotient of

where is a (unitary) cuspidal representation of and . Note that for almost all places, is the unique unramified subquotient of . Hence the Hecke conjugacy class of is the same as that of . Note also that the central character of is . In particular, it is unitary. Hence . We want to show that all the ’s are zero.

The following proposition illustrates the importance of the weak Ramanujan property. We may use it instead of Proposition 4.1.6 in Section 7 since the symmetric cube of a cuspidal representation of satisfies the weak Ramanujan property.

Proposition 4.1.2.

Suppose satisfies the weak Ramanujan property. Then .


By the assumption, also satisfies the weak Ramanujan property. Suppose the ’s are not all zero. From the relation , it follows that there is an such that . But then this contradicts the weak Ramanujan property with .

We will show , without assuming the weak Ramanujan property of . First we have

Lemma 4.1.3 (Reference Ra2, Lemma 3.1).

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Let be an unramified component with the trace , i.e., , where the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by . Then given , the set of places where has density zero.

Note that at a place where is non-tempered, the trace has one of the three forms below. Here are complex numbers with absolute value one. We suppress the dependence of all the factors on for simplicity of notation, except .

; , where ;

; , where ;

; , where .

Lemma 4.1.4.

Given , the set of places in has density zero.


Just note that since , . Use Lemma 4.1.3.

Now we have

Lemma 4.1.5.

In Equation 4.1, if , then .


If is unramified, the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by one of the following forms:





where the ’s are complex numbers with absolute value one and is tempered for .

Suppose . We will show that :

Suppose . Then . By checking case by case, we see that the Hecke conjugacy class of can never be of the above form.

Suppose . Then . By Reference Ra2, Theorem A, is tempered for a set of lower density at least . Since the Hecke conjugacy class of should be one of the above forms, they should be, for , of the form in above:

In this case , where the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by

Note that is fixed and the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by the above form for all . This contradicts Lemma 4.1.4. The same proof works for .

Suppose . Since cuspidal representations of satisfy the weak Ramanujan property, by taking , we can see that the Hecke conjugacy class of can never be of the above form for .

Suppose . By Reference Ra2, Theorem A, is tempered for a set of lower density at least . Then we see that the Hecke conjugacy class of should be of the form

In this case , where the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by

Note that is fixed and the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by the above form for all . This contradicts Lemma 4.1.4.

Hence if , . The same is true for .

Proposition 4.1.6.

In Equation 4.1, .


Suppose not all of the ’s are zero. Suppose is smallest. Then by Lemma 4.1.5, and

Here has a pole at and has no zero at for . Hence has a pole at . The same is true for . This contradicts Proposition 3.9.

This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.1.1.

4.2. Lift in the general case

In this subsection, since we are dealing with various fields, we denote the ring of adeles of by . We start with

Theorem 4.2.1 (Reference He1).

Let be a supercuspidal representation of . Then there exists a finite sequence of fields , with finite cyclic of prime degree over , such that the representation of obtained from by successive base changes from to is no longer cuspidal. In fact, we can choose to be Galois over and to be unramified principal series , where is an unramified character of . We define to be the minimal length of such that the base change is in the principal series.

Lemma 4.2.2 (Reference Ra1, Lemma 3.6.2).

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then there exist at most a finite number of grössencharacters such that

Our goal is to prove the following main theorem.

Theorem 4.2.3.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then there exists a weak exterior square lift of . It is of the form in the notation of Reference J-S3, where is a (unitary) cuspidal representation of .


We follow Reference Ra1 closely. We thank Prof. Ramakrishnan for his help. Let be a finite set of finite places such that is supercuspidal for . For each , let be as in Theorem 4.2.1, i.e., the minimal degree of all the solvable extensions for which the base changes are in the principal series. Let be the maximum of , and let be the subset of where this maximum is attained. Further, for each , let denote the maximum over all , of the degree, required to be a prime or 1, of the largest cyclic extension of , contained in . Let be the maximum of over all , and let denote the subset of where (and ). Note that is a prime unless is good over , i.e., has no supercuspidal components, in which case .

Now set . We will order these pairs as follows: if either , or and . If , we are done. So we will assume that and assume by induction that the theorem is proved (over all number fields ) for all cuspidal representations of with .

Fix, at every place , a character of , given by the class field theory for the cyclic extension of degree . Enumerate the set of finite places where is unramified as .

Fix an index , and let . Let denote the trivial character of .

Now by the Grunwald-Wang theorem (see Reference A-T, Chap. 10, Theorem 5), we can find a grössencharacter of order whose local restrictions are given by for every .

Let be the -extension of attached to by the class field theory. Note that for each , splits completely in , but every place is either inert or ramifies in . By throwing away finitely many indices, we can assume that the ’s are all different: This is because one cannot choose a finite number of -extensions of such that every splits in one of them; put another way, given any finite number of -extensions of , the Tchebotarev density theorem states that the set of primes which are inert in each of these finite sets of -extensions will have positive density. On the other hand, the set has density 1.

Let be the base change of to for each . So by construction, for every , .

Thus, by induction, Theorem 4.2.3 holds for for each . Note that if the automorphic representation is not cuspidal for some , then and , where is the quadratic character of attached to the quadratic extension (see Proposition 2.3.1 of Reference Ra1). Hence by Lemma 4.2.2, is cuspidal for almost all , and, by throwing away finitely many indices, we can assume that is cuspidal for all . Let be a weak exterior square lift of .

Recall the following descent criterion in Reference Ra1.

Proposition 4.2.4.

Fix with prime. Let be a number field, let be a family of cyclic extensions of with , and for each , let be a cuspidal automorphic representation of . Suppose that, given ,

for almost all . Then there exists a unique cuspidal automorphic representation of such that

for all but a finite number of .

Remark 4.2.

In Reference Ra1, it is stated that Equation DC holds for all . However, the proof shows our condition suffices.

Appendix 1 extends the above proposition to isobaric automorphic representations, i.e., automorphic representations induced from cuspidal representations.

Proposition 4.2.5 (Appendix 1).

The result in the above proposition holds when the ’s are isobaric automorphic representations.

Proof of Theorem 4.2.3 (contd.).

Now we fix a pair of indices and consider the descent criterion Equation DC. Let be a finite place where and are all unramified. Then, by construction, both of these local representations correspond to the restriction (to the Weil group of ) of , where signifies the place of below . (Recall that is associated to .) Then

Hence the strong multiplicity one theorem gives Equation DC. Thus by applying Proposition 4.2.5, we obtain a unique automorphic descent on such that, for all but a finite number of indices,

Finally, by construction, each (unramified) finite place splits completely in ; let be a divisor of in . Let be a discrete series of , . Then by the definition of base change, for almost all ,

Similarly for the -factors. Thus is a weak exterior square lift of . This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.2.3.

5. Exterior square lift; strong lift

5.1. Functorial lift from to

We give a new proof of the existence of the functorial product, corresponding to the tensor product map . It is originally due to Ramakrishnan Reference Ra1. However, we give a proof based entirely on the Langlands-Shahidi method. Also we need this in the proof of Corollary 5.1.6

More precisely, let be the map given by the tensor product. Let be cuspidal representations of . Let be the parametrization of for . Then we obtain a map . Let be the irreducible admissible representation of attached to by the local Langlands correspondence Reference H-T, Reference He2, Reference La4. Let . Ramakrishnan Reference Ra1 showed that is an automorphic representation of , as predicted by Langlands’ functoriality.

In this section, we prove the functoriality of such a tensor product entirely by the Langlands-Shahidi method. Note that all the necessary analytic properties of the triple product -functions were proved in Reference Ki-Sh, where are cuspidal representations of . We follow Section 4.1 closely. Let be a set of places where are both supercuspidal representations. First we show

Lemma 5.1.1.

If , then for all irreducible, generic representations of , ,


By assumption, in the multiplicativity of -factors and -factors (cf. Propositions 2.4 and 2.5), all rank-one - and -factors are for and, in that case, Shahidi (Proposition 2.3) has shown that his -factors are Artin factors. Hence by Proposition 2.6, the left-hand sides are Artin factors. Thus we have the equalities.

Now let if is not empty. If is empty, then let , where is any finite place. Note that for , is in the principal series for . Hence, in the multiplicativity of -factors and -factors (cf. Propositions 2.4 and 2.5), all rank-one - and -factors are for , namely, the product of the form and , resp. In that case, Shahidi (Proposition 2.3) has shown that his -factors are Artin factors. Hence the equalities in Lemma 5.1.1 hold. We apply the converse theorem (Theorem 2.1) to with , and obtain an automorphic representation of such that for all .

Proposition 5.1.2.

is of the form

in the notation of Reference J-S3, where is a (unitary) cuspidal representation of .


By the classification of automorphic representations of Reference J-S3, is equivalent to a subquotient of

where is a unitary cuspidal representation of and . Note that for almost all , is the unique unramified subquotient of . The Hecke conjugacy class of is that of .

Let be unramified local components with the Hecke conjugacy classes given by , resp. Then the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by

By Proposition 3.7, satisfy the weak Ramanujan property, and so does . We can show in the same way as in Proposition 4.1.2.

Proposition 5.1.3.

Suppose , i.e., are both supercuspidal representations. Then there exists an irreducible admissible representation which is a local lift of , in the sense that

for all generic irreducible representations of , . Moreover, is tempered.


Let be a supercuspidal representation of . Let be a cuspidal automorphic representation of such that is unramified for all and (Proposition 5.1 of Reference Sh1).

Let be a weak lift of as in Proposition 5.1.2 such that for . (We use a similar definition of weak lift as in Definition 2.2.) We note that is irreducible, unitary, and generic.

Claim: is a local lift of .

By the multiplicativity of - and -factors (cf. Propositions 2.4 and 2.5), it is enough to show this claim for discrete series . Then we can find a cuspidal representation whose local component at is Reference Ro.

Consider the two -functions and . Both have the functional equations:

Since are unramified for , , it follows that is the lift of for all . Hence

for all . The functional equations above can be written in the form


In order to show that the equality of -factors implies the equality of -factors, we need a little care, since we do not know, a priori, that is tempered. As we remarked earlier, is irreducible, unitary, and generic. Hence it is of the form , where the ’s are discrete series representations of smaller ’s and (cf. Reference Ta).

For in the discrete series of , the -function is equal to

Using the strict inequalities and the holomorphy of each for , it is easy to see that as a function of , has the same zeros as and therefore the equality

follows from the equality of -factors, since and are tempered (cf. Section 7 of Reference Sh1).

The temperedness of follows easily from the above equality of -factors by comparing poles of both sides. More precisely, let be of the above form, and suppose . Then take :

The left-hand side has no poles for (Reference Sh1, Proposition 7.2, see also Reference Ki-Sh, Proposition 3.2); but the right-hand side has a pole at .

Proposition 5.1.4.

For ,

for any generic representation of , .


By the local converse theorem due to Chen Reference Ch (cf. Reference Co-PS1), the above equality implies that for . However, we do not need the local converse theorem. The equivalence will be a consequence of Proposition 5.1.5.


We follow Reference Ra1, Proposition 4.3.1. By the multiplicativity of -factors, we only need to show that

for any supercuspidal representation of , . We show this for the case . Since we need a local-global argument, in order to avoid confusion, we use the following setup: Let be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero. Let , , be supercuspidal representations of with corresponding parametrization . Since any representation of is of the form , where is a representation of , we can think of as a representation of , i.e., . Note that has a solvable image, i.e., a representation of icosahedral type does not occur over a local field (see, for example, Reference G-L, p. 121). As in Reference Ra1, Proposition 4.3.1, we can find a number field with and irreducible 2-dimensional representations of with solvable image such that . The global Langlands correspondence is available for those representations with solvable image Reference La3, Reference Tu, and hence we can find corresponding cuspidal representations of such that . We compare the functional equations of and . Even though we do not know the holomorphy of , the functional equation is known and it suffices for our purpose. Since for unramified places, we have an equality

where is a finite set of finite places containing and the ’s are unramified for . Now we use the idea of using highly ramified characters (see, for example, Reference He3, Theorem 4.1). Note that by Lemma 5.1.1 and Proposition 5.1.3, there exists a representation such that

for each . Also we have

Hence by Reference J-S2, for every highly ramified character , and are independent of the ’s. Namely, for every highly ramified character ,

Now choose a grössencharacter which is highly ramified at all the ramified places except , in which place it is trivial. Comparing the functional equations of and , we obtain

The temperedness of would follow also from Proposition 5.1.4, by noting that if is the parametrization of , , then is tempered if and only if the image is bounded (see, for example, Reference Ku, Lemma 5.2.1). In that case, it is obvious that is bounded. Hence is tempered.

Proposition 5.1.5.

Let be two cuspidal representations of . Then is an automorphic representation of . It is of the form , where the ’s are cuspidal representations of .


Pick two finite places , where , , are unramified. Let , . We apply the converse theorem twice to with and , and find two automorphic representations of such that for , and for . Hence for all . Note that are of the form , where the ’s are (unitary) cuspidal representations of by Proposition 5.1.2. By the strong multiplicity one theorem Reference J-S3, , in particular, for all .

Corollary 5.1.6.

Let be supercuspidal representations of . Let be a supercuspidal representation of . Then


Consider the case in Reference Sh1. Then we obtain the triple -function . Let be cuspidal representations of , , resp., whose local components at are and unramified for all other finite places. Let . Consider two -functions and . Comparing the functional equations as in Proposition 5.1.3, we have the equality

Let be a cuspidal representation of with central character . By the local Langlands correspondence, is well defined for all . Let . Gelbart and Jacquet Reference Ge-J proved that is an automorphic representation of . Here we can prove it as a corollary to Proposition 5.1.5.

Corollary 5.1.7 (Reference Ge-J).

. Hence is an automorphic representation of . It is cuspidal if and only if it is not monomial.


By Proposition 5.1.5, is an automorphic representation of . But has a pole at . Hence for some automorphic representation of . It is easy to see that for all . Hence our result follows.

In order to prove the second assertion, we use the identity

where is a grössencharacter. Note that has a pole at if and only if , namely, . Hence has a pole at if and only if and , namely, is monomial.

5.2. Local lifts from to

Let be a cuspidal representation of . In this section, we construct a local exterior square lift for each in the sense of Definition 2.2, i.e.,

for all generic irreducible representations of , .

First we show, by extending Proposition 4.2, that if is not supercuspidal, then is the local exterior square lift of in the above sense. Namely,

Lemma 5.2.1.

Suppose is not supercuspidal. Then

for all generic irreducible representations of , .


By assumption, in the multiplicativity of - and -factors (cf. Propositions 2.4 and 2.5), all rank-one - and -factors are either for , or for , . For , Shahidi (Proposition 2.3) showed that his -factors are Artin factors and the case follows from Corollary 5.1.6. Our result follows from Proposition 2.6.

As an example of a local lift, we show

Lemma 5.2.2.

Suppose is a discrete series, given as the unique subrepresentation of , where is a supercuspidal representation of . Then the lift is given by

where is the symmetric square lift of and is a discrete series of , given as the unique subrepresentation of .


Note the identity for irreducible representations of . Hence is a subrepresentation of . Note that . By Reference Sh5, Proposition 8.1,

and note that . Hence our result follows.

We now show that a supercuspidal representation of has a local exterior square lift to . Let be a supercuspidal representation of . Let be a cuspidal automorphic representation of such that is unramified for all and (Proposition 5.1 of Reference Sh1).

By Theorem 4.2.3, there exists a weak exterior square lift of such that for , where is a finite set of finite places, containing . We remark that is irreducible, unitary, and generic.

Proposition 5.2.3.

is a local exterior square lift of . Moreover, is tempered.


By the multiplicativity of - and -factors (cf. Propositions 2.4 and 2.5), it is enough to show the identities in Definition 2.2 for discrete series . Then we can find a cuspidal representation whose local component at is Reference Ro.

Consider the two -functions and . Both have the functional equations:


for all , we have

If , , is unramified. Hence is a product of -factors for . Hence by the stability of -factors Reference J-S2, for every highly ramified character ,

Hence by using a grössencharacter which is highly ramified at all the places in except , in which place it is trivial, we obtain (see the proof of Proposition 5.1.4)

We proceed exactly in the same way as in the proof of Proposition 5.1.3 to show that the equality of -factors implies the equality of -factors.

The temperedness of follows from the equality of -factors as in Proposition 5.1.3, by noting that the holomorphy of for when is tempered is proved in Reference As.

Proposition 5.2.3 does not imply that . Let be the set of places where and is a supercuspidal representation. Then we can prove

Proposition 5.2.4.

If ,

for any supercuspidal representation of , .


By the local converse theorem due to Chen Reference Ch, the above equality implies that for . However we do not need it. The equivalence will be a consequence of Theorem 5.3.1.


Suppose and is a supercuspidal representation. Since we need the local-global argument, in order to avoid confusion, we use the following setup: Let be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero, and let be supercuspidal representations of , resp. Then since , are induced, i.e., corresponds to , where is an extension of degree (not necessarily Galois) and is a character of , and corresponds to , where is an extension of degree (not necessarily Galois) and is a character of . Then we need to prove

By Reference H, Section 4 (see Reference He2, p. 449), we can find extensions of number fields and , and grössencharacters of , , such that


, , , , and , and


there exist cuspidal representations of , corresponding to , resp., with .

Now we proceed exactly as in the proof of Proposition 5.1.4: By comparing the functional equations of and , and using a grössencharacter which is highly ramified at all the ramified places except , in which place it is trivial, we obtain

By arguing as before (right after Proposition 5.1.4), Proposition 5.2.4 also implies that if is tempered, then so is for .

Remark 5.1.

If , any supercuspidal representation of is induced. However, we need to twist by supercuspidal representations of . There are supercuspidal representations of which are not induced if . Let be a non-archimedean local field with residual characteristic 3. Let be a supercuspidal representation of with a parametrization . Then surely we can find a number field with and a global irreducible representation such that . If we can find a cuspidal representation of which corresponds to such that , then our proof above goes through.

5.3. Strong exterior square lift from to

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Let be the set of places where and is a supercuspidal representation. Then, in Section 5.2, we constructed a local lift for each such that for if we apply the local converse theorem (as remarked before, we do not need the local converse theorem). Let , where if and if . It is an irreducible admissible representation of . We prove

Theorem 5.3.1.

is an automorphic representation of , i.e., is the strong exterior square lift of . It is of the form in the notation of Reference J-S3, where the ’s are (unitary) cuspidal representations of .


Pick two finite places , where are unramified. Let , . We apply the converse theorem (Theorem 2.1) to with and and find two automorphic representations of such that for , and for . Hence for all . By Theorem 4.2.3, and are of the form , where the ’s are (unitary) cuspidal representations of . By the strong multiplicity one theorem, , in particular, for .

6. Some applications

Proposition 6.1.

Let be a cuspidal representation of , and let be a cuspidal representation of . Then is holomorphic except possibly at . If , it is entire. In particular, the exterior square -function is holomorphic except possibly at .


Let be the strong exterior square lift of in Theorem 5.3.1. It is given by , where the ’s are cuspidal representations of . Then

Our result follows easily from the well-known property of the Rankin-Selberg -functions of .

Proposition 6.2.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then the exterior square -function and the symmetric square -function are both absolutely convergent for .


Let be the strong exterior square lift of as in Theorem 5.3.1. It is given by , where the ’s are cuspidal representations of . Then

Our result follows easily from the well-known property of -functions of . The result on the symmetric square -functions follows immediately from the following identity and the absolute convergence of for :

Proposition 6.3.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then satisfies the weak Ramanujan property.


Recall from the paragraph after Lemma 4.1.3 that the trace of a non-tempered unramified component has one of the following three forms (here the ’s are complex numbers with absolute value one):

; , where ;

; , where ;

; , where .

Fix . Then inside , the set of places where has density zero. It means the set of places where has density zero.

Suppose has a subset of positive density where for . Then consider the lift . For , the trace of has the form

Then for . This is a contradiction to Reference Ra2, Lemma 3.1.

Suppose has a subset of positive density where for . Then consider the lift . For , the trace of has the form

Then for . This again contradicts Lemma 3.1 of Reference Ra2.

7. Symmetric fourth lift of

Let be the th symmetric power representation of on the space of symmetric tensors of rank . Let be a cuspidal representation of with central character . By the local Langlands correspondence Reference H-T, Reference He2, Reference La4, is a well-defined representation of for all . Let be the parametrization of . Then we have a map . Then is the representation of , corresponding to . Let . It is an irreducible admissible representation of . Langlands’ functoriality predicts that is an automorphic representation of . It is convenient to introduce (Shahidi called it ). If , and it is the well-known Gelbart-Jacquet lift. If , recall

Theorem 7.1 (Reference Ki-Sh2).

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then the symmetric cube is an automorphic representation of . It is cuspidal unless either is a monomial representation or , for a non-trivial grössencharacter .

We are concerned with . We prove that is an automorphic representation of , using the exterior square lift from to . More precisely, we show that .

Let be an unramified component, and let the Hecke conjugacy class of be given by . Then by direct calculation, we see that the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by

Note that and the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by

We divide into three cases.

7.1. is a monomial cuspidal representation

In this case, for a non-trivial grössencharacter . Then and determines a quadratic extension . According to Reference L-La, there is a grössencharacter of such that , where is the automorphic representation whose local factor at is the one attached to the representation of the local Weil group induced from . Let be the conjugate of by the action of the non-trivial element of the Galois group. The Gelbart-Jacquet lift (adjoint square) of is given by

Case 1. factors through the norm, i.e., for a grössencharacter of . Then is not cuspidal. In fact, . In this case, and

We used the fact that are quadratic grössencharacters.

Case 2. does not factor through the norm. In this case, is a cuspidal representation. Then (note here that can factor through the norm, and in that case is not cuspidal) and

7.2. is not cuspidal

This is the case when there exists a non-trivial grössencharacter such that . Note that . Then by Reference Ki-Sh2, . Hence


7.3. is cuspidal

This is the case when is not monomial and for any non-trivial grössencharacter .

Consider and its strong exterior square lift as in Theorem 5.3.1. It is an automorphic representation of , unitarily induced from cuspidal representations of , and unless and is a supercuspidal representation.

Theorem 7.3.1.

Let be a grössencharacter. Let be a finite set of places, including all archimedean places such that are all unramified for . Then has a pole at if and only if .


Consider the equality

Note that has no zero and no pole at . Therefore has a pole at if and only if has a pole at .

Since for any non-trivial grössencharacter , it follows that has a pole at if and only if .

Hence we have , where is an automorphic representation of . We have for , where is the set of places such that and is a supercuspidal representation. Hence for .

Theorem 7.3.2.

For all , . Hence is an automorphic representation of . It is either cuspidal or unitarily induced from cuspidal representations of and .


If , it is well known (see, for example, Reference G-L) that any supercuspidal representation of is monomial, i.e., it corresponds to , where is quadratic and is a character of . Hence is not supercuspidal. Therefore, if is supercuspidal, then and is an extraordinary supercuspidal representation.

By the local converse theorem due to Chen Reference Ch (cf. Reference Co-PS1), we need to show that, for every supercuspidal representation of , ,

We follow the proof of Proposition 5.1.4. As before, we use the following setup: Let be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero. Let be supercuspidal representations of with corresponding parametrizations , resp. We can think of as a representation of . Since and corresponds to , we need to show that

for . Since is easy, we deal with . First, . By appealing to Reference P-Ra, Lemma 3, Section 4, we can find a number field with and irreducible 2-dimensional representations of with solvable image such that and are unramified for . The global Langlands correspondence is available for representations with solvable image Reference La3, Reference Tu, and hence we can find corresponding cuspidal representations of such that . We compare the functional equations for and . Even though we do not know the holomorphy of , the functional equation is known and it suffices for our purpose. Since for unramified places, we have an equality

Note that the ’s are unramified if . Also if , then is not supercuspidal. Therefore, if , then is not supercuspidal. Hence by Lemma 5.2.1,

for each . Therefore,

Second, . Since , is induced from a character, i.e., it corresponds to , where is a cubic extension (not necessarily Galois extension) and is a character of . We choose a cubic extension of number fields such that and choose a grössencharacter of such that . Let be a cuspidal automorphic representation of corresponding to (see Reference J-PS-S2 for the existence). Then in the same way as above, we have

Hence and is an automorphic representation of . By Theorem 7.3.1, it is either cuspidal, or unitarily induced from cuspidal representations of and .

Remark 7.1.

Suppose is cuspidal. Then by Theorem 7.3.2, is not cuspidal if and only if has a pole at for a cuspidal representation of . In a forthcoming paper Reference Ki-Sh3, we show that this happens if and only if there exists a non-trivial quadratic character such that , or equivalently, there exists a non-trivial grössencharacter of such that , where is the quadratic extension, determined by . In this case, , where and .

Corollary 7.3.3.

Let be a cuspidal representation of , and let be a spherical local component (finite or infinite) given by . Then

If , , this signifies

where and is the first positive eigenvalue of the Laplace operator on the corresponding hyperbolic space.


The worst case is when is a cuspidal representation of . Suppose is a non-tempered representation given by , where is a unitary character of and . We apply the result of Luo-Rudnick-Sarnak Reference Lu-R-Sa to : It states that if is a cuspidal representation of , and if is the spherical component given by , , then . In our case, , and we have

Corollary 7.3.4.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then the th symmetric power -function is holomorphic except possibly for . It has a pole at if and only if is monomial or is of the tetrahedral type, namely, is not monomial and for .

Remark 7.2.

We can give a simpler proof of the functoriality of , and hence that of , without


Section 4.1 about comparison of Hecke conjugacy classes, and


Ramakrishnan’s idea of descent using the base change method (Section 4.2) and hence Appendix 1.

They are needed for the general case of the functoriality of the exterior square of . The reason is that first satisfies the weak Ramanujan property, and hence we can just use Proposition 4.1.2. Secondly the reason we needed the base change method was that we could not verify Proposition 4.2 in the case of supercuspidal representations. But we now have a direct proof of the equality of -functions by Theorem 7.3.2. Recall from Proposition 4.2 that we only need the equality for . Since this is very crucial, we give an argument: Let be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero. Let be supercuspidal representations of with the corresponding parametrization . We can think of as a representation of . We need to show that

for any character of , which we identify as a character of . By appealing to Reference P-Ra, Lemma 3, Section 4, we can find a number field with and irreducible 2-dimensional representations of with solvable image such that and is unramified for . Let be the cuspidal representation of such that , given by the global Langlands correspondence. Take a grössencharacter such that . By comparing the functional equations of and , we obtain the equality, by noting that if , is unramified.

Hence we can apply the converse theorem (Theorem 2.1) to as in Section 4.1 and obtain a weak lift, and follow Section 5.2 to obtain the strong lift.

Appendix 1. A descent criterion for isobaric representations

The object here is to prove the following extension (from cuspidal) to isobaric automorphic representations of Proposition 3.6.1 of Reference Ra, which was itself an extension to of Proposition 4.2 (for ) in Reference BR. The argument is essentially the same as in Reference Ra, but requires some delicate bookkeeping.


Fix with prime. Let be a number field, let be an infinite family of cyclic extensions of with , and for each , let be an isobaric automorphic representation of . Suppose that, for all , the base changes of to the compositum satisfy

Then there exists a unique isobaric automorphic representation of such that

for all but a finite number of .


Recall that the set Isob of isobaric automorphic representations of for all admits a sum operation , called the isobaric sum, such that

Moreover, given any isobaric automorphic representation of there exist cuspidal automorphic representations of , , , with , such that

Here the cuspidal datum is unique up to (isomorphism and) permutation. We will say that is of width . For the basic properties of isobaric representations see Reference La and Reference JS.

Given any isobaric automorphic representation of width in the form Equation 1 and any -tuple of idele class characters of , we define the -twist of to be

If an isobaric automorphic representation is isomorphic to for some , we will say that is a twist of . Moreover, if is an idele class character of and if is a -tuple of integers, we will set

Now we need the following


Let be an isobaric automorphic representation of , where are cuspidal automorphic representations of , , , . Then there exist at most a finite number of -tuples of idele class characters such that

Proof of the Lemma.

By the uniqueness of the isobaric sum decomposition of into cuspidals, there must be a permutation in such that we have, for each , an isomorphism

We must necessarily have for each . So the Lemma is a consequence of the following


Let be cuspidal automorphic representations of . Then the set of idele class characters such that

is finite.

Proof of the Sublemma.

We may assume that is non-empty, as there is nothing to prove otherwise. Pick, and fix, any member, call it , of . Put

Since and have the same cardinality, it suffices to prove that is finite. We claim that for any in ,

Indeed, if with , we have

whence the claim.

Now the set , which parametrizes the self-twists of , is finite by Lemma 3.6.2 of Reference Ra, and hence the Sublemma is proved; so is the Lemma.

Proof of the Proposition (contd.). For each , let be a generator of Gal, and let be a character of cutting out (by class field theory). Note that, for each , the pull back to of by the norm map from to cuts out the compositum .

We will write, for each ,

with each a cuspidal automorphic representation of , with .

We claim that

For all , let denote the automorphism of such that (i) , and (ii) (where denotes the identity automorphism). It is easy to see that the base change of to is simply . (For the basic results on base change, see Reference AC; for a quick summary see Proposition 2.3.1 of Reference Ra.) Applying Equation DC, we then have

since is trivial on . Since is a cyclic extension of of prime degree, we must have by Arthur-Clozel,

for some -tuple of integers in . For every fixed , and for all , we then have the self-twist identity

Note that and must be distinct unless their ratio is a power of . So the Lemma above forces to be the zero vector for all but a finite number of . The claimed identity now follows by taking to be outside this exceptional finite set.

As a result, by applying base change (Reference AC; Proposition 2.3.1 of Reference Ra) once again, we see that there exists, for each , an isobaric automorphic representation of ,

with each a cuspidal automorphic representation of and

such that

Such a is of course unique only up to replacing it by for some -tuple of integers in . Clearly we have

but equality need not hold.

It is important to note that, for any , we have the following compatibility for base change in (cyclic) stages:

We see this as follows. Let be a finite place of which is unramified for the data. Denote by (resp. , resp. ) the place of (resp. , resp. ) below . If denotes the representation of associated to , then

Then (2.3.0) of Reference Ra implies the local identity (for all such )

The global isomorphism Equation 7 follows by the strong multiplicity one theorem for isobaric automorphic representations (Reference JS).

We can then rewrite Equation DC as saying, for all ,

Consequently we must have, after renumbering, an equality of partitions ():

of . In particular, we have


for some -tuple of integers. We can replace by and get

Then, by replacing by a twist by for a -tuple of integers, we can arrange to have and be isomorphic. In sum, we have produced, for every pair , a common descent, say , of , i.e., with

Fix non-zero vectors in , and consider the possible isomorphism

We claim that this cannot happen outside a finite set of pairs . To see this fix a pair and consider the relationship of to . Since and have the same base change to , they must differ by twisting by a -tuple power of . Similarly, and differ by a twist as they have the same base change to . Put together, this shows that and are twists of each other. Then (13) would imply that


The claim now follows since, by the Lemma above, admits only a finite number of self-twists, and since the -tuples are all distinct for distinct pairs (as are fixed).

Now choose a pair not belonging to for any pair of non-zero vectors in , and set

We assert that for all but a finite number of indices ,

It suffices to show that, for any large enough , is isomorphic to either or . Suppose neither is satisfied. Then there exist non-zero vectors in such that

We also have , for some vector in . Putting these together, we get the self-twisting identity

By our choice of , cannot be the zero vector. But for each non-zero , the set of indices for which such an identity can hold is finite, again by the Lemma. Hence we get a contradiction for large enough , which implies that or should be , giving the requisite contradiction. Thus must be isomorphic to either or for large enough . Since we have, by Equation 12,

the Proposition is now proved.

Appendix 2. Refined estimates towards the Ramanujan and Selberg conjectures

In this appendix we apply the main results of Reference Ki3 concerning the symmetric fourth power of a cusp form together with the methods developed in Reference D-I and Reference L-R-S to obtain slight improvements of the known bounds towards the Ramanujan conjectures. While the main results of Reference Ki3 concern automorphic forms over a general number field, the techniques in Reference D-I and Reference L-R-S are special to and hence so are the results below.

Let be an automorphic cusp form on and denote by its symmetric square -function. For a prime at which is unramified, let be the corresponding Satake parameter and similarly let be the Satake parameter for (assuming the latter is unramified). These are normalized so that the Ramanujan conjectures assert that and .

Proposition 1.

Let be as above and assume that the series

converges absolutely for . Then for at which is unramified, we have

while if is unramified, we have


(1) This should be compared with the general number field bounds of established in Reference L-R-S2.

(2) The condition of absolute convergence is in fact satisfied for . Hence for or 4, Proposition 1 gives the sharpest known bounds towards Ramanujan (over ). For or 3, it is easy to see that the series converges absolutely. For , as is shown in Reference R-S, this follows from the unitarity of and the well-known fact that the Rankin-Selberg -function , whose coefficients are non-negative, is absolutely convergent in . For , the absolute convergence is proved in Proposition 6.2 of Reference Ki3.

Our main application is for the case . Given a cusp form on , let . According to the results in Section 7 of Reference Ki3, is an automorphic form on . If it is not a cusp form, then as in Reference Ki-Sh we may establish even sharper bounds for , , than the ones below (precisely with replaced by ). So we assume that is a cusp form. Now , so it is easily seen that since is absolutely convergent, so is . Applying Proposition 1 to together with the relationship: the Satake parameters of are

leads to:

Proposition 2.

Let be an automorphic cusp form on . If is unramified at , then

If is unramified, then

These give slight improvements of the recent bound of due to Reference Ki-Sh.

We can express the bounds for in terms of eigenvalues of the Laplacian (cf. Reference Se). Let be the smallest (non-zero) eigenvalue of the Laplacian on , where is a congruence subgroup of . Then

We turn to the proof of Proposition 1. We need some facts concerning the analytic properties of and its twists. Here is a cusp form on .

Proposition 3.

If is not self-contragredient, then the completed -function (that is, the degree Euler product over all places including the archimedean ones) is entire and satisfies a functional equation


The functional equation is due to Reference Sh2. The holomorphy is due to Reference Ki1. However, we sketch the proof here. The symmetric square -functions arise by considering . Let be the induced representation attached to , and let be the Eisenstein series attached to . Then the constant term of the Eisenstein series is given by

where is the global intertwining operator and we can write it as . We can normalize the local intertwining operator ( is equal to 1 for all but finitely many )


We showed Reference Ki1 that in the case of , for each , is holomorphic and non-zero as an operator for (actually, for ). The case of is exactly the same. Since , by Langlands’ lemma (Reference Ki1, Proposition 2.1), if is not self-contragredient, is holomorphic for . Hence is holomorphic for . Now starting at , where is absolutely convergent, and moving to the left, we have that is holomorphic for . Our result follows from the functional equation.

Let be a Dirichlet character of conductor which we take to be prime and large. We have

Hence as long as is not one of at most two characters mod , is not self-contragredient, and we may apply Proposition 3.

For the analysis that follows, is fixed and , the dependence of a functional equation of on can be determined explicitly as in Reference L-R-S (note too that the set of twists, i.e., by , also coincides with the twists used there). In fact since , the archimedean factor satisfies

The -factor takes the form

where is the “sign”of the Gauss sum () and and are integers depending only on .

We proceed first with the proof of Proposition 1 for finite. We follow the method in Reference D-I closely; see also Reference BDHI. Fix a smooth function supported in with . For a large integer and a prime, , consider

Inverting the order of summation gives

Here can also be analyzed by appealing to and its functional equation. For what follows we ignore the ’s for which is self-contragredient. Their contribution to is negligible for our purposes. Set

This can be expressed as

where is the entire function of rapid decrease in () given by

In Equation 7 we shift the contour to and applying the functional equation yields

Replacing with and using Equation 3 gives


By the local bounds on of Reference J-S, is analytic in and is of rapid decrease as . Hence if is given by

then is bounded on and rapidly decreasing as . Expanding in Equation 10 yields


By Deligne’s estimates Reference De for hyper Kloosterman sums, the sum over is . Hence

Using the absolute convergence assumption gives that for any

Combining this with Equation 5 gives

Summing this over primes , , gives, for ,


Choosing gives

Let be as in Proposition 1. We have

According to Equation 19 with , we see from the series definition of , that is analytic for Hence from the factorization in Equation 20 we have for any ,

Taking yields

Finally being unitary ensures that . Hence Equation 22 implies that for ,

This completes the proof of Proposition 1 for .

We turn to the archimedean case in Proposition 1. Thus is unramified at infinity. The local -factor of takes the form

We now proceed exactly as in Reference L-R-S. From the global analytic properties of (again we ignore the two possible ’s mod for which might be self-contragredient), we conclude that if for some , we set

then for any ,

Now following Reference L-R-S working with instead of and using the absolute convergence assumption of Proposition 1, we obtain:

For any with and any , we have for large

Hence if we conclude that the first term on the right-hand side of Equation 27 dominates the error term. In particular in this circumstance, the left-hand side of Equation 27 is not zero. In particular, for some (in fact many) . Together with Equation 26, this implies that for in Equation 25,

In particular if , , this gives

Again the unitarity of then ensures that for ,

This completes the proof of the case in Proposition 1.

To end we remark that the reason we don’t know how to extend Proposition 1 to the general number field is that the presence of units potentially restricts the set of ray class characters (which have to be trivial on the units). In Reference L-R-S2 special lacunary conductors are used which suffice when dealing with the Rankin-Selberg -functions whose coefficients are non-negative. Since the conductor of is in place of for the twists of the symmetric square -functions, one gets in general the weaker bound of in Proposition 1.


The main result of this paper was obtained at the Institute for Advanced Study in the special year 1999–2000 in the Theory of Automorphic Forms and -functions. I would like to thank the organizers, E. Bombieri, H. Iwaniec, R. P. Langlands, and P. Sarnak, for inviting me to participate in the special year. I would like to thank Prof. F. Shahidi for his constant help in explaining his results and for many discussions, Prof. J. Cogdell and I. Piatetski-Shapiro for explaining their converse theorem, and Prof. H. Jacquet for many comments. I would like to thank Prof. D. Ramakrishnan for useful discussions at the IAS and for providing Appendix 1 to overcome the final hurdle in establishing the functoriality of the exterior square. I would like to thank Prof. Sarnak for many comments regarding Ramanujan and Selberg bounds, which led to Appendix 2. Thanks are due to a referee for many comments in improving the paper.

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. Theorem A.
    2. Theorem B.
  3. 2. Converse theorem
    1. Theorem 2.1 (Co-PS1).
    2. Definition 2.2.
    3. Proposition 2.3 (Sh4).
    4. Proposition 2.4 (Sh1, (3.13) (multiplicativity of -factors)).
    5. Proposition 2.5.
    6. Proposition 2.6 (multiplicativity of -factors).
    7. Proposition 2.7.
  4. 3. Analytic properties of the -functions
    1. Proposition 3.1.
    2. Proposition 3.2 (Langlands La2, Lemma 7.5 or Ki1, Proposition 2.1).
    3. Proposition 3.3 (Ki1, Lemma 2.3).
    4. Proposition 3.4.
    5. Theorem 3.5 (Ge-Sh).
    6. Definition 3.6.
    7. Proposition 3.7.
    8. Proposition 3.8.
    9. Proposition 3.9 (J-S, Theorem 1, Section 8).
  5. 4. Exterior square lift; weak lift
    1. Proposition 4.1.
    2. Proposition 4.2.
    3. 4.1. Lift in the good case
    4. Theorem 4.1.1.
    5. Proposition 4.1.2.
    6. Lemma 4.1.3 (Ra2, Lemma 3.1).
    7. Lemma 4.1.4.
    8. Lemma 4.1.5.
    9. Proposition 4.1.6.
    10. 4.2. Lift in the general case
    11. Theorem 4.2.1 (He1).
    12. Lemma 4.2.2 (Ra1, Lemma 3.6.2).
    13. Theorem 4.2.3.
    14. Proposition 4.2.4.
    15. Proposition 4.2.5 (Appendix 1).
  6. 5. Exterior square lift; strong lift
    1. 5.1. Functorial lift from to
    2. Lemma 5.1.1.
    3. Proposition 5.1.2.
    4. Proposition 5.1.3.
    5. Proposition 5.1.4.
    6. Proposition 5.1.5.
    7. Corollary 5.1.6.
    8. Corollary 5.1.7 (Ge-J).
    9. 5.2. Local lifts from to
    10. Lemma 5.2.1.
    11. Lemma 5.2.2.
    12. Proposition 5.2.3.
    13. Proposition 5.2.4.
    14. 5.3. Strong exterior square lift from to
    15. Theorem 5.3.1.
  7. 6. Some applications
    1. Proposition 6.1.
    2. Proposition 6.2.
    3. Proposition 6.3.
  8. 7. Symmetric fourth lift of
    1. Theorem 7.1 (Ki-Sh2).
    2. 7.1. is a monomial cuspidal representation
    3. 7.2. is not cuspidal
    4. 7.3. is cuspidal
    5. Theorem 7.3.1.
    6. Theorem 7.3.2.
    7. Corollary 7.3.3.
    8. Corollary 7.3.4.
  9. Appendix 1. A descent criterion for isobaric representations
    1. Proposition.
    2. Lemma.
    3. Sublemma.
  10. Appendix 2. Refined estimates towards the Ramanujan and Selberg conjectures
    1. Proposition 1.
    2. Proposition 2.
    3. Proposition 3.
  11. Acknowledgements

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem A.

Let be the set of places where and is a supercuspidal representation. Then there exists an automorphic representation of such that if . Moreover, is of the form , where the ’s are all cuspidal representations of .

Theorem B.

is an automorphic representation of . If is cuspidal, is either cuspidal or induced from cuspidal representations of and .

Theorem 2.1 (Reference Co-PS1).

Suppose is an irreducible admissible representation of such that is a grössencharacter of . Let be a finite set of finite places, and let be a set of cuspidal representations of that are unramified at all places . Suppose is nice (i.e., entire, bounded in vertical strips and satisfies a functional equation) for all cuspidal representations , . Then there exists an automorphic representation of such that for all .

Remark 2.1.

Eventually we are going to prove in Section 5 that on the right side of (1) is generic in our case. However, is not generic in general. For example, if is given by the principal series , then is the unique quotient of , namely, . Hence in the course of applying the converse theorem, we need to deal with such non-generic representations on the right side of (1). However, in the definition of Shahidi’s - and -factors on the left side of (1), we only deal with generic representations, since any local components of a cuspidal representation of are generic. By a well-known result, any generic representation of is always a full induced representation.

Definition 2.2.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . We say that an automorphic representation of is a strong exterior square lift of if for every , is a local lift of in the sense that

for all generic irreducible representations of , .

If the above equality holds for almost all , then is called weak lift of .

Proposition 2.3 (Reference Sh4).

Let (, resp.) be an irreducible generic admissible representation of (, resp.) with parametrization (, resp.) by the local Langlands correspondence Reference H-T, Reference He2. Let be the Artin -function; let be the Rankin-Selberg -function defined by integral representation Reference J-PS-S; and let be the Langlands-Shahidi -function defined as a normalizing factor for intertwining operators Reference Sh1. Then we have the equality

We have similar equalities for - and -factors.

Proposition 2.4 (Reference Sh1, (3.13) (multiplicativity of -factors)).

For each let denote the corresponding factor. Then

Proposition 2.5.

Let be as in Proposition 2.4. Suppose is tempered and is an Artin factors for each , namely, for each . Then and are also Artin factors.

Proposition 2.6 (multiplicativity of -factors).

Suppose to be as in Proposition 2.4. Suppose is tempered and is a discrete series. Suppose Conjecture 7.1 of Reference Sh1 is valid for every , . Then

Proposition 3.1.

The normalized local intertwining operators are holomorphic and non-zero for for all .

Proposition 3.2 (Langlands Reference La2, Lemma 7.5 or Reference Ki1, Proposition 2.1).

Unless , the global intertwining operator is holomorphic for .

Proposition 3.3 (Reference Ki1, Lemma 2.3).

If , has no zeros for .

Proposition 3.4.

Let be as above. Then for all cuspidal representations , , is entire.

Theorem 3.5 (Reference Ge-Sh).

Let be as above. Then for all cuspidal representations , , is bounded in vertical strips.

Definition 3.6.

We say that satisfies the weak Ramanujan property if given ,

for , where is a set of density zero.

Proposition 3.7.

(Unitary) cuspidal representations of satisfy the weak Ramanujan property.

Proposition 3.8.

Let be a cuspidal representation of , , and let be a cuspidal representation of which satisfies the weak Ramanujan property. Then the -function is holomorphic for .

Proposition 3.9 (Reference J-S, Theorem 1, Section 8).

Let be any grössencharacter, and let be a (unitary) cuspidal representation of . Then a partial -function is holomorphic for . It has a pole at if and only if and a certain period integral is not zero.

Proposition 4.1.

Let for a grössencharacter . Then for , and are Artin factors, i.e.,

Proposition 4.2.

Let for a grössencharacter , and suppose that for , is not supercuspidal. Then and are Artin factors, i.e.,

Remark 4.1.

In actuality, in establishing a weak lift, we do not need the local Langlands correspondence. At bad places , we take the candidate to be arbitrary, except that the central character of is the same as , namely, . Then we would apply the stability of -factors by using highly ramified characters as in Reference CKPSS. Namely, given two irreducible admissible representations of , for every highly ramified character . We hope to be able to prove this in the future. Once it is done, we may avoid using the descent argument, and hence Appendix 1 altogether.

Theorem 4.1.1.

Suppose is good. Then there exists a weak exterior square lift of , i.e., for almost all . It is an automorphic representation of of the form , where is a cuspidal representation of .

Equation (4.1)
Proposition 4.1.2.

Suppose satisfies the weak Ramanujan property. Then .

Lemma 4.1.3 (Reference Ra2, Lemma 3.1).

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Let be an unramified component with the trace , i.e., , where the Hecke conjugacy class of is given by . Then given , the set of places where has density zero.

Lemma 4.1.4.

Given , the set of places in has density zero.

Lemma 4.1.5.

In Equation 4.1, if , then .

Proposition 4.1.6.

In Equation 4.1, .

Theorem 4.2.1 (Reference He1).

Let be a supercuspidal representation of . Then there exists a finite sequence of fields , with finite cyclic of prime degree over , such that the representation of obtained from by successive base changes from to is no longer cuspidal. In fact, we can choose to be Galois over and to be unramified principal series , where is an unramified character of . We define to be the minimal length of such that the base change is in the principal series.

Lemma 4.2.2 (Reference Ra1, Lemma 3.6.2).

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then there exist at most a finite number of grössencharacters such that

Theorem 4.2.3.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then there exists a weak exterior square lift of . It is of the form in the notation of Reference J-S3, where is a (unitary) cuspidal representation of .

Proposition 4.2.4.

Fix with prime. Let be a number field, let be a family of cyclic extensions of with , and for each , let be a cuspidal automorphic representation of . Suppose that, given ,

for almost all . Then there exists a unique cuspidal automorphic representation of such that

for all but a finite number of .

Proposition 4.2.5 (Appendix 1).

The result in the above proposition holds when the ’s are isobaric automorphic representations.

Lemma 5.1.1.

If , then for all irreducible, generic representations of , ,

Proposition 5.1.2.

is of the form

in the notation of Reference J-S3, where is a (unitary) cuspidal representation of .

Proposition 5.1.3.

Suppose , i.e., are both supercuspidal representations. Then there exists an irreducible admissible representation which is a local lift of , in the sense that

for all generic irreducible representations of , . Moreover, is tempered.

Proposition 5.1.4.

For ,

for any generic representation of , .

Proposition 5.1.5.

Let be two cuspidal representations of . Then is an automorphic representation of . It is of the form , where the ’s are cuspidal representations of .

Corollary 5.1.6.

Let be supercuspidal representations of . Let be a supercuspidal representation of . Then

Lemma 5.2.1.

Suppose is not supercuspidal. Then

for all generic irreducible representations of , .

Proposition 5.2.3.

is a local exterior square lift of . Moreover, is tempered.

Proposition 5.2.4.

If ,

for any supercuspidal representation of , .

Theorem 5.3.1.

is an automorphic representation of , i.e., is the strong exterior square lift of . It is of the form in the notation of Reference J-S3, where the ’s are (unitary) cuspidal representations of .

Proposition 6.3.

Let be a cuspidal representation of . Then satisfies the weak Ramanujan property.

Theorem 7.3.1.

Let be a grössencharacter. Let be a finite set of places, including all archimedean places such that are all unramified for . Then has a pole at if and only if .

Theorem 7.3.2.

For all , . Hence is an automorphic representation of . It is either cuspidal or unitarily induced from cuspidal representations of and .

Remark 7.2.

We can give a simpler proof of the functoriality of , and hence that of , without


Section 4.1 about comparison of Hecke conjugacy classes, and


Ramakrishnan’s idea of descent using the base change method (Section 4.2) and hence Appendix 1.

They are needed for the general case of the functoriality of the exterior square of . The reason is that first satisfies the weak Ramanujan property, and hence we can just use Proposition 4.1.2. Secondly the reason we needed the base change method was that we could not verify Proposition 4.2 in the case of supercuspidal representations. But we now have a direct proof of the equality of -functions by Theorem 7.3.2. Recall from Proposition 4.2 that we only need the equality for . Since this is very crucial, we give an argument: Let be a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero. Let be supercuspidal representations of with the corresponding parametrization . We can think of as a representation of . We need to show that

for any character of , which we identify as a character of . By appealing to Reference P-Ra, Lemma 3, Section 4, we can find a number field with and irreducible 2-dimensional representations of with solvable image such that and is unramified for . Let be the cuspidal representation of such that , given by the global Langlands correspondence. Take a grössencharacter such that . By comparing the functional equations of and , we obtain the equality, by noting that if , is unramified.

Hence we can apply the converse theorem (Theorem 2.1) to as in Section 4.1 and obtain a weak lift, and follow Section 5.2 to obtain the strong lift.

Equation (1)
Equation (5)
Equation (7)
Equation (10)
Proposition 1.

Let be as above and assume that the series

converges absolutely for . Then for at which is unramified, we have

while if is unramified, we have

Proposition 3.

If is not self-contragredient, then the completed -function (that is, the degree Euler product over all places including the archimedean ones) is entire and satisfies a functional equation

Equation (3)
Equation (12)
Equation (19)
Equation (20)
Equation (22)
Equation (25)
Equation (26)
Equation (27)


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 11F30 (Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms), 11F70 (Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global fields), 11R42 (Zeta functions and -functions of number fields)
Author Information
Henry H. Kim
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G3
Contributor Information
Dinakar Ramakrishnan
Department of Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
Peter Sarnak
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Additional Notes

The first author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS9988672, NSF grant DMS9729992 (at IAS), NSERC grant and by the Clay Mathematics Institute.

The second and third authors were partially supported by NSF grants.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 16, Issue 1, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2002 American Mathematical Society
Article References
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  • DOI 10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00410-1
  • MathSciNet Review: 1937203
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{1937203}{article}{ author={Kim, Henry}, title={Functoriality for the exterior square of $\operatorname{GL}_{4}$ and the symmetric fourth of $\operatorname{GL}_{2}$}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={16}, number={1}, date={2003-01}, pages={139-183}, issn={0894-0347}, review={1937203}, doi={10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00410-1}, }


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