The homotopy theory of fusion systems

By Carles Broto, Ran Levi, and Bob Oliver


We define and characterize a class of -complete spaces which have many of the same properties as the -completions of classifying spaces of finite groups. For example, each such has a Sylow subgroup , maps for a -group are described via homomorphisms , and is isomorphic to a certain ring of “stable elements” in . These spaces arise as the “classifying spaces” of certain algebraic objects which we call -local finite groups”. Such an object consists of a system of fusion data in , as formalized by L. Puig, extended by some extra information carried in a category which allows rigidification of the fusion data.

The main goal of this paper is to identify and study a certain class of spaces which in many ways behave like -completed classifying spaces of finite groups. These spaces occur as the “classifying spaces” of certain algebraic objects, which we call -local finite groups. A -local finite group consists, roughly speaking, of a finite -group and fusion data on subgroups of , encoded in a way explained below. Our starting point is our earlier paper Reference BLO on -completed classifying spaces of finite groups, together with the axiomatic treatment by Lluís Puig Reference Pu, Reference Pu2 of systems of fusion among subgroups of a given -group.

The -completion of a space is a space which isolates the properties of at the prime , and more precisely the properties which determine its mod cohomology. For example, a map of spaces induces a homotopy equivalence if and only if induces an isomorphism in mod cohomology; and in favorable cases (if is -good”). When is a finite group, the -completion of its classifying space encodes many of the properties of at . For example, not only the mod cohomology of , but also the Sylow -subgroup of together with all fusion among its subgroups, are determined up to isomorphism by the homotopy type of .

Our goal here is to give a direct link between -local structures and homotopy types which arise from them. This theory tries to make explicit the essence of what it means to be the -completed classifying space of a finite group, and at the same time yields new spaces which are not of this type, but which still enjoy most of the properties a space of the form would have. We hope that the ideas presented here will have further applications and generalizations in algebraic topology. But this theory also fits well with certain aspects of modular representation theory. In particular, it may give a way of constructing classifying spaces for blocks in the group ring of a finite group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic .

A saturated fusion system over a -group consists of a set of monomorphisms, for each pair of subgroups , which form a category under composition, include all monomorphisms induced by conjugation in , and satisfy certain other axioms formulated by Puig (Definitions 1.1 and 1.2 below). In particular, these axioms are satisfied by the conjugacy homomorphisms in a finite group. We refer to Reference Pu and Reference Pu2 for more details of Puig’s work on saturated fusion systems (which he calls “full Frobenius systems” in Reference Pu2). The definitions and results given here, in Section 1 and in Appendix A are only a very brief account of those results of Puig used in our paper.

If is a saturated fusion system over , then two subgroups are called -conjugate if . A subgroup is called -centric if for all that are -conjugate to ; this is equivalent to what Puig calls -selfcentralizing”. Let be the full subcategory of whose objects are the -centric subgroups of . A centric linking system associated to is a category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , together with a functor which is the identity on objects and surjective on morphisms, and which satisfies other axioms listed below in Definition 1.7. For example, for each object , the kernel of the induced map is isomorphic to , and contains a distinguished subgroup isomorphic to .

The motivating examples for these definitions come from finite groups. If is a finite group and is a prime, then is the fusion system over such that for each , is the set of homomorphisms induced by conjugation in (and inclusion). The -centric subgroups of are the -centric subgroups: those such that for some of order prime to (see Reference BLO, Lemma A.5). In Reference BLO, we defined a category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of which are contained in , and where . Here, is the set of elements of which conjugate into . The category , together with its projection to which sends the morphism corresponding to an element to conjugation by , is the example which motivated our definition of an associated centric linking system.

We define a -local finite group to be a triple , where is a centric linking system associated to a saturated fusion system over a -group . The classifying space of such a triple is the space , where for any small category , the space denotes the geometric realization of the nerve of . This is partly motivated by the result that for any finite Reference BLO, Proposition 1.1. But additional motivation comes from Proposition 2.2 below, which says that if is a centric linking system associated to , then , where is a certain quotient “orbit” category of , and is a lifting of the homotopy functor which sends to . The classifying space of a -local finite group thus comes equipped with a decomposition as the homotopy colimit of a finite diagram of classifying spaces of -groups.

We now state our main results. Our first result is that a -local finite group is determined up to isomorphism by its classifying space. What is meant by an isomorphism of -local finite groups will be explained later.

Theorem A (Theorem 7.4).

A -local finite group is determined by the homotopy type of . In particular, if and are two -local finite groups and , then and are isomorphic.

Next we study the cohomology of -local finite groups. As one might hope, we have the following result, which appears as Theorem 5.8.

Theorem B.

For any -local finite group , is isomorphic to the ring of “stable elements” in ; i.e., the inverse limit of the rings as a functor on the category . Furthermore, this ring is noetherian.

The next theorem gives an explicit description of the mapping space from the classifying space of a finite -group into the classifying space of a -local finite group. It is stated precisely as Corollary 4.5 and Theorem 6.3.

Theorem C.

For any -local finite group , and any -group ,

Furthermore, each component of the mapping space has the homotopy type of the classifying space of a -local finite group which can be thought of as the “centralizer” of the image of the corresponding homomorphism .

The next result describes the space of self equivalences of the classifying space of a -local finite group. It is a generalization of Reference BLO, Theorem C. For a small category , let denote the groupoid whose objects are self equivalences of , and whose morphisms are natural isomorphisms of functors. Let be a centric linking system associated to a saturated fusion system . Self equivalences of which are structure preserving, in a sense to be made precise in section 7 below, are said to be isotypical. We let denote the subgroupoid of whose objects are the isotypical self equivalences of . For a space , let denote the topological monoid of all self homotopy equivalences of . The following theorem is restated below as Theorem 8.1.

Theorem D.

Fix a -local finite group . Then and are equivalent as topological monoids in the sense that their classifying spaces are homotopy equivalent. In particular, their groups of components are isomorphic, and each component of is aspherical.

The statement of Theorem 8.1 also includes a description of the homotopy groups of .

So far, we have not mentioned the question of the existence and uniqueness of centric linking systems associated to a given saturated fusion system. Of course, as pointed out above, any finite group gives rise to an associated -local finite group. However there are saturated fusion systems which do not occur as the fusion system of any finite group. Thus a tool for deciding existence and uniqueness would be useful. The general obstructions to the existence and uniqueness of associated centric linking systems, which lie in certain higher limits taken over the orbit category of the fusion system, are described in Proposition 3.1; and a means of computing these groups is provided by Proposition 3.2. The following result is just one special consequence of this, which settles the question for -groups of small rank. Here, for any finite group , we write for the largest rank of any elementary abelian -subgroup of .

Theorem E (Corollary 3.5).

Fix a saturated fusion system over a -group . If , then there exists a centric linking system associated to , and if , then the associated centric linking system is unique.

In the last section, we present some direct constructions of saturated fusion systems and associated -local finite groups (see Examples 9.3 and 9.4). The idea is to look at the fusion system over a -group (for odd only) generated by groups of automorphisms of and certain of its subgroups, and show that under certain hypotheses the resulting system is saturated. In all of these cases, the -group is nonabelian, and has an index subgroup which is abelian and homocyclic (a product of cyclic groups of the same order). We then give a list of all finite simple groups which have Sylow subgroups of this form, based on the classification theorem, and use that to show that certain of the fusion systems which were constructed are not the fusion systems of any finite groups. In all cases, Theorem E applies to show the existence and uniqueness of centric linking systems, and hence -local finite groups, associated to these fusion systems.

The basic definitions of saturated fusion systems and their associated centric linking systems are given in Section 1. Homotopy decompositions of classifying spaces of -local finite groups are constructed in Section 2. The obstruction theory for the existence and uniqueness of associated centric linking systems, as well as some results about those obstruction groups, are shown in Section 3. Maps from the classifying space of a -group to the classifying space of a -local finite group are studied in Sections 4 and 6, while the cohomology rings of classifying spaces of -local finite groups are dealt with in Section 5. A characterization of classifying spaces of -local finite groups is given in Section 7, and their spaces of self equivalences are described in Section 8. The “exotic” examples of -local finite groups are constructed in Section 9. Finally, some additional results on saturated fusion systems are collected in an appendix.

We would like to thank Dave Benson and Jesper Grodal for their many suggestions throughout the course of this work. In particular, Dave had earlier written and distributed notes which contained some of the ideas of our centric linking systems. We would also like to thank Lluís Puig for giving us a copy of his unpublished notes on saturated fusion systems. Markus Linckelmann, Haynes Miller, Bill Dwyer, and Jon Alperin have all shown interest and made helpful comments and suggestions. Kasper Andersen and Kari Ragnarsson both read earlier versions of this paper in detail, and sent us many suggestions for improvements. Two of the authors would also like to thank Slain’s Castle, a pub in Aberdeen, for their hospitality on New Year’s Day while we worked out the proof that the nerve of a centric linking system is -good.

We would especially like to thank the universities of Aberdeen and Paris-Nord, the CRM and the UAB in Barcelona, and the Max-Planck Institut in Bonn for their hospitality in helping the three authors get together in various combinations; and also the European Homotopy Theory Network for helping to finance these visits.

1. Fusion systems and associated centric linking systems

We begin with the precise definitions of saturated fusion systems and their associated centric linking systems. Additional results about fusion systems due to Puig Reference Pu, Reference Pu2 are in Appendix A.

Given two finite groups , , let denote the set of group homomorphisms from to , and let denote the set of monomorphisms. If and are subgroups of a larger group , then denotes the subset of homomorphisms induced by conjugation by elements of , and the group of automorphisms induced by conjugation in .

Definition 1.1.

A fusion system over a finite -group is a category whose objects are the subgroups of , and whose morphism sets satisfy the following conditions:


for all .


Every morphism in factors as an isomorphism in followed by an inclusion.

Note that what we call a fusion system here is what Puig calls a divisible Frobenius system.

If is a fusion system over and , then we write to emphasize that morphisms in the category are all homomorphisms, and for the subset of isomorphisms in . Thus if , and otherwise. Also, and . Two subgroups are called -conjugate if .

The fusion systems we consider here will all satisfy the following additional condition. Here, and throughout the rest of the paper, we write for the set of Sylow -subgroups of . Also, for any and any , denotes the automorphism .

Definition 1.2.

Let be a fusion system over a -group .

A subgroup is fully centralized in if for all that are -conjugate to .

A subgroup is fully normalized in if for all that are -conjugate to .

is a saturated fusion system if the following two conditions hold:


Any which is fully normalized in is fully centralized in , and .


If and are such that is fully centralized, and if we set

then there is such that .

The above definition is slightly different from the definition of a “full Frobenius system” as formulated by Lluís Puig Reference Pu2, §2.5, but is equivalent to his definition by the remarks after Proposition A.2. Condition (I) can be thought of as a “Sylow condition”. It says that has order prime to (just as has order prime to if ); and more generally it reflects the fact that for any -subgroup , there is some such that . Another way of interpreting this condition is that if for -conjugate to , then and must also be maximal in the same sense. As for condition (II), it is natural to require that some extension property hold for morphisms in , and is by definition the largest subgroup of to which could possibly extend.

The motivating example for this definition is the fusion system of a finite group . For any , we let be the fusion system over defined by setting for all .

Proposition 1.3.

Let be a finite group, and let be a Sylow -subgroup of . Then the fusion system over is saturated. Also, a subgroup is fully centralized in if and only if , while is fully normalized in if and only if .


Fix some , and choose such that contains a Sylow -subgroup of . Then and , and so . This clearly implies that for all that are -conjugate to . Thus is fully normalized in , and is fully normalized in if and only if , if and only if . A similar argument proves that is fully centralized in if and only if .

If is fully normalized in , then since , the obvious counting argument shows that

In particular, is fully centralized in , and this proves condition (I) in Definition 1.2.

To see condition (II), let and be such that and is fully centralized in , and write for short. Set

and similarly

In particular, ( and are conjugate modulo centralizers), and thus and are two -subgroups of . Furthermore,

is prime to (since is fully centralized), so . Since has -power index, all Sylow -subgroups of are conjugate by elements of , and hence there is such that . Thus extends .

Puig’s original motivation for defining fusion systems came from block theory. Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic . A block in a group ring is an indecomposable 2-sided ideal which is a direct summand. Puig showed Reference Pu that the Brauer pairs associated to a block (the -subpairs”), together with the inclusion and conjugacy relations defined by Alperin and Broué Reference AB, form a saturated fusion system over the defect group of . See, for example, Reference AB or Reference Alp, Chapter IV, for definitions of defect groups and Brauer pairs of blocks.

In practice, when proving that certain fusion systems are saturated, it will be convenient to replace condition (I) by a modified version of the condition, as described in the following lemma.

Lemma 1.4.

Let be a fusion system over a -group which satisfies condition (II) in Definition 1.2, and also satisfies the condition


Each subgroup is -conjugate to a fully centralized subgroup such that .

Then is a saturated fusion system.


We must prove condition (I) in Definition 1.2. Assume that is fully normalized in . By (I), there is which is -conjugate to , and such that is fully centralized in and . In particular,

On the other hand, since is fully normalized,

and hence the inequalities in (1) are equalities. Thus is fully centralized and . This proves (I).

For any pair of fusion systems over and over , let be the obvious fusion system over :

for all . The following technical result will be needed in Section 5.

Lemma 1.5.

If and are saturated fusion systems over and , respectively, then is a saturated fusion system over .


For any , let and denote the images of under projection to the first and second factors. Thus , and this is the smallest product subgroup which contains . Similarly, for any and any , and denote the projections of .

We apply Lemma 1.4, and first check condition (I). Fix ; we must show that is -conjugate to a subgroup which is fully centralized and satisfies . We can assume that and are both fully normalized; otherwise replace by an appropriate subgroup in its -conjugacy class. Since , and since (by (I) applied to the saturated fusion systems ) the are fully centralized, is also fully centralized. Also, by (I) again, , and hence . Thus, if we regard as a subgroup of , there is an element such that contains a Sylow -subgroup of . Then

is still fully centralized in , and this finishes the proof of (I).

To prove condition (II), fix and , and assume is fully centralized in . Since

we see that is fully centralized in for . Set


Then extends to by definition of , and hence to by condition (II) applied to the saturated fusion systems and . So (II) holds for the fusion system (), and this finishes the proof that is saturated.

In order to help motivate the next constructions, we recall some definitions from Reference BLO. If is a finite group and is a prime, then a -subgroup is -centric if , where has order prime to . For any , let denote the transporter: the set of all such that . For any , denotes the category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , and where . By comparison, . Hence there is a functor from to which is the inclusion on objects, and which sends the morphism corresponding to to .

Definition 1.6.

Let be any fusion system over a -group . A subgroup is -centric if and all of its -conjugates contain their -centralizers. Let denote the full subcategory of whose objects are the -centric subgroups of .

We are now ready to define “centric linking systems” associated to a fusion system.

Definition 1.7.

Let be a fusion system over the -group . A centric linking system associated to is a category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , together with a functor

and “distinguished” monomorphisms for each -centric subgroup , which satisfy the following conditions.


is the identity on objects and surjective on morphisms. More precisely, for each pair of objects , acts freely on by composition (upon identifying with ), and induces a bijection


For each -centric subgroup and each , sends to .


For each and each , the following square commutes in :

One easily checks that for any and any , is a centric linking system associated to the fusion system . Condition (C) is motivated in part because it always holds in for any . Conditions (A) and (B) imply that acts freely on . Together with (C), they imply that the -action on is free, and describe how it determines the action of . Condition (C) was also motivated by the proof of Proposition 2.2 below, where we show that the nerve of any centric linking system is equivalent to the homotopy colimit of a certain functor.

Throughout the rest of this paper, whenever we refer to conditions (A), (B), or (C), it will mean the conditions in the above Definition 1.7.

Definition 1.8.

A -local finite group is a triple , where is a saturated fusion system over the -group and is a centric linking system associated to . The classifying space of the -local finite group is the space .

Thus, for any finite group and any , the triple is a -local finite group. Its classifying space is , which by Reference BLO, Proposition 1.1 is homotopy equivalent to .

The following notation will be used when working with -local finite groups. For any group , let denote the category with one object , and one morphism denoted for each .

Notation 1.9.

Let be a -local finite group, where denotes the projection functor. For each -centric subgroup , and each , we write

and let

denote the functor which sends the unique object to and which sends a morphism (for ) to . If is any morphism in , we let denote its image in .

The following lemma lists some easy properties of centric linking systems associated to saturated fusion systems.

Lemma 1.10.

Fix a -local finite group , and let be the projection. Fix -centric subgroups in . Then the following hold.


Fix any sequence of morphisms in , and let and be arbitrary liftings. Then there is a unique morphism such that

and furthermore .


If are such that the homomorphisms and are conjugate (differ by an element of ), then there is a unique element such that in .


(a) Fix any element . By (A), there is a unique element such that . Hence equation (1) holds if we set , and clearly . Conversely, for any such that we have since they are equal after composing with , and so since (by (A) again) the same group acts freely and transitively on and on .

(b) If is such that

then by (A) and (C), there is a unique element such that

This proves the existence of such that . Conversely, if

for , then , so , and since (and hence ) is -centric. Write for ; then by (C), hence by (a), and so (and ) by (A).

Lemma 1.10(a) implies in particular that all morphisms in are monomorphisms in the categorical sense.

The next proposition describes how an associated centric linking system over a -group contains the category with the same objects and whose morphisms are the sets .

Proposition 1.11.

Let be a -local finite group, and let be the associated projection. For each , fix a choice of “inclusion” morphism such that (and ). Then there are unique injections

defined for all -centric subgroups , which have the following properties.


For all -centric and all , .


For all -centric we have , and for .


For all -centric and all and we have .


For each -centric and and each , there is by Lemma 1.10(a) a unique morphism such that , and such that the following square commutes:

Conditions (b) and (c) above also follow from the uniqueness property in Lemma 1.10(a). The injectivity of follows from condition (A), since in if and only if .

We finish the section with the following proposition, which shows that the classifying space of any -local finite group is -complete, and also provides some control over its fundamental group.

Proposition 1.12.

Let be any -local finite group. Then is -good. Also, the composite

induced by the inclusion , is surjective.


For each -centric subgroup , fix a morphism which lifts the inclusion (and set ). By Lemma 1.10(a), for each , there is a unique morphism such that .

Regard the vertex as the basepoint of . Define

by sending each to the loop formed by the edges , , and (in that order). Clearly, whenever and are composable, and for all . Also, is generated by , since any loop in can be split up as a composite of loops of the above form.

By Alperin’s fusion theorem for saturated fusion systems (Theorem A.10), each morphism in , and hence each morphism in , is (up to inclusions) a composite of automorphisms of fully normalized -centric subgroups. Thus is generated by the subgroups for all fully normalized -centric .

Let be the subgroup generated by all elements of finite order prime to . For each fully normalized -centric , is generated by its Sylow subgroup together with elements of order prime to . Hence is generated by together with the subgroups ; and for each . This shows that sends surjectively onto , and in particular that this quotient group is a finite -group.

Set for short. Since is generated by elements of order prime to , the same is true of its abelianization, and hence . Thus, is -perfect. Let be the cover of with fundamental group . Then is -good and is simply connected since is -perfect Reference BK, VII.3.2. Also, is finite for all since and hence has finite skeleta. Hence is a fibration sequence and is -complete by Reference BK, II.5.2(iv). So is -good, and is a quotient group of . (Alternatively, this follows directly from a “mod plus construction” on : there are a space and a mod homology equivalence such that , and is -good since is.)

2. Homotopy decompositions of classifying spaces

We now consider some homotopy decompositions of the classifying space of a -local finite group . The first, and most important, is taken over the orbit category of .

Definition 2.1.

The orbit category of a fusion system over a -group is the category whose objects are the subgroups of , and whose morphisms are defined by

We let denote the full subcategory of whose objects are the -centric subgroups of . If is a centric linking system associated to , then denotes the composite functor

More generally, if is any full subcategory, then denotes the full subcategory of whose objects are the objects of . Thus, .

Note the difference between the orbit category of a fusion system and the orbit category of a group. If is a group and , then is the category whose objects are the orbits for all , and where is the set of all -maps between the orbits. If is the fusion system of , then morphisms in the orbit categories of and can be expressed in terms of the set of elements which conjugate into :


If is -centric in , then these sets differ only by the action of the group of order prime to .

We next look at the homotopy type of the nerve of a centric linking system. Here, denotes the category of spaces.

Proposition 2.2.

Fix a saturated fusion system and an associated centric linking system , and let be the projection functor. Let

be the left homotopy Kan extension over of the constant functor . Then is a homotopy lifting of the homotopy functor , and

More generally, if is any full subcategory, and is the full subcategory with , then


Recall that we write to denote morphisms in . By definition, for each -centric subgroup , is the nerve (homotopy colimit of the point functor) of the overcategory , whose objects are pairs for , and where

Since , (1) holds by Reference HV, Theorem 5.5 (and the basic idea is due to Segal Reference Se, Proposition B.1). Similarly, if denotes the left homotopy Kan extension over of the constant functor , then

It remains only to show that is a lifting of the homotopy functor , and that the inclusion is a homotopy equivalence when .

Let be the subcategory with one object and with morphisms . In particular, . We claim that is a deformation retract of . To see this, we must define a functor such that , together with a natural transformation of functors from to itself. Fix a section of which sends identity morphisms to identity morphisms. To define , send each object to the unique object of , and send to the unique map (for , see Lemma 1.10(b)) such that the following square commutes:

Finally, define by sending each object to the morphism . This is clearly a natural transformation of functors, and thus

If in addition , then this restricts to a deformation retraction of to .

To finish the proof that is a lifting of the homotopy functor , we must show, for any , that the following square commutes up to natural equivalence:

Here, denotes the class of . This means constructing a natural transformation of functors , where and are given by the formulas

Let be any lifting of . Then by condition (C), can be defined by sending the object to the morphism .

We will see in the next section that the obstruction groups to the existence and uniqueness of associated centric linking systems (Proposition 3.1) are exactly the same as the obstruction groups of Dwyer and Kan Reference DK2 to the existence and uniqueness of liftings of the homotopy functor . So it is not surprising that there should be a correspondence between the two. This connection is described in more detail in the next proposition, and in remarks which follow its proof.

Proposition 2.3.

A saturated fusion system has an associated centric linking system if and only if the homotopy functor on lifts to .


If has an associated centric linking system, then by Proposition 2.2, the homotopy functor lifts to a functor

defined by left homotopy Kan extension. So it remains to prove the converse.

We first fix some notation. For any space and any , denotes as usual the fundamental group of based at , and by extension denotes the set of homotopy classes of paths in (relative to endpoints) from to . For any , denotes the induced isomorphism from to . Also, for any map of spaces , denotes the induced map from to .

Fix a homotopy lifting . Thus, is a functor, equipped with homotopy classes of homotopy equivalences , such that the following square in commutes for each :

For each in , choose a map in the homotopy class of , let be the image under of the base point of , and let

be the isomorphism induced by on fundamental groups.

Let be the category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , and where

Composition is defined by setting

where paths are composed from right to left. Let be the functor which is the identity on objects, and where sends to the homomorphism

Finally, for each , define

These structures are easily seen to satisfy all of the axioms in Definition 1.7, and hence define a centric linking system associated to .

In fact, if one uses the obvious equivalence relation between homotopy liftings (as defined in Reference DK and Reference DK2), then there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of isomorphism classes of centric linking systems associated to and the set of equivalence classes of homotopy liftings of the functor . More precisely, consider the maps

where is defined by left homotopy Kan extension as in Proposition 2.2, and is defined as in the proof of Proposition 2.3. Then these are both well defined, and can be shown to be inverses to each other.

In the rest of this section, we present a second decomposition of as a homotopy colimit, analogous to the centralizer decomposition of of Jackowski and McClure Reference JM, and to the centralizer decomposition of certain algebras due to Dwyer and Wilkerson Reference DW1. This new decomposition will be important later on when computing .

Recall that for a saturated fusion system over , a subgroup is fully centralized in if is maximal among the for -conjugate to (Definition 1.2). For any such , is the fusion system over defined by setting

for all (see Definition A.3). We next construct a centric linking system associated to .

Definition 2.4.

Fix a -local finite group , and a subgroup which is fully centralized in . Define to be the category whose objects are the -centric subgroups , and where is the set of those morphisms whose underlying homomorphisms are the identity on and send into .

We will need the following properties of these categories. Recall that if is a fusion system over , then a subgroup is -centric if (equivalently ) for all that are -conjugate to .

Proposition 2.5.

Fix a saturated fusion system over a -group , and a subgroup which is fully centralized in . Then the following hold:


A subgroup is -centric if and only if and is -centric; and if this holds then .


is a saturated fusion system over .


If is a centric linking system associated to , then is a centric linking system associated to .


We first check point (a). Fix . If is -centric and , then

the last two steps since and . The same computation applies to any which is -conjugate to , and so is -centric in this case. Conversely, if is -centric, then clearly . To see that is -centric, fix any ; we must show that . Since is fully centralized in , there is a homomorphism

such that . Set ; thus and hence . Then

since is -centric, so since sends injectively into ; and thus is -centric.

Point (b) is a special case of Proposition A.6.

When showing that is a centric linking system associated to , note first that the category is well defined by (a): is -centric whenever is -centric. Conditions (B) and (C) are immediate. Condition (A) — the requirement that act freely on with orbit set — follows since by (a).

Thus, for any -local finite group and any fully centralized subgroup , we have shown that is again a -local finite group: the centralizer of in .

With these definitions, the centralizer decomposition of is a formality.

Theorem 2.6.

Fix a -local finite group . Let be the full subcategory of whose objects are the nontrivial elementary abelian -subgroups of which are fully centralized in . For each such , let be the category whose objects are the pairs for in and , and where

Then the natural map

induced by the forgetful functors , is a homotopy equivalence. Also, for each , the functor induces a homotopy equivalence .


Let denote the category whose objects are the pairs for -centric subgroups and elementary abelian subgroups , and where a morphism from to is a morphism such that . For each , let denote the subgroup of elements of order in the center. There are obvious functors

defined by setting and , and a morphism of functors . This shows that .

Let be the functor which sends an object to . Then by Reference HV, Theorem 5.5,

indexed by the opposite category since is the left homotopy Kan extension of the trivial functor over . By definition, is the overcategory whose objects are the triples for in and , and can be identified with the full subcategory of those triples for which . There is an obvious deformation retraction of to which sends to , and this proves the first statement.

To prove the last statement, note that since is fully centralized in , any isomorphism in extends to a homomorphism defined on . Hence each object in is isomorphic to an object in the subcategory , and so is a deformation retract of .

3. Obstruction theory and higher limits

We now consider the obstructions to the existence and uniqueness of centric linking systems associated to a given fusion system. These will be shown to lie in certain higher limits of the functor

defined for any fusion system by setting and

(Note that since is -centric.) After proving this, we look more closely at techniques for computing in general higher limits of functors over such orbit categories. These will be important, not only for showing the existence of associated centric linking systems, but also later when describing certain spaces of maps to classifying spaces of -local finite groups.

The obstructions defined by the following proposition are similar to those described by Hoff Reference Hf.

Proposition 3.1.

Fix a saturated fusion system over the -group . Then there is an element such that has an associated centric linking system if and only if . Also, if there are any centric linking systems associated to , then the group acts freely and transitively on the set of all isomorphism classes of centric linking systems associated to ; i.e., on the set of all isomorphism classes of triples as in Definition 1.7.


The obstruction to the existence of an associated centric linking system will be handled in Step 1, and the action of in Step 2. Let denote the normalized chain complex for :

where the product is taken over all composable sequences of nonidentity morphisms. For simplicity, we regard cochains as functions defined on all sequences of morphisms, which send a sequence to if any of the morphisms is an identity. Then

where is the obvious coboundary map, by the same argument as that given for the unnormalized chain complex in Reference GZ, Appendix II, Proposition 3.3 or Reference Ol, Lemma 2.

Step 1: Fix a section which sends identity maps to identity maps, and write for short. For each pair of -centric subgroups , set

and define

by setting

For each composable pair of morphisms in the orbit category, choose some such that

and such that

Define maps

by setting

Definition of : By definition, if , and for some and , then since is -centric, and for some . Also, by construction, the following square commutes for each triple of objects :

Hence for each triple of composable maps

in the orbit category, there is a unique element such that

We regard as a normalized 3-cochain. Upon substituting formula (3) into (4), we get the following formula for :

After combining this with (3) again, we get that for each , , and ,

Proof that is a 3-cocycle: Fix a sequence of morphisms

in . Then

(each term lies in the abelian group ), and we must show that this vanishes.

Set for short. Then by (1),

Together with (5), this gives the formulas

Upon substituting these into (7), we get that

and hence that .

To see this more geometrically, consider the following cube, where each vertex is labelled by a homomorphism in the conjugacy class , and where each edge is labelled with an element of :

The vertices of the cube are given the coordinatewise partial ordering, and we regard each edge as being oriented from the smaller to the larger vertex. Whenever an edge in the cube is labelled by and its endpoints by (in that order), then . In particular, the product of the successive edges of any loop in the diagram (multiplied from right to left, and where an element is inverted if the orientation is reversed) lies in if is the label of the basepoint of the loop.

The “back face” represents an identity in (by (1)). Each of the other five faces, when regarded as a loop based at , represents one of the terms in . For example, the two faces and represent the first and last formulas in (8), with extra terms coming from the edge which connects these faces to the vertex . The other three formulas in (8) correspond to the three faces which contain . Using this picture, we see directly that the product in (7) (rather, its image under ) vanishes, and hence that .

Independence of the choice of : Let , for each composable pair of morphisms in , be another collection of elements which satisfy (1). Let be the 3-cochain defined using (3) and (4) (after replacing by ). By the previous argument, is a 3-cocycle, and (5) now takes the form

For each composable sequence , conjugation by and by define the same automorphism of , and hence there is a unique element such that

Then is a (normalized) 2-cochain. Upon substituting (9) into (8), and using the relations

we get the relation

The four factors in this equation which are not in the image of can be replaced by using (5), and we thus get that

Since all terms in this equation lie in , this shows that

A different choice of thus results in changing by a coboundary, and does not change the class .

Independence of the choice of : This follows upon observing that under a different choice of section , the resulting sets and maps

can be identified with and in an obvious way. This induces elements such that the and the have the same composition under these identifications. But by (6), this shows that , and thus that is not changed by this different choice of section.

Existence of a centric linking system if : Formula (11) also shows that if is a coboundary, then we can choose such that , and hence get a category with and with composition defined using (3) but using instead of . In this case, we set for , and for and . Conditions (A–C) are easily checked. For example, for any and any ,

by (2) and (3), and this implies (C). So is a centric linking system associated to .

Vanishing of if there is a centric linking system: Let be any centric linking system associated to , and fix a section as above. This can be lifted to a section , which in turn defines bijections in the obvious way. Since (C) holds, composition in must correspond to multiplication of the (as defined by (3)) for some choice of elements ; and thus in this case. This shows that whenever there exist associated centric linking systems.

Step 2: Assume that and are two centric linking systems associated to . Let be as above, and fix sections

which send identity morphisms to identity morphisms and such that for . For each in , let be the element (unique by Lemma 1.10(b)) such that

in (). These satisfy (1) and (2) above, as well as (3) when we identify . There is thus an element such that

By (11) ( in this case since and are actual categories), is a (normalized) 2-cocycle.

Now assume that ( or ) is another section (over the fixed section ), and define elements using (12). By condition (A), there is a unique 1-cochain such that for each morphism in , . Upon substituting this into the definition of , we get that

for each in ; and hence (using condition (C)) that

After substituting (12) into this we get

From this, together with the relation , it follows that

In other words, a change in corresponds to changing by a coboundary, and hence the class is uniquely defined (depending only on and ). Also, and are isomorphic as categories over (i.e., there is a functor which is bijective on objects and morphisms and commutes with the and the ) if and only if for some choice of these sections, if and only if . Finally, for fixed and , any 2-cocycle can be realized by some appropriate choice of and : first define using (13), and then define using (3). This finishes the proof that acts freely and transitively on the set of isomorphism classes of centric linking systems associated to .

We now look more closely at higher limits of functors over an -centric orbit category of a saturated fusion system , and show that they can be computed using the same techniques as those already used to compute higher limits over orbit categories of finite groups. The main tools for doing this are certain graded groups , defined for any finite group and any -module by setting

where is the functor defined by setting , and for -subgroups . Here, has the given action of .

Proposition 3.2.

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Let

be any functor which vanishes except on the isomorphism class of some fixed -centric subgroup . Then


Since the result is independent of the choice of in its -conjugacy class, we can assume that is fully normalized in . In particular,

Set and for short.

We want to compare higher limits of functors over the two orbit categories and , by constructing adjoint functors between them. However, before doing this, it is first necessary to modify and extend these categories. Let be the full subcategory consisting of all orbits with . This is clearly equivalent to itself. Let and be the categories of formal finite “sums” of objects in and , respectively, where a morphism sends each summand in the source object to exactly one summand in the target. Finally, let be the category whose objects are finite left -sets whose isotropy subgroups are -groups. Morphisms in are -maps. The inclusion is an equivalence of categories, and so we can choose an inverse

(inverse up to natural isomorphism) by assigning a fixed orbit of to each isomorphism class of orbits of . (More precisely, we do this after replacing by an equivalent small category which contains , and also contains the sets for all with the left -action given by composition as described below.)

Recall that morphisms in are given by the formula

Define functors and ,

as follows. For each , set

(any subgroup of which contains an -centric subgroup is also -centric). Set for each , with the left action of induced by right composition. More precisely, acts on via right composition with , and this action extends to morphisms in the obvious way. Note that the isotropy subgroup of any is a -group. We will construct an isomorphism

which is natural for all in and all in . When combined with the natural isomorphism

for each in , and upon defining , this shows that the functors

are adjoint.

We now construct the isomorphism in (1). Fix subgroups and such that is -centric. Since , there is a map

defined by restriction, which is injective by Proposition A.8 (and since is -centric). Also, acts on by composition, and since is the stabilizer of the inclusion . Moreover, any element in fixed by extends to an element of by condition (II) in Definition 1.2. (In fact, condition (II) only shows that any -invariant morphism in extends to an element of , but using the fact that is -centric one shows that its image is contained in .) This shows that restricts to a bijection

This is natural in the first variable with respect to morphisms in

and in the second variable with respect to morphisms in . This finishes the proof of (1), and hence the proof that and are adjoint.

For or , we let be the category of functors . Since this is equivalent to the category of functors which send disjoint unions to direct sums, composition with and induces functors

Then is a left adjoint to , since is a left adjoint to . Also, and both preserve exact sequences, and hence sends injectives to injectives.

Now let denote the constant functor on which sends each object to and each morphism to the identity. Then is the constant functor on , since sends objects of to objects of (not to formal sums of objects). If is any functor, then

and similarly for functors on .

Let be the functor which sends the free orbit to (with the given action of ) and all other orbits to . Then sends an injective resolution of to an injective resolution of . It follows that

By definition, , and it remains only to show that . For each , choose a -orbit decomposition

and let denote the isotropy group of the -action on . Then for some which is -conjugate to . Thus

and so

If is not isomorphic to , then for each , . So the action of is not free on any orbit of , hence for each , by the assumption on , and thus . Finally, if in , then consists of precisely one free orbit of , so , , and .

Proposition 3.2 does in fact still hold for functors from to abelian groups (not just -locally) — if one defines in this generality, and the prime is understood.

We next list some easy consequences of Proposition 3.2.

Definition 3.3.

A category has bounded limits at if there is an integer such that for every functor we have for .

The following corollary will be needed in the next section.

Corollary 3.4.

Let be any saturated fusion system. Then the -centric orbit category has bounded limits at .


By Reference JMO2, Proposition 4.11, for any finite group , there is some such that for all -modules and all . Let be the maximum of the for all -centric . Then by Proposition 3.2, for each functor which vanishes except on one orbit type, for . The same result for an arbitrary -local functor on now follows from the exact sequences of higher limits associated to short exact sequences of functors.

Another consequence of Proposition 3.2 is

Corollary 3.5.

Let be any saturated fusion system over a -group . If , then there exists a centric linking system associated to . If , then there exists a unique centric linking system associated to .


By Reference BLO, Proposition 5.8 (which is based on the work of Grodal Reference Gr), for any finite group and any finite -module , if . So if , then for all -centric , and hence by Proposition 3.2. By the same argument, if . The result now follows from Proposition 3.1.

If is a fusion system over , then a subgroup is called -radical if contains no nontrivial normal -subgroup (see Definition A.9). As another application of Proposition 3.2, we show that we can remove from a centric linking system certain subgroups which are not -radical, without changing the mod homology type of its nerve. In fact, the following lemma also holds without the assumption that overgroups of subgroups in are also in , but this assumption does simplify the proof, and suffices for the purposes of this paper.

Corollary 3.6.

Fix a -local finite group . Let be a full subcategory which contains all -radical -centric subgroups of . Assume also that if and , then . Then the inclusion is a mod homology equivalence.


Let be the full subcategory with . By Proposition 2.2, there are homotopy decompositions

which give rise to spectral sequences


For each , is not -radical by assumption, so contains a nontrivial normal -subgroup. So Reference JMO, Proposition 6.1(ii) applies to show that for all -modules . Hence by Proposition 3.2 (and since any overgroup of an object in is also in ), for any functor , is the same over and over . The inclusion of the above spectral sequences thus induces an isomorphism . So the inclusion of in is a mod equivalence, and induces a homotopy equivalence .

4. Spaces of maps

We next study the mapping spaces , where is the classifying space of a -local finite group . We will see in Theorem 4.4 and Corollary 4.5 that the set of homotopy classes is described in terms of conjugacy classes of homomorphisms, analogously to the case for maps to -completed classifying spaces of finite groups. We also describe the individual connected components of these mapping spaces in certain cases, but a complete description will have to wait until Section 6.

Throughout this section, denotes cohomology with coefficients in . We first show that under certain conditions, mapping spaces “commute” with homotopy colimits. A similar result was shown by the first author and Nitu Kitchloo in Reference BrK, Theorem 6.11. Recall the definition of “bounded limits at (Definition 3.3).

Lemma 4.1.

Fix a prime , and let be a group of order . Let be a finite category with bounded limits at , and let

be a functor such that for each in , and are both -complete and have finite mod cohomology in each degree. Then the natural map

is a homotopy equivalence.


To simplify the notation, set

Write and , where and are the “skeleta” of the homotopy colimits.

We first recall the notation of Lannes Reference La, §4. For any in -, i.e., any unstable module over the Steenrod algebra with compatible -module structure, is a -module, and . Lannes defines

where is the factor corresponding to (regarded as a quotient algebra). For any -space , Lannes defines , where . The goal of Reference La, §4 is to find conditions under which . By Reference La, Theorem, is an exact functor.

Consider the following exact couples:

and let and denote the induced spectral sequences. Then is a spectral sequence of modules in -, in the sense that each column of each page as well as the differentials are in -. The equivariant maps

(where acts trivially on ) induce via adjointness applied to the exact couples a homomorphism of spectral sequences

where is applied to each column in each page of the spectral sequence. After tensoring over with , this map induces a homomorphism of spectral sequences

We first consider the case . For each object in , the spaces and are -complete by assumption. Hence by Reference La, Theorem 4.9.1 (applied with and ). Thus

and is the natural map. Since is exact and commutes with finite products, and since is a finite category, we have

for each . It follows that is an isomorphism when .

Thus is also an isomorphism when . Since has bounded limits at by assumption, there are only a finite number of nonzero columns in each spectral sequence, and so the resulting filtrations of and are both finite. Hence (using the exactness of again) induces an isomorphism

By Reference La, Theorem 4.9.1 again, this implies that

is a homotopy equivalence, which is what we wanted to show.

This will now be applied to describe maps into a homotopy colimit in certain cases.

Proposition 4.2.

Fix a prime and a -group . Let be a finite category with bounded limits at , and let

be a functor such that for each in and each , is -complete and has finite mod cohomology in each degree. Then the natural map

is a homotopy equivalence. Here, denotes the functor which sends to .


We prove this by induction on ; the result is clear when . So assume , let be a normal subgroup of index , and set .

By the induction hypothesis, the map

is a homotopy equivalence. It is also equivariant with respect to the -actions induced by the action of on , and hence induces a homotopy equivalence

Furthermore, by assumption, the mapping spaces

are -complete for each , and Proposition 4.1 applies to show that

is a homotopy equivalence. The proposition now follows from (1) and (2).

We now apply this to spaces of maps to the classifying space of a -local finite group.

Proposition 4.3.

Fix a -local finite group and a finite -group . Let be any full subcategory, and let be the full subcategory with . Let be the category whose objects are the pairs for and , and where

Let be the functor defined by setting

Then the map

adjoint to is a homotopy equivalence.


Note first that by condition (C). Thus is a well defined functor.

Let be the full subcategory with , and let be the projection functor. Let be the functor and . Let

be the left homotopy Kan extensions over and , respectively, of the constant functors . Then

(cf. Reference HV, Theorem 5.5).

Consider the commutative triangle

The left homotopy Kan extension over of the constant functor is the functor , and so the triangle induces a natural transformation of functors

The adjoint map to is also a natural transformation of functors from to , and induces a commutative diagram

For each and , each component of is of the form for some . So all such mapping spaces are -complete and have finite mod cohomology in each degree, and hence is a homotopy equivalence by Proposition 4.2. It remains only to show that is a homotopy equivalence for each .

For each in , is the nerve of the overcategory , whose objects are the pairs for and , and where

Let be the full subcategory of with the unique object , and with morphisms the group of all for .

Similarly, is the nerve of the category , whose objects are the triples for , , and ; and where

Let be the full subcategory of with objects the triples for .

Fix a section which sends identity morphisms to identity morphisms. Retractions

are defined by setting

and by sending in or to , where is the unique element such that in (Lemma 1.10(b)). There are natural transformations

of functors which send an object to and similarly for an object . This shows that and are deformation retracts.

It remains to show for each that restricts to a homotopy equivalence

Two objects and in are isomorphic if and only if and are conjugate in , and the automorphism group of is isomorphic to . This shows that

Since , and since is induced by the homomorphisms from to , it follows that (1) is an equivalence.

We now apply Proposition 4.3 to describe more explicitly the set of homotopy classes of maps, as well as the individual components in certain cases. Later, in Theorem 6.3, we show that all components of can be described in terms of centralizers, in a way analogous to the description of components in .

Theorem 4.4.

Let be a -local finite group, and let be the natural inclusion followed by completion. Then the following hold, for any -group .


Each map is homotopic to for some .


Given any two homomorphisms , as maps from to if and only if there is some such that .


For each such that is -centric, the composite

induces a homotopy equivalence


The evaluation map induces a homotopy equivalence


We refer to the category , and to the homotopy equivalence

of Proposition 4.3.

By definition, sends a vertex to the morphism , and two vertices and are in the same connected component of if and only if there is some such that . Points (a) and (b) now follow immediately. If is such that is -centric, then the connected component of which contains the vertex contains as deformation retract the nerve of the full subcategory with that as its only object. Since , this component has the homotopy type of , which proves point (c). Point (d) holds since the component of which contains the objects is equivalent to .

If is a -local finite group, then for any finite -group we define

where is the equivalence relation defined by setting if there is some such that . Theorem 4.4(a,b) can now be restated as follows.

Corollary 4.5.

Fix a -local finite group , and let be the natural inclusion followed by completion. Then the map

defined by sending the class of to , is a bijection.

5. The cohomology ring of a -local finite group

Throughout this section, all cohomology is taken with coefficients in . Since is -good for any -local finite group by Proposition 1.12, .

For any fusion system over a -group , we write

to denote the “ring of stable elements for ”, regarded as a subring of . We think of this as the cohomology of the fusion system . If is saturated, then

by Theorem A.10 (Alperin’s fusion theorem for fusion systems). The main results of this section are that for any -local finite group the natural map

is an isomorphism, and that this cohomology ring is noetherian. These generalize well known, classical results on when is a finite group.

We first show (Proposition 5.2) that is noetherian for any fusion system . This is implicit in a paper of Evens and Priddy Reference EP, but since it is not stated explicitly there, we give our interpretation of their proof here.

For any -group , let be the set of elementary abelian subgroups of , and let be the full subcategory whose object set is . More generally, if is any fusion system over , then denotes the full subcategory with object set . Set

These are both regarded as subrings of the product of the for .

Recall Reference Qu that a ring homomorphism is called an -monomorphism if each element is nilpotent, an -epimorphism if for all there is some such that , and an -isomorphism if it is both an -monomorphism and an -epimorphism.

Proposition 5.1.

For any fusion system over a -group , restriction to elementary abelian subgroups defines -isomorphisms


The homomorphism is an -isomorphism by Reference Qu, Theorem 6.2. It remains to show that is also an -isomorphism. Clearly, is an -monomorphism, since is contained in , where every element is nilpotent. Thus it remains to show that is an -epimorphism.

Fix some

We must show that there exists some such that . Since

is an -isomorphism for each by Reference Qu, 6.2 again, there exist and such that for all and all , . Since has finitely many objects, we may choose sufficiently large so that this holds for every . Then by definition of the inverse limit, for each , and restrict to the same element for each elementary abelian subgroup . Since is an -monomorphism,

for sufficiently large. Thus, since there are only finitely many morphisms in , we can choose large enough so that is an element of the inverse limit ; and hence .

We are now ready to prove

Proposition 5.2.

For any fusion system over a -group , the ring is noetherian, and is finitely generated as an -module.


We will need to refer to the following well known facts, for any triple of commutative rings where is noetherian:


For any , is finitely generated as a -module if and only if is integral over ; i.e., if and only if it satisfies a monic polynomial with coefficients in . If is finitely generated as a -algebra and every element of is integral over , then is finitely generated as a -module.


If is finitely generated as a -algebra and as a -module, then is finitely generated as a -algebra.


If for some finite group of algebra automorphisms, and is finitely generated as a -algebra, then is finitely generated as a -module and is finitely generated as a -algebra.

Point (1) is shown, for example, in Reference AM, Proposition 5.1. Point (2) is a theorem of Artin and Tate Reference AT, and follows from (1) upon noting that every element of is integral over the -subalgebra generated by some finite set of coefficients of monic polynomials satisfied by a set of -algebra generators for Reference AM, Proposition 7.8. Point (3) (the Hilbert-Noether theorem) follows from (1) and (2), since each satisfies the monic polynomial .

Let be an elementary abelian -group whose rank is equal to . Define

by letting the projection to the coordinate indexed by be the unique homomorphism induced by any monomorphism . Notice that does not depend on the choice of these monomorphisms, since we are restricting to the invariants. Then is an injection ( for some by assumption), and . Since is finitely generated as an -algebra, it is finitely generated as an -module, and is noetherian, by (3). Since is finite and for all , this shows that is finitely generated as a module over via .

Consider the following diagram:

where the horizontal maps are all inclusions, and and are -isomorphisms by Proposition 5.1. We have just seen that every element of is integral over and hence over . Thus every element of is integral over . Since is a finitely generated -algebra, it follows from (1) that and hence are finitely generated as -modules, and from (2) that is finitely generated as an -algebra. Hence is finitely generated as an -module, and is noetherian since it is a submodule of a finitely generated module over the noetherian ring .

We next show that is an -isomorphism.

Lemma 5.3.

For any -local finite group , is the limit of a spectral sequence of -modules, where each column in the -term is a finite sum of copies of for subgroups , and where the -term has only a finite number of nonzero columns. Also, the induced homomorphism

is an -isomorphism, and is finitely generated as an -module via .


By Proposition 2.2, , for some functor which sends each to a space with the homotopy type of . Hence, in the spectral sequence for the cohomology of the homotopy colimit, each column in the -term is a sum of rings for subgroups . Also, , and hence there are only finitely many nonzero columns by Corollary 3.4.

The cohomology spectral sequence for the homotopy colimit is the same as the cohomology spectral sequence for the projection map

and hence is multiplicative (cf. Reference Bd, §IV.6.5). Since in our case there are only finitely many nonzero columns in the spectral sequence, and since , it follows at once that that the map is an -monomorphism.

To see that it is an -epimorphism, we must show that for every element there is an integer such that , i.e., such that is a permanent cycle in the spectral sequence. Let be an element which is not a permanent cycle, and let be the smallest integer for which . We can assume that is even if is odd (otherwise ). Then . Again using the fact that there are finitely many nonzero columns in the spectral sequence, iterating this procedure shows that is a permanent cycle for a sufficiently large .

Since is noetherian, it is finitely generated as an algebra. Let be a set of homogeneous algebra generators, and for each fix such that . Then the elements for and generate as a module over .

The following technical lemma will be needed.

Lemma 5.4.

Fix a saturated fusion system over a -group , and let be a set of subgroups of such that for each , all subgroups of and all subgroups -conjugate to are also in . Assume is an -set with the property that for all which are -conjugate and not in , . Then there is an -set such that for each pair of -conjugate subgroups , and such that for all not in . In particular, for all and all , as a -set via restriction is isomorphic to as a -set via .


If then the claim holds trivially. Let be an arbitrary collection of subgroups satisfying the hypotheses, let be a maximal subgroup in , and let be the subset of those subgroups in not -conjugate to . We can assume inductively that the result holds for . We can also assume that was chosen to be fully normalized (Definition 1.2), and (after adding orbits of type to if necessary) that for all that are -conjugate to .

Fix in the -conjugacy class of . By Proposition A.2(b), there is some such that . By assumption, for all we have . Hence the sets of elements in nonfree orbits for the actions of on and (via ) on have the same order, and so


Now define

where the union is taken over all subgroups in the -conjugacy class of , means the disjoint union of copies of the set , and . Then for , and for -conjugate to . Thus for all -conjugate subgroups which are not in .

The construction of now follows by the induction hypothesis, applied to and . The last statement follows since, in general, two finite -sets are -isomorphic if and only if for all .

We need to work with -bisets: sets having left and right actions of which commute with each other. We first establish some notation. If and , then denotes the biset

Then is free as a left -set (and also as a right -set if is injective), and every -biset with free left action is a disjoint union of bisets of this form. For each finite -biset whose left -action is free, define an endomorphism of as follows. For each and each , set

where denotes the transfer map. Finally, if is a disjoint union of bisets of this form, then .

If is an -biset, then for and , we let denote the restriction of to a -biset, and let denote the -biset where the left -action is induced by .

The following proposition was motivated by recent, unpublished work of Markus Linckelmann and Peter Webb Reference LW. They were the ones who formulated conditions (a), (b), and (c) below, and recognized the importance of finding a biset with these properties.

Proposition 5.5.

For any saturated fusion system over a -group , there is an -biset with the following properties:


Each indecomposable component of is of the form for some and some .


For each and each , and are isomorphic as -bisets.



Furthermore, for any biset which satisfies these properties, is an idempotent in , is -linear and a homomorphism of modules over the Steenrod algebra; and

Note in particular, when is the fusion system of a finite group , that (considered as an -biset) satisfies conditions (a) and (b), and that one can choose such that satisfies (c) as well.


We first assume the existence of , and prove the statements about . For any and any we have (by definition of as an inverse limit), and in particular

Since is a disjoint union of such bisets by (a), this shows that . Hence is the identity on by (c). Furthermore, for all and all ,

where the second equality holds by Frobenius reciprocity Reference Bw, Chapter V, 3.8. Thus is -linear. Also, by (b), and this shows that is an -linear splitting of the inclusion . Finally, is a morphism of modules over the Steenrod algebra, since the and the transfer homomorphisms are all such morphisms.

It remains to prove the existence of a biset satisfying the above conditions. For any -biset , we also regard as a set with left -action by setting for and . For each and each , set

Then the biset corresponds to the -set .

Since is fully normalized in , has order prime to by condition (I) in Definition 1.2. So we can choose such that (mod ), and set

(Note that if are conjugate modulo inner automorphisms, then and are conjugate in , and hence their orbits are isomorphic.) Then , and (mod ).

Let be the family of subgroups of

We must find an -set with the properties


each isotropy subgroup of lies in , and


for all and all , as a -set via restriction is isomorphic to as a -set via .

Then , when regarded as an -biset, satisfies conditions (a) and (b) above. Also,

since each orbit for has order a multiple of , and this proves condition (c).

Now, is a saturated fusion system over by Lemma 1.5, the collection is closed under subgroups and ()-conjugacy, and all proper subgroups of isotropy subgroups of are in . Hence has the feature that for any subgroup which is neither of the form nor in , . If and is -conjugate to , then by construction. Hence by Lemma 5.4, there exists an -set such that for any pair of -conjugate subgroups , and such that for all not in . Conditions (a) and (b) follow at once.

If is a saturated fusion system over a -group , and is an -biset which satisfies the conditions of Proposition 5.5, then induces a stable map from the suspension spectrum to itself, which is constructed similarly to the endomorphism of , but using the stable transfer maps in place of the cohomological transfer. It is not hard to show, using conditions (a)–(c) of the proposition, that the infinite mapping telescope for this stable map is a spectrum independent of the choice of , and such that . Furthermore, if is any centric linking system associated to , then . We can thus associate a unique “classifying spectrum” to each saturated fusion system , whether or not we can associate a classifying space to . The idea for constructing a spectrum in this way associated to is due to Linckelmann and Webb.

For the purposes of the next lemma and later inductive arguments, for any -local finite group , we say that is “computed by stable elements” if the natural map

is an isomorphism. The goal of course is to show that this always holds.

Lemma 5.6.

Fix a -local finite group for which there is a central subgroup of order (i.e., ). Let be the induced fusion system over . Let be the category whose objects are the subgroups such that is -centric, and where

Let and be the full subcategories whose objects are those and , respectively, such that is -centric. Then the following hold:


is a saturated fusion system, and is a centric linking system associated to .


is a fibration sequence.


The inclusion is a homotopy equivalence.


If is computed by stable elements, then is computed by stable elements.


Since is central in , all -centric subgroups of contain , and the restriction to of any morphism in is the identity. Hence by condition (C) in Definition 1.7, for any in , the left and right actions of on (via composition with and , respectively) are the same.

(a) For each which contains , set


In particular, . We first claim that

By definition, any subgroup of is -conjugate to a fully normalized subgroup, and any subgroup of is -conjugate to a fully centralized subgroup. Hence it will suffice to prove, for any pair of -conjugate subgroups such that is fully centralized in and is fully normalized in , that is fully centralized in and . Since is a normal -subgroup of , and is a Sylow -subgroup by condition (I) in Definition 1.2, we have . It follows that any extends to in by condition (II) (and since is fully centralized in by (I)); and this factors through a homomorphism

Since is fully centralized in , must be an isomorphism and hence is also fully centralized. Then is also an isomorphism, so , and this finishes the proof of (1).

We next show that is saturated. Fix such that is fully centralized in , choose a lifting of , and set . Consider the subgroups


Then by (1) ( since is fully centralized in ), so extends to some by condition (II) applied to the saturated fusion system , and this proves condition (II) for . Finally, for containing , , so is fully normalized in if and only if is fully normalized in . Condition (I) for now follows from condition (I) for , since if is fully normalized in , then is fully normalized in , so is fully centralized in by (1), and since (by condition (I) again for ).

It remains to show that is a centric linking system associated to . The distinguished monomorphisms

are induced by the distinguished monomorphisms for . Conditions (B) and (C) in Definition 1.7 follow directly for from the corresponding conditions for . It remains to prove condition (A).

By construction, the functor is the identity on objects and surjective on morphisms. The only difficulty is to show that each is the orbit map for the free action of on via . Fix and such that and are -centric, and consider the following commutative square:

Here, a label means that the map is an orbit map for an action of on the source set. Since is -centric (and hence fully centralized in ), is the group of all such that by (1), and hence is the orbit map for the (free) action of .

(b) Using Lemma 1.10(a), one checks that each undercategory for the projection of onto contains a category equivalent to as a deformation retract. The map thus has homotopy fiber by Quillen’s Theorem B. This also follows more directly using the lemma in Reference Qu2, p.90, which shows that this map is a quasifibration.

By Reference BK, II.5.1, the fibration sequence is still a fibration sequence after -completion.

(c) Fix in but not in . Thus is -centric (and hence ), but is not -centric. We can assume, after replacing by another subgroup in its -conjugacy class if necessary, that . So there is an element such that , or equivalently an element such that . Furthermore, cannot be an inner automorphism, because if for , then , since is -centric. Thus is a nontrivial element in , so has a nontrivial normal -subgroup.

The subcategory thus contains all -radical -centric subgroups of . So by Corollary 3.6, the inclusion induces a homotopy equivalence .

(d) Fix an -biset which satisfies conditions (a)–(c) in Proposition 5.5 for . We can assume that is a union of orbits for subgroups which contain (and ), since otherwise we can replace by the fixed point set of the conjugation action of and it still satisfies the same conditions. Set , regarded as an -biset. Conditions (b) and (c) clearly hold. Also, each orbit in corresponds to an orbit in , which shows that also satisfies condition (a) and has the same number of orbits as .

Fix a -free resolution of , and a -free resolution of . For each , the spectral sequence for the extension

is induced by the double complex

The transfer maps , which send to (the sum taken over a set of coset representatives for in ) induce a homomorphism of spectral sequences, which in the -term is the usual transfer map in each row, and which in the -term is the map on associated graded modules induced by the transfer map .

Thus, for each and each , the biset induces a homomorphism of spectral sequences

Upon summing these over all orbits in the biset , we get a homomorphism

which induces the endomorphism of on each row in , and which converges to . In particular, is idempotent on , hence on for all , and thus splits as a sum of two spectral sequences. It follows that restricts to a spectral sequence

Furthermore, the spectral sequence for the fibration maps to this one, and is an isomorphism on -terms since

by assumption. This proves that , and thus that is computed by stable elements.

One more lemma is needed, to handle the -local finite groups which do not contain nontrivial central subgroups. We refer to Definition A.3, or to the discussion before Definition 2.4, for the definition of the centralizer fusion system , when is a fully centralized subgroup in a fusion system . By Proposition A.6, is saturated if is saturated.

Lemma 5.7.

Fix a -local finite group , and let be the subring of stable elements for . Let be an elementary abelian subgroup which is fully centralized in , and let be the map induced by inclusion. Then there is an isomorphism

which is the restriction of the homomorphism

induced by the natural homomorphism .


Since the functor is exact and commutes with direct limits, it commutes with inverse limits over finite categories. So there is an isomorphism

It remains to restrict to those summands which extend . For each , let be the set of elements which are -conjugate (as homomorphisms to ) to the inclusion . Then

Let denote the category whose objects are the pairs for all and , and where is the subset of those elements such that . Then the above formula takes the form

The right hand side can be simplified as follows. Since is abelian, any injection takes values in . If is such that , then for each , centralizes . Furthermore, if we let denote , then . Hence each object in may be replaced by with the same morphisms and the same functor without changing the value of the inverse limit. Notice in particular that for each object of the form , we have . Thus we may restrict to the subcategory of those objects such that . Since is fully centralized, each such object is isomorphic to one where is the inclusion, and the full subcategory of these objects is just . So (2) implies (1), and this finishes the proof of the lemma.

We are now ready to show that is computed by stable elements, for any -local finite group .

Theorem 5.8.

For any -local finite group , the natural homomorphism

is an isomorphism, and the ring is noetherian.


The second claim follows at once from the first together with Proposition 5.2. It thus remains to prove that is an isomorphism.

Assume inductively that the theorem holds for all “smaller” fusion systems, i.e., for any -local finite group such that , or such that and is contained in as a proper subcategory.

A subgroup will be called central in if , i.e., if each morphism in extends to a morphism between subgroups containing which is the identity on .

Case 1: Assume first that contains a nontrivial central subgroup. Fix some of order such that . Then is a -local finite group by Lemma 5.6(a), and is computed by stable elements by the induction hypothesis. So is computed by stable elements by Lemma 5.6(d) in this case.

Case 2: Now assume that does not contain any nontrivial central subgroup. Set for short. Thus is the ring of stable elements for , regarded as a subring of , and we must show that the natural homomorphism is an isomorphism.

We want to apply Reference DW1, Theorem 1.2 to the inclusion of algebras . The algebra has a “nontrivial center” in the sense of Reference DW1, §4 since has nontrivial center. By Proposition 5.2, the ring is noetherian and is finitely generated as an -module. By Proposition 5.5, there is an -biset such that is an idempotent which defines a left inverse to the inclusion . Furthermore, this left inverse is a morphism of -modules and a morphism of modules over the Steenrod algebra.

The inclusion thus satisfies the hypotheses of Reference DW1, Theorem 1.2. Hence

is an isomorphism, and

for all . It remains to explain what this means, and to show that this implies that .

Let be the category of unstable algebras over the mod Steenrod algebra. For any in , denotes the category whose objects are the pairs , where is an elementary abelian -group and makes into a finitely generated -module. A morphism in from to is a monomorphism such that . The functor is defined by setting , where is Lannes’s -functor and is the component in of .

Define a functor

by setting , where is induced by the inclusion . This is well defined on morphisms by definition of as the ring of stable elements in . We next show that is an equivalence of categories.

For any space , let denote the category whose objects are the pairs , where is an elementary abelian -group, and makes into a finitely generated -module. A morphism from to is a monomorphism such that . Consider the functors

The second is an equivalence by Reference La, Theorem 3.1.1. Also, is finitely generated as an -module by Proposition 5.2 and Lemma 5.3. So the first functor is an equivalence by Corollary 4.5, together with a result of Swan Reference Sw (see also Reference BLO, Lemma 2.3) that for , is a finitely generated -module via if and only if is injective.

The above composite is thus an equivalence, and sends to the homomorphism induced by the inclusion of in . It is thus equal to the composite

By Lemma 5.3, is an -isomorphism, and hence is an equivalence of categories by Reference LS, Corollary 6.5.2. It follows that is also an equivalence of categories.

By Lemma 5.7, for each in , is isomorphic to the ring of stable elements . Since is never central in by assumption, is strictly contained in , and hence by the induction hypothesis. It follows that the composite functor is naturally isomorphic to the functor which sends to .

By Theorem 2.6, there are a homotopy equivalence

and natural isomorphisms

So there is a spectral sequence

Points (1) and (2) now apply to show that this spectral sequence collapses, and that

6. Normalizers, centralizers, and mapping spaces

We now want to describe more precisely the mapping spaces , when is a -local finite group and is a -group. For a finite group , the components of are described via centralizers of images of homomorphisms from to . By analogy, the components of will be described via centralizers in the -local finite group .

Recall that if is a saturated fusion system over a -group , and if , we say that is fully normalized in if for all -conjugate to . For such , is the fusion system over for which

(see Definition A.3). This is a saturated fusion system by Proposition A.6.

Definition 6.1.

Fix a -local finite group , and a subgroup which is fully normalized in . Let be the category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , and where

A projection functor is defined to be the inclusion on objects, and to send to . For each -centric subgroup , the distinguished monomorphism is defined to be the restriction of the distinguished monomorphism for .

Note that the following lemma is needed just to know that is well defined.

Lemma 6.2.

Fix a -local finite group , and a subgroup which is fully normalized in . Then for every which is -centric, is -centric. Furthermore, is a centric linking system associated to the saturated fusion system .


We first prove, for each -centric subgroup , that is -centric. This means showing, for each , that . Since is fully normalized in , there is by Proposition A.2(b) a morphism

such that . Thus is a morphism in . Since ,

where the last inequality holds since is -centric. Thus , and this finishes the proof that is -centric.

This shows that Definition 6.1 makes sense. It remains to show that is a centric linking system associated to . Conditions (B) and (C) in Definition 1.7 follow immediately from the corresponding conditions on .

To see condition (A), fix -centric subgroups . Then acts freely on , since acts freely on by composition. If are such that , i.e., such that , then since is -centric, Proposition A.8 applies to show that there is some such that . Hence by condition (A) applied to , there is such that in ,

Thus is the orbit map for the action of on , and this proves condition (A).

Using Proposition 2.5, for any -local finite group and any which is fully centralized in , we define a functor

by setting for each -centric , and

The last equality follows from condition (C), since the underlying homomorphism of is the identity on . Let

be the map adjoint to .

Theorem 6.3.

Fix a -local finite group , a finite -group , and a homomorphism such that is fully centralized in . Then

is a homotopy equivalence. In particular, is -complete.


The second statement follows from the first, since the spaces are -good (Proposition 1.12).

By Proposition 4.3, for each ,

This follows since, in the notation of that proposition, the connected component in the category of the object is isomorphic as a category to the component in of the object . So it suffices to prove the theorem when and is the inclusion.

Case 1: Assume first that is elementary abelian. By Reference La, Theorem 0.5, it suffices to show that induces an isomorphism

By Theorem 5.8, (the ring of -stable elements in ), and . The isomorphism (2) now follows from Lemma 5.7.

Case 2: Now assume that and . In other words, we assume that each morphism extends to a morphism such that . Let be the full subcategory whose objects are the subgroups such that is -centric.

We first show that all -radical -centric subgroups of are contained in . To see this, assume is in but not in , and set for short. Then , and moreover every -automorphism of leaves invariant (since each element of extends to an automorphism of which leaves invariant). Thus

and is a -subgroup by, e.g., Reference Go, Corollary 5.3.3. To show that , and hence that is not -radical, it thus suffices to show that .

Since is not in , it is not -centric. We can assume that ; otherwise can be replaced by another subgroup in its -conjugacy class for which this does hold. Set , so that . Since any nontrivial normal subgroup of a -group intersects nontrivially with its center ( implies ), we have

Also, , since and . In particular, for each , normalizes , its conjugation action is an inner automorphism of and the identity on , but is not an inner automorphism of since is -centric and . Thus , and this finishes the proof that is not -radical.

The subcategory thus contains all -radical subgroups of which are in . By Corollary 3.6, the inclusion induces a homotopy equivalence .

Let be the category whose objects are the pairs for in and , and where

This is equivalent to the component, in the category of Proposition 4.3, of the object . Hence by Proposition 4.3.

We claim that there are functors

which are inverses up to natural transformation. To see this, for each in , choose some which extends (use condition (II) in Definition 1.2), set , and let be any morphism such that . When and is the inclusion, we choose and the identity morphism of in . Define by setting , and by letting , for any , be the unique morphism which makes the following square commute in :

The existence and uniqueness of follow from Lemma 1.10(a). Define by setting and letting

be the inclusion. Then is the identity functor, and there is a natural transformation which sends each object to the morphism .

This now shows that the composite

is a homotopy equivalence. By construction, it is equal to .

Case 3: We now prove the general case of the theorem. Fix , and assume inductively that the theorem holds for maps with source for all -groups with . We can also assume that is fully normalized in . Fix a subgroup of order . By Proposition A.2(b), there is such that is fully centralized in . Then , and so , with equality since is fully normalized. Upon replacing and by their images under , we can thus assume that is fully centralized in (and is still fully normalized in ). Furthermore, since , is also fully normalized in .

By Case 1, the inclusion induces a homotopy equivalence from to ; and hence a homotopy equivalence

which is -equivariant. This remains a homotopy equivalence after taking homotopy fixed point sets, and thus restricts to a homotopy equivalence

So we can assume that , i.e., that is central in .

We recall the notation of Lemma 5.6. Let be the induced fusion system over . Let be the category whose objects are the subgroups such that is -centric, and where

Let and be the full subcategories whose objects are those and , respectively, such that is -centric. Set and ; and define , , and in a similar way.

By Lemma 5.6, there are fibrations

and homotopy equivalences and . We thus get a homotopy pullback square of mapping spaces

where is the union of the connected components which map to the inclusion in and to in , and where and are inclusions. By (1), together with the induction hypothesis, there are homotopy equivalences

and similarly for maps to . Since by definition, is the composite of with the inclusion, this shows that the map in the above diagram is a homotopy equivalence. Thus is also a homotopy equivalence. In particular, is connected, and hence contains only the component of the inclusion. The theorem now follows from Case 2, when applied to the mapping space .

7. A topological characterization

In Definition 1.8, we defined the classifying space of a -local finite group to be the space . In this section, we show that the triple is in fact determined up to isomorphism by the homotopy type of (Theorem 7.4). Afterwards, we prove a more intrinsic characterization of these spaces, by showing that a -complete space is the classifying space of some -local finite group if and only if it satisfies certain conditions listed in Theorem 7.5.

Definition 7.1.

For any space , any -group , and any map , define to be the category whose objects are the subgroups of , and whose morphisms are given by

for each .

The category is clearly a fusion system over , but is not in general saturated.

We next consider the linking system of a space. Let denote the fundamental groupoid of a space . If is a path in , then will denote its homotopy class relative to endpoints, regarded as a morphism in . We regard as a discrete category.

Definition 7.2.

For any space , any -group , and any map , define categories and as follows. The objects of are the -centric subgroups of , while the objects of are the pairs such that is -centric and for some . Morphisms in are defined by

while morphisms in are given by

In particular, we can regard as a full subcategory of by identifying an object in with in . Since every object in is isomorphic to an object in the subcategory , this inclusion is an equivalence of categories. The goal is to show that in certain situations, is a centric linking system associated to . We define because certain constructions are more natural when working in this larger category.

In Reference BLO, Definition 2.5, we defined categories , for any space , whose objects are certain pairs such that is a -group and a map. Upon comparing these two definitions, we see that whenever is a “homotopy monomorphism” in the sense of Reference BLO, Definition 2.2, then is a full subcategory of . When for some -local finite group and is the inclusion, then it turns out that the inclusion is an equivalence of categories. We prefer to work here with the smaller category , to a large extent to avoid having to deal with questions involving definitions and properties of homotopy monomorphisms.

Let be a -local finite group, and let be the projection functor. For each , let

be the functor which sends to and sends a morphism (for ) to . We write

for short. For each , let

be the natural transformation of functors which sends the object to the morphism .

Now define functors

as follows. On objects, for all ,

For each ,

while for each morphism ,

where is regarded as a homotopy . Note that in the definition of we are assuming that each -centric subgroup of is also -centric; this will be shown in the next theorem.

Proposition 7.3.

The following hold for any -local finite group .


The functor is an isomorphism of categories.


The functor is an equivalence of categories.


We keep the above notation; in particular, . For all , let be the inclusion, and note that .

By Corollary 4.5, for all ,

So induces bijections on morphism sets, and is thus an equivalence of categories.

In particular, this shows that a subgroup is -centric if and only if it is -centric, and thus that is bijective on isomorphism classes of objects. It remains to show that induces bijections on morphism sets. Fix a pair of -centric subgroups , and consider the following commutative diagram:

Here, is the “forgetful” functor which is the identity on objects and sends a morphism to . Since is -centric, , and hence is the orbit map of a free action of on (by definition of ). By condition (A), is the orbit map of a free -action on . Also, is easily checked to be -equivariant, and hence is a bijection since the orbit map is a bijection.

Define an isomorphism of -local finite groups to consist of a triple , where

are isomorphisms of groups and categories such that for all , and such that they commute in the obvious way with the projections and the structure maps .

Theorem 7.4.

If and are two -local finite groups such that , then and are isomorphic as -local finite groups. Thus the -local finite group is determined by the homotopy type of .


If is a homotopy equivalence, then by Theorem 4.4(a,b), there is such that the square

commutes up to homotopy. These thus induce isomorphisms of categories

and so by Proposition 7.3.

The next theorem provides a characterization of classifying spaces of -local finite groups. Recall that a map between spaces is centric if the induced map

is a homotopy equivalence.

Theorem 7.5.

A -complete space is the classifying space of some -local finite group if and only if there are a -group and a map such that


the fusion system is saturated,


there is a homotopy equivalence , and


is a centric map for each -centric subgroup .

When these hold, is a centric linking system associated to .


Assume first that , where is a centric linking system associated to a fusion system over a -group . Then if denotes the inclusion , condition (a) holds since by Proposition 7.3(a), condition (b) follows from Proposition 7.3(b), and condition (c) holds by Theorem 4.4(c).

Now assume that is a -complete space, and that conditions (a–c) hold for some map . Set and for short. In particular, is saturated by (a), and by (b). We will show that is a centric linking system associated to , and thus that is a -local finite group.

Define maps by sending to the pair , where is the homotopy

induced by the natural transformation of functors which sends the object in to the morphism of . Condition (B) is clear. By condition (c), for each , is a centric map, and thus

This proves condition (A).

Condition (C) means showing, for each and each , that the following square commutes:

Here is the homotopy class of a path in . Clearly, . It remains to check that the following two paths in are homotopic:


The map

is such a homotopy, since

Note that when for some -local finite group , then the choice of the map which satisfies conditions (a) and (c) is essentially unique. By Theorem 4.4(a), any such is homotopic to the composite for some , where denotes the canonical inclusion. Then is a monomorphism by (c), since otherwise factors through for some , and this is impossible when is a centric map. One also shows, using (c), that is centric in . Since is saturated by (a), has order prime to ; hence (this is a subgroup of by Theorem 4.4 and the centricity of ), and thus is surjective.

By the above proof, conditions (a) and (c) in Theorem 7.5 imply that and determine a -local finite group . Condition (b) then tells us that is its classifying space. The three conditions (a,b,c) thus imply that is essentially unique.

In a later paper, we will show that condition (a) can be replaced by the condition that is “Sylow”, in the sense that any map (for a -group ) factors through .

8. Spaces of self equivalences

We next describe the monoid of self homotopy equivalences of . Understanding this space is essential when constructing fibrations with fiber the classifying space of a -local finite group, although such constructions will not be discussed in this paper.

We first recall some definitions from Reference BLO. For any space , denotes the monoid of self homotopy equivalences of , is the group of homotopy classes of equivalences, and is the fundamental groupoid of . Also, for any discrete category , is the category whose objects are the self equivalences of and whose morphisms are the natural isomorphisms between self equivalences, and is the group of isomorphism classes of self equivalences. Both and are discrete categories. They are also strict monoidal categories, in the sense that composition defines a strictly associative functor

with strict identity. The nerve of each of these categories is thus a simplicial monoid, and its realization is a topological monoid.

Recall that part of the structure of a centric linking system associated to a fusion system is a homomorphism for each in . We write , which we think of as a “distinguished subgroup” of which can be identified with . For the purposes of this paper, an equivalence of categories will be called isotypical if for each , sends the subgroup to the subgroup . (This will be seen in Lemma 8.2 to be equivalent to the definition in Reference BLO.) Let be the full subcategory of whose objects are the isotypical equivalences, and set .

Clearly, any equivalence which is naturally isomorphic to an isotypical equivalence is itself isotypical, and any inverse to an isotypical equivalence (inverse up to natural isomorphism of functors) is also isotypical. The subcategory is thus a union of connected components of , and is a subgroup of .

The main result of this section is the following theorem:

Theorem 8.1.

Fix a -local finite group . Then and are equivalent as topological monoids in the sense that their classifying spaces are homotopy equivalent. In particular,

Throughout the rest of the section, we fix a -local finite group , and let denote the canonical projection. For any morphism in , we set for short. The first part of the proof of Theorem 8.1 (Lemmas 8.2 and 8.3) follows closely the proof in Reference BLO of the analogous result for .

Lemma 8.2.

Let denote the forgetful functor. Then for any equivalence , is isotypical if and only if there is a natural isomorphism of functors . Also, if is isotypical, and if denotes the restriction of under the identifications and , then is a natural isomorphism of functors .


To simplify notation, we write for any in . Assume first that there is a natural isomorphism of functors. Fix , let be any element, and set . Then sends to an isomorphism of groups, and

the first equality holds when is replaced by any homomorphism , and the second holds by the naturality of with respect to . Thus , so for some such that . In particular, , and thus . Equality now holds since the distinguished subgroups are abstractly isomorphic (and is an isomorphism).

Now assume that for each , and let be the restriction of under the identifications and . We must show that is natural as an isomorphism of functors , i.e., that

for any morphism in , where . Fix and set ; then sends in to

Upon comparing this with condition (C) (and the uniqueness property shown in Lemma 1.10(b)), we see that

for all , and this proves (1).

From now on, for any isotypical equivalence and any -centric , we let denote the isomorphism obtained by restricting .

Recall the category , defined in Section 7, for any space , any -group , and any map . An object in is a pair such that is an -centric subgroup of and is homotopic to for some . A morphism in from to is a pair , where and is a homotopy class (relative to its endpoints) of paths in from to .

Let denote the canonical inclusion. We next define functors

whose composite will later be seen to be homotopic to the inclusion. The functor is easily defined: it sends an object to the homotopy equivalence , and sends a natural isomorphism of functors to its realization as a homotopy between the induced maps.

On objects, sends a self homotopy equivalence to the functor induced by composition with . To see that is a functor, note that for any object in , is also an object by Theorem 4.4(a): for some , and must be injective since otherwise would factor through for some . If is a homotopy representing a morphism in from to , then is defined to be the natural isomorphism of functors which sends an object to the morphism . (Note that this only depends on the homotopy class of , as a path in from to .) One easily checks that preserves compositions of homotopies and of homotopy equivalences, and is thus a a well defined functor of monoidal categories.

Since is an inclusion and an equivalence of categories (Proposition 7.3), it has a left inverse , defined by sending any object in not in the image of to some such that is isomorphic to in . Define

by setting for any self equivalence of , and similarly for morphisms.

Lemma 8.3.

The composite of the functors

induces the inclusion , and the identity on


Step 1: Fix an isotypical equivalence , and consider the following diagram:

Here, is the left inverse of used to define . In particular, , and proving the first part of the proposition means showing that the square commutes up to a natural isomorphism of functors.

Recall that for all , and that for each morphism . Here, is the natural transformation of functors which sends the object to the morphism .

We write for short for any object in , and for any morphism . Define a natural transformation

by sending an object in to the morphism

Here denotes the constant homotopy. To see that is a natural isomorphism of functors, note first that its source and target are correct:

by definition. Also, is a morphism between these objects, since

by definition of . To show that is natural, we must check, for each morphism in , that the following square commutes:

in . By Lemma 8.2, is a natural isomorphism of functors (where is the forgetful functor), and thus . So it remains to show that , and this follows since both are induced by the natural isomorphism of functors .

Step 2: We next prove that the groups in (1) are isomorphic. Since is a groupoid,

A natural isomorphism of functors is given by morphisms for all -centric , such that for each morphism . In particular, for each , lies in the center of , so by condition (C) (and Lemma 1.10(b)), and thus for some . The naturality of now shows that the elements combine to define

The converse is clear — any such collection of elements defines a natural isomorphism of functors — and this proves (1).

Step 3: It remains to show that induces the identity on . Fix an element in this group, represented by a natural isomorphism of functors, and write , where for each . Let denote the category with two objects and one nonidentity morphism . Then is the homotopy on induced by the functor

defined by setting (), , and . Hence , as a natural isomorphism of functors from to itself, sends each object to the morphism

Since , this shows that .

It remains to show that induces a monomorphism on homotopy groups.

Lemma 8.4.

The map

induces monomorphisms on and on . Also, for all .


The proof is based on the decomposition

of Proposition 2.2, where is a lifting of the homotopy functor . In the following constructions, we regard as the union of skeleta:

where we divide out by the usual face and degeneracy relations.

To simplify the notation, we write for each subgroup . The obstructions to extending a map

to lie in the groups

(see Theorem 4.4(c)) for -centric subgroups .

We prove the injectivity on in Step 1. The injectivity on , together with the vanishing of higher homotopy groups, is shown in Step 2.

Step 1: Fix a homotopy equivalence such that , and let be a natural isomorphism. For each -centric , write , an isomorphism from to . Thus, is an automorphism of , is a path in from to , and is its homotopy class relative to its endpoints.

We first show, for each , that . Set and for short. Fix , and consider the following two squares of morphisms in :

Here, denotes the path in from to induced by the natural transformation of functors which sends to . The first square commutes by the naturality of with respect to . The second commutes since , and since the square

of paths in commutes via the homotopy

Since all of the maps in (2) are isomorphisms, it now follows that (so ), and that the loop in is null homotopic. Hence by (1), and .

Now consider the composite

where is the equivalence of Proposition 2.2 (after completion). Since is the disjoint union of the , and , the define a homotopy on between and . The naturality of the implies that this can be extended to a homotopy on the 1-skeleton , and hence by (1) to all of . Since is a mod homology equivalence, this shows that .

Step 2: An element is the pointed homotopy class of a map

such that for all -centric , extends to a map on . The composite

can thus be extended to , and hence to all of by (1). Since is a mod homology equivalence, it now follows that , and thus that is injective.

The proof that for all also follows easily from the homotopy colimit decomposition of , together with (1). (See also Reference BL, Proposition 3.6.)

We must show that and are homotopy equivalent, and moreover equivalent as monoids. There is no obvious way to construct a map between these two spaces which is both a homotopy equivalence and a morphism of monoids, so instead we connect them with a sequence of maps going in alternating directions.

Let denote the singular simplicial set of ; an -simplex is thus a homotopy equivalence . Let

denote the obvious maps: the first is the evaluation map defined for any space , and the second is the map which sends each simplex to its homotopy class. Both are morphisms of monoids.

Proof of Theorem 8.1.

The following maps are morphisms of topological monoids:

The first is a (weak) homotopy equivalence by definition, and the second is a homotopy equivalence since is aspherical (Lemma 8.4 or Reference BL). Finally, induces isomorphisms on all homotopy groups by Lemmas 8.3 and 8.4. The classifying spaces and are thus homotopy equivalent, since a morphism of monoids which is a homotopy equivalence induces a homotopy equivalence between the classifying spaces (cf. Reference GJ, Proposition IV.1.7).

In particular, this shows that . The isomorphism

was shown in Lemma 8.3.

9. Examples

We now look at some explicit examples of -local finite groups, and in particular of -local finite groups which are not induced from actual finite groups. The main problem is to find new ways of constructing saturated fusion systems. One general procedure for constructing such systems is given here in Proposition 9.1, and two concrete applications of this proposition are given in Examples 9.3 and 9.4. To show that some of these examples are “exotic” -local finite groups, we first prove a result (Lemma 9.2) which shows under certain hypotheses that if is the fusion system of a finite group, then it is the fusion system of an almost simple group; and afterwards list all finite simple groups (Proposition 9.5) which have a certain type of Sylow subgroup. The proof of Proposition 9.5 is based on the classification theorem for finite simple groups, and for lack of space we only sketch its proof and give the necessary references.

In a later paper, we will construct more examples, including some which are closely related to certain exotic -compact groups, and to spaces constructed by Benson Reference Be, §8 and Broto and Møller Reference BrM by taking homotopy fixed point sets of Adams operations on certain -compact groups. In particular, we will construct -local finite groups at the prime two, whose fusion systems, over Sylow subgroups of , were shown by Solomon Reference Sol not to be fusion systems of finite groups.

We focus attention here on a particularly simple class of saturated fusion systems: those systems over a -group for an odd prime , with the property that is nonabelian and contains a homocyclic subgroup (a product of cyclic subgroups of the same order) of index and rank , where . In particular, Corollary 3.5 applies in all of these cases to show that has a unique associated centric linking system.

We first need some general definitions. Let and be two fusion systems over a -group . By the fusion system generated by and , we mean the smallest fusion system which contains them, i.e., the fusion system such that for all the morphism set is the set of composites

such that, for each , lies in or in . The fusion system generated by two saturated fusion systems need not, of course, be saturated.

More generally, if is a fusion system over a -group , and for each we are given subgroups and fusion systems over , then we let be the fusion system over defined as follows. For each pair of subgroups , is the set of composites

where for each , either , or for some and .

If is a -group and , then will denote the fusion system over whose morphisms are the restrictions of elements of to subgroups of .

We can now formulate the main proposition used here to construct examples of saturated fusion systems. Throughout its proof, as well as the rest of the section, we write to denote a multiplicative cyclic group of order .

Proposition 9.1.

Fix an odd prime , a finite group , and a normal abelian -subgroup . Fix a Sylow -subgroup , and set . Assume that is nonabelian and . Thus, and . Let be a set of subgroups of such that for each , , and either or is elementary abelian of rank two. Fix, for each , a subgroup containing . Assume the following hold:


and is cyclic.


For with , no element of is -conjugate to any element of .


For each , .

Then the fusion system is saturated (where ). Furthermore, .


From the assumptions on ( or ) and the assumption , we see that neither nor can be in . Thus no contains , and this proves that .

In addition to points (a–c) above, we can assume that


for each , , and there is some such that .

Otherwise, by (c), all morphisms in are also in , and hence contributes nothing new to .

Let be the maximal elementary abelian subgroup. Since is cyclic, , and must be indecomposable as an -module since otherwise each summand would have nontrivial fixed submodule. Also, if is a generator of , then

Hence by the classification theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain, (as an -module) for some , and its only submodules are the ideals generated by for . In other words, for each , there is a unique subgroup of rank which is normal in .

Step 1: We claim the following statements hold:


If and , then for some , , and

If is abelian, then , and


For each , either and has order , or is nonabelian, has index in , and .


For each , let be the set of all subgroups of of index if is abelian, or the set of subgroups of of index which contain if is nonabelian. Then , and the elements of are permuted transitively by the group . Furthermore, for each , there is such that , and such that permutes transitively the other subgroups in .


If , , and are such that , then .


If , , and , then .


If , and are not -conjugate to any subgroup of , then .


If , where either , or and are not -conjugate to any subgroup of , then .


For each subgroup which is -conjugate to a subgroup of , there is such that .


If is fully centralized in , then either , or is not -conjugate to any subgroup of .

The most important points in the above list are (6), (7), and (8), which give the necessary information about morphisms in . Points (1), (3), and (9) will also be used in Step 2, while the others are only needed to prove later points in this list.

Proof of (1).

Assume and , and fix . Thus, generates . Since and are normalized by , they are -invariant subgroups of . In particular, , where . Also, , so has index or in , and has index if and only if , if and only if is abelian.

If is abelian, then

Clearly, . If , then for any , , and hence . Thus, in this case.

Now assume that . In particular, since and is cyclic, we have . Also,

and so . Thus , and it remains to prove the opposite inclusion. For any ,

Thus , so , and since . Since and has order at most , , and hence there is such that . This implies that , hence that , and hence that .

Proof of (2).

Fix . Then by (d), and since by assumption. If is abelian, then it is elementary abelian of rank by assumption, and hence by (1). In particular, , since is both cyclic and elementary abelian.

Now assume is nonabelian, and fix . Then , so , and since by assumption. By (d), there is such that . Then (since ), and

where the last inequality holds by (1) since is abelian and not contained in . Thus, . Also,

the equality holds by (1), and the inequality since and automorphisms preserve normality. Since strictly contains and

this last inequality is an equality. Thus , and by assumption.

Proof of (3).

Fix . Set if is abelian, and if is nonabelian. In either case, is elementary abelian of rank , and is the set of subgroups of index in which contain . Thus . Set

Fix an element . By (2), either (if ) or (if ). In the first case choose , and in the second case . Since for all , we have in both cases by (2), and so . (In either case, by the description of .) Thus , since by (c). Moreover, centralizes since . Also, for each , either

, , , and ; or

, , , and .

In all cases, , so , and this shows that the subgroup generated by permutes the subgroups transitively.

By (d), there is an element of which sends to some other subgroup in . We have already seen that the subgroups all lie in the same -orbit, so also lies in this orbit, and thus permutes the subgroups in transitively. In particular, if , and is such that , then is the identity on and permutes the other subgroups in transitively.

Proof of (4).

Assume is such that . We must show that . Let be such that . If , then the result follows from (c).

Otherwise, set if is abelian, and otherwise. Since and are two distinct elements of , and since ,

Since , we have , and hence either or . Also, since , and are either both contained in or neither is contained in . They cannot both be contained in if , since that would imply that and hence that is -invariant. Thus neither nor can be equal to (either they are both equal to or neither is contained in ); and since , this shows that is distinct from both and . So there is a subgroup , distinct from and , and which contains . By (3), there is some such that , and such that . Thus and , and for some by (c) again.

Proof of (5).

Set . Thus by (2). If , where but are not contained in , then for some . So since (and ), and hence normalizes since is the unique subgroup of of rank which is normal in . Then normalizes , and hence is the restriction of an element of by (c).

Points (6), (7), and (8).

In all of these cases, we are given subgroups and a morphism . Write as a composite of isomorphisms

where each is conjugation by an element of , or is a restriction of an element of for some . We can assume, for each , that for some ; otherwise and are both conjugation by elements of (since they cannot be restrictions of automorphisms in any ), and hence can be replaced by their composite.

In each of the three cases, we will show that we also can assume that

Then for each , and are contained in the same : by definition if , or by point (b) if . Thus are all contained in the same subgroup , and by (5), for each .

Proof of (6).

We assume here that , and that and are not -conjugate to any subgroup of . Fix , and write it as a composite as in (). Then () holds by assumption, so for all by the above remarks, and for all by (5). Thus .

Proof of (7).

Fix , decomposed as a composite of the form (). If , then we can assume that () holds, since otherwise () can be split as a composite of chains of this same form. If (i.e., no intermediate groups), then by (4). So assume , and let be such that and for each . Since , , and , the morphisms and cannot be conjugation by elements of and hence are both in . Hence , , and so by (4).

Now assume that , and that are not -conjugate to any subgroup of . In particular, () holds, and by the above remarks we can assume that each of the groups is a subgroup of some fixed . If is conjugation by an element of , then it sends to (since ); and since this property is also satisfied by , it is satisfied by the remaining composite . A similar argument applies to , and shows that we can assume that neither nor is conjugation by an element of , since otherwise we could remove them and focus attention on the composite of the other morphisms. Then and are restrictions of elements of (by (b), the subgroups cannot be contained in any other element of ), and hence . So by (6), and thus by (4).

Proof of (8).

We are given which is -conjugate to a subgroup of , and must construct such that . This is clear if (choose ). So assume that is abelian, not contained in , but -conjugate to a subgroup . Choose , decomposed as a composite of the form (). We can assume that () holds, since otherwise we can drop all terms in the chain after the first occurrence of a subgroup . As noted above, we can assume that there is some such that for all and for all . Also, since and , cannot be conjugation by an element of , so , and .

Thus, there is a subgroup ( or ), together with isomorphisms and . Write for some ; then normalizes (recall that ), so , and extends to . Also, extends to an automorphism of , and so we will be done upon showing that . If is elementary abelian of rank , then (since and are distinct subgroups of of the same order), so , and by (1). Otherwise, since is abelian and not contained in , and so by (1) again.

Proof of (9).

Assume otherwise; i.e., , but is -conjugate to some . Then by (1), and the assumption that ,

and so is not fully centralized in .

Step 2: We are now ready to prove, using Lemma 1.4, that is saturated. We first show that condition (I) holds. If , then by (7), , and any other subgroup is -conjugate to only if it is -conjugate to . Also, by (9), if is -conjugate to , then cannot be fully centralized in . Thus, by condition (I) applied to the saturated fusion system , there is which is -conjugate to , fully centralized in (hence in ), and such that is a Sylow -subgroup in . Hence (I) holds in this case.

It remains to consider those which are not -conjugate to any subgroup of . Each such subgroup is fully centralized in , since by (1), for all -conjugate to . Hence, to prove (I), it remains to show that each such subgroup is -conjugate to some such that . If is not -conjugate to a subgroup of any , then by definition, and is -conjugate to a subgroup such that since is saturated. So assume for some . Then by (6), . Also, by (c), the index of in is the order of the -orbit of , which is equal to by (3). In particular, since for all conjugate to , is fully normalized in , and hence

Thus is the fusion system of a group. By condition (I) applied to this fusion system, there is in the -orbit of (hence -conjugate to ) such that the group is a Sylow -subgroup of the group . Thus , and this finishes the proof of (I).

Finally, we prove condition (II). Fix such that is fully centralized in , and set

Set . By (8), there is such that . Since , we can replace by and arrange that . This must be an equality, since otherwise , so and , and by (9) this contradicts the assumption that is fully centralized in . Thus . Also, by (9) again, either or they are not -conjugate to any subgroup of . Hence by (7), and this extends to a morphism since is saturated.

Proposition 9.1 provides a tool for directly constructing saturated fusion systems and -local finite groups. We will also need to show that the fusion systems we construct (some of them, at least) are not the fusion systems of finite groups. This will be done via reduction to a question about finite simple groups, and then referring to the classification theorem.

If is a fusion system over , then a normal subgroup will be called strongly closed in if no element of is -conjugate to any element of . A finite group is almost simple if it is an extension of a nonabelian simple group by outer automorphisms. Equivalently, is almost simple if there is a nonabelian simple subgroup such that .

Lemma 9.2.

Let be a fusion system over a nonabelian -group such that contains no proper strongly closed subgroups. Assume also that does not factor as a product of two or more subgroups which are permuted transitively by . Then if is the fusion system of a finite group, it is the fusion system of a finite almost simple group.


Assume that for some finite group with , and that is a subgroup of minimal order with this property. Let be a minimal nontrivial normal subgroup. Then must be a strongly closed subgroup of , and by assumption either or . If , then is also the fusion system of , which contradicts the minimality assumption. Hence . Also, since is minimal, it is a product of nonabelian simple groups isomorphic to each other Reference Go, Theorem 2.1.5 which must be permuted transitively by (since otherwise is not minimal). Then must be simple by the assumption that does not factor. Thus , so by the minimality assumption since and have the same fusion system. This shows that , and thus that is almost simple.

We now give some examples of “exotic” -local finite groups which can be constructed using Proposition 9.1. Throughout the rest of the section, we use to denote the -adic valuation of an integer . In other words,

For each odd prime and any , we regard as a -representation in the obvious way, and regard as the subrepresentation of all -tuples whose sum is zero. When , the diagonal subspace of is contained in and is fixed by . We let denote the resulting quotient representation. An easy calculation shows that the semidirect product contains just one conjugacy class of subgroups of order not in , while for or , contains exactly conjugacy classes of subgroups of order not in . For example, when , representatives for these conjugacy classes can be obtained by choosing one such element of order , and conjugating it by a set of coset representatives for in . More generally, we consider as a representation of the wreath product , and as a representation of (regarded as a subgroup of the wreath product). However, the group contains only two conjugacy classes of subgroups of order not in , since of the conjugacy classes in fuse in this larger group.

We have chosen this notation since it seems the most natural for describing these groups and representations, although it does lead to mixed additive and multiplicative notation in the groups and fusion systems constructed in the following example.

Example 9.3.

Consider the following table:

1, 2 ——
(, )

For each pair as given above, where is regarded as a group of automorphisms of , set , and fix some . Let be a nonempty set of elements of order in distinct -conjugacy classes in , and set for each . Let be as described in the table. Then

is a saturated fusion system over , and has a unique associated centric linking system. Furthermore, is not the fusion system of a finite group, except for the cases where otherwise indicated.


In all cases, the conditions of Proposition 9.1 are satisfied, so is a saturated fusion system, and the existence and uniqueness of an associated centric linking system follows from Corollary 3.5. Furthermore, contains no proper strongly closed subgroups. So by Lemma 9.2, if is the fusion system of a finite group, then it must be the fusion system of a finite almost simple group.

Using Proposition 9.5, we see that the only finite almost simple groups which could have such fusion systems are the groups , , and . We leave it as an exercise to show that the first example listed above is the fusion system of , and focus attention on the other cases.

Let be a prime power such that and , and regard as a subgroup of in the obvious way. Clearly, is prime to , and so any is also a Sylow -subgroup of . Fix of order . Let be the subgroup generated by , together with a permutation matrix in of order . Let be diagonal matrices with , and set . Then are -conjugacy class representatives for the elementary abelian subgroups of not contained in and of rank . Set : the group of automorphisms of determinant one.

Let be the inverse image of ; these are all extraspecial groups of order and exponent . For each ,

since for each which is the identity on its center, the two irreducible -dimensional -representations defined by the inclusion and by are isomorphic. Thus for each , and hence

Let be the set of subgroups of which are -centric, -radical, and fully normalized in . By Alperin’s fusion theorem (cf. Theorem A.10), all morphisms in are composites of restrictions of automorphisms of subgroups in . It is not hard to check that the only elements of are , , and the subgroups conjugate to the . Since , this shows that for all . It now follows that .

The following is a slightly more complicated example, also constructed using Proposition 9.1.

Example 9.4.

Fix and , and set . Fix , and let be the cyclic subgroups of order and , respectively. Let be the group of permutation matrices in with nonzero entries in and determinant in . Thus, (the wreath product), and is a subgroup of index in . Let be the subgroup of order generated by the matrix of the cyclic permutation . Set and , and . Let be the nonabelian subgroup of order generated by , together with for of order , and some element in of order . Let be the group of all automorphisms of which are the identity on , and set

Then is a saturated fusion system over , and has a unique associated centric linking system. If, in addition, , then is not the fusion system of any finite group.


The hypotheses of Proposition 9.1 are easily checked, and hence is a saturated fusion system. The existence and uniqueness of an associated centric linking system follow from Corollary 3.5. If is the fusion system of a finite group , then by Lemma 9.2, can be chosen to be almost simple. Using Proposition 9.5 below, we now check that if , then is not the fusion system of any finite group.

If , and is a prime power such that but , then one can show that is isomorphic to the fusion system of . The argument is similar to that used in the proof of Example 9.3 to show that a certain fusion system is the fusion system of . Using Table 2 in Proposition 9.5 below, one can find other groups whose fusion systems are isomorphic to or for other values of .

It now remains to list, using the classification theorem, those finite simple groups which have Sylow subgroups of the type encountered above. Recall that a finite abelian -group is homocyclic if it is isomorphic to a product of cyclic groups of the same order.

Proposition 9.5.

Fix an odd prime , a finite simple group , and , such that is not abelian, but contains an abelian homocyclic subgroup of rank and index . Then must be one of the triples listed in Tables 1 and 2. In all cases, is a prime power prime to , is the order of in the group , and . Table 1 includes all cases except those where is an alternating group, or a classical group in characteristic .

The remaining cases are covered by Table 2, where we set

Also, means that the group is isomorphic either to or to an index 2 subgroup of . In all cases in Table 2, .

Table 1.
Table 2.
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0pt} \begin{SVG} \begin{tabular}{ | c | c | c | c | } \hline$G$ & $r$ & Conditions & $N(A)/C(A)$ \\ \hline$A_n$ & $[n/p]$ & $p^2\le n\le2p^2-1$ & $\eta C_{p-1}^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline$\mathit{PSL}_{n}(q)$ & {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}$\begin{array}{cl}p-2&\text{($n=p$, $\ell=1$)}\\n-1& \text{($n>p$)}\end{array}$} & $k=1,\quad p\le n\le2p-1$ & $\Sigma_n$ \\ \hline$\mathit{PSL}_{n}(q)$ & $[n/k]$ & $k>1,\quad kp\le n\le2kp-1$ & $C_k^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline$\mathit{PSU}_{n}(q)$ & {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}$\begin{array}{cl}p-2&\text{($n=p$, $\ell=1$)}\\n-1& \text{($n>p$)}\end{array}$} & $k=2,\quad p\le n\le2p-1$ & $\Sigma_n$ \\ \hline$\mathit{PSU}_{n}(q)$ & $[n/k'']$ & $k\ne2,\quad k''p\le n\le2k''p-1$ & $C_{k''}^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline$\mathit{PSp}_{2n}(q)$ & $[n/k']$ & $k'p\le n\le2k'p-1$ & $C_{2k'}^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline$P\Omega_{2n+1}(q)$ & $[n/k']$ & $k'p\le n\le2k'p-1$ & $C_{2k'}^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline$P\Omega^+_{2n}(q)$ & {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}$\begin{array}{cl} [n/k']-1 & \text{$k|2n$, $k{\nmid}n$} \\ {}[n/k'] & \text{otherwise} \end{array}$} & {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}$\begin{array}{cl}k'p\le n \le2k'p-1&\text{($k$ odd)}\\ k'p+1 \le n \le2k'p-1&\text{($k$ even)}\end{array}$} & $\eta C_{2k'}^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline$P\Omega^-_{2n}(q)$ & {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}$\begin{array}{cl} [n/k']-1 & \text{if $k|n$} \\ {}[n/k'] & \text{otherwise} \end{array}$} & {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}$\begin{array}{cl}k'p+1 \le n\le2k'p&\text{($k$ odd)}\\ k'p\le n\le2k'p&\text{($k$ even)}\end{array}$} & $\eta C_{2k'}^r\rtimes\Sigma_r$ \\ \hline\end{tabular} \end{SVG}

When , then , and this is an easy exercise. In the other cases, we first look for all simple groups such that (mod ), where , and is the largest power of dividing .

The -ranks of the other simple groups are given in Reference GL, 10-1 & 10-2 for groups of Lie type and characteristic different from , in Reference GLS, Table 3.3.1 for groups of Lie type and characteristic , and in Reference GLS, Table 5.6.1 for the sporadic groups. (The -ranks for odd of the sporadic groups other than and are also given in Reference GL, p. 123.) Together with the formulas for the orders of the groups (see Reference GLS, Table 2.2), one gets most of the information needed to construct the lists in Tables 1 and 2.

In particular, among pairs such that is a sporadic simple group or a simple group of Lie type in characteristic , the only cases where (mod ) and (in the above notation) occur for the pairs , , , , , and . The groups , , and contain extraspecial subgroups of order , , and , respectively Reference GLS, Tables 5.3, and hence their Sylow subgroups do not have abelian normal subgroups of index . One easily checks that a Sylow -subgroup of has no index abelian subgroup, and so this leaves the two cases listed in the last two rows of Table 1.

When , regarded as the (projective) group of isometries of , we can take to be the subgroup of isometries which are the identity on and on , and the group of isometries which send to itself. Thus in we have , and hence . When , the description of is found, for example, in the Atlas Reference Atl. The descriptions of for the groups of exceptional Lie type in Table 1 are given in Reference LSS, Table 5.2.

For the groups of Lie type and characteristic different from , the above argument requires some more explanation. For each Lie “type” , the order of the universal central extension of can be written in the form

where is the number of positive roots, and denotes the -th cyclotomic polynomial. Thus, , where the product is taken over the primitive -th roots of unity, and

The multiplicities are given explicitly in Reference GL, Tables 10-1 & 10-2, and they also follow easily from any table of the orders of these groups (such as Reference GLS, Table 2.2) using the relations in (1). By Reference GL, 10-2(2), for odd , the -rank of is equal to , where . More precisely (and with certain listed exceptions of rank ), any Sylow -subgroup of contains a unique maximal abelian subgroup of the form , where and . Thus, itself satisfies the hypotheses of the proposition only if the product of the for is divisible by but not by .

Clearly, only if ; and via induction (and relation (1)) one checks that for not of the form , and that for . Hence satisfies the conditions of the proposition only if

This condition is easily checked for the nonclassical groups using Table 10-2 in Reference GL, and for the classical groups (with a bit more difficulty) using Table 10-1.

In all cases, is determined by regarding the -representation on the appropriate vector space. For example, all irreducible linear -representations of are -dimensional, and come from regarding as a subgroup of . The centralizer of this subgroup in is , and the normalizer is (the semidirect product with the group of field automorphisms). Thus, when and , then is isomorphic to the wreath product . Furthermore, elements can be chosen in with arbitrary determinant, so remains unchanged when we replace by .

The arguments for the other classical groups are similar. For example, the minimal such that or has -torsion is , which is seen by giving an explicit quadratic or symplectic form over . (This can be made into a form over any subfield of by composing with the trace.) The argument for the unitary groups is similar, where is the minimal dimension such that has -torsion. The determination of for unitary groups is helped by the observation that and all occur as subgroups of .

Appendix A. Properties of saturated fusion systems

We collect here some results on saturated fusion systems which are needed elsewhere in the paper. All of the results presented here are due to Lluís Puig (see Reference Pu, §1 or Reference Pu2, §§2–3).

Let be a fusion system over a -group . For any subgroup and any group of automorphisms , we set

and define the -normalizer of in to be the subgroup

In particular, is the usual normalizer, and is the centralizer. Also, if is any monomorphism, we write

Definition A.1.

Let be any fusion system over . For any and any , we say that is fully -normalized in if for all .

In particular, is fully centralized in if and only if it is fully -normalized, and is fully normalized in if and only if it is fully -normalized. This definition of a fully -normalized subgroup is more restrictive than Puig’s definition Reference Pu2, §2.3, but it is equivalent to his definition in the case of saturated fusion systems.

For example, if for some finite group with Sylow -subgroup , and if is a -subgroup of and a subgroup of automorphisms, then is fully -normalized in if and only if .

Proposition A.2.

Let be a saturated fusion system over a -group . Fix subgroups and . Then the following hold:


is fully -normalized in if and only if is fully centralized in and


Fix , and set and . If is fully -normalized in , then there are homomorphisms and such that .


We first prove


There are a subgroup and an isomorphism such that is fully centralized in and

To see this, choose such that is fully normalized. Then, by condition (I) in Definition 1.2, is fully centralized and . Hence there is such that

So if we set and for short, then

(a) If is fully centralized in and , then for all we have , and hence

Thus is fully -normalized in .

Conversely, assume is fully -normalized in . By (c), there is a homomorphism such that is fully centralized in and



So all of these inequalities are equalities, is fully centralized, and .

(b) Now assume that is such that is fully -normalized in . Clearly is fully -normalized in , and so upon replacing by we can assume that . Since is a Sylow -subgroup of , there is some such that

Since is fully centralized in , condition (II) now applies to show that extends to a homomorphism , where

Finally, if , then , so , and (b) follows.

Condition (I) in Definition 1.2 implies that for any saturated fusion system over we have , and hence has order prime to . Together with Proposition A.2, this implies that any fusion system which is saturated according to Definition 1.2 is a “full Frobenius system” according to Puig’s definition Reference Pu, Reference Pu2. Conversely, if is a full Frobenius system over under Puig’s definition, then for each and each , Puig’s results together with our Proposition A.2(a) imply that is fully -normalized in if and only if is fully -normalized in our sense; and using this, one sees that is saturated in our sense. So the two definitions are equivalent.

For any and , we now consider the -normalizer of in , defined to be a fusion system over the -normalizer of in .

Definition A.3.

Let be a fusion system over . For each and each , let (the -normalizer of in ) be the fusion system over defined by setting, for all ,

In particular, we write and , the normalizer and centralizer of in . For example, if for some finite group and some , then for any ,

We next show that if is a saturated fusion system over , is fully -normalized in , and , then is a saturated fusion system over . Two lemmas will be needed.

Lemma A.4.

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Fix and such that is fully -normalized in . Then for any

is fully -normalized in .


The homomorphism sends into . In particular,

and so is fully -normalized in .

It is not in general true (not even for fusion systems of groups) that if is fully -normalized in , then it is fully -normalized in for subgroups . For example, if we set , fix any , let be the normal subgroup of order four, and set for some Sylow 2-subgroup , then is fully normalized in but not fully -normalized. However, the next lemma shows that the property of being fully -normalized is inherited by normal subgroups.

Lemma A.5.

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Let and be such that is fully -normalized in . Then for all , is also fully -normalized in .


It is an elementary fact that if and , then . By Proposition A.2(a), is fully centralized and

Also, . Hence is a Sylow -subgroup of , so is fully -normalized in by Proposition A.2(a) again.

We are now ready to show

Proposition A.6.

Let be any saturated fusion system over . Fix and such that is fully -normalized in . Then is saturated as a fusion system over .


For each and each , set


and the restriction map

is surjective.

We will prove that is saturated using Lemma 1.4, i.e., by showing that conditions (I) and (II) hold.

Step 1: We first prove that for each and each , there is some such that is fully -normalized in . To see this, choose any such that is fully -normalized in , and set for short. Since is fully -normalized in , there are homomorphisms

such that (Proposition A.2(b)). Then

Set . Then , since and . Finally, by Lemma A.4, is fully -normalized in .

Step 2: We now prove condition (I) in Lemma 1.4. We need to show that for each , there is some morphism such that is fully centralized in and .

Write for short. By Step 1, there is

such that is fully -normalized in . In particular, since , Lemma A.5 implies that is fully -normalized in . Furthermore, as subgroups of , where denotes the trivial subgroup first of and then of . Equation (1), applied to and with , thus implies that

For any other we have

by the same argument, and hence

since is fully -normalized in ; and thus is fully centralized in .

Since is fully -normalized in ,

by Proposition A.2(b). Also, by (1) (and since ); and hence

by (2). We have already shown that is fully centralized in , and so this finishes the proof of condition (I).

Step 3: It remains to prove condition (II). We first claim that

To see this, assume is fully -normalized in , and use Step 1 to choose such that is fully -normalized in . Then

where the three equalities hold by (1) and since , and the inequality holds since is fully -normalized. So is fully -normalized in since is fully -normalized in .

Now fix , and assume that is fully centralized in . Set



Set . Then

and thus

Since is fully centralized in , this (together with Proposition A.2(a)) shows that it is fully -normalized in . Hence is fully -normalized in by (3). By definition of , there exists such that and . Also, , and hence by Proposition A.2(b) there are homomorphisms

such that . Set . Then (since ), and hence . Since , there is some such that ; and thus extends to

This finishes the proof of condition (II).

Recall, for any fusion system over a -group , that a subgroup is called -centric if for each . In other words, is -centric if each subgroup in the -conjugacy class of contains its -centralizer. In particular, if is -centric, then every containing is -centric; and hence every such that is -centric.

Lemma A.7.

Let be a fusion system over a -group . Then every -centric subgroup is fully centralized in . Conversely, if is fully centralized in , then is -centric.


The first claim is immediate, since if is -centric, then the centralizers in of -conjugates of are all isomorphic.

To prove the converse, set for short. We must show that for all . Fix such a , and set and . Then , and since is fully centralized in this must be an equality. Hence , so , and .

If is the fusion system of a finite group over a Sylow -subgroup , then a subgroup is -centric if and only if is -centric in , i.e., if and only if . This follows immediately from the observation that for any , one has for some conjugate to in (see Reference BLO, Lemma A.5).

The following proposition gives one important property of -centric subgroups.

Proposition A.8.

Let be a saturated fusion system over the -group . Then for each -centric subgroup , each , and each such that , there is some such that .


Assume first that . Then for each , and are equal on , and thus modulo , and (since is -centric). In particular, this shows that . So upon replacing by , we can assume that and .

Set . Since , each must induce the identity on , and hence is a -group (cf. Reference Go, Corollary 5.3.3). We can assume that is fully -normalized in : otherwise replace it by some other subgroup in the same -conjugacy class. Then since is a -group. So for some , and since .

If is not normal in , then there is a subnormal sequence , and hence elements such that for each .

If is a finite group then a -subgroup is called -radical if is -reduced, namely, if . Here, as usual, denotes the maximal normal -subgroup. Radical subgroups can also be defined in the context of fusion systems.

Definition A.9.

For any fusion system over a -group , a subgroup is called -radical if is -reduced, i.e., if .

Note that when is a finite group, , and , then a subgroup is -radical when , while is -radical when . In general, these two conditions are independant. If, however, is -centric (equivalently -centric) and -radical, then it is also -radical.

The following is one version of Alperin’s fusion theorem for saturated fusion systems, one which suffices for our purposes here. A stronger version has been shown by Puig Reference Pu2, Corollary 3.9.

Theorem A.10 (Alperin’s fusion theorem for saturated fusion systems).

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Then for each morphism in , there exist sequences of subgroups of

and elements , such that


is fully normalized in , -radical, and -centric for each ;


and for each ; and




By downward induction on the order of . The claim is clear for .

Assume . Let be any subgroup which is -conjugate to and fully normalized in , and fix . The theorem holds for if it holds for and for . So we are thus reduced to proving the theorem when the target group is fully normalized in .

Since is fully normalized, there are homomorphisms and such that and (Proposition A.2(b)). Since (since ), the theorem holds for (as an isomorphism to its image) by the induction hypothesis. So it holds for if and only if it holds for . Hence it now remains only to prove it when is fully normalized in and .

In particular, is fully centralized in by condition (I) in Definition 1.2. So if is not -centric, then by condition (II) in Definition 1.2, extends to a morphism . Clearly, , so we can regard this as an automorphism . Since , the theorem holds for by the induction hypothesis.

Now assume that is not -radical. Set . Since is fully normalized in , , and so . In particular, since . Also, for each we have since . So by condition (II) again, extends to an automorphism of , and the theorem again holds for by the induction hypothesis.

Finally, if and is a fully normalized -centric -radical subgroup of , then the theorem holds for trivial reasons.

Mathematical Fragments

Theorem E (Corollary 3.5).

Fix a saturated fusion system over a -group . If , then there exists a centric linking system associated to , and if , then the associated centric linking system is unique.

Definition 1.1.

A fusion system over a finite -group is a category whose objects are the subgroups of , and whose morphism sets satisfy the following conditions:


for all .


Every morphism in factors as an isomorphism in followed by an inclusion.

Definition 1.2.

Let be a fusion system over a -group .

A subgroup is fully centralized in if for all that are -conjugate to .

A subgroup is fully normalized in if for all that are -conjugate to .

is a saturated fusion system if the following two conditions hold:


Any which is fully normalized in is fully centralized in , and .


If and are such that is fully centralized, and if we set

then there is such that .

Lemma 1.4.

Let be a fusion system over a -group which satisfies condition (II) in Definition 1.2, and also satisfies the condition


Each subgroup is -conjugate to a fully centralized subgroup such that .

Then is a saturated fusion system.

Lemma 1.5.

If and are saturated fusion systems over and , respectively, then is a saturated fusion system over .

Definition 1.7.

Let be a fusion system over the -group . A centric linking system associated to is a category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , together with a functor

and “distinguished” monomorphisms for each -centric subgroup , which satisfy the following conditions.


is the identity on objects and surjective on morphisms. More precisely, for each pair of objects , acts freely on by composition (upon identifying with ), and induces a bijection


For each -centric subgroup and each , sends to .


For each and each , the following square commutes in :

Definition 1.8.

A -local finite group is a triple , where is a saturated fusion system over the -group and is a centric linking system associated to . The classifying space of the -local finite group is the space .

Lemma 1.10.

Fix a -local finite group , and let be the projection. Fix -centric subgroups in . Then the following hold.


Fix any sequence of morphisms in , and let and be arbitrary liftings. Then there is a unique morphism such that

and furthermore .


If are such that the homomorphisms and are conjugate (differ by an element of ), then there is a unique element such that in .

Proposition 1.12.

Let be any -local finite group. Then is -good. Also, the composite

induced by the inclusion , is surjective.

Proposition 2.2.

Fix a saturated fusion system and an associated centric linking system , and let be the projection functor. Let

be the left homotopy Kan extension over of the constant functor . Then is a homotopy lifting of the homotopy functor , and

More generally, if is any full subcategory, and is the full subcategory with , then

Proposition 2.3.

A saturated fusion system has an associated centric linking system if and only if the homotopy functor on lifts to .

Definition 2.4.

Fix a -local finite group , and a subgroup which is fully centralized in . Define to be the category whose objects are the -centric subgroups , and where is the set of those morphisms whose underlying homomorphisms are the identity on and send into .

Proposition 2.5.

Fix a saturated fusion system over a -group , and a subgroup which is fully centralized in . Then the following hold:


A subgroup is -centric if and only if and is -centric; and if this holds then .


is a saturated fusion system over .


If is a centric linking system associated to , then is a centric linking system associated to .

Theorem 2.6.

Fix a -local finite group . Let be the full subcategory of whose objects are the nontrivial elementary abelian -subgroups of which are fully centralized in . For each such , let be the category whose objects are the pairs for in and , and where

Then the natural map

induced by the forgetful functors , is a homotopy equivalence. Also, for each , the functor induces a homotopy equivalence .

Proposition 3.1.

Fix a saturated fusion system over the -group . Then there is an element such that has an associated centric linking system if and only if . Also, if there are any centric linking systems associated to , then the group acts freely and transitively on the set of all isomorphism classes of centric linking systems associated to ; i.e., on the set of all isomorphism classes of triples as in Definition 1.7.

Proposition 3.2.

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Let

be any functor which vanishes except on the isomorphism class of some fixed -centric subgroup . Then

Definition 3.3.

A category has bounded limits at if there is an integer such that for every functor we have for .

Corollary 3.4.

Let be any saturated fusion system. Then the -centric orbit category has bounded limits at .

Corollary 3.5.

Let be any saturated fusion system over a -group . If , then there exists a centric linking system associated to . If , then there exists a unique centric linking system associated to .

Corollary 3.6.

Fix a -local finite group . Let be a full subcategory which contains all -radical -centric subgroups of . Assume also that if and , then . Then the inclusion is a mod homology equivalence.

Lemma 4.1.

Fix a prime , and let be a group of order . Let be a finite category with bounded limits at , and let

be a functor such that for each in , and are both -complete and have finite mod cohomology in each degree. Then the natural map

is a homotopy equivalence.

Proposition 4.2.

Fix a prime and a -group . Let be a finite category with bounded limits at , and let

be a functor such that for each in and each , is -complete and has finite mod cohomology in each degree. Then the natural map

is a homotopy equivalence. Here, denotes the functor which sends to .

Proposition 4.3.

Fix a -local finite group and a finite -group . Let be any full subcategory, and let be the full subcategory with . Let be the category whose objects are the pairs for and , and where

Let be the functor defined by setting

Then the map

adjoint to is a homotopy equivalence.

Theorem 4.4.

Let be a -local finite group, and let be the natural inclusion followed by completion. Then the following hold, for any -group .


Each map is homotopic to for some .


Given any two homomorphisms , as maps from to if and only if there is some such that .


For each such that is -centric, the composite

induces a homotopy equivalence


The evaluation map induces a homotopy equivalence

Corollary 4.5.

Fix a -local finite group , and let be the natural inclusion followed by completion. Then the map

defined by sending the class of to , is a bijection.

Proposition 5.1.

For any fusion system over a -group , restriction to elementary abelian subgroups defines -isomorphisms

Proposition 5.2.

For any fusion system over a -group , the ring is noetherian, and is finitely generated as an -module.

Lemma 5.3.

For any -local finite group , is the limit of a spectral sequence of -modules, where each column in the -term is a finite sum of copies of for subgroups , and where the -term has only a finite number of nonzero columns. Also, the induced homomorphism

is an -isomorphism, and is finitely generated as an -module via .

Lemma 5.4.

Fix a saturated fusion system over a -group , and let be a set of subgroups of such that for each , all subgroups of and all subgroups -conjugate to are also in . Assume is an -set with the property that for all which are -conjugate and not in , . Then there is an -set such that for each pair of -conjugate subgroups , and such that for all not in . In particular, for all and all , as a -set via restriction is isomorphic to as a -set via .

Proposition 5.5.

For any saturated fusion system over a -group , there is an -biset with the following properties:


Each indecomposable component of is of the form for some and some .


For each and each , and are isomorphic as -bisets.



Furthermore, for any biset which satisfies these properties, is an idempotent in , is -linear and a homomorphism of modules over the Steenrod algebra; and

Lemma 5.6.

Fix a -local finite group for which there is a central subgroup of order (i.e., ). Let be the induced fusion system over . Let be the category whose objects are the subgroups such that is -centric, and where

Let and be the full subcategories whose objects are those and , respectively, such that is -centric. Then the following hold:


is a saturated fusion system, and is a centric linking system associated to .


is a fibration sequence.


The inclusion is a homotopy equivalence.


If is computed by stable elements, then is computed by stable elements.

Lemma 5.7.

Fix a -local finite group , and let be the subring of stable elements for . Let be an elementary abelian subgroup which is fully centralized in , and let be the map induced by inclusion. Then there is an isomorphism

which is the restriction of the homomorphism

induced by the natural homomorphism .

Theorem 5.8.

For any -local finite group , the natural homomorphism

is an isomorphism, and the ring is noetherian.

Definition 6.1.

Fix a -local finite group , and a subgroup which is fully normalized in . Let be the category whose objects are the -centric subgroups of , and where

A projection functor is defined to be the inclusion on objects, and to send to . For each -centric subgroup , the distinguished monomorphism is defined to be the restriction of the distinguished monomorphism for .

Theorem 6.3.

Fix a -local finite group , a finite -group , and a homomorphism such that is fully centralized in . Then

is a homotopy equivalence. In particular, is -complete.

Proposition 7.3.

The following hold for any -local finite group .


The functor is an isomorphism of categories.


The functor is an equivalence of categories.

Theorem 7.4.

If and are two -local finite groups such that , then and are isomorphic as -local finite groups. Thus the -local finite group is determined by the homotopy type of .

Theorem 7.5.

A -complete space is the classifying space of some -local finite group if and only if there are a -group and a map such that


the fusion system is saturated,


there is a homotopy equivalence , and


is a centric map for each -centric subgroup .

When these hold, is a centric linking system associated to .

Theorem 8.1.

Fix a -local finite group . Then and are equivalent as topological monoids in the sense that their classifying spaces are homotopy equivalent. In particular,

Lemma 8.2.

Let denote the forgetful functor. Then for any equivalence , is isotypical if and only if there is a natural isomorphism of functors . Also, if is isotypical, and if denotes the restriction of under the identifications and , then is a natural isomorphism of functors .

Lemma 8.3.

The composite of the functors

induces the inclusion , and the identity on

Lemma 8.4.

The map

induces monomorphisms on and on . Also, for all .

Proposition 9.1.

Fix an odd prime , a finite group , and a normal abelian -subgroup . Fix a Sylow -subgroup , and set . Assume that is nonabelian and . Thus, and . Let be a set of subgroups of such that for each , , and either or is elementary abelian of rank two. Fix, for each , a subgroup containing . Assume the following hold:


and is cyclic.


For with , no element of is -conjugate to any element of .


For each , .

Then the fusion system is saturated (where ). Furthermore, .

Lemma 9.2.

Let be a fusion system over a nonabelian -group such that contains no proper strongly closed subgroups. Assume also that does not factor as a product of two or more subgroups which are permuted transitively by . Then if is the fusion system of a finite group, it is the fusion system of a finite almost simple group.

Example 9.3.

Consider the following table:

1, 2 ——
(, )

For each pair as given above, where is regarded as a group of automorphisms of , set , and fix some . Let be a nonempty set of elements of order in distinct -conjugacy classes in , and set for each . Let be as described in the table. Then

is a saturated fusion system over , and has a unique associated centric linking system. Furthermore, is not the fusion system of a finite group, except for the cases where otherwise indicated.

Example 9.4.

Fix and , and set . Fix , and let be the cyclic subgroups of order and , respectively. Let be the group of permutation matrices in with nonzero entries in and determinant in . Thus, (the wreath product), and is a subgroup of index in . Let be the subgroup of order generated by the matrix of the cyclic permutation . Set and , and . Let be the nonabelian subgroup of order generated by , together with for of order , and some element in of order . Let be the group of all automorphisms of which are the identity on , and set

Then is a saturated fusion system over , and has a unique associated centric linking system. If, in addition, , then is not the fusion system of any finite group.

Proposition 9.5.

Fix an odd prime , a finite simple group , and , such that is not abelian, but contains an abelian homocyclic subgroup of rank and index . Then must be one of the triples listed in Tables 1 and 2. In all cases, is a prime power prime to , is the order of in the group , and . Table 1 includes all cases except those where is an alternating group, or a classical group in characteristic .

The remaining cases are covered by Table 2, where we set

Also, means that the group is isomorphic either to or to an index 2 subgroup of . In all cases in Table 2, .

Proposition A.2.

Let be a saturated fusion system over a -group . Fix subgroups and . Then the following hold:


is fully -normalized in if and only if is fully centralized in and


Fix , and set and . If is fully -normalized in , then there are homomorphisms and such that .

Definition A.3.

Let be a fusion system over . For each and each , let (the -normalizer of in ) be the fusion system over defined by setting, for all ,

Lemma A.4.

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Fix and such that is fully -normalized in . Then for any

is fully -normalized in .

Lemma A.5.

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Let and be such that is fully -normalized in . Then for all , is also fully -normalized in .

Proposition A.6.

Let be any saturated fusion system over . Fix and such that is fully -normalized in . Then is saturated as a fusion system over .

Proposition A.8.

Let be a saturated fusion system over the -group . Then for each -centric subgroup , each , and each such that , there is some such that .

Definition A.9.

For any fusion system over a -group , a subgroup is called -radical if is -reduced, i.e., if .

Theorem A.10 (Alperin’s fusion theorem for saturated fusion systems).

Let be a saturated fusion system over . Then for each morphism in , there exist sequences of subgroups of

and elements , such that


is fully normalized in , -radical, and -centric for each ;


and for each ; and




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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 55R35 (Classifying spaces of groups and -spaces)
Secondary: 55R40 (Homology of classifying spaces, characteristic classes), 20D20 (Sylow subgroups, Sylow properties, -groups, -structure)
  • Classifying space
  • -completion
  • finite groups
  • fusion.
Author Information
Carles Broto
Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E–08193 Bellaterra, Spain
Ran Levi
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Meston Building 339, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, United Kingdom
Bob Oliver
LAGA, Institut Galilée, Av. J-B Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France
Additional Notes

The first author is partially supported by MCYT grant BFM2001–2035.

The second author is partially supported by EPSRC grant GR/M7831.

The third author is partially supported by UMR 7539 of the CNRS.

All of the authors have been supported by EU grant HPRN-CT-1999-00119.

Journal Information
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 16, Issue 4, ISSN 1088-6834, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 2003 American Mathematical Society
Article References
  • Permalink
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  • DOI 10.1090/S0894-0347-03-00434-X
  • MathSciNet Review: 1992826
  • Show rawAMSref \bib{1992826}{article}{ author={Broto, Carles}, author={Levi, Ran}, author={Oliver, Bob}, title={The homotopy theory of fusion systems}, journal={J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, volume={16}, number={4}, date={2003-10}, pages={779-856}, issn={0894-0347}, review={1992826}, doi={10.1090/S0894-0347-03-00434-X}, }


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