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Mathematics of Computation

Published by the American Mathematical Society since 1960 (published as Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation 1943-1959), Mathematics of Computation is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in computational mathematics.

ISSN 1088-6842 (online) ISSN 0025-5718 (print)

The 2020 MCQ for Mathematics of Computation is 1.78.

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On the distribution of quadratic residues and nonresidues modulo a prime number
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by René Peralta PDF
Math. Comp. 58 (1992), 433-440 Request permission


Let P be a prime number and ${a_1}, \ldots ,{a_t}$ be distinct integers modulo P. Let x be chosen at random with uniform distribution in ${Z_P}$, and let ${y_i} = x + {a_i}$. We prove that the joint distribution of the quadratic characters of the ${y_i}$’s deviates from the distribution of independent fair coins by no more than $t(3 + \sqrt P )/P$. That is, the probability of $({y_1}, \ldots ,{y_t})$ matching any particular quadratic character sequence of length t is in the range ${\left ( {\frac {1}{2}} \right )^t} \pm t(3 + \sqrt P )/P$ . We establish the implications of this bound on the number of occurrences of arbitrary patterns of quadratic residues and nonresidues modulo P. We then explore the randomness complexity of finding these patterns in polynomial time. We give (exponentially low) upper bounds for the probability of failure achievable in polynomial time using, as a source of randomness, no more than one random number modulo P.
    N. S. Aladov, On the distribution of quadratic residues and nonresidues of a prime number p in the sequence $1,2, \ldots ,p - 1$, Mat. Sb. 18 (1896), 61-75. (Russian)
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  • Carl Friedrich Gauss, Disquisitiones arithmeticae, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986. Translated and with a preface by Arthur A. Clarke; Revised by William C. Waterhouse, Cornelius Greither and A. W. Grootendorst and with a preface by Waterhouse. MR 837656
  • Richard H. Hudson, On the first occurrence of certain patterns of quadratic residues and nonresidues, Israel J. Math. 44 (1983), no. 1, 23–32. MR 693652, DOI 10.1007/BF02763169
  • R. Peralta, On the randomness complexity of algorithms, Technical Report TR90-1, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1990.
  • Wolfgang M. Schmidt, Equations over finite fields. An elementary approach, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 536, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1976. MR 0429733
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Additional Information
  • © Copyright 1992 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Math. Comp. 58 (1992), 433-440
  • MSC: Primary 11Y16; Secondary 11A15
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 1106978