A two-grid discretization scheme for eigenvalue problems

By Jinchao Xu and Aihui Zhou


A two-grid discretization scheme is proposed for solving eigenvalue problems, including both partial differential equations and integral equations. With this new scheme, the solution of an eigenvalue problem on a fine grid is reduced to the solution of an eigenvalue problem on a much coarser grid, and the solution of a linear algebraic system on the fine grid and the resulting solution still maintains an asymptotically optimal accuracy.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to present some discretization techniques based on two finite element spaces for solving eigenvalue problems, including both partial differential equations and integral equations.

The two-grid method used for discretization was first introduced by Xu Reference 13Reference 15Reference 16 for nonsymmertic and nonlinear elliptic problems. Later on, it was further investigated by many other authors, for instance, Axelsson and Layton Reference 2 for nonlinear elliptic problems, Dawson and Wheeler Reference 7 and Dawson, Wheeler and Woodward Reference 8 for finite difference scheme for parabolic equations, Layton and Lenferink Reference 9 and Utnes Reference 12 for Navier-Stokes equations, Marion and Xu Reference 11 for evolution equations, and Xu and Zhou Reference 17 for parallelization of two-grid discretizations.

In this paper we propose a two-grid discretization for eigenvalue problems. With the new proposed scheme, for example, solving an elliptic eigenvalue problem will not be much more difficult than the solution of some standard elliptic boundary value problem. A similar scheme can also be applied to solve integral eigenvalue problems. Our method is an iterative method, which is, in a way, related to that in Lin Reference 10. The method in this paper, however, is based on two finite element spaces with different scales.

The standard Galerkin approximation scheme for eigenvalue problems has been extensively investigated, see e.g., Babuska and Osborn Reference 3Reference 4, Chatelin Reference 5, and references cited therein, and some basic results in these papers are employed in our discussions.

In the remainder of this section, we would like to give a simple example to illustrate the main idea in this paper. Consider the following eigenvalue problem posed on a convex polygonal domain :

Let and , satisfying , be two linear finite element subspaces associated with a coarse grid and the refined grid (see Figure 1), respectively. We can employ the following algorithm to approximate the problem (Equation 1.1), say the first eigenvalue with its corresponding eigenvector and (see Sections 4 and 5):


Solve an eigenvalue problem on a coarse grid: Find such that and


Solve one single linear problem on a fine grid: Find such that


Compute the Rayleigh quotient

If, for example, is the first eigenvalue of the problem at the first step, then we can establish the following results (see Sections 4 and 5)

These estimates mean that we can obtain asymptotically optimal errors by taking .

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we shall describe some basic notation and properties of the standard finite element approximation.

Throughout this paper, we shall use the letter C (with or without subscripts) to denote a generic positive constant which may stand for different values at its different occurrences. For convenience, following Reference 14, the symbols and will be used in this paper. The expressions , and mean that , and for some constants and that are independent of the mesh parameters (and the exact eigenvalues).

Suppose that is a real Hilbert space with inner product and norm . Let be two symmetric bilinear forms on satisfying

We note that and are two equivalent norms on . We assume that the norm is relatively compact with respect to the norm

in the sense that from any sequence which is bounded in , one can extract a subsequence which is Cauchy with respect to . In the rest of this paper, we shall use and as the inner product and norm on , and denote this space by . Set

Thus is a Hilbert space with inner product and is compactly imbedded in . Construct a “negative space” given by

Then compactly, and for has a continuous extension to so that is continuous on .

We assume that is a family of finite-dimensional spaces that satisfy the following assumption: For any ,

Let be the orthogonal projection of onto defined by


If , then, by (Equation 2.3)

Let be defined by

where satisfies

We have the following results (see Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4 in Reference 3)

Lemma 2.1.


3. A standard discretization

A number is called an eigenvalue of the form relative to the form if there is a nonzero vector , called an associated eigenvector, satisfying

It is known that (Equation 3.1) has a countable sequence of real eigenvalues

and corresponding eigenvectors

which can be assumed to satisfy

In the sequence , the are repeated according to geometric multiplicity.

A standard finite element scheme for (Equation 3.1) is: Find a pair , where is a number and , satisfying

and use and as approximations to and (as ), respectively. One sees that (Equation 3.2) has a finite sequence of eigenvalues

and corresponding eigenvectors

which can be assumed to satisfy

It follows directly from the minimum-maximum principle (see Reference 4 or Reference 5) that



The following results (see p. 699 of Reference 4 and Lemma 3.7 and (3.29b) of Reference 3, or cf. Reference 5) will be employed in the coming discussions.

Proposition 3.1.

(i) For any of Equation 3.2 , there is an eigenvalue of Equation 3.1 corresponding to satisfying and


(ii) For eigenvalues,

Here and hereafter is some constant depending on but not depending on the mesh parameter .

4. A two-grid discretization

In this section, we propose a two-grid discretization for the eigenvalue problem. There is some superclose relationship between the Ritz-Galerkin projection of the eigenvector and the finite element approximation to the eigenvector:

Proposition 4.1.

From the identity

we immediately obtain the result.

Our analysis is based on the following crucial (but straightforward) property of eigenvalue and eigenvector approximation (see e.g. Lemma 3.1 of Reference 3 or Lemma 9.1 of Reference 4).

Proposition 4.2.

Let be an eigenvalue pair of Equation 3.1. For any ,

Algorithm 4.1.

Find and such that and


Find such that



Theorem 4.3.

Assume that are obtained by Algorithm 4.1. If , then





From the identity

we immediately obtain (Equation 4.3). And (Equation 4.4) follows from (Equation 4.3) and Proposition 4.2. Finally, the last two conclusions are obtained from Proposition 3.1.

5. Examples

The general two-grid discretization scheme presented in this paper can be applied to a large class of eigenvalue problems. In this section, as an illustration, we give two examples, one for a partial differential operator and another for an integral operator. Let be a bounded domain and , consisting of shape-regular simplices, be a mesh of of size .

5.1. Second order elliptic operators

Let be the standard inner product of , and let

satisfying and is uniformly positive definite on .

Set and . Define to be a space of continuous functions on and vanishing at the boundary , such that for restricted to each is a polynomial of total degree , namely

where is the space of polynomials of degree not greater than a positive integer .

We assume that . If is polygonal and convex, then



If has -smooth boundary, then better estimates can be obtained for Neumann boundary value problems (using , boundary elements fitting exactly and ):



5.2. Fredholm integral operators


be the symmetric and positive definite Fredholm integral operator on , where . Set , the standard inner product of and the completion of with respect to .

Define to be a space of continuous functions on such that for restricted to each is a polynomial of total degree , namely

In this case, we have

and hence


6. Nonselfadjoint problems

The approaches presented in the above can be applied to nonselfadjoint eigenvalue problems. We assume that is symmetric but may not be symmetric; then the following property of eigenvalue and eigenvector approximation can also be established for nonselfadjoint cases.

Proposition 6.1.

Let be an eigenvalue pair of Equation 3.1. For any ,

Note that, for instance,

and , when and is the bilinear form derived from a general elliptic problem of second order.

Hence, in this case, our approach will work well. In fact, other techniques for dealing with nonselfadjoint problems can also be employed, cf. Reference 16.

7. Numerical experiments

For illustration, in this section, we report some simple numerical experiments for a second order elliptic operator.

We consider the following eigenvalue problem:

where is the unit square domain . The eigenvalues of (Equation 7.1) are easily seen to be given by

and are associated with the eigenvectors

Set a uniform triangulation (see Figure 2) and piecewise linear finite element space as follows:

Now we apply the algorithm to solve the problem (Equation 7.1) using the fine meshes of sizes and corresponding coarse meshes of size , and apply the algorithm as described in the introduction.

If is the first eigenvalue of the problem, then by Theorem 4.3, we have

where is the standard first finite element eigenpair on .

The results shown in Table 1 are consistent with the above estimates.


The authors wish to thank H. Kim for his assistance with numerical experiments.


Figure 1.

Two grids

Graphic without alt text
Figure 2.

A triangulation

Graphic without alt text
Table 1.

A two-grid algorithm for elliptic eigenvalue problems


Mathematical Fragments

Equation (1.1)
Equation (2.3)
Equation (3.1)
Equation (3.2)
Proposition 3.1.

(i) For any of Equation 3.2 , there is an eigenvalue of Equation 3.1 corresponding to satisfying and


(ii) For eigenvalues,

Here and hereafter is some constant depending on but not depending on the mesh parameter .

Proposition 4.2.

Let be an eigenvalue pair of Equation 3.1. For any ,

Algorithm 4.1.

Find and such that and


Find such that



Theorem 4.3.

Assume that are obtained by Algorithm 4.1. If , then




Equation (7.1)


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Article Information

MSC 2000
Primary: 65L15 (Eigenvalue problems), 65N15 (Error bounds), 65N25 (Eigenvalue problems), 65N30 (Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, finite methods), 65N55 (Multigrid methods; domain decomposition)
  • Eigenvalue problems
  • finite elements
  • partial differential equations
  • integral equations
  • two-grid method
Author Information
Jinchao Xu
Center for Computational Mathematics and Applications, Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Aihui Zhou
Institute of Systems Science, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080, China
Additional Notes

This work was partially supported by NSF DMS-9706949, NSF ACI-9800244 and NASA NAG2-1236 through Penn State, and the Center for Computational Mathematics and Applications, The Pennsylvania State University, and by NSF ASC 9720257 through UCLA. The second author was also partially supported by National Science Foundation of China.

Journal Information
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 70, Issue 233, ISSN 1088-6842, published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.
Publication History
This article was received on , revised on , and published on .
Copyright Information
Copyright 1999 American Mathematical Society
Article References


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