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St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal

This journal is a cover-to-cover translation into English of Algebra i Analiz, published six times a year by the mathematics section of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

ISSN 1547-7371 (online) ISSN 1061-0022 (print)

The 2020 MCQ for St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal is 0.68.

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Functional difference equations in the problem on the forced oscillations of a fluid in an infinite pool with conical bottom
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by M. A. Lyalinov
Translated by: the author
St. Petersburg Math. J. 29 (2018), 267-287
Published electronically: March 12, 2018


The model problem under study concerns the stationary forced oscillations of a fluid of small amplitude under the action of the field of gravity in an infinite pool with sources located on its conical bottom with infiltration. A classical solution of that problem is studied in the linear approximation. By the use of the Mellin transform and expansion in spherical functions, the problem is reduced to a set of systems of functional difference equations with meromorphic coefficients that are combinations of associated Legendre functions and their derivatives. Then, the problem on systems of difference equations reduces to singular integral equations. For this, in particular, solutions of some auxiliary first order functional equations with meromorphic coefficients are computed. It is shown that the system of integral equations in question is Fredholm with index zero. Within some assumptions, the classical solution of the problem exists and is unique. Some estimates of the classical solution in the vicinity of the conic point and at infinity are obtained.
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Bibliographic Information
  • M. A. Lyalinov
  • Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University, Univesitetskaya nab. 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Email:,
  • Received by editor(s): October 10, 2016
  • Published electronically: March 12, 2018
  • Additional Notes: Supported in part by RFBR (grant no. 17-01-00668a)

  • Dedicated: Dedicated to the memory of V. S. Buslaev
  • © Copyright 2018 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: St. Petersburg Math. J. 29 (2018), 267-287
  • MSC (2010): Primary 35Q35
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 3660674