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The Brezis-Nirenberg result for the fractional Laplacian
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by Raffaella Servadei and Enrico Valdinoci PDF
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 67-102 Request permission


The aim of this paper is to deal with the non-local fractional counterpart of the Laplace equation involving critical non-linearities studied in the famous paper of Brezis and Nirenberg (1983). Namely, our model is the equation \[ \left \{ \begin {array}{ll} (-\Delta )^s u-\lambda u=|u|^{2^*-2}u & {\mbox { in }} \Omega ,\\ u=0 & {\mbox { in }} \mathbb {R}^n\setminus \Omega , \end {array} \right . \] where $(-\Delta )^s$ is the fractional Laplace operator, $s\in (0,1)$, $\Omega$ is an open bounded set of $\mathbb {R}^n$, $n>2s$, with Lipschitz boundary, $\lambda >0$ is a real parameter and $2^*=2n/(n-2s)$ is a fractional critical Sobolev exponent.

In this paper we first study the problem in a general framework; indeed we consider the equation \[ \left \{ \begin {array}{ll} \mathcal L_K u+\lambda u+|u|^{2^*-2}u+f(x, u)=0 & \mbox {in } \Omega ,\\ u=0 & \mbox {in } \mathbb {R}^n\setminus \Omega , \end {array}\right .\] where $\mathcal L_K$ is a general non-local integrodifferential operator of order $s$ and $f$ is a lower order perturbation of the critical power $|u|^{2^*-2}u$. In this setting we prove an existence result through variational techniques.

Then, as a concrete example, we derive a Brezis-Nirenberg type result for our model equation; that is, we show that if $\lambda _{1,s}$ is the first eigenvalue of the non-local operator $(-\Delta )^s$ with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary datum, then for any $\lambda \in (0, \lambda _{1,s})$ there exists a non-trivial solution of the above model equation, provided $n\geqslant 4s$. In this sense the present work may be seen as the extension of the classical Brezis-Nirenberg result to the case of non-local fractional operators.

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Additional Information
  • Raffaella Servadei
  • Affiliation: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università della Calabria, Ponte Pietro Bucci 31 B, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, Italy
  • Email:
  • Enrico Valdinoci
  • Affiliation: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Milano, Via Cesare Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy and Weierstrass Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Mohrenstrasse 39, D-10117 Berlin, Germany and Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy
  • MR Author ID: 659058
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  • Received by editor(s): December 16, 2011
  • Received by editor(s) in revised form: May 29, 2012
  • Published electronically: September 22, 2014
  • Additional Notes: The first author was supported by the MIUR National Research Project Variational and Topological Methods in the Study of Nonlinear Phenomena, and the second author by the ERC grant $\epsilon$ (Elliptic Pde’s and Symmetry of Interfaces and Layers for Odd Nonlinearities) and the FIRB project A&B (Analysis and Beyond).
  • © Copyright 2014 American Mathematical Society
    The copyright for this article reverts to public domain 28 years after publication.
  • Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 67-102
  • MSC (2010): Primary 49J35, 35A15, 35S15; Secondary 47G20, 45G05
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 3271254