Departments Again Coordinate Postdoctoral Job Offer Deadlines

The following departments in the U.S. have formally adopted an agreement to coordinate their earliest deadline for responding to postdoctoral job offers for those jobs that begin in the fall of 2025. This agreement specifically excludes tenure-track offers, and it applies only to candidates who are less than or equal to two years past the receipt of the Ph.D. The departments listed below have agreed not to require responses to postdoctoral job offers before Monday, February 10, 2025.

The agreement attempts to address the problem that sometimes faces candidates for postdoctoral positions when they are asked to respond to a job offer by a certain date and this date is before the date of announcement of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships. To avoid this problem, the NSF's Division of Mathematical Sciences has agreed to complete its review of applications and electronically notify all applicants by Friday, January 31, 2025, at the latest.

A department's appearance in the list does not necessarily mean it has postdoctoral positions available for fall 2025.

If your department would like to announce its adoption of the agreement, please send us an email at​

The list will be updated weekly through January 2025.

UPDATE February 4, 2025:

We have recently been informed that the NSF's Division of Mathematical Sciences is unable to provide a specific date by which they will notify applicants of their fellowship status for this cycle. While they have historically aimed to complete reviews and notify applications by January 31, this uncertainty introduces potential challenges for candidates and departments alike.

Given the abundance of unknowns, we encourage departments to adhere to the common deadline of February 10 before which postdoctoral candidates are not asked to decide on offers. We also hope that all departments will understand if a candidate receives delayed news affecting their choice and offer reasonable flexibility for candidates who may need additional time to make decisions.

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Institution Department
American University Mathematics & Statistics
Arizona State University School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Auburn University Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Binghamton University (SUNY) Mathematical Sciences
Bowling Green State University Mathematics & Statistics
Boston College Mathematics
Boston University Mathematics & Statistics
Brandeis University Mathematics
Brigham Young University Mathematics
Brown University Applied Mathematics
Brown University Mathematics
California Institute of Technology Mathematics
Carnegie Mellon University Mathematical Sciences
Central Michigan University Mathematics
Claremont Graduate University Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Clarkson University Mathematics & Computer Science
College of William and Mary Mathematics
Colorado School of Mines Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Colorado State University Mathematics
Columbia University Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Columbia University Mathematics
Cornell University Mathematics
CUNY Graduate Center Ph.D. Program in Mathematics
Dartmouth College Mathematics
Drexel University Mathematics
Duke University Mathematics
Elon University Mathematics and Statistics
Emory University Mathematics & Computer Science
Florida Atlantic University Mathematical Sciences
Florida State University Mathematics
Fordham University Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology School of Mathematics
Harvard University Mathematics
Idaho State University Mathematics
Illinois Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics
Illinois State University Mathematics
Indiana University, Bloomington Mathematics
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis(IUPUI) Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Study Mathematics
Iowa State University Mathematics
Johns Hopkins University Mathematics
Kent State University Mathematics & Computer Science
Lehigh University Mathematics
Louisiana State University Mathematics
Louisiana Tech University Mathematics and Statistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mathematics
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly MSRI) Mathematics
Michigan State University Mathematics
Michigan Technological University Mathematical Sciences
Missouri University of Science and Technology Mathematics & Statistics
Montana State University Mathematical Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology Mathematical Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology Applied Mathematics and Statistics
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology Mathematics
New Mexico State University Mathematical Sciences
North Carolina State University Mathematics
North Dakota State University Mathematics
Northern Illinois University Mathematical Sciences
Northeastern University Mathematics
Northwestern University Mathematics
Northwestern University Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Northern Illinois University Mathematical Sciences
Oakland University Mathematics and Statistics
Ohio State University Mathematics
Ohio University Mathematics
Oklahoma State University Mathematics
Old Dominion University Mathematics & Statistics
Oregon State University Mathematics
Pennsylvania State University Mathematics
Polytechnic Institute of New York University Mathematics
Portland State University Mathematics and Statistics
Princeton University Applied & Computational Mathematics
Princeton University Mathematics
Purdue University Mathematics
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mathematical Sciences
Rice University Mathematics
Rutgers University, New Brunswick Mathematics
Rutgers University, Newark Mathematics
Saint Louis University Mathematics and Statistics
South Dakota State University Mathematics and Statistics
Southern Illinois University Mathematics
Southern Methodist University Mathematics
Stanford University Mathematics
State University of New York, Stony Brook Applied Mathematics &Statistics
State University of New York, Stony Brook Mathematics
State University of New York, Stony Brook Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Stevens Institute of technology Mathematical Sciences
Syracuse University Mathematics
Temple University Mathematics
Texas A&M University Mathematics
Texas Tech University Mathematics and Statistics
Tufts University Mathematics
Tulane University Mathematics
University at Buffalo, SUNY Mathematics
University of Akron Theoretical & Applied Mathematics
University of Alabama, Birmingham Mathematics
University of Alabama, Huntsville Mathematical Sciences
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Mathematics
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Mathematics and Statistics
University of Albany Mathematics & Statistics
University of Arizona Mathematics
University of Arkansas Mathematical Sciences
University of California, Berkeley Mathematics
University of California, Davis Mathematics
University of California, Irvine Mathematics
University of California, Los Angeles Mathematics
University of California, Merced Applied Mathematics
University of California, Riverside Mathematics
University of California, San Diego Mathematics
University of California, Santa Barbara Mathematics
University of California, Santa Cruz Mathematics
University of Central Florida Mathematics
University of Chicago Mathematics
University of Cincinnati Mathematical Sciences
University of Colorado, Boulder Mathematics
University of Colorado, Boulder Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Mathematics
University of Colorado, Denver Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Connecticut, Storrs Mathematics
University of Delaware Mathematical Sciences
University of Denver Mathematics
University of Florida Mathematics
University of Georgia Mathematics
University of Hawaii Mathematics
University of Houston Mathematics
University of Idaho Mathematics
University of Illinois at Chicago Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Mathematics
University of Iowa Mathematics
University of Kansas Mathematics
University of Kentucky Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Mathematics
University of Louisville Mathematics
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Mathematics & Statistics
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Mathematics & Statistics
University of Maryland, College Park Mathematics
University of Memphis Mathematical Sciences
University of Miami Mathematics
University of Michigan Mathematics
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Mathematics
University of Missouri, Columbia Mathematics
University of Missouri, Kansas City Mathematics and Statistics
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Mathematics
University of New Mexico Mathematics & Statistics
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Mathematics
University of North Carolina, Charlotte Mathematics
University of North Texas Mathematics
University of Northern Colorado Mathematical Sciences
University of Notre Dame Mathematics
University of Oklahoma Mathematics
University of Oregon Mathematics
University of Pennsylvania Mathematics
University of Pittsburgh Mathematics
University of Rochester Mathematics
University of South Carolina Mathematics
University of South Florida Mathematics
University of Southern California Mathematics
University of Tennessee Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
University of Texas at Austin Mathematics
University of Texas at Arlington Mathematics
University of Utah Mathematics
University of Vermont Mathematics & Statistics
University of Virginia Mathematics
University of Washington Mathematics
University of Washington Applied Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Madison Mathematics
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Mathematical Sciences
University of Wyoming Mathematics
Utah State University Mathematics & Statistics
Vanderbilt University Mathematics
Virginia Commonwealth University Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Virginia Polytechnic Inst & SU Mathematics
Wake Forest University Mathematics
Washington State University Mathematics and Statistics
Washington University in St. Louis Mathematics
Wayne State University Mathematics
Wesleyan University Mathematics
Western Michigan University Mathematics
Wichita State University Mathematics & Statistics
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Mathematical Sciences
Wright State University Mathematics and Statistics
Yale University Mathematics

In addition to the academic departments listed above, the following research institutes offer traditional postdoctoral appointments and have also adopted the agreement:

  • Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD)
  • Institute for Advanced Study
  • Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications
  • Mathematical Sciences Research Institute