Mathematics Research Communities - 2015
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) invites mathematicians just beginning their research careers—those who are close to finishing their doctorates or have recently finished— to become part of Mathematics Research Communities, a unique and successful program that builds social and collaborative networks to inspire and sustain each other in their work. Women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to participate. The structured program engages and guides all participants as they start their careers.
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Some comments expressed by 2014 MRC participants:
"I really enjoyed the problem sessions and the participatory nature of the conference. It was really encouraging to become engaged."
"I have attended a number of conferences in my life. I learned more and did more at this meeting than I have at any of them. The open and collaborative environment was expertly maintained and very beneficial."
"It was focused on developing collaborations between young mathematicians and scientists rather than simply sharing research results."
The program includes:
- One-week summer conference for each topic
- Special Sessions at the national meeting
- Discussion networks by research topic
- Funding for additional collaborations
- Longitudinal study of early career mathematicians
Those accepted into this program will receive support (full room and board at Snowbird and up to US$700 in air transportation) for the summer conference, and will be partially supported for their participation in the Joint Mathematics Meetings which follow in January 2016. The summer conferences of the MRC are held in the breathtaking mountain setting of the Snowbird Resort, Utah, where participants can enjoy the natural beauty and a collegial atmosphere. This program is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
Week 1: June 7 – 13, 2015 - Commutative Algebra
Srikanth B. Iyengar, University of Utah
Karl Schwede, University of Utah
Liana Sega, University of Missouri—Kansas City
Gregory G. Smith, Queen’s University
Wenliang Zhang, University of Nebraska
In the past few years there has been significant progress on many different fronts of commutative algebra. Many of these developments have been inspired by new ideas and techniques coming from algebraic geometry, representation theory, and algebraic topology. These have opened up exciting new avenues of research and also a potential for collaboration between them. The workshop will focus on the following topics:
1. Singularities in positive characteristic
2. Local cohomology and D-modules
3. Methods from homotopy theory
4. Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
5. Infinite free resolutions
The aim of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for the next generation of researchers to familiarize themselves with some of the latest developments in the topics listed above, and, at the same time, to bring their fresh perspectives to bear on them.
Week 2: June 14 – 20, 2015 - Financial Mathematics
Maxim Bichuch, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Michael Carlisle, Baruch College, CUNY
Olympia Hadjiliadis, Brooklyn College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Birgit Rudloff, Princeton University
Stephan Sturm, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Financial Mathematics is a branch of applied mathematics based on stochastic analysis and optimization that has gone through a period of extensive growth over the last years. Originally concentrated in portfolio management and derivatives pricing, the use of sophisticated mathematical methods has grown to a wide array of different applications in finance.
This workshop will focus on three topics of current interest in the area of financial mathematics: high frequency trading, optimal investment under transaction costs, and systemic risk. All of the above areas have received great attention in recent years, and a significant number of open problems emerged in each of these topics. The objective of our workshop is to familiarize students with these topics and present to them some of the open problems as well as hands-on guidance on possible solutions. The professional development component of the workshop will shed new light on the various possibilities of a career in the area of financial mathematics, both in academia and in industry.
Week 3: June 21 – 27, 2015 - Differential Equations, Probability and Sea Ice
Daniel Feltham, University of Reading
Kenneth M. Golden, University of Utah
Mary Silber, Northwestern University
Court Strong, University of Utah
Deborah Sulsky, University of New Mexico
One of the most critical scientific challenges of our time is to understand Earth’s climate and how it is changing. This MRC is intended to introduce early-stage mathematicians to research focused on a key indicator and driver of climate change - sea ice. Our goal is to engage them in directing their talents toward open problems in the mathematics of sea ice and its role in climate. Following a few introductory lectures on sea ice and the mathematics used to study it, teams will be formed to begin tackling questions in several current, important areas of mathematical sea ice and climate research, such as
1. Sea ice and global climate models
2. Sea ice processes and the climate system
3. Linkage of scales - homogenization of effective properties
4. Bifurcations in low order nonlinear models of polar climate
5. Polar ecosystems
Topics are coordinated thematically with a conference on Mathematics of Sea Ice in Vancouver, to be held during the fall of 2015, sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), University of British Columbia. Participants at this MRC should consider applying for funding to attend the PIMS conference, and can contact Ruth Situma ( for more information. The PIMS conference is funded from sources different than for the MRC.
Situated in a beautiful, breathtaking mountain setting, Snowbird Resort provides an extraordinary environment for the MRC. The atmosphere is comparable to the collegial gatherings at Oberwolfach and other conferences that combine peaceful natural ambience with stimulating meetings. MRC participants have access to a range of activities such as a tram ride to the top of the mountain, guided hikes, swimming, mountain bike tours, rock climbing, plus heated outdoor pools. More than a dozen walking and hiking trails head deep in the surrounding mountains. Participants also enjoy the simpler pleasures of convening on the patios at the resort to read, work, and socialize. In the evenings colleagues enjoy informal gatherings to network and continue discussion of the day's sessions over refreshments. Within a half hour of the University of Utah, Snowbird is easily accessible from the Salt Lake City International Airport. For more information about Snowbird Resort, see
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rha 01/06/15