Mathematics Research Communities - 2022

The American Mathematical Society's Mathematics Research Communities is a professional development program for early-career mathematicians in which the participants develop collaborative research skills, build a network focused in an active research domain, and receive mentoring from leaders in that area. Read about the participants' experience in one of the 2019 MRCs.

MRC ParticipantsSupported by NSF, the AMS, and other sources, the 2022 program includes:

  • Intensive one-week, hands-on summer research conferences for each topic
  • Guidance in career building  
  • Special Sessions at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) in January 2023 
  • Opportunities for follow-up small-group collaborations
  • Longer-term opportunities for collaboration and community building among the participants

Over time, each participant is expected to provide feedback regarding career development and the impact of the MRC program.

For each NSF-supported participant, the MRC program provides support for travel to the summer conference site and all accommodations and meals there, support for travel to the 2023 JMM, and opportunities for support in follow-up collaboration travel during the year following the summer conferences. See below for details.

2022 MRC Summer Conferences

The summer conferences are typically hosted in consecutive weeks in June at a retreat-style site that is conducive to participant interactions and provides opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. To this point in time, MRCs have been hosted in such locations as Snowbird, Utah and West Greenwich, Rhode Island. See location below. Meeting decisions regarding COVID protocols are made based on location, venue preferences, community input, as well as CDC, federal, and local guidelines.

The topics for the four anticipated MRC conference weeks are listed here. Applications are accepted until February 15, 2022.

Week 1a, May 29-June 4, 2022: Applied Category Theory
Organizers: John Baez, University of California, Riverside; Simon Cho, Amazon; Daniel Cicala, University of New Haven; Nina Otter, Queen Mary University of London; Valeria de Paiva, Topos Institute

Week 1b, May 29-June 4, 2022: Data Science at the Crossroads of Analysis, Geometry, and Topology
Organizers: Marina Meila, University of Washington; Facundo Mémoli, The Ohio State University; Jose Perea, Northeastern University; Nicolas Garcia Trillos, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Soledad Villar, Johns Hopkins University

Week 2a, June 5-11, 2022: Models and Methods for Sparse (Hyper)Network Science (the first Business, Industry and Government [BIG] MRC)
Organizers: Sinan G. Aksoy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Aric Hagberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Cliff Joslyn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Nathan Lemons, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Bill Kay, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Emilie Purvine, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Stephen J. Young, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Week 2b, June 5-11, 2022: Trees in Many Contexts
Organizers: Miklós Bóna, University of Florida; Éva Czabarka, University of South Carolina; Heather Smith Blake, Davidson College; Stephan Wagner, Uppsala University; Hua Wang, Georgia Southern University


On Tuesday, January 25, we hosted an informational webinar where potential participants could learn more about each of the four upcoming conferences and interact with organizers that represented each session. The webinar also included a time for Q&A at the conclusion. View the webinar to learn more.

  • Presenters:
  • Thomas Barr, AMS Director of Programs
  • Melissa Colton, AMS Meeting Specialist
  • Daniel Cicala, Organizer Week 1a: Applied Category Theory
  • Nicolas Garcia Trillos, Organizer Week 1b: Data Science at the Crossroads of Analysis, Geometry, and Topology
  • Steven J. Young and Emilie Purvine, Organizers Week 2a: Models and Methods for Sparse (Hyper)Network Science [BIG]
  • Miklós Bóna and Stephan Wagner, Organizers Week 2b: Trees in Many Contexts

MRC Group Photo

JMM Special Sessions

The program of the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts will include MRC Special Sessions on each of the 2022 summer conference topics. These and other activities at the national meeting provide opportunities for the participants to deepen connections with their topic, engage with their collaborative research peers and mentors, and cultivate their professional network. The MRC program provides support for participants to travel to JMM, and the amount of this support will be announced in the fall of 2022.

Follow-up Collaborations

Through the NSF grant and the AMS, a limited number of grants are typically available to support small-group collaboration travel during the year following the summer conference. The objective is to foster a continuation or completion of work begun at the conference site. An announcement will be made in late summer 2022 to participants regarding collaboration travel proposals.

Application Process

Star Trails by Will ChenApplicants should be ready to engage in collaborative research and should be “early career”—either expecting to earn a PhD within two years or having completed a PhD within five years of the date of the summer conference. Exceptions to this limit on the career stage of an applicant may be made on a case-by-case basis. The MRC program is open to individuals who are US citizens as well as to those who are affiliated with US institutions and companies/organizations. A few international participants may be accepted. Depending on space and other factors, a small number of self-funded participants may be admitted. Individuals who have once previously been an MRC participant will be considered for admission, and their applications must include a rationale for repeating. Please note that individuals cannot participate in the MRC program more than twice: applications from individuals who have twice been MRC participants will not be considered.

We seek individuals who will both contribute to and benefit from the MRC experience, and our goal is to create a collaborative research community that is vibrant, productive, and diverse. We welcome applicants from academic institutions of all types, as well as from private industry and government laboratories and agencies. Women and under-represented minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

All participants are expected to be active in the full array of MRC activities—the summer conference, special sessions at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, and follow-up collaborations.

Beaver Hollow in the FallLocation

The 2022 summer conferences of the MRC will be held at Beaver Hollow Conference Center, Java Center, NY, where participants can enjoy a private, distraction-free environment, conducive to research. Beaver Hollow is located in Western New York, 45 minutes from the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, one hour from Rochester or Niagara Falls. This property offers over 200 acres of lakes and scenic woodlands with state-of-the-art meeting facilities, comfortable guest rooms, and nutritious and creative cuisine using organic, locally grown farm-to-table ingredients. Participants will have access to an abundant range of recreational opportunities, and at the conclusion of the day’s program, informal discussions of the day’s sessions may continue while relaxing by a lakeside campfire.

Covid-Related Protocols

In an effort to make the conference as safe as possible for all who attend, the AMS is proceeding with caution and asking all participants to:

  1. be vaccinated or have a negative result to a 72-hour PCR test, and be prepared to show proof; and
  2. wear a mask when participating in the conference except when actively eating or drinking.

Any concerns or questions should be addressed to Meetings at Please check this site often for updates on these protocols.

Contact Information

For further information, please email MRC 2022.