AMS Math Poetry Contest

Celebrating creativity at the intersection of math and poetry.

Poetry is about as ancient as mathematics in human culture. Its language can be whimsical, somber, joyful, beautiful, concise, thought-provoking, and inspirational. We invite you to think and write about mathematics in this unique form of expression. Poems can be limericks, sonnets, haiku, acrostics, based on the Fibonacci sequence, or even square stanzas such as JoAnne Growney's poem Square Math Problem in which the number of syllables per line equals the number of lines. Imagine and express yourself through mathematical poetry!

Contact us

Rules and Eligibility

Everything you need to know before submitting your creative work.

Contest Rules

  • Work submitted must be your own work.
  • One entry per person–no multiple entries allowed.
  • Only three individual entries per school allowed.
  • You must be a middle school, high school, or undergraduate student. Homeschooled students of middle school or high school age are also eligible.
  • Poems must be 20 lines or fewer (title and spaces between stanzas do not count). Only poems written in English can be judged. Non-English words or phrases are acceptable with a translation provided. Poems of greater than 20 lines will be disqualified.
  • Please use 11 or 12 point type, Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman preferred, in a plain Word document with no visual embellishment besides your text.
  • Do not include your name in the document, but please name the file in this format: Poem Title First Initial Last Name.
  • International entries are welcome.
  • Deadline: Poems must be received no later than 11:59 ET February 2, 2025.
  • No entry fee; it's 100% free!


Entries will be judged on originality, poetic quality, and thoughtful use of mathematical imagery. Winners will be announced in April 2025.


The AMS will retain no ownership rights to your poetry. Such rights remain with the poet at all times.

Winners Must Agree To

  • Be photographed (his or her photo may appear on AMS social media,, possible Notices of the AMS, or the Joint Mathematics Meeting Blog)
  • Provide a video reading of their poem to be posted on the AMS website.

The awarded poem in each category will be published, with poet name credited, on a free poster available from the AMS.

Congratulations to the 2024 Math Poetry Contest winners!

An Intriguing Mystery

by Jera Feem V. Forro · University of the Philippines Visayas Iloilo City High School

Meditation on Mathematics

by Chelsea Zhu · Richard Montgomery High School

Infinity Is Known by Many Names

by Jasmin Mundi · American University

2024 Math Poetry Contest Honorable Mentions

Celebrating the creativity of participants across all age groups.

College Entrants

Mary Gutierrez

University of Dallas
"The Music of the Spheres"

Charlie Kiley

University of Cincinnati

Emilynne Newsom

Harvey Mudd College

Leif Schaumann

Kenyon College
"Thue-Morse Turtle Words"

High School Entrants

João Pedro Gasparian

Trinity School
"Twenty-One Fish in a Pond"

Emma Zhang

Branham High School
"Self Portrait as Existential Calculus"

Middle School Entrants

Dhanin Bhardwaj

Oberoi International School JVLR
"Odd and Even Days"

Maya Mourshed

Francis Scott Key Middle School
"The Secret Lives of Numbers"

Adya Seker

Kennedy Middle School

Previous Contests

Check out the 2023 Math Poetry Winners!

infinity, River Oxenreider (Ohio State University), college student entry

Sum of Us, Angela Zhou (International Academy East), high school student entry

Forest of Numbers, Miranda Jedlinski (Arthur and Polly Mays Conservatory for the Arts), middle school student entry

2023 Math Poetry Contest Honorable Mentions

  • College Entrants
  • Rye Ledford, University of Missouri - Kansas City
  • Ramie Thompson, Wofford College
  • Lena Zhang, The Ohio State University
  • High School Entrants
  • Melanie Acosta, Arthur and Polly Mays Conservatory for the Arts
  • Kara Lee, Stanford Online High School
  • Marina Matson, Brookfield Academy
  • Heer Patel, Maggie L Walker Governors' School
  • Gabrielle Tong, Milpitas High School
  • Middle School Entrants
  • Derek Aoki, Bullis Charter School
  • Jayce Brown, Edmonds Heights
  • Gregory Estrin, Lang Ranch Elementary

2020 AMS Math Poetry Contest

In fall 2019 the AMS conducted a Math Poetry Contest for Colorado middle school, high school, and undergraduate students in connection with the 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Denver. The winners read their poems during Mathemati-Con, Saturday, January 18.

The three winning poems in the 2020 AMS Math Poetry Contest are:

2020 Contest Winners

The three winning poets: Austen Mazenko, Sabrina Little, Gizem Karaali, and Chenyu Lin.

Video of Sabrina, Austen, and Chenyu reading their poems at the meeting.

2019 AMS Math Poetry Contest

The winners of the 2019 Math Poetry Contest read their work at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 16-19, 2019 in the Baltimore Convention Center. The three winning poems in the 2019 AMS Math Poetry Contest were:

2019 Contest Winners

The three winning poets: Brooke C. Johnston, Tina Xia, and Kelin Torres-Rodas, with judge JoAnne Growney.

Kelin, Tina, and Brooke reading their winning poems, introduced by JoAnne Growney.

Math Poetry Posters

2024 Math Poetry Poster
2023 Math Poetry Poster
2019 Math Poetry Poster

Resources for Exploring Math and Poetry